Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-27


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ie I j 1 4 i 4 :i 3 2 3 3 3 0 0 0 . — — i — LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA, KY., MOEPAY. JUKE 25, 1922.- Eatonia 1 mile. Eighteenth day. Eentueky Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 20 days. Weather cloudy; temperature £6°. Stewards, Charles F. Trice, S. C. Nnekols, Jr., A. O. Lsaaard and C. W. Hay. Judges. W. II. Shelley, N. U. McClellaud and J. S. Wallace. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. ! Itacing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chkeaga time 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, 8 spurs, B Flg-4 ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, aj:e of licrse and ! weight carried. •Indieates apprcntiee allowance. ___ _ j I O T* Q £» ET FIRST EACE— 3-4 Mile. June 7. 1SS1— 1:10-3— — HO. Pur-.o r,L300. 3-year-olds .UsiOOu antl upward. Claumia-r. Net value to winner il.COO; second, ?«.3C; tiiird, 3100. . I Index Horses AWtPPSt fc % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E*iuiv. Odds Strt I G2782 = »MAY BODINE WS 4 1CS 8 1 4" 3| 3J P J Owens R T Watts 260-100 I €2557 BEG PARDON wb 4 11 4 3 2» 3 U PI A Wilson R P Marshall 3S5-100 62601 KCWKLL CMBS wb 7 110 9 2 1»» lJ 2t 3:i J Hcupel Gallahcr Proa 365-100 62722* A. N. AKIN w 10 108 « 7 7J 6J 4J 4 C Ralls M Shields 880-100 C2750YOCNEED wd 6 118 10 5 3» 2* 5» V W W Tlor D Gilmore 1110-100 62750SGRAYSON w 7 110 5 6 6" 4" 6: C3 P Smith G DrumhelleT 1760-100 62328»TACOLA w 7 110 7 8 8« S« 75 7« W Pool O B Potts 1510-100 62 750 PYX w 5 109 3 4 61 7: S« 8« E Martin W F Polaoa 1960-100 6SS58*MIKS r.M.THA w5 « 1 I 9-« 9" 9i9 5"- H Stutts J G Cr.on 2207" 1 W 61437 PICKWICK WB 8 107 2 10 10 10 10 10 E Anthony C W Chappell 19430-100 _ Time. 28*j. 47li. 1:15%. Track fast. 3 mutiiels paid. May Bodine, .20 straight, .50 place. .70 show; Keg Pardon. .70 place, .00 show: Bewail Combs. .50 show. R|UiT«l nt booking odds — May Rodiue. 2C0 to 100 straight. 65 to 100 place. So to 100 Show; Beg Pardon. 155 to 100 place. f 0 to 100 s!:ow: Sewell Combs, 75 to 100 -how. * Winner -II. f, by Golden Maxim— Marv Batata* by Star Shoot Grained by B. T. Watts; bred by Mr. -Thomas II Murphy. W« nt to pea*. :it 2:00. At prist 3 minute*. St:.rt good and si.iw. Win driving; second and third the Mine MAV P.ODIN K was ridden wide nn the turns. ban1 EMM* Cast UflMaajfe the Mat eighth and wore P.I1G r PAHDON dnwa In the last seventy yards to win in the last stride. RF.G PARDON was close up from the v Mart and took the lead in the stretch, but gave way in the last few Ml Mia. HVU OBMB8 showed . the most speed from the start, but began tiring in the stretch. A N AKIN eaaM fast near the Mi. 4 YODNBBB tir.d in Ita List quarter. BBAYMN also tired. TACOI.A had no BBhBBBBa. s.r.r.. :■.! OWAmM| Alci.nlir. 113; 827M Giaaaad-SwaU, I11O; BMtSPirst Consul 107; 02601 . Birdie g . M0; HBtS HmII rrettt, IK; SltBS Brtataw, IM; 62750 Lnum, LW; SSSM Par, H, 0 1 w ights Pyx. 2 pounds; Miss Cultha. 