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1 ; o j j j l j DELOR.MIER PARK ENTRIES ! . j i • O — o The fieures under the heading "Rec." in lbs I , entries balsw rliow the be?: tirne of aacb hors.e ; | at the distance s:r.ce January 1. 1920. r.o matter | where- it finirhec. In ceres vrhero record -was i made on other than a fact or good track, ■ I abtre via: ions iow track cond.tions. _ . — 0j Piaaeblllllsa: Weather ciear; track fa«t. Back g atarta : I • 88 p. ■. Chicago tisM 2 00. © Superior icti.i ru m r. Good amd raaaer. :.: Pair n.ud raaaer. ill UaMeaa. *AppreaUee niowance. bBliakera. : First— About 5-8 Mile. . Purse 30. 3-year cd and apwasd. Clabaias;. 1. l.Vs lad. Horse. Yt. llec. A.V.t li:. .. • 33333 Pittsburg I US. .721 j 33383 1. Pokey H 8 111X720 62700 My Bess 4 108X715 1 G1G96 Priace ■ -o .... 7 BM 715 . Gr:0Z9 l.Flying Orb 5 M8X713 | 62*11 Saiivati 33 4 103. .700 6?5S0-" Clearfield M ... t; i;;:..7in , G2056» bBeTilliaa 3 113 710 | 62492 bPren. hy 7 138. .703 j 6£57 1 ],. tlentry 7 103. .703 CCE73I Rj Jom 4 10-, ..7051 i 617C2 BaiiBag Through iMi 4 10!:. .700 Second Base — Abot:t 6-6 Mile. Perse 3500. S year-ekOa, ela.uiing. 1618811 bBriarclifl 100X723 62881- Bwiftcrickel 107x720 62090 sMMaishl Bkartet .. 103.. 7131 62S81 * rue Cleekaaeadet . 103.. 7101 5C1C3 apt. tire, t 103. .703 £6.71 K.-llys Ji;ee!i .... 18C 7J". 6£760 CaaapHaaeatary |M MB. 703 62490s laceeerie Mi MB. .708 57510 I.irdo iMi 107 an i 33383 T:.g Bay M .... ic. 708 1 67621 Joyce BeffataaM Ml roa 02564 fhariotta BaaitbM 107 7CO i Third— About 6-8 Mile. Parse 00. 4-year-oMa aiiu spwardl fh.mir.g. 62089 •l.avaga I Ml 723 B333B black ixdi 4 io - 720 1 6249"» BUrkadei 8 113.715; 62450 MeLaae 8 133X713 62403- Doctor I 10 113x713 H 62734* Back Bay ll U3®713| 62885 Banged 4 10i 718 1 62056 Miss Barest 5 MS X 70 62443 bFair Lsasie 4 10 :. MB 6r:Si7 Lack] P.a; 8 100: 70". . 6204 Tberesa M 4 108. .708 62C0J CaaaeabaB 4 111.700 » Fourth Eace— Atcut 7 8 Mile. laarier Han Heap. Pi!r ■ ? ; ». S-year olda and apward. 63494- HUTCHISON S 37X723 62882= bAssumption 8 112.. 715 ;| aagrT* hAI 8MB 713 • 625S5 kBa •:: ri.-ii.t 5 9.: 715 62862 Chief Bpsassc 4 M7..7M 62412 Bheba 4 103.. 70S 6255 Gold a Chance t MS 710 ; | 627C4 Deke Baff 6 113 710 I Fairy Nymph, ch. f. by Mediator -Fabry B*He, bv ciiori- fier 3 10s Fifth Rare— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. S-jrasr afcta sad apwasd. flslaikac 62758 bAaaaae ii 1 1:47-5, 5 MS X 723 62573 Captala H ltd 1:45% 8 103X720 i 628S3- Little Dear Ml 1:43% 4 lo: 713 ■« : 62791 «.iu-t Faaey Ml 1:47% E 103. 715 ;628i3 bOaklawa Belle ...K 1:48% B 110x715 ; C2343 Bala 35 1:43% 8110.. 710 65990 Boydea 112 1:43% 5 104.. 705 . 61S82 Hay 103 1:47% 10 MB 700 62i32 IPi.e Desert 103 1:47 3 108X708 SizUi Race — Abrut 6 1-2 Turlongs. Purse ?.VX. 1 Jiar oiril and upward. tTairuicg. 6;054 ChSSa r-Atei 5 111. .72". 162738 Heresies 5 li3. .710 t??37 HaatreM ll Hi 115 61020» Gratlaa 4 115x715 | C2S80 bABak 6 119 713 I C267S aCover I"p 8 121. .715 C2880 W. 11. Backaer ... 7 113X710 ; G24C-2 Toy Miss 9 115. .710 62S17 C sw 4 118 • ilO • 62564 Ibsasaie ". M •■ 4 111. .700 ij 63115 eevon Seis 4 111. .700 6iC59 •bliicLard V 5 112x700 Seventh Rare — sVbSBt 3-4 Mile. rnrsr- 01. 4-y .reals Bad ujard. Clainan-.. I G2C10 t.Hread Line 5 110. .725! C26751 bTop KuriK 8 115.. 72a! » 62308- CaTslier 8 112. .715 62088 Streamer 4 112. .715 61919 .T.iek Beakey 3 112X715 62G22 BBith K 3 110x71". I 62 0C9 Honiara 8 112x710 62530 bMargarel N 8 llOdeTOS ! 62531 Oawa 8 112X70% 628£5 lee S. tM 6 107. .700 ■ C20S9 »Ijiva ill « 107.. 700 9 624SC Getaway lo 112x700 U