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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 9S2 j T-ATOX1A. Ky.. June 2«.— s-.mi.K;- training a arisope here included Um following: j I. A TO MA. Wenther ] -r-.r: track fast— Three Eighths Mile. i BB8 Bebh*a *h a ..33% BM-Fewer SI 1 BOS-Dr. Ctsrl 83% i SI-PI ■■ m* ■ ...38 .-, !•. ; Ban-Tin I ma . 88% 332-Piekwiek Si , BVJ-lluvm.r :.." .. B87-Pyi 87% , «*, -,-,r.,i:n.l S-.vcl! 88% KB KsMgeM 81 . 0 ■". irayaaa :i- 888-Raaereeixe ....38% B6S-H. c.raham ..ST BS3-Siasapere ....3 % BBS-IaejebSttefl 83% BBB-Sewell Ceanba :;7-i IT" leSJ Ulliaa . .3* 333 Sim Court ....35% 0 a M; rii, Has ..38% BBS-Tea Sixty ....38% JIM Ma lion y 3 Half Mile. A. N. Akin ,.S2 !»fiO-Ln Orb 10% BOB-Away ~»l"i Sfit loeli A •■.. BBS-Btaeeeaa Beess r: BgS-Oaaeiaeteei ...SS ir.7-Ui.ju: 35% BST-Phaael 83 3T1 Praiir B8% stork well r,:? 333-Gteal Lawk ...St j;,9 rri.:cnvnifi . . il» BSS-Cc rsette . ...".t 357-Yeeeeei r.l - 883-14* kttom 33% Five-E:E»-Iis Kile. Kf BHst*W 1:M .. ir.-J Ma. •!.;.».]•■ .,! :: . .•:;7-::rn , I. 1:83% K7 Playful Miss I •■ . . BS2-OeeaUeee .1:0.; WW Mfgln it-- . : 5 . Fly Prince. I :33% BS7-T«aaeasl ....1:02 . .. riMfi i -i t*, !••!- BTeetwoed .1 • ; -Ja.,. Be ; - 1 «fl-v Three-Quarters Mile. !t .ft-F.r. f-. Lv*e 1111.-. Mil QsJSfy V: ; M.-.. ;....-. ::,:.. . . 1 : 1 fi ;, !! .7 •!■ n.if T 11.-. : :; la |cii y 117 338 Darle V. ! i . .1 :-; 1 B KrcasJ i ....1:1V-., «l".".- uu.e 1:18% 8,.9M»r. I"„:; .n 1:17 Scve-.-EieUks Mile. BSt-KSW. UN.I 1 93% !•"• Matinee 13*1 1 28 BBBV 1, raras . . . . 1 :S3 .*." ; Keyeeter . . .1 --8 i l.".u Ia I :■• s .1 SS One Mile. MS-Aattaaa ... .1:43 :. SCI lebe Finn ..1:41% I 7 .M..H1. Girl ..1:43* 383-Uek Bey ...1:44% B54 Beat Pal . . . 1 ; .- o 388-Pteahah H% I .1 -Bi ef Crees 1:42 333 -Beeleaa ....1:49% 847-Chia. Walah 1:47% Mi!e ana an Eighth. ! , ; War P« in IJ 1 £8 .-. a d a Charter. Ol.i -r.r.K m t. :• ..2:13% MO-CHyaiptui i..2:ll% Nympua and l-. minsl r orked Oi ir mil-ami a quarter Beparatelj*. both onlj caa-j ! i. -.:., i -. as men ! canteri . In ! : ber mile. Brotherlj Uove worked :t fa -t , ti.-- ■.-;! art ■ John Finn, : I worker, v..;: u id i traint all the way. Kewple ONel a id Rn at ■ were together ; i., u £ kj1 s- ren eighl - gallop. j ! NEW o!i!; N. v.. June 26. adayj 1 u trk-ooti oei the local coura a included tilt, following : i:i;i..HONT PABK 1 If AIM NO TIlAt K. Weathei clear; tra k sloppy - Ihrec-Eishths M:ie. ■ag-OaUea Kale ..35 Half Mile. 9"9-T lops SI 357 Saweep ■n»15 9C1 ] . ittecaaaa ....53 328-Williaai Tell ..51 Tlirce-Guanei M.Io. 303-Iriafe Sea ....1:13 333-Queaaia l:-l 353 Ixj.i1 Br .