1. 69QISII SECOND RACE— 5 1-8 Furlongs. Jims 7. 1909— LOOS— S-* ■% ?«"« .30*. 2-year- iiCjCPO ods. Fillies. Selling. Ntt value to winner ,000; soooad, C0: third, 00. Index: liorsea AWtPPSt % ~ Str fin Jockeys Owners R-iuiv. Odds Strt , — — ■ — — — " ■ ■ — ■ ! 6281 1 MISS MEISE wlOT 7 J l1 1* 1» l4 E Pool Mintfort Jonea 2S0-1O0 C250. *. WAT w M8I 2 4 31 2J 21 2»k D Connelly T C Mi Do*. 11 BB-M4 StSll ;,! ,.M.|;;; w 107 S 7 61 4 4« 32 F Smith T J 355-190 Ui.o. 7TONIA a/Matt 1 14 3l 31 4» J H Barta MeO— tt and Taylor MS-MS 6278. •■■: ;;1C w 104 5 5 5 5* 54 5* J Owens W TTniTl 1S75-1O0 , «S27!i TVER w 107 3 « 4* 6j li 61 A Wilson Raker * Nichols It. .",-100 | I SSSM M ICUBE MAID w M 1 3 7" 71 7- 7» ■ Martin H P Whitney MM 1 -i BMltRO OLD «J 107 6 » S il P S* Q Fields T ■ Mueller SMB-Mt «278 7 UU : JAM: wb 107 9 I 9 9 9 9 J lLupel W Ierkina T.a-.OO Time. 23*;,. le1,. I 00«i, 1 CV-i. Track fait. m« . la :• ; ;. IOn Mrara. .60 straight. .50 place, .10 show; Away, .30 place, .10 -how; , Keaaaa : " : _ - i«W. 1 ■,,iii- • sileVl Mil Hesse, 2s0 te 100 M— %**. l"-"5 to IM lu -e. 55 to 100 show; Away. . 110 ;..:« ; te kh show. iTiw n. ■» t 100 show. 4 Win:: : :: f. L.r Oimondal. — Margaret Meiac, by Star Shoot trained by K. Spince; bred by Mr. M- iiif.irt .;..:e ■. 1 V. • at t» |" I at 2:33. At post 1 minute. Start gees] and slow. Weal easily: sec, mil and third driT- nz. MIS.s M:;.M". tMCaa well, showed tkc must apeeaX was asuri rid ii !i ..11.I e.i -ily held the race s.if.- -tl.r ■•uglarin. .V. . ..1 well and had t, still a hard errre .11 the StretCB ! oatsUy KKNNMAKH. latter aaaPU » •■ . aaal hud to race aride, l.ut tmihed taa4 aaal Baaady. amiima rac-d gnmely, but j 1 . tireil aaaBy in the irelch. POWER had uo taisiiap-. DKARUG araa done aft r I las a hulf mile. S-raUh.l t117*lli BalllS. 107; tStel MBOie 15.. 107; 8SS31 Bapettaaa, : 7. ol771 Teds llum. 107. Oserwt -ighj Am ij, ! a pounds: Aniunia. 1 _■ , llaaicam afaM, 2. j. ■ r9SPF" ?7I7.D 2ACE-1 1-16 Kite. .Oct. 7. 1916 — l:43-j — I — 122.. Pars© SI. 400. 3-y?9r-old, OaO «J 4 BXd upwa/d. ISaidens. Claiming. K-3t valua to winner ,100; s-aoonJ. 00: third, C0. [■ Index AWtPISt % || "4 Str Tin Jockeys Owners Kquir. Odds Strt 62753* PLYING PRINCE v:: I IBB 1 S S» 6 "i 11 1» .1 Dorlch P.roa 140-100 •tCM Midi 1. .1 DAX.T ws 4 115 VI 7 7 and il t" *• K Pool H D Byrne MS-1M 8S7SS BOBBIE :-HKA w 3 MS 7 I S*| ** B $• ■" B Keimdy OM-.-ara Bros 7;J-:0" ii«;t;i 1 ::: mtWI 9 6 I B $• 4« 4J s McGniw O L DlackferJ W5-MI , 59513 BEMPR »NIA w 3 97 3 9 91 JiG 6 i* C Ralls Tujapue and li* ola rir5i 100 «2G3J BATTT li. w -l IM 4 1 l« 1° l" .h 6* A Wilson J P B. er 21S.5 10 | •!7M*CREATIOM w 4 105 S 4 4 8 8 7» «• ; Brening II B Clark Mt-1M •tBM A.CTO hat w I 10S1 I 3 3» :• :i I" s5 D CaamiWf B h Hewitt iTK IM 1 6ttlS TONET I.ADY w 5 110 11 10 1 10= 10- 10» 91 II Gray Stevens 4 Daily BV-M j : 4.2355 Dil. PIUUi w 3 107 10 I 21 ::: fl f|l0| b Smi:h W F Poison 4O15-100 i SltM DEUCES v-TT.D w 3 104 I tt It* 11**UMI1**U1**G Reeda Braaaaaa A Cropper + MISS UII.MA w . 