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C v ■ "• ■ 6 : 6 5! . s . j I | * I ■ i 1 c j ■ j j j I £ ! 6 I | I | C . i t • o | j 1 1 l . c i • : ;, i| ! 5 I 5 • .. 5 1 I | r r i I f 1 1 || j || K » I I j • || • l| 1 Ij I i I | I L 1 t L j 3 a ! a ! ■ j i j j I 1 a I I 1 h 1 j I , r j 1 ■ j 1 I t i r ! k T . 7, | I • • • 1 • *i K. I t la j I fith RAPP 5 1~2 Fnr,OI1S»- 2-year-olU. lahniiig. Jane 7, IOOO 1 :4 5 2-5 MAYOR CAREEX, b, g, 3 fM 105 B7 AU Gold— Rumpus, by Hamburg. 1 Trainer, at Geldbiatt. Owner. H. P. Whitney. 62811 latonia 51 f 1:08 fast 47 M 10* 4 6 f 4» J Heur el IS Ml—Baaai. Kennmare, Koldgold 62660 Latonla 6, f 1 Sfast 6 115 1 3 9 I" W W Tier 12 FlratWar«t ISaaliai. Bencelaw 412356 Latonla 41 f 5Si,fast n-10 115 4 2 21 :l D CoaaUrll Macbeth, Taylorliay. Cap. Bicka 62298 I atnuBl 41 f 55 fast 6 115 1 5 31 3-l D "onnlly 7 IMIdle;on. Ban. Bearer, KentL 62158 hurhiU 41 f Il%faat 18 115 5 3 3* B 1 ConnllylO Staaderer, Taylor liar. Gjeniiret 59663 Havana 3-3 35 fast 1 115 8 51 8*1 C Robson 9 T. Flier. Pallidaiaa SLAXDERER. ch. g. 3 107 By Mar.agcr Waitc — Gossip, by The Scribe. Trainer. S. Cbenault. T. C. McDowell. 162787 latonia 5-3 1:01 V ast 14-5 113 » 7 5» r,l H Martin U Tartar Hay. Autonia, Pavlowa 62103 I-atonia 51 f l:08»faat 21 115 1 3 41 67 R Martin 10 Tokihime, Kent L.. Dearie 6239« I.atonia 41 f 54 fast 8 108 3 3 4l 4" .1 Howard 9 Hopeless, HiighesGham, Skeexix 62 158 I hurchill 41 f 54Vfaat 9 Hi 4 1 2 1» J H Burn-10 Taylorllay. MorCarrel, Glenlivet 6158S Lex ton 41 f 554-;,-ait U 116 6 4 8 sT2 J Howard 12 Hopeless, Bess L., Stone Age STONE AGE, b. c. I M 100 By Granite— Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Tramer. J. McKeon. Owner, W. A. Baumgart tier. 626C0 Latonia a f l4B%Caot 1 110 10 6 5* 511 E BaeBaBI IS S*t Ward, May. Carrel, Admirer 62558 Latonia 5-8 1 :61 Sfast 42 107 3 5 3» 21 C Ralls I TIorHay. Bencelaw. AStebier 162356 latonia 41 f H 4 »f 110 7 6 51 5« ■ Roehm II Macbeth, lay. Hay, May. 4 arrel 62007 Churchill 41 f : t fast 12f 110 12 12 12 12*" ■ Roehaa IS Cmbria. Rlieator, tillivel 1618:54 Churchill 44 f EB%aaajS V t 107 7 6 6l 571 B Roehm 10 Gaeal of Heoor, Wida. AnnaToc 61794 ChurchBl 41 f r.:; 20 106 6 6 6a 8" ■ Roehm T Jakieliay. ELGaaaai. OM Top 1161536 1-extoa 41 f aafoat 8f 110 13 3 B*| B Roehm 13 UopeBeaa, Bam L, Gall Ford C05SO F.Gnda 1-2 BBTIBjij 30 112 8 » M* M*« O Walls ll Dearie, LtlaeThae, MiaaCttiM D5889 F.tinds 3-8 38hvy 15 116 6 71! Tl G Wall! 9 Leslie. Billy GtfMea, Loellla 159779 Ftinda S-l 38Dmud 20 116 4 41 5J; Walls 11 Anitallampton, Dearie, Delusive 59751 F.Gnds 3-8 36 good 30 H8 1 7 Feil.G Walla 7 Ol Hop, ftGOawa, Bil. Whiskers 5W9 F Gnds S-8 35fast SO 115 S 1 " 9;1 G Walla 12 Pet. Brown. BSLtsSaeae, 5952:1 F.Gnds 3-8 36-khvy 8 113 10 101 12" G V.alls IS Nowata. BaaaaBL. MaijorieWootf 59372 F.Gnda 3-8 36V»faet li 115 7 H 57 G Walls 12 Daniel. Better Lock, nngha* ATHLETE, b. g. 2 M 105 By Sir John Johnson— Wren, by Star Shoot. Trainer, C. Bills. Owner. Rogers Sc Aubucaon. 62558 Latonia 5-S LOIVast 93 112 6 2 El 6»1 F .tr.ith 8 T.i.rl.Hay. Ston.-Age. Renclaw 62356 latonla 41 f «;afast 24 115 5 3 71 9" B* Smith 11 Macbeth, Tay.IIay, May. t artel 62110 ChurchiU 41 f 60 115 8 8 8 S» H J Borka I Banter. JaeJxBaaer, K ■ll.