Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-16


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I ■ , I LAT0NIA FORM CHART LATCNIA. KT., THTTRSDAY, JUNE 15, 1K2.— La tenia 1 mile. Ninth day. Kentucky Jockey Club* Spring Meeting of 29 days. Weather dear; temperature 87*. Stewards. Charles F. Price, S. C. Nuckols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. W. nay. Jud~es. W. U. Shelley, N. H. McClelland and J. S. Wallace. Starter, A. B. Dade. Raciujr. Secretary, W. H. Shelley. — — Baring starts at 2:00 p. m. Chlengo time 2:00 p. m.. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheseg following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. CQQQ FIRST RACE — 8-4 Mile. June 7, 1821—1:1014—6—110. Devon Park Purse. Purse OdOttrO 61,506. 3-year-olds and upward. AThywancea, Net value to winner ,150; second, 25; third, 26. Index Horaea AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owaere Rquir. Odda Strt I 62042 BARRACUDA wb 3 106 5 1 J* 2» 11 H| F Wilson J Green berg 2S80-W8 62480ABARAT wb 4 HI* 3 6 P « I1 l T W Tlor M Goldblatt 636-UB MS4a*NAUUHTI NISBAw 3 93 1 8 41 4» 41 3» C Ralls D Breckinridge OMN I !2440 LORD ALLEN w 3 100 8 1 1* ll 2* 4» F Smith T J Pcnclorgast 190-100! 62240 BLUE PARADISE w 7 Mi 7 6 CJ 6» P 5« H Gray B J BBMBB J UNDERWRITER « 39? 43 2» 5* 6« 6» W Pool J II BoaaWhW WjMW WEARY DICK 3 1091 € 7 7 7 7 7 M Andson J W Bi a..ley Jr 30110-100 i G2216 BUDDIE KKAN wb 4 107 2 4 Fell. J Zoelcr D W Scott 4910-1C0 t Time, 23, 47, 1:12%. Track last. I mutuels paid, Barracuda, 9.«X straight, 823.20 place, .40 show; Ararat, .C0 place, .40 1 Ehow; Naughty Nisba., .40 show. I Equivalent bonking odd* — Rarracnda, 2S80 to 100 straight, 1060 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Ararat, -230 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Naughty Ni ha. 28 to 100 show. Winner Ill, c, by Trap Rock— P.ahincoire. by Meddler trained by L. Johnsou; bred by Mr. August Belmont. Weal to post at 2:00. At post 1 minute. Start roo 1 nnd slow. Won easily; second and third drlr- E ing. BABBACI DA, dOM up from the start, gained steadily in the stretch and, taking the lead in the last eighth, «M going aw:;y. ARARAT was outpaced in the early running and came wide into the _ Stretch, but flnlstllid Cast U4 g-.nicly. NAUGHTY NI8BA, prOBahty best, was given a baj ride and suffered frass repeated interference. LOUD ALLEN set a est pace, but tired after reaching the Stretch, j CBDBBWR] TBS showed speed briefly. BCDDIB KUAN fell soon after the start. i Beratehed -62243* Ueeic tele, 113; 62568 Rib Graaa, 07; BSsBPJassaj V. Ollara, 107. Overweights — Ararat. 1 ", pswads; Weary Dick, 3. rjO RTiTJ SECOND RACE— 5-0 KB*. June 22, 1910—53—2 — 109. Purso ,400. 2-year-old.. Lr.OiyO Kaidtns. Filiiss. Special Weights, Net vaiua to winner ,100; second, 00; third, -50. | Index Horses AWtPPSt K % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EijniT. Odds Strt DUST rLOWBB w 112 10 3 l5 P l3 ll W W TMor J C Milam 65-ino AMCI BLUE OOWNw 112 5 7 ? 