Aqueduct Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-27


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j j j ! • I I i j j i j | I 1 : j ; : : : . . 1 I » r I t| s • - ■ r. •x -. * i . ,. »e AQUEDUCT FORM CHART NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY. JUNE 26. 1928.— Aqueduct lv miles .,1 f.eti. Ninth d:iy. Que mis tuuty Jerhey I Inb. Bprleg MeetkBg af 19 Says, "Weather cloar: i.c-i :peraluxe 8i*. Steward to Keprescnt Iwtl J !.it , J. E. Davis. PJeWBldl f Met ting. II. K. Knapp end V. S. Vos-i burgh. Judges, E. . Smith ::n ! C. toniehlseu. Starter, Mars Pasildl Itacing lOtaHaiy, tl--d IteliUrger. Itacing starts at 2:30 p. i.i. CUeaga time 1:30 p, o.. W inlieates whip. S tpurs. B blinkers. Klg ures iu paRBtfeaSM following tbc ShtaSfa of aack race indicate dale, truck racetd, ai. af iiorsie and weiglit carried. •Indicates appn nice allowance. 6«QfrQ FIKST EACE— 4 1-3 Furlonr:. April 16. 19CS— 52— 2— 105. Purro SLCC0.3S. 2-year-Ott/ olds. Selling-. Net value to -winner ,360.85; second, ?200; thud, JiOO. Index Horses AWtlISt li Vi % Str Fin Jn, keys Owoers O II C P 8 «2689IHKSSAL,Y w IM j 1 li li P K Sarnie Knnoocas Stable 56621 St741*LJU T DOB w 104 2 f. 51 2i 2 B Parka J A Cakuau ?■ 4 3 4-5 2-6 614 79 PRIMA DONNA w 104 7 7 61 6 ?,- H Thomas l!ivi r;i Stable M 20 20 10 6 «-26." 7 THE GIRL w 104 1 2 4| 4 4s A iiantnerR P rai—ll l". 20 20 8 4 9tandSl*OOUDmS FORK «M I 6 2J 3J 5« L McAfee J L Heuand 8 32 10 4 2 i27I» BGB waMI 4 4 2| 5- 6J C l.iing H Alt. rman 2 H-is-j 3-5 1-4 !«;2".81 SPONSOR vr 1U4 6 8 7J 7l 7- E KummerOak Ridee SUblcM M 20 8 4 fc2781 THUEE SQUARE w 103 3 3 8 8 8 ■ Fator J Dyer 5 0 a I 4-6 Tisno, 531. Track tccd. Winner Pr. f. by Plaudit- Fair Atalauta, by Knight af the Thistle trained by S. C. Hildrcth; bred by Xalapa Farm!. Weni to post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. TilESSAIA set a fast pare and won all the way. but wvs iloiag her Baal at the end and swerving in slightiy. I.ADV INEZ area crowded over into deep going on the iiuide in Ike tin.l alxtaeetk, but fiu-I is tied resolutely. PRIMA DOXNA closed up ground and tiiiished wilh I rash. TUP GIKL saw d a Hash of early speed, but was tiring at tlie end. OOLDE.S FORK laced wide all the way. PCI was pinched off right after the start and had scant chance. Scratched 02710 Edict, lOii; 02S24 Air Rubble, 104; 62.S21 Dont Pother M, 104: OJSOG Uttle Hope, 104. Overweights Ridden Fork. 1 pound. SrO/- SECOND EACE— 1 Mile. June 25. 1921—1:33—4—127. Purse tft.ap ,M. 3-yca.r-olda «OUv and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner fl.3C9.83; second, t£C0; th;rd. i100. Index Horses AWtlISt « i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 1! 