-! lonl :18 One Vale. 9 9 -Little tii. .1:47 321-Spartibay ...1:33 313-Marr] . Baa lenl A- 0 :.;i!.! liuii showed sp d in ih - going. Bu-weep ran wi!. Little t iel sex ma f esn and good. AQUEDUCT. Weather i l ;.:: track alopps Ihrae-EIshtlia HI*. 303-Be Praak ... 38% ■ :■. BaUjra Alley.. 38 and 333-CbrapaMe 38% 333-Kalea 37 Ma. l:r 38 .. Ha!f M !p.. !.!;.•!. Ityra ....52 331-8Baqaeat M 383-Mi Beeerie ...51% BG0-8aaisiai ."1 Rack ....S3 Diree-Giaiters Mile. 333 Ulaad Belle. 1:18% 330 "a!or 1:17 Sevcn-EifcLt: Mile. ■03-Catatletaa ...1:41% Valor showed .•■•■p -; ii. klacJir ran easily. • aatleton is improving. Maryland B* He w;.h dri ing. JAMAH A. Weather dear; t»-;.-k sloppy— ThrecEiEhlhs Mile. Kl-Cryetal Ford ..37% llS-Blg fTUliaai • -4- ii..:: Nanlahal . 38 Half M.le, 355-BraiaatOfag ...48 . 0-Spade ;n!n":i ."-04.-. 300-Dare S3 353-Tickliah B ., 9« t Patsy B. - .. Five-Eighthi Kile. 337-Better Lack I i" 353-Blaae Beiac lC% Xkree-ttaartara Mile. 300 Kanotar .1 23 333-Pw 1:2* Eevea-Eishths Mile. 3C01U:. Oaaaan l M -.. One Mile. 9tH K«Sa l»:vr . .1 49 Better Luck showed Bne speed in the r -ing. Blanc Being worked fast. Bon Homme had an easy gallop HAMILTON, Out.. June 83.— Sunday train-log gallops ben included the following: ■AM1LTOX. v.". ath r i lear; track fa.-1— Three -Eighths Mile. 348-Dafaate . . .. SB llaypele 33 BSS-Plaa y :;.i 733 ■ in 819 lea. II. * 31 338-Vespi-a :.s Half Mile. 353-Brlaai r.0 358-Merc a. y ... 11.. 313-Behwree ... 53 Uceaa Creel 1 : ...m :. !17 Kaitirr 50 t"i7-IK.n.s Jewel .r i! 358 Simplicity BGfJ flaiamakiaa ..43 . aJ Life ...43% Malaaaial 49-.-, Five-Eighths Mile. BBS Aaaam i:n- 347-MaaeaTre . .1 3B BITl rtnapiilf i"i BBO-Mfaai Edna ..1:35 . :9- ;r:;y GaMea 103 BSS-Ploekf 1:0-1 ! B -Kakfeas los 337-PiaaHl l:o.» MO-llt. BHMM ...1:07. -.Sniarty 1:04 Ihree-Guarters Mile. 331 A f f eta I icn . 1 K~. 331 -I gh»rn 1 :20 K£M otgardla ..1:18% 348-Modesty 1:13% 325-Pre.eifaa 1:15% 333 Neaaia 1.17 B33 mail 1:13 331-Praejea 1:19 332-Feylaace 1:13 337-Boy. Visitor 1:13 B33-Paaaae Be i: 1:13 B3t Boaae Baby ..1:13 95-Joan of Arc 1:17% 33J -I Mas Ji-ut ..1:1G Seven-Eightas Mile. Ms Blue Jeans .1 .31 One Mile. t»r.7-r nifare 1:43 Igl-Past. Swain .1:43% »-.l -r.i-ynl! aaa ...l 44 ttl Pa3fh 1:43 B83-C o Liuwn 1:4". 315-ProelSBWtioB 1 1i-i 740-Cho Clio 1:45 % 931-Roseate 1 :.".0 BH-Daraay 1:43 • B -7 sudor 1:44 BBt-afattlkina ...1:43 9U1-Woodbine ...1:4j 9vl Mira.le Jiun 1 :4ti j a j i 1 !•. ; , , . ! ! : , ; j ! 