-ndletoa SSSS1 Cburchill 41 f 54 fait 20 115 9 6 71 I" N Barrett 12 Pr.eC Fimbria, Bticator, Gliivet 61903 Churchill 41 f 51iifast 93 110 4 6 8 8,:.I Frat.cU 8 Fuil Spoon, An. Tad, II. Gruhata 61810 Churchill 1-2 4a%Bi»w IH U5 2 3 31 f| F .-mith 11 Bess L, Kent I , Taylor Hay BoSSB 1-2 SBTlhTjf 12 112 4 11 11 11lkM Buxtota 11 Dearie, UlaeThoe, Miss Claire 8*414 F.Gnds 3-8 35Hfast 15 HS 1 9 U" F Mur;hy 12 Cork, Swerhart, The i l.-ter 60312 F.Gnds 3-1 35%good 5 114 i 11 5 G Wails 12 Roekahre, Fl oFmi. TaylorHay :;*7S F.Gnds 3-8 38 hvy 2 HS 2 21 2 G Walls 7 BWaaara, T.Maleskaar, IPchus 5993S F.Gnds 3-1 38Vihvy 15 113 3 Bj 2" G Walls 12 ,1piiincC. T.Mskiur, L.Gaffy ISBBBB F Gnds 3-8 38%hvy 8 114 1 6» 6*1 I Butwell 9 Lealie, Billy Bttwao. KopiHa r,?779 F.Gnds 3-8 38cimud 10 117 * 31 4» I BuUvell ll aaltaBamatoo, Dearie, DaloaHa MSB F Gnds 3-8 35%fast 20 115 7 1* 5*1 J Butwell IS Pet .Brown, BltOikrea. Bet.Lu k GLENLTVET, b. c, 2 M 100 Ey Bartlik okaaa HamUton, by Dau.iM A. Trainer, R. N. Vestal. Owner, G. L. Blackford . 162158 Churchill 41 f 6 %taat 6 115 3 f. fi l«| B names IS SliaStrtf, TaylorHay, kTrCarrel 62407 Churchill 41 f E4 fast 21-5 115 7 3 Bj V ■ Baraaa 12 Pr.efCmhria, Baatkatar, feeeaa 61310 CTiurchill 1-2 4Jslow 18-5 115 7 7 7» 7 1 a rVUsoa 11 !•• s 1... Beat L.. Athlete 61470 Lexton 1-2 47«0iast 21 110 6 4 6 6*1 A VTUaoa IS Certain. Priace BL, livid. Apple BESS L., b. t. 2 104 Ey Sir John Johnson — Ee.h Miller, by Millar. Trainer, G. Land. Owner. C. Woidemaan. 62396 latonla 41 f 54 fast 35 104 2 4 6l 6:s G Fl ids 9 Hopeless, HagbeaCaam, 111 null 62079 Churchill 41 f Sl.slow 10 112 3 3 4* 5H D ConnUy B Poppye, Hughe* G aaam, Carta ;!•!.; Chtirchill 41 f oi1 .fast 8 H5 2 8 51 BH J Eoeller 12 Parlewa, Aatoaia, Paaaa 61810 ChurchiU 1-2 49islow 8 112 I 2 Ll I* D Connllyll Kent U, Athlete, Taylor Hay 61654 Lexton 41 f 56 slow 8 109 11 10 12 12** B Garoer 12 Pull o* Pua, Valoise, Delaaira 61586 Lexton 41 f ab-fast 10 112 2 1 Il-l U Cooallyll Hopelese, Btoae Age, UaU fort 61495 Lexton 41 f 57mud SB 109 6 2 El 5i D Connllyll Anaa Tod, Pappye, PaUadinai 6113B Lexton 1-2 4SSgood a 115 9 12 111 W M Gaunter 12 A hack, Figbt.Cook. B.uaiTake MEtTirrZ 3., br. I, 2 M 102 Ey S*eep — Lsdy Strathmore, by Stratluaara, Trainer, J. O. Whitlow. Owner, J. S. Barbee. alttTfl laitanta M1B fast 22-5 H2 1 6 S| 47 E Pool 10 LadyGorhana, Kcanmare, Power 62660 Latonla 51 f l:BS%faat 9 112 11 11 10» 7!* J Oweaa i2ii :.-l. May.Carret Admirer 62517 Latonla E-B 14%hwT 44 115 7 5 7l ."« f Smith 11 Tokihiaae, Rendita, Roldgotd 62130 ChurchiU 41 f 51 fast 63 10S Left at post. H Barn s IB PaauGorda, Barb.Palmer, Bd-aa MART OHARA, br. g, 2 M 105 By Delhi Tareaiiiry, by Lampliglttar, Trainer, W. Perktns. Owner, G. F. Btker. 62660 Latonia 51 f 1 :0Sfast 26 115 12 6 6« 6* D Connlly!2 Ft Ward, May.Carret Admirer 162603 I-atonia 54 t LVssfast 58 110 7 7 SJi! 8 KenndylO Tekihime, Kent L, DearJa 62400 latonia S-S LOlfast 22 112 6 7 7 SJ N Barrett B Keal L.. LeaUe, Tea Sixty 62007 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 6 115 2 11 Sl C7J M Garner 12 Pr.of Cmbria, B* tics tar, Ulllael 61939 Churchill 41 f RiAIaat 58 US 3 5 5* 5 " I Murray 9 Dr. Maker. B.BelieveMe. Caiadia LICHEN, ch. f. 2 M 102 Ey PaUud— Woodnitch, by Octagon. Trainer, A. Williamson. Owner. A. Williamson 1. G26C0 Latonia 51 f 1.08%raat llf 112 * 8 0 4I0" H Gray 12 Ft Ward. Bay.Carret Admirer 02517 Latonia 58 1:0i-ihvy 30f 116 4 6 ti4 6" H Gray 11 ToUkrhae, Beadita, kj sale B. 61