6 61 2» B Kenndy J O A G H Krone 835-100 61742 PRESTOLTTE w 112 4 3 41 2* 2» 3» II J Burke A B Hancock 2025-100 62678 LILT M. w 113 » 4 Gi 45 6J 41 F BflsRh J W fairish 9570-100 ■ 62823 BEGUM w 112 3 1 B 51 3J P O Fields II 1 Whitney 875-100 PLAYKUL MISS w 112 S 8 8* 7 7h 6» O Willis W Perkins Ba*-181 J 62817 MISS MEISB w 11! 6 I 5 ? 81 ? K Scobie Montrort Jones 3900-100 00481 SUPERBUM wb 112 110 9i 10 9i 8 F Wilson O II BsteSeBtaSBp BBS-BO CRAYON w 112 7 S P "* 41 9* D Connelly R B A B O Hickman ZSuO-lM - €2212 FLEETINQ w 112 2 9 10 9J 10 10 E Martin T C McDowell 23S0-100 Time, 23. 43, 1:01. Track fast. 82 mated* pais. Past Plower. £2.86 Straight, !?3.00 place, ,70 show; Alice Elue Gown, .40 place. ■" .70 show; Preatattte, S! 88 show. . r.iiiivilit hooHnr odds — Dast riowcr, 05 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Alice Rlue 126 to 166 place, S-5 to IM show; Pre tolito, 186 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Peter Qeiace — Stick fin, by UcOec trained by J. C. Milam; bred by Mr. J. C. " ■Bass. Went to pest St 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good nnd slow. Won easily; se -ond and third driv- ing. DUST rLOWBB raced into the had with a rash after beginning from nil miter position and set a f t*t pace all the way. but begaa tiring ia the last eighth. ALICE BLUB COWS was far back for the first qearter, but came through the stretch with a rush and was going faitcat of all at the eud. PBBBTO-LIlE raced prwlacatlj all the v.:iy. CRAYON showed speed, but tired i:i the last eighth. REGUM Quit. The others were always outrun. tandand£±fk£h THIRD RACE— 1 Ilic and 70 YarJs. Nov. 3, 1917— l:41*i— 3— 1CS. Purse ,400. OcJOOV 2-ycar-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt M U % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Enuiv. Odds Strt I «tM7 * BRASS TACKM wn 10S 1 3 lJ l1 li l1 lJ C Ralls M Shi-Ids 210-100 62179 BOJUL ws 111 I 7 7! 4 2* 2» !5 H Cray G P Mattingly 7:?0-100 I 625 ! 8* I!.-1 DA BLOSSOM WS IIS 10 2 2 » .1 i* 31 II Htutts Hal Prico Headley 6475-100 tS47S*O0 LA I- wi: 106 3 9 81 6 5* 31 4« O FleUa J Sp»».ncor Bfl-101 I 61795 BLUB Ij;i:P w 108 t 1 *» 9 4b 61 51 ■ S.jobie A B Hajicock B10-1M 62301 PETB POT w 112 2 S 10 71 71 G 6" W V Tlor G L Blackford MK-1M 62321 UJTOCBAT w 111 6 5 6i 5* 6" 7 7» D Connelly H H Hewitt 7UH.1-0 8S121*SPLfT GRASS w 101 4 4 41 8s 9s 9* 811 W Pool Short Graaa Stud 37r.-100 57-: ", 1 LAST BRUSH wa 1071 7 6 S| 9s 8»* S" 9« J Francis G 1 Hoffman BMS-1M 62157 BILLY McCRAY wn 111 5 10 91 10 T 10 10 B Harion T W Ci-llahan 63SG-100 | Tiro. 23*i. 43 K, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:45. Tnck fst. Bataele palfl, Braai Tacfca, fG.20 straiaht, 0~ place, .40 sho.v; BeJaL place. .00 show; Flor:.ii Bloeneat, t38St .