1 Vespra galloped under restraint. Hutti-I kiiis was under restraint all the way. Pad- • tl!e is Is line form. Wild Life showed pood speed. Simplicity and Mercury ran wed to-gather, nsiexwilaiis abowed a pood turn of speed ali the way and ..•• la fine form Abtase showed brilliant speed under restraint. Some Ka y ran veil and was ner tetter tlian now. S!:-:- .7 ster ptdled up to Oooigardle, both working together. Modesty is in good form and reedy for ber beat race. Fannie Bean waa under restrainl and showed ., brlUianl tbree-ojuarters. rbqrntbons rani well aritb some i-i reserve. Boniface worked c well, but seemed a little sore n the Baud K track. 963 LATONIA, 1 ".. Jane 2;i. afondaya train- Ing gallops here were as fellows: 1. ATOM A. Weather clear; track fast-Three Eighths Mile. BOB-Athlete 38% 333-Gea. loeetl .34 9"..-A. Bfeee Gaea.33% BBS-J. s. Beardaa.33% 331-Baadeaa X, 357-aTiagsrIeie ...37% 333-Billy Bera ...33% BSB-lfetteei Piak :M"S 327-Basil 3.".*:, 333 Mr. Seek 3s 333-Ctariiae 57% B38-lIarl 0Bara..38% BBB-Oeavtief 33% BM-lloatJey .: 5 9.",! -I .-rii:. or 3-i 331-Polite SB 331-Bveraart :!72.-. 353-Bep as 9 9 : :n 35% BBB-Caaerarritcf ..33% 353 Glearetes 3.".% Half Mile. 333-Blaraey BCaae 51 FYT laaa Clark . . auh M7-Bia Syjiii .".1 333 Maasaea BBdec ■ • 354-Chacalet .".1 BOa-Maxhaac :.f»rt 9.".9 Chen kee 33% BST-Pavfenra 53% 313-Pred kliaaey ..53 383 Basse 30% BSt-PsB Bpsea ...43% B57-8aa Bod 52% BOO-Graee Iliaanl 49 BSS-Bpada 49" Ba-GeaUlity 4fi:,:. 353-Sw Ihsa. Keaa53% B33-Japltcr 43% BBO-TMaaa 53% 9"l Jeaa. Bawdra 51% B53-W. taeaVaaaare 4.s-*; 9-iO Kiaaaaaa ..o-v, Fcur and a Half Furlongs. B53 Goad NifS.t ..53 9:.; Turbulent SS Pw u.iiidcr . . .57 5 rias TTaslhl Mile. ■57-ARteH L ..1:0". 9:: K.r.l i:rn 1:07 BK-Begana loa.. 333 laTiaia 1:0 331 -Cap Back . .1 iOQ * 333-La4y A»:..r .1:0« 381-Fair Alice ..1:04 381-Ladi Caaaap 1:01 381-FI. of Iajm- ]:4;. 338-Modaa 143% ] 303-Gadfly 1:03% 838-Preei.olite . . 1 :03 1 333-Gam. Garti:al:02% Paaapaaa ....148% 1 3J0-Graaa Maid l .01 383 Beaeelaw ...1:02% ; 343 Irene BTaltaal 01 330-Sweet Lady 1:02 9."i : Jai k ISaucr .1 cj-_, Threc-Quarters Mile. 1 318-Grey Baxle..l:18% 373-Iaataaaa ...1:14 ; 835-lladrisa ...117 BSO-llayraac 1:18 , 800-Jaaks 1:13 381-Ma a 1 ueiaa .1:13% 335-Jetaaja 1:22 381 -My BaUst ..1:15% 381 Lady ktotaerl:15 33S-8keeaia 1 18% 361 Latarop ....1:18% B32-3aparcargo .1:15% One Mile, r.flo Aaaer. Bay .1:45% B32-S*agaparc ..1:44 330-Alex .ir. ...1:47 B32-8aa court ..1:41% 1 BGO-Baisnear ...1.43% 382-Stoekwell . 