0 F S |Cttt1 I.ETTERMAN w 3 112 1 5 5» 31 2 Is ll H "hnianfirnwitmr stable f..,i:;-i.i 2;. out 62391 MiZAR w 3 109 ti 3 41 4- 4- 4= 2; L fccAteC « D Widoa.-r 9-a 2 I 1 2-5 6207:: NORMAL w 4 117 2 4 2| 2j 5* 2J 3 B Park- V Houseman 4 6 6 8-5 1-2 r, i» OSCUS vn 4 ic-8 I 1 V V lj 21 43 a GeatoarJ B W«lck t a a t 2j StMl CURT VIEW ¥.14 11614 6 6 6 6 6 5 W ii-nich!; ■ WatktaM 3. M M IS 6 ■627 17 MYSTIC van 3 Ml 3 2 P| I* l*| 5: 6 C Pome uincy Stable 12 IS 7 8-5 3-5 Time, 24, 432s, 1:14;:, 1:41. Track good. Winner — Ch. by Superman---Arlctte, by Robert lc Diablo drained by S. P. Hari;:r: bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard 1. Wont ii peel al 2:."7. Al post 1 minute. Start good and alow. Won easily: atcaed aad third driving. LKTTCB1IAN, after aciag saved to the last turn, r.icc-i post the leaders ouak.y when railed on and was eaelaej aa at the red. MiZ.Mt test ink gran ad oa the ttretca ram, but Cni bed *..--t sad 0-.1t-stay-ii NOBUAL. The latter was cou;in;r again at the end. OIKLS was liiing badlj : t the red a.fter akawiac the aiosl apecd la Ike atietrk. COUBT VIEW was always outraa. MYSTIt 1 u 1 budly. Serateh-d 02779-Iiigheart. !«•; e3T80*LaJIy, 107; 82717 Uavid Uuraaa, 117: i.l.i.i 1ina i:ind. 107; «2777-Ha:u. His; G2t5 Ueorkarei 11., litJ; 02474- enizelo.s, 100; 62474 BzcvMi, li-. UTerweisktM Caert i ".v. 1 .j pounds. 6t Q-| TKIED EACE— 6 1-2 FarkaagS. Juno £?, 1921— 1:17—3— lf 3. ; r-.nso ll.689.E8. /OOJ. •-yeax-eMa and aparari. riaiies and Maraa. AUawaacas, Not aahat to .i:r.c. ii.o03.88; sicci:, ?200; third, $ 100. Ind"X Horses AWtPPSt % s % gtr Fin .l .! e;.s Owners 11 V I S ,;!.. t iJ-i.NTEE v. 7 120 0 4 gj V 1- 1» I. Pator !■ E Kraft 4-5 1 1 t-C out ■S64»3*MARIE MAXIM as » 113 2 1 h" 5" 31 l:: .; Martx s Taylor 4 6 5 7-.. Z-i .i:;r. LEGHORN VtM 12 t1 i: l t" G V, CroIlW Dug..;: Z] 3 1 I Ml 3 lft734M EVIL W 3 110 6 5 31 3- 4i 41 V," i- t .. ay 11 C PMheT H 13 12 1 1 62.S08 WITCHWORK era 3 Ml 3 6 6 6 6 E| E Bell B Ceek M M M 6 61311 DOUGH OiRl. wu 4 112 4 3 l li 5- I F Keeeh K Saaart M M H 6 21 Time, £D=a. 48, 1:14. 1:21. Irsek gecd. Winner — h. m. by Pair Play— Job 1 ;. h Osdea traiaed by r. B. Iiraft; bred k] Mr. August Bdaaael 1 . Went to pot at 3:21. At peat 1 minute. Start good and slow. W01: driing: s-ci .:, aad third ihe same. JY.NTKK. close up from t!:i Btart, closed up KaoletCly toroiigh the ana] eigktli and I niiaulwd MABIE M..X1M u:id r a |aad rata. MARiF MAXIM waa outi-uu early, but rtaatd ■ ; rap aad Baiaked weii uhiii-r a v.oai. ri lr. LEGHORN aared groavd oa the auetrk ham, bet araa in rloae qaarters oa the in- iie art in dee;, .oii.g lhroiii:!i the linat aigktk. EVlIi had 110 ininhaps. Dtt ll t.1!