110 5 1112 12 12 12 1J K Mania A Murdock t| W ::uel held. Time. 23. tt%, l:l«%. 10%, llfl%. T.-2..U; f. .-,.. 1 p:id. I 1; riag 1 Tin-iv . SO BtraJckt, K.SI p. .ice. .10 »iio»v: Michael J. Daly. GO place, . in shew; Beaeiie Bhea, .20 sI.-jw. Bffiialeal beakiaf aaaas— Vlytag Prince in *o 100 stnaaht, 4 to -, yi place. 20 to 100 aaaar; Mi.hae! J. Ii.dy. so to U»o pile. 70 to IM akew; BatMe shea. IM i» 100 bhaar. Winn-r - t a. c, y i,eu: -BvaMt lea. by Iraa tha Terrible trained by J. S. Btretaaaai; bred by Mr. j Nat Barteh. Went ta Iust Bl 303. At post 2 mi.aes. St.trt go l and .slow. Wen drisins: aMaaal and third the same. KI.iINC. PRIN4 V. li.-i;an slowl.v. la;t moved up fast alter eaveeiBC a naif mile and. racing into a j I small a l, kMt It „• :nn ly iu the drive. MICHAEL J. DAI.V aaaTefCi from hlteifeWCt an! lost j gi-Minii on li. lurn.. but finished fast aatd puaNlf n.l aaBMBBl ct u; to aria, I.oBHIK BHEA ran a "_ d . race. BATTT ii Urea" ii...ii.v after leaeUag ta the -ir-u. DK. PRALL finished badly Iam». BeratcaeaV *»_. ! .• :ui. 107; G27s;: La BeraoXe. liii; C2»i Caauatiate. 115; G2000 isilly IfcCeay. Ml. ] Oreraraaaata — Antwcrat, l1-., pouiids; Beawea Wild. 2. TOTJrtTH EACE — 3-4 Bbb. Juno 7. 19Si — 1:10;, — 6—110. Savoy Hotel Parse. Parsa I 6»" QjQQ iOwO 41. 709. 3-ycar-olds and upwaid. AUowTiaoei. Nat viae to winner ,500: se_ond, 00: third, M . Index Horses AWtllSt L* i % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt •M61* MARVIN mat w I 108 3 1 l t U In E Pool Mays Latka Vteal Btaate B9-M1 •tSSS CHATTERTON w I 103 4 2 3" fl 2i 9 U lvenndy W I K- lley 1*5-110 1 I SSS14PINDAR ii;EL. wb 3 102 1 4 n» 4* 3» 3! J Owens G 1* Arnold 3HS-100 I BtTSl BARRACUDA wb 3 100 9 S 6« 6* C» 4 V Wilson J GllJluaiaa ltV.-OO j BtTM BORT BCCKNBI w 3 10 2 3 4* 51 4l 5* A Wilson C W Moore Jr 4 Mt-ltt 1 I I «;*557 GUVNOR w 4 105 6 5 31 S 5» 6* I, Penm-in M QaMMatt 4470-100 1 j j «2;97 ROYAL TM.M w 3 96 S 7 f»* V* 1" 7« C Kails I. Learia MM-Xt || •MBS AJ VOCATE w 4 10S 5 8 81 S* S« Ss D Connelly H H Hewitt 915 100 , | C2811 WIOGEOM wb .; 107 7 9 9 9 9 9 ■ Seobie ilonjorl Jones 12100-100 I Time. 23. 47. 1:12. Tiack last. ■vataaaa aaM. Marvta May. . to straight. f::.5o place. .00 show; Chatterton, .30 pUce. S2.50 show: Ptedar i •. S.7i show. Baaaaalearf taatiaa: odd, -atarria May, 2«o la Mt sir:ight. 75 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Chatter-ton. «;." t ■ io i place, S te 100 ahear; Ptoaaar Paet, tt !