-how. R lull ii.;,t lurking — f.r-ss Ticks. 210 to 100 straight. 95 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Rojul. ?30 . lX phi -o, ]5t to 100 show; Florida Bleaaeaa, ISO to 100 show. Wiaaer Br. f. by Helmet QnU, t:y Atheliag trained by M. Sliields; bred by Mr. Edward R. Braaley. Went to : osr at 2:57. At peat 1 loiaiite. Stnrt good and slow. Won easily; second and third drir-ing. BBAS8 TAtKS raced into the k 1 a* aocc and, ••■ttiig a good pace, hell swiy eisily for the entire ra -e. BOJUL Lecaa slowly, but raaae v.itii ■ reafe r.n the stretch turn after eteatag a gap, but was tin:ih!e to BTerhnul the winner. PLORIDA BLOSSOll raced pramlawtly all the war. OO I A LA was raced wide on the tarns. SPLIT GRASS was forced back :.everal times when she tried to get through next to the laaer ralL BLUB DKE:* fired. Scratch d *247H8pertamaa, 115; 82S57*Prcfl Kinney. 108; 02479 Jerflaa, 115; 025lj«Vm. Oldt, 103; C23.1 Charliae, 10S; 82478 Ever fold. 10;!; G2157 Rreunau, 10J; B2SSB Dr. lrall. 111. Oinaillhta I«ast Braeh, lVj pounds. rOURTH RACE— 3-4 KUa. Jun» 7. 1021— 1:10%— G— 110. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds 69| ftck-« andSl3 J. aad upward. Claiming. Net value to v?inaer ,100; second, 0C; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt V Vt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E-iniv. Odds Strt 6251C-IMNDAR PBKEi WB S 188 4 8 5 3" Is 1 B Kenndy E C Arnold BBV-M8 621H0 BEN BOLT w 4 181 I 4 4* 5» E| ?J K Scobie J W BeB 188 188 SttSS* HONOR MAN ws.! C Ml 10 3 P P P P f Pool G F Baker 21,-lOJ 62210 A. ALBXANXHBB w G 112 7 1C 10 9l 71 4 « D Connelly J Randolph 50S-.-10.1 824S3*SBWELL COilliS wu7 1li 9 9 9« f»l 61 5* 15 Baa-vey OaBaher froa C7i-loo BtSIS*YOUNKED wb 5 112 S 2 2» 41 i» C W W Tlor D tlilmore 878-aM 8SS2tCOL. TATLOB n fi 104 5 8 1 3" 7« E Boehaa W Baumgartner 2120-100 62010-lliRDlE 6. n 3 101 1 6 P 10 PIP F Wilson J Cr«enb.Tg 10*5-1 00 ! 62325 -PYX w 5 107 2 1 8» 7| fi *• B Martin W F Poison 14SV100 | i 60504 STAMP VB 2 99 8 7 • Pit M A Roach J Marino 33073-100 Time. 23%, 46-,, 1:18%. Tra3k fast. Mtaeli paid. Pindar Peel, 3.70 btraight. J.70 place, .40 sRow; Ren Rolt. 1.00 place, 83.88 i ehow; Beaar M.m. show. Bqeiralrat bookbig odda— Pfatdar Ped. 55 to 100 straight, 288 to 188 place, 120 to 100 show; Ren Bolt, 45* to 188 ph..e. 188 to 188 Ehow; Boejer Man. 43 to 188 show. Wlaaer I a. C, by Jack Atkin -Cnglish Esther, by l;rd Esterling trained by P. Coyne; bred by Mr. Boosed Black. Went to posl at 3:j:7. At post 8 minutes. Start good aad slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PINDAR PEEL, racing in g:e;il]y tampreeed f im. wis Bared under restraint until reaching the i stretch, where he roahed late ■ loss i1 wta as bia rider pleased. BBS BOLT made u; rreejad tad w.: runni.i, fast at the end. HONOR BAN tired ;ift T ruing well to the last eighth. ARCHIE ALBS- ! | ANDKR eaate arlth a roah in the stretch. SBWBLL COMBS raced wide oa all the turns. YOUNBED tir-d. iYX and BIRDIE C. were always outiuu. COL. TAYLOB aet a fast pace for the tirst half una I quit. Hi i ■ li III 18 8HH8MIiijsiw. 