1 14% 838-Last Break .1:41 741 -War Prise ..1:30% 333-Mar. Adler .1:44% 300-WUlaa Free 1:44% ; 352-Mskaay ....1:43% Mile :.i« i a Half. 382 Boaleaa ... ."31 o : tteman Jouett snowed a rare speed trial. Gentility worked will, all her old snap and is coming back rapidly to form. Cap Rock did a good five-eighths. Mawreoron and Lentadoa worked exceptionally well. . ea Court worked a good mile, nouleau went a mile and a half like a real long-distance racer. NEW rOEK, N. V.. June 28 .— Todays training operations over thf- local courses in- ! . ; d tin folios ing: BI.I.MONT PA UK. Weather clear; track sloppy — Three Ei cluhs Mile. 333-Aaterier 37% 353-Pastaaaet ....40 388-BUck 1 "os .37 337-Heirloeaa 38% 853-Chile .:ii-.. 301 Lea. inxxly ..33% 3~ 7-Cbcrry Pie ...:n 9fi! Uaka 41 300-CaIigala 35% 381-Bed VFreetfc ..43 338-Uuaiel SBs 338 Btackaaar a-ii Half Mil-. 9.7 Bigbcarl 43% 381 -Pirate tioid ....".4 9;ui f.r-i .. 51% 9fii -Pradkgioea ....51 BOl-Blaaea .10 BSS-Priace Begaat 5S BOO Capt. Coatisaa.58 86] Bakes Uriit ..30 330-CbiffoB 50% 9fi0 It. an ledge ......1*5 330-Dode 52% 333 Beaip. Uome ..33% 331-Galaataaaa .....".- 381-Ba pee r.t 331 -H •. Mafflaa. .53 383-Saapieioa 53 BaO-Klnga Faaey .52 Bd-Saaday He.-t ..50% 358 Kaobbie 03% 853-Sateilite 43% 381-Kelleraaaa . ..53% BOO-Twe Featbeta "1 .-. 9:11 Miss l.vAc 53 331 ;svaui 30% 9:1 Hoi. Barnes . . : l 330-Wba. Take AH 53% r,t; m.vs small ...53 388 P/ilHaai A. .. •% BBl-XartaraUat ."•". Five-Eighths Kile. 9"7 Cbes*bissb ..1.03% 9 • ; Her. Marin. 148% 331 Demijaha ....149 853-Bectortowa ..l:0tt;i B38-ril-de-Fe ,143 Thrce-Qi arters Mile. 831 Dr. lobasoa 1 Ji 333-Irs Wilson ..141 333-Bsaotloa 1 2B BBt-Bcdga 143 One Mil*. 9t 0 Nan siainks 1:43 331 Oecsase 1:51 Knobble waa under restraint. Btockmar showed good speed. Nancy Shanks worked well in the going Caligula seems fresh and good. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track slippy - Three-Eighths Mile. 333 Ballnl Mark ..3s 9.VJ Pluto 37% BsTl-BUsabetb Briea37% 381-TraJaaea 38% Half Kile. 857-AU Aatericaa .49., 381 1 , :.;. Boaael ..51% 8 a ftmb . !• 03 !■ .1 Pall aba 31% Bd-C ank 53 358 Refraia •"•! .-, 338-Cloraly 49 V. 305-Bebake 52% :■ B-Draft " 4i 360-Tbe IVrariaa 4S B ■; .•■ i.y ."•! 355-Tlas;-a-Liag ...52% BOO-Laara Gatfaej 51% 352-Woodlaad 51 Eiss-Kktbths Mile. 333-Bea Wood ..148% 332-Jslea ::::sr.n 140 357-Cork Kl:n ...145% 354-Oal sad Goael43 881 1 easi Daya I4S% 331 Recomdata 145% 337-ETel. Sawyer 1:13 300-8toay Petal .1:04 380-raithfal ; ii I 148 881 Tasidli ....142% 9til-iiiU Boase ..144 357-Weat Plttstoal43% Three-Quarters Mile. BOO Dash I A. ...1:17 353 Balabew Bay. 1:18 3B0-3Bd Mas ...143 BOO-Tea BatlSsa 142 B57-HoroIece ....143 330-Tfcaibrel 14S 380-Naaej W. ...142% 800-Tafter 1:11 1 . 