• 100 -.bow. w, nn, 1 •-• h. 11. hi- McBae — Oaatrta haa, bj ivcp ,ri ,,y aEaaaeal by J. MeFBeraea; hred by Mr. CbbbrbbI W. Maanei. Went ti peat al r.:3S. At p»?st .1 minut-s. Start bad ami BBBaf. Wen driving; second and third th " aaaaa. MABTI24 may i» -p;an fast aa 1. BaaarlaB higii aaaeal, raei 1 . the ;i .,. once, bnt had to lie nlien to his utmo:-t in the last sixteenth ta outstay RATTBRTON. Use letter raced BaaaaBBeatty f,- -m the start, ban • era; BrMa iu;» BBC Stlt-Btt ,-ost him the ra ••. PINOAB PEBL aed much ground on he st.tch inn.. 1 ml ti:,-d near the laiah. BARRA4 i ! A . !,s.-ii a gap in the last Bjaartar. OCVNOB and I DOROTHT BICKNER iuit in the Btaaach. BOXAL PAUL ADVOCATE Bad WBMUMM were away ■ loorlr. Ofni eihts — Chatterton, 1 pound; I-arr-acivaa. 1. Dorothy Bnckner. 3; Advocate. 3; Widgeon. 5. « — 6f Q£r*sTh TIFTH SACE— 1 KLia and 70 Yards. Zlo-z. 3. Mtt— litX% I UB. Grand Hotel Han-SDt? I iaap. Purse ,000. 3-year-a.ds and upward. Net valuo t» winnar ,500: second, , 25; thiid, 75. Index Horses AWtllSt |f Vj % Striin Jockeyi Owners Euiv. Odds Strt •SMS MXMTO IT W I 111 I 2 3o* 3f B l1 I* B Pool W V 285-100 , MMS PABADER aratMt 7 5 BJ t* S« M. 1- V Baalih T J PaaaBeraaaat MtS-Mt , hSS14-GANGWAT w 4 105 2 12* 2!i V 21 : B Keaafahj P .1 KeUaj 1270-100 j I ■tMS* FIREBRAND we. 4 120 1 4 1" l1 Jz 4 4iW WTlor J Livingston Mt-ltt j CSMCBONCS w ;; 9S 3 6 Ci 6* 610 5« fc* W Iool Orimatiaa stable 1 hi-3-ioO B1MS*M1 -« !■ R wrt4 13 4 7 4 4» 4» 6:« 6s J Owens G B Allen BSB-Mt SS7S1 WOODTRAP ara S 10S 6 S 7 7 7 7 7 D Connelly Fair Acre Farm Stable 3345-100 Tiiuo £3. 47. 1:12. l:33;i. I:i25. Track fast. avataeai aaM, bBata II. . .70 st;;;j;ht. .t o aaaaa, .10 ahaar; laradex. .10 place, .10 show; Saacarajr. Bl M ha a Bjuivalent llnl lac aMt-Mtata II.. 2X5 to li"!0 strttight. 1G0 to 100 place. 98 to 100 show; Parader, 255 10 :.«» pla e. 105 ta i 0 lio*; G n:;.vay. 210 to IdO sluiw. W.ani r B. G. ti Sundi-ide — Miss iionald, by Eay It.a-.ald trained by W. Perkins; bred in England 1 by Mr. -lol.n IJ. Jart W-nt to post at 4:14. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Win easily; second and third drivine MINTO IL, after boin? saved unrer hard restraint fur the Crst three -qnarters, rt-ed into the lead ■with a rush and won soinj: away. PARABEB w:is bird iMbbbb for the entir- race und ■aaataal fast and fsmely. BABCWA1 v as nitrh u ed in the lirt !i:n e-quarters and raced PIItBPIBAND into defeat, but aear the I nd. P1BBBBAXB set a fast early pace, but quit badly after eoiiuj three-quarters. BONDS :-ud MULCIBBB r=u fairly veil. Overweights Bonus, 2 pounds; Woodtrap, S . SIXTH EACE— S 1-2 Furlongs. C7un8 7, 1900— 1:05%— 3— 93. Purse .4«0. 8-year-ijjj . 6fJQr7A V aata. Colts and Geldings. Claiming. 2.ot value to winner ,100: second, 00; uiud, 00. I Index Horses aVvTtff Wt % H ft Bar Baa Jockeys Owners Kqniv. Odds Strt S2735 LHBUB W3 IX 2 1 PI 1« 1» l1 E Penman J M Goode i45-100 J C2637 JAKIK HAY w 114 3 4 S* 3* 2» 2| B IieniiUy ■ C Walker 440-100 • 62725 •FIRST WARD w 1.6 4 3 4* 4« 3« Z F Smith T J Penderast 125-100 BSSMHCGHBS GRAHAM W M 5 2 2* 2* 4* 4» K Pool G F Baker Mt-ltt | j 02330 JACK PROST wn M IS 5 5 5 5 A Wilson C E and. J Hamilton 5080-100 Time, 2S%. «V5. 