188; 82288 Greea GeU, 118; 818R PhOaederer, 101; BOBS f.eimout, 09; SMTP1 Red Less, Hi; 82818 Whippet, 104; tj5 Brewa Eyes, 109; 88884 Hjaapooi, 110. Oi rweichta — Iyx. 1 poaad. COgQ/aO FIFTH RAG!:— 1 Kile. July 3. 131S— 1:2G%— 4— 106. HchJf PJrse. Parse ,?W . XjVi iixjjj 3-jear-oivL; and unwaid. Ailowanccs. Ret value to winner ,050; se.ond, 300; third, 50. Inder Horses AWtPPSt % % and Str Phi Jockeys Own-rs Baatt. Odda Str*1 StSMPARADBB wis 4 106 6 5 45 4 V 2 1** F Smith T J Pendersaat 9"-10rt I «;; i:;9 JOHN P1NB wS18f l 2 :;« 2 2» p 2» W Pool c. 8" Baker 345-mo 62 1 to NEDDAB w 6 Hi 4 1 2J 3 4« P P P WBeoa J Greeabera; P3-1M I S2448*ADVOCATB w I M8 2 1 V 1J ll V P« D Connelly II H Hewitt 495-100 C38S8 LIGHT ROSE wb 4 110 5 6 6 6 SJ 0s P I. Allen Xalapa Farm Stable 1S7S-M8 StdSfl Ri.MJ 1JUBRIJ5S w 4 103 3 3 51 5l G G G C Stoder Idle Hour Btk Fm Stb 113W-1M Time, 88%, 47%. 1:22%. l:3S/i. Track fait. water-la paid. Pander, .00 straight, §2.70 place, .20 show; John Finn, .;i0 place, .50 show; ; Beddaa. $.". 80 shew. Beairateat iMoklag odds--Parader. 05 to 188 atraickt, 35 to 100 place, li to 100 show; John Finn, , 60 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Neddaam, 50 to 100 show. Winn- • Ch. e, l,y Whisk Breoai II. — Pageant, by Delhi trained by J. C. Cahan; bred by Mr. Harry r Payne Whiney. Went to pool :it I S8. At post 2 minutes. Start good Bad slow. Won diiving: second and third the B sara- PARADBR waa all OTer the track in the early running, bat moved up fast in the stretch and 1 eatetared JOHN I-INN in a close Balah. i!:: latter raced pnaalwatlj aU the way and took a small lead I in the stretch, but ur d n-nr the cad. NEDDAB Baiahed arell. ADVOCATE was tiring badly after set-tin? a fast pace to the stretch. LIOHT ROSI linislicd namely. , 6r 0* SIXTH RACE— I 1-2 Furlongs. Tune 7, lf!00— 1:05%— 3— S3. Pur£e 51,300. 2-year-AalOJO olds. Claiminj. Not vaiua to winner 11.080. seoiui, *2C0; third, 00. LiJex Horses AWtPPSt 14 V* % Str Fiu Jockeys Owners EouIy. Odds Strt 2317Ti.-IHlMB Will 2 2 24 3 Ill1 G Fields C Weldemann 435-100 3 8248* KENT U. w 115 8 10 9l 8i 2 2* D Connelly M Kelley 255-100 St4Sl**DEARIE w 1J7 6 6 5l 4= 3l :;| C BaBa W Woedafd D98-B4 0 62 13* PANNA WaUl i 8 61 6 5 4 II J Hurke R II Anderson 53V1O0 J 62400 BLABT OHARA W M8 7 7 7« 7* 81 5J B Kenndy G F Baker RJ80-U8 C..VJa BLANDERBB W US 9 1 41 2i 4J f 5 B .Martin T C McDowell 898-181 •tSSdADMIEER w MB 1 4 3i 5l 71 7* E Robbina G L BUckford 476S-M8 8SS88 MACBETH w 115 4 3 lh l1 6i * W W Tlor L Gentry ZSSMOt ■ €2 17. POLITE w 110 3 9 8] P 9" 91 E Scobie Uoatfort Jonea UOG-MJO Ci2iJ NEEDY W 107 i G U 18 10 10 W.liis R P Iirooks 114Eo-M8 ° Time. 23, 43%. 