1 -KiiiJiiuel ....144 331-Vlaeyard ...144 Seven-Eighths Mile. WU Caroouficiir .141% 333 TlekHsh 148 The track was slow tiiis morning and few j j j good works were recorded. The Peruvian l j showed good speed m the mud. AQVEIirCT. Weather clear; track muddy— Three-Eighths Mile. 9-.7-Nat R 37 BBa-Biibsaad 33% 9G0-lrinius 3s, !rt.l-Sv. . . p Hawk .Sti; Half Mile. BOBBareakaaa 51 BU-Laesrta 50% BBt-Kxtersafcaatat 5 -i BSt-Prksee Saaaaa B3 Kirkcaldy B3% BBt-Beaaybuad ....53-5 ., c K ] 1 1 ; 1 ; , Tliree-Qusiters Mile. / BOO-AtbeMsa ...141 B38 Bsy. PberUe 1:21 | 333-iaaaebar ....141 FTt TbhaMa ... 1 17% 838-Maat. s.-p.! .1:33% 331 Fiaslss 141 333 P. Qd 1:20 Five-Eighths Mile. 331 Barajei ia . .1 or. % One Mile. 961-Chat. Tl.ierryl :4C BTHI TiaaSB 1:48 j .ln stard Beed galiopt-d weil. Chateau Thierry worked fast. BxtarmlnaUor was only /• cantering. Thiiid.le ran well. Sweep Hawk showed speed. E HAMILTON. Ont.. June 26.— Gallops here ware as follows: _ HAMILTON. OUT. Weather clear; track fast— Three-Eighths Mile. s Amber Fly ...37:,T, 957 -Mother Baeeb.37% 90 ; Btiddtisie 40 957 Mel I utp.irw.38 BOB-BMPt .tester. ...39 931 St. Maurice ...38 9H Lsdy Poaa 33% npag Beets ..37% 909 laartta 30 Half Mile. B61-BUIy KeUy ...50 331 riailipi 33 ■ 353 P.indy 51 381 -Beyal Gift 52 Seapolitaa ...52 327-Wraltfe 49- 0 Tive-Eighlhs Mile. ft 331 Diadesaa ...142% 333-Bea Gaiety . 144% 351-Hcnee 1:03 931 Should. Afaasl42% BOO-laaperasaatm 143% BB3 -Taraebee1 ...148% 348-Keatiab Bay. 143% 3*3 Braastts ....143% Thrce-Quaiters Mile. _ Aarael lis 9.110. Bartaday .1:13% I rfrllabai ....1:13% 7T~ TTH Biiaai 1 13 I 352-lSMly M:-avf 1 17 957 yuanah 1:10% 331-IAsb dOl ...1:13% 935-Kedmon 1:10 / 957 Mod 1:18 9f.l-S -a Tiale 143 ttl Mrnlan ....1:10% 95". -WakafJeU ..1:18% 9."2 Old Uad ...1:17 One Mile. t BBB-Asaaaaaltlaa 1:40% 851 -Par r»iamondlt7 c BSt-Aaasat 142% BBS-Begistrai ...148 924 fajit. Scott ..1:48 924 Servitor ....1:4ft 337-Pebaese ....1:42% 803 Baagiaea ...1:40% 3 94".llurray 1:43% 325-IaweU 1:45 ] 950 Oseraaateh . l :4s Lady Boas showed ber usual sharp turn of speed und*-r restraint. Tipsy Dance showed some speed. Wraith ran wed. Bill] j Kellj ia getting gooo again and was bard h-id. Penelope ran easily wil; pant;, in re-s erve. DJadessa is in good form and wa going wed all the way. Shoulder Arms] si. -w.d speed and looks to be about fit. cur Birthday appears to be in good form. 1» .-lahm ran under restrainL Murraj waa doing about all be i ■• .ii.;. Lion dOr waa under restrainL Servitor was only cantering. Anmut run we!i.