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DTr- •»-1 Mile. Gleneoc Pnrse. 3-ycar-olds, Allowances, Jnne 7, 441-s III IsAl/C 1D21 1:10 4-5 G 11 O.J EEAEBALBAITE, ch. c, 3 118 By Jack Atkin — Princess Pat, by Stalwart. J. C. Miiam. Ovmer. D. Breckinridge . 62410 Latoaia 3-4 1 :::- r utt M-6 HO 2 1 1;1 *■» M Garner 1 Distinction. Advocate, Mnr.Mav 6BSBS Latoaia 3-4 l:13HCaat 1-5 109 2 1 ll 11 M Garner r, J.Bmaae. D.Baekaar, B.Braaa 6213: Chun hill 3-4 1:11 fast 4 106 1 1 1:1 2» E Pool 6 Distction. Ceatbaeter, M.Iiyies 62010 CharebiB 3-4 lUl%Caat 5 103 8 1 1* 1J J Ked»-rl3 ft TTrditaaa. OeatfaacMi, tSarrJaaf 58212 Churchill 7-8 l:24?sfast 12 117 6 4 B* Mu J Howard 10 J. Bowtlre, Bkniinister, J.Finn 58107 Chun hill 3-4 l:12*ifast 13-10 117 3 2 21 3* J Howard 7 Bit P. Phantom, L.AUcn 57272 Latonla 1-4 ldS%gaa* 21-10 HO 111* ll J Howard 8 B.Bnisb. Hkrr.inister, F.Phtom 56821 Latoaia 51 f l:Cits!ow 21-10 113 1 1 1* 1 J Howard 7 Carpenter, Y.ghimi, BillyBrusa 50719 Latonla 51 f l:I0%hvy 7 105 5 4 5» 5«1 J Howard 8 J.Bowdre, L.Cla.-k, Ro kmiuiter 51381 ChurcblB 41 f 53Wast 33-10 113 1 2 21 2» E Tool 6 RoekmiiUster. I-ordAUen. Stamp 54203 Ch n hill 41 f 54 fast 1 110 1 1 ll 1* J Howard J DeaaaB, LuknuW. BayPtJttkaaai 54112 Chur hll 41 f Batjatp 8 117 1 1 11 3* J Howard 5 Casey, Itekan, Royal JEAIJNE BCWDP.E, ch. f, 3 108 By Luke McLoke— Black Brocade, by Moil Cow. irainer, G. 11. Keene. Owner, J. 0. and G. H. Kesne. 62355 l*it«inia 3-4 ldSlifaat 19 Hi 1 1 8*1 -1 ■ Martin 6 BdaJbaae, D.B: ekaer, P. Brush 68212 Chun hl 7-8 1:24%fast 6 105 6 1 1 1 1" 1 F Wc.ner 10 Bkminister, J. Finn, P. Phantom 58016 Ch-jrchl 3-4 l:12fast 5 108 4 1 1 1* 1* F Weincr 8 Prec.I.ula, Marg Wiiisor, LCIark 67203 L;.tonia 3-4 lUoVimud 5 109 1 3 6 5 4*1 N Barrett 5 Miss J.y, Washing"". Startla 66787 Lato nia 51 f l:09;,hvy 3-2 118 3 11 li 2l N Barrett Startle. Birdie J., Lina Clark 56719 Latonia 51 f l:10%hvy 17-10 197 3 11 ll l1 N Barrett 8 IdnaClark. Bail ■■!■. B.Bmsk 66563 Sartoga 51 f l:05i4fast 30 113 1 I 4 4* 4T L McAtee 6 MissJoy, CalainityJane, Rc-ulettt 56496 Bar*tOga 5-8 MUfaat 7 113 I I I l| fl K Sande 12 Calum.Jane, NancyF., San.Ciars 64450 Ch.:r hi 41 t 64%mud 1-2 113 1 1 1| 1 N Barrett 4 Whirl, BrassTacks, McGeesPk 64269 Chnrohl 41 f 63%faat 18-6 U5 4 1 Ill* N Barrett 5 Anglum Maid. Mom, Hold M« 64159 Churchl *i I 65 ihy 3-4 110 8 1 ll 1* W Barrett 5 An«lumMaid. HoldMe. BrciceK. WAYWARD LADY. b. f, 3 191 By Black Toaey — Wayward Lass, by Sir Dixon, Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, H. Goldblatt. 