-.!. qalt, kkewleg ; a g:xii! tliglit of speed in paceiaaking. Hcnttekei EMM AHapa, 115. Oiuetlgkti i oiigli Girl, 2 pounds. FOPRTH EACE— 1 Mile. June 26. UO-1:30-4— 127.; Tainv-fourth Rassiag MTRtCXX 6f Q/ fJ GUal EELLLKG STAKES. ?2.000 Added. 3-jear-cltii acd upwa/d. Mat rshja to erfaaaa Jo. 475; second. ?l-C0; tliiid, ?.£50. : Index Horses AWtPPSt a % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C P S K77P**8. AKD Ec OTS wn 3 93 1 5 2| 2- 11 l1 l"t j iier.mee E B MeLeaa I M 1 4 2 i6i3tl TEDDY P.. ti4M 3 7 7i 6i 5 4: 2 C Poace Qutncy stab:;.- M I 3 i-5 j S77PBBAINSTORM wsii 3 104 4 6 4J 4s 2J ?," 23 J CallahanH Wateraon M 10 M 4 2 gMM WYNNEWOOD wn 6 107 2 I 1* 1»| 3* 21 4s C Long I 0 Webber b 8 7 25 6-5 I 2473 PILGRIM w 5 113 .s 3 8 8 71 a" V B Parka s E Bortk 2 n-63 4-5 2-5 CS7iaxRALOO wn I U3 5 1 6 i1 G* S= 61 P Keogh II 8 Bowna 4 5 4 8-5 4-5 :62"16 EORD BRIGHTON w t, 1 -7 7 4 3" 31 41 V 71 L Fat- r Rencocea Stakkt 4 7 7 2| «-5 CSSPl1*KIRKL£V*TOM WB4M 6 8 6- 73 8 8 8 E Cell R T WlbJOB. 15 15 12 5 21 Time. 23-3. 473.a, l:12*i, lJM%. Track cood. Winner- Ch. p. by P«.ots and BadHttt — Plaak of I.ightning. by la a l.iuiia or Priaw af Itoaaco tiraimd J by J. V. Ill kail, bred by Mr. K. Parwig. Vent to p ist at 3:-i!h At po t 2 mii.utcs. Start good and alow. Woa driviBg; second and third tlie •same. BADDUt AND BOOTH raced close ap from Ike start aad lakiag ti:. ;■ . ■ 1 the atreieh, aetgaaaadi TEDDT R. in a eloai Bhlak. TEDDT B. closed a big gap anJ finiabed wrltk ■ raah. BRAINSTORM ran weti and tiiiished rloae »p. WYNNEWOOD Bet a fast early pace and tire.i. PUjGRIM I- . . B -:■••. and ran 1. poor race. LORD BRIGHTON ouil. Scratched- tt.J.v.. 1 iKa-jir Ml.,u iVe. MM; tCMM Bffij McLaagklla, 100; KT743 War Uaak, ItT: 02770 Olyathes, i :y. 02 3." WkJak, 107; 02717 Taftar, 107. Overweights— Balco, 2 pounds. OOQg?* nrTH EACE— 1 Mile. June £5. lil— 1:26 — 4—127. Afrkaadar MaaaieajN ;jcaOvt] Added. 3-yes.r-olds and uuwaid. l ot vaiuc to wiiiner !|ii t #0.iC: recti. 1 i20«; tn.rd, »H Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vt % Str Fin Jocfceys Owners O H C P S KXgP7*RAT ,i.v ars3U4 2 I 3 V V H V c Penea Qeiacy Btakle 3 4 4 6-5 1-3 C778 HEPHAISTOS ws 3 107 13 2" 2 J 2a 31 2 B Parka P B Brown 3 31 is 51 1-3 BtttTaBE PRANK w C 101 I 1 5 5 4- 4- 2J C Rang G P Pall** 7-3 j 3 7 3 1-2 out 6271-i MY REVERIE wb 3 Ml 5 4 V V V 2 4- L Phtor B .1 Brown I I 5 8-5 1-2 ;.2474 BXCELSDJ w I ri 4 5 4l 4* 5 5 5 J Mialmaii P Jekaaoa 1 12 12 3 6-5 Time. £3«5. 