1:01%, 1:05%. Track fa:.t. rnutneis paid, Tokihime, 1.50 straiaht, 84.80 place, .30 show; Kent L., .10 place, .00 show; Dear;-. 84-08 -i ew i; hi i - ■■■■ bookiag odda Tnklhlair. 488 to 108 rtraJcht, 130 to PJO place, CO to 100 show; Kent L., 105 t" 100 place, 80 to 108 show; Dearie. 138 to 100 show. Wlaaer I a. f, by Jim SaSaep — Lady Colonist, by Africander trained by 0. Land; bred by Mr. O. A. Baeachl. Went to post at 4:27. At peat 2 aUaatea, Sturt go xl and slow. Won handily; second and third , driving. TOKIH1MS waa forced buck in the early rinini:;, hut aaeed much ground when eoaakeji into the ! • stretch aa d beM KENT L. safe throaak the last sixteeath. KENT L. wis away poorly and had to race wide, bat rluoed :.u lauaeaaa sap aad Bad bad fa.-t. PE ft It IB ran well. PANNA also closed a gap. SLANDERER tired. UACBBTB let a fast pace, but quit in the List eighth. ABSflBBB had a rough 1 race. Scratched — 12481 Antoiiia, 112; tllV.SStone Age, 888, " A SFVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Nov. 3, 1917— 1:41% — 3—126. Purse .7Cft. i. 6n£*C* 4Cv"I 3-year-olds and upv.aid. Claiming. Net value to v.inner ,C00; second, $£50; thri, I, 50. Index Horsea AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eauiy. Odds Strt 12441 *JOCETT wsSlll 1 2 2» 2* l5 l3 V W Tool A W Toinff 150-100 6 S8441*SANDS OK PUIlEwn 9 103 4 5 61 C1 6* P 21 B Kenndy J M Goode 540-hHJ 10 «StflW*TDLALIP W88M 3 1 3s P P 21 3« C Ralls G Drumheller 305-10; 6 . S88dl*BR*HERLY LOVE W 8 881 6 4 41 4* 4l 3" 4= D Connelly J McPhorsun 44K10J 8 C2141 BLARNY STONE w I BN 5 6 5« 5» P 41 5" G Fields Bataor Bros 3S-V0-K, ; •C C22U9 WAJtTI WB 4 M 2 7 7 7 7 6» 6» T Murray I.I and J toweaoflcaa 2S.ol-!?t ©•»397 liiMOKALEE w 3 97 7 I l1 1"* 3| 7 7 A Yerr it G II Hendrie 7920-100 « Time. 23, 47%, 1:13, 1:33%, 1:43%. Track fast. 82 mutuels piid, Jonett, .00 straight, .S0 place, .20 show; Sands of Pleasure, .20 place, .50 0 show; Tulalip. .60 show. RViuivai. at t-vokiug odds — Jouett, 150 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Sands of ,t I J i t I 1 I Pleasare, HO b lOO place, 25 to 1C0 sho.v; Talnlip, 30 to lOO show. Winner— B. li, by McOee Matt, by Ingoid.-by trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moore. Went to post at 5:05. At post I minites. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. JOnETT, hird ridden, passed IMMOKALEE in the Brat half and rnced into a long lead, but tired end was doing his best at the end. SANDS OF PLEASCRE came with a raak through the stretch and war gaining fapt at the end. TULALIP was badly ridden, but rsn well nnd finished gamely, although tiring. BROTHERLY LOVE swerved in the last sixteenth. IMMOKALEE sad a fast early pace, but quit badly.

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Local Identifier: drf1922061601_2_9
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