62476 Iiionia 3-4 1:13 Ufa st 4-6 105 1 1 l1 ll W Pool 8 Una Clark, Ashland, Whirl 62296 Latoria 3-4 1 :12%f ust I 95 6 3 U 2» J Owens 8 NgrbtyNisba. Bnilion, GrnGold 62240 Churchill 3-4 l:12%fast 13 94 3 3 2» 2«» J Owens 8 .I.S.Beardon, HonorMan, Hadrian 62129 CburcbBl 3-4 liBlfast 11-6 101 S 4 31 3-1 J Oaaaaai 9 Janku. J.B.Brovvu, PindarPeel 62040 Churchill 3-4 1:13 good II IB I i 6* 3* J Owcna 9 .Innku, Birdie G-, Inquisition 60175 Havar.a 51 f l:C6%fast 8-5 107 8 8 3 2* 2»* L Penman 9 l.ltimo. Fincastle. The Roll CaU 68713 Havana 5-8 l:00%fast 8-5 107 4 3 1 2* ll L Ienman 8 Leghorn. WlioCanTell, Col Chile l,Z09 Latonia 3-4 l:17Jitmud 21 112 8 4 S 4* 3* G Fields 6 RedLeaf. PrecionLula. CapRoci 57727 Latonia 61 f l:07%fast 17-5 113 3 3 4 41 4* E Scobie 12 BrighU.eaf, OaLOM, Prec.Lula SUAVE PBENCE, ch. c, 3 118 By Frizsbs — Grace Colo, by Ornament. Traicr, J. B. Respess. Owner, J. B. Baapeas. C2397 latonia 3-4 l:12%fa?t 7 192 8 1 IT 1* G Fields 9 Inquisition. Dolores. Logs E8014 Churchl 1-4 l:13%fast 14 194 3 1 1 2» 3» B Parke 15 Omnipotent, Bernice K-. B. Hair 57775 Latonia 3-4l:14%slow IS 109 6 112* 6*1 B Parke 7 Glyn. Bright Trash, Wolfs Cry 66767 Latonla 51 f 1:09 slow 12 103 I I I 2» 2i H Gregory 10 WlfsCry, BerniceK., LtlePoily 5€3« Windsor 61 f lUOVfeslop 13 11213 1111 7«| G Walla 10 Wm. Oldt. DarkAzes. FiftyFifty 66983 Dshire 51 f l:08%slow 8 108 3 I 3 24 4* W Morsey 7 Mar. Fallon, Devonite, J.Dundee 66000 D shire 5-8 1:01 fast 31-10 110 1 1 1 1* 1* W Morsey 8 Billy Dunn, Orma Dale, Bewitch 65972 Dshire 6-8 l:01*4faat 6 113 1 1 1 ll 2» W Morsey 11 J.Berger. LnMaeB., BvBumpa 66271 Latonla 6-8 l:09%faat I 116 1 1 1 la 3* F Paul 12 Bit oBlack, Blrlinga, BiUyStar 66169 Latonla 6-8 l:0andHXaat 9 IX I 1131 3* F Paul 12 J.B.Brn, BkrBrn, Salamandex CHATTEBTON. ch. 3 g !03 By Fair c Play-Chit Chat, by Bock Sand. Trainer. C. C. Van Meter. Owner, F. J. EV.ley. rV~lo ltl"i%, ! Y fa3t 16"6 m * 4 2» ■" B Kenndy S Tblbodaux. Bonn Billy Brush 61.92 ChurchUI 1 l:37*fast 5 104 3 2 3* 3* B Keanoj 6 F.Phantom. PrecLula. TI.ibodT WIDGEOX. ch c 3 M 103 By Star ShooU-Wido Eye., hy Hambura. Trainer. J. C. Milam. Owner, M. Jones. 55 ?alofa "* l !:aat » 1" 13 13 11 19* 10" M Garner 12 Oceanic. Frank Pnrst, Deadlock 442Lat,nla 51 f 1 7-5 112 7 7 4 4* 4* L Lyko 9 S.andBoota. Bl.House. Hephtoa First start for the fallowing: MOLLIE KING. ch. f 3 M 98 By Trovisco-Christmaa Star, by Star Shoot. Owner, K, D. AlezandarL SUPERCARGO ch. c, 3 M 196 By Friar Rock-Sweet Marjoram, by Dicna Forget. Trainer, W. McDanieL Owner. J. EC Bosseter.