47*., l:133i, lM%. T:ack g-ood. • Winner— B. c, kf Assagai a*isaia|ac. by lolymclas trained Ly .!. Fitaatamasaas; bred by Mr. Willis Bkarpc Kilmer;. Went to post at 4:15. At post 3 minute.. Btart good and alow. Won easily: attend and third driv-! icg. RAY JAY was saved behind tlie early pa-« makers and, kalshiag with a rasi throaKb Ike stretch, took the lead and came away in the final eighth to win in a taster. HEPHAISTOS was naked along close up in the tertj rating and was badly piacktd off by MY REVERIE on the Iura out af the back-stretch, but was coming again at the ud after having been cut ofT in the stretch. BE PRANK swerved i out badly on the la. t turn, bin closed a big gap and finished fast and gamely. MY RBTERDI was away i running and art a gnat pace, bul tared badly in the BtTetch, Sir.,— C2500 i.illy McLaeghlia, 118; BnSl*La4j BalHasan, MM; tC8P7 Ckeatcthrook, OS. QGfl/l SIXTH EACE— 5-C Mile. July 3. 1C-15— 57 -i — S — He. Purbe 81.CC0.88. 2-year-old. Ji4 30X Maidens. Special Vei£-hts. Net valus to wtfiSaa H.MM.II; aaeaai, ChM; tL-ird, S10O. : Index Horsea AWtPPSt Vi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 ;0277G COEUR DE LION W US 14 41 I] l*| L Fator Rancocas Btakla 8 M 7 21 7-5 [•tswt GOLDEN RULE w 115 6 2 1J gj 2J C H MfflerM L Bchwarta 2 3i 3 1 1-2 IgtgMMAG I. lit wn 115 8 1 2 3= 5- E KumnicrJ ■ MasMtS j3 4 4 8-5 4-5 t-2055 PARK HIEE w 115 7 3 85 6 4 B Parka fternkrook Btk 15 M H 6 3 !C2776 HIGH CHIEF w 115 9 7 91 71 EJ T Rico Riviera Stable M 30 30 12 6 |»2Swt CAROL w 115 2 C 5 51 61 J D MneyQuincy Stable JC 6 5 2 1 i C2892 SlNSlNI w 11". 13 11 31 4 7* A Johr.sonW B KRsaer 5 7 7 2i 7-6 02770 SON-O-LNC w 11". 10 13 ll1 9 8J H ThomasGrcentr Stable 20 20 15 « 3 02770 CAVEAT EMPTOR w 115 312 12* 103 91 C Quincy St.-.bie JC 6 6 2 1 tETHENA w 112 II 10 6* 11- 101 C Lang J E Madkk n J3 4 4 8-5 4-5 C2S0J BOCK SALT w 115 4 8 10 SJ ll1 P Keogh H S Bewaa M M 50 20 10 WILKBS-RARRE w 115 5 5 EP EP EP W Kelsay Triple Sp P Stb M M 50 20 10 •gg4Et*DOUGHORECSAN WB 115 14 14 7l 13» 13= C Kur.imerJ S Cosden I 12 10 4 2 WOODLAKE w 115 12 9 14 14 14 ■ Taplin C A Stoneham 20 M 50 20 10 ISent out in entries as Thnea. % |toupled In kcttkag; no separate place or show betting. Time, 1:00. Track good. J- Wkaset — Ch. -, by Fair Play— Oastanna de Iiuri .r, Iy «eaun trained by S. C. Hildreth; bred by t Mr. P. T. Ckhm. Went to part at 4:4". Al post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- inc. COCKS DE I.ION paaiwd the leader at the stretch Urol, but was hard ridden to v. in. COEDE.N Ri LE set a fast pace and hung on well for i-econd place. MAC LIB raced close up all the way, but : teak not gain on the leaders. PARK BILL closed a gap and finished gamely. UiOH CBJKf also made ap KroaatdL, ICNSINI tired. Scratched— g278L*8na gnest, 112; 0277G William Tell. US; 02fi2 Flying Devil, US.

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Local Identifier: drf1922062701_2_8
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