1:01. 1:07%. Track fast, BMtaata aaM, Islie. 2.90 btniistit. .S0 place. .00 .show; Jakie Hay. place, .00 show; • First WaaS. .10 -how. BBaaaaSratt biMikias odd* — Ijeslie. " 45 to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Jakie Hay, ■ 210 to hXJ place, 50 to 100 show; Pir.-t Ward. I to 100 show. Winner Ch. c. by Mont dOr or IVter Qjaaaaaj — fiikyo. by BaaSeaaat u-aiaed by J. M. Cwde; bred by T Mr l.iicis B. CunibM. Went :.. peal at 4:45. At post 1 minute. Start rood and slow. Won eaatWi ec-jnd and third drivine. I.l-r-l.iH, suddenly improve i. was rushed into a -xxl ieud at once and eesiiy held s-.vay for the en-tic race JAKIK I1AY gained steadily through the ljst quarter and was raBBBaaS gain..y at the end. FIRST WARD was allowed to drrrp fur bark s »;n after the start and came fast when ridden hard, bat r t»o late. Ht/GftUI l.UAUAM i;uit badly afier eoins the lirst quarter. : aT*f QT"l SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Oct. 7. 1916— 1 :43%— 3—122. Purse ,400. 8-year-VJ AiO 4 A olJi c_d up-.. aid. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, CiOO; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt !4 % i Str Fin Jockeys Owncra Equiv. Odds Strt •SVSS**I«9t7BI A. wa 5 109 * t «« «* P lJ 1 W Pool G Arvln 14".-1» ■ SSSM*WALNDT HALL, wa 8 1C9 S 4 1» BJ 1» 2* 2» J Owoni R T Watta 335-100 • I j I 62C38 ClT UP 4 105 3 1 3 J P 3* 3» 3» A Wilson R P MarshaH 0100 » j •SBMIOMCLE VKLO w 4 107 S I a] 7* 7*1 4« 4* C RalU R L HeavUin 745 -W3 a j 627H3 TOPMAST ws UH I ! c i » 4 j L Penman Cain and Sanford ia25-i J0 ■ , i •SSM*B*LaIfCM WHGKL ■ 4 110 7 8 8 8 5J 7* S1 J Heupel DA Sereeni 2330 100 B | ! 6»1»5»*MAD ;K P. w « 98 1 J 2* 3i 4J 51 7i B Scheffel W D Millard 3»i?.-100 1 62753CUUNTESS w 4 113 8 3 4| 51 8 S 8 R Ilarton W S Bruce lltii -100 i ! Time. 23. 47. l:133i, l:30?i. 1:46. Track fast. aaataaai paid. Ixmis A., .»0 stiaight, JO place, .00 siiow; Walaut HaR, .40 place, . SO allow: Cut I p. .00 iiow. EqUiVaKat bookiru; odds — Louis A.. 145 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Walnut Hall, 120 to 100 place, »o to 100 show; Cut p. 150 to lUO show. Wiiner— B. h. by Buckborn — KVctro. by El.*ctioceer trained by G. Arvin; bred by Mr. C. C. Patrick. Went to i c»t at 5:20. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LOlIsj a. began slowly, but moved up with a rush in the last half and, taking the lead, drew away in the last eighth to win cased up. WAI,NCT HALL showed the inart eaily s; ecd and finished well when a hard ridih n. CUT UP raced gamely, but began tiring after going tfcree-quarters. tTNC.IJD VKLO finished i ! well, i ii NTB8S ami BALANCE, WHKiTL were far hack from the start. MADGB V. ahawed speed. Scratched--62722 iKewpie ONeU, 109; C2S10Pictor, 1UB.

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Local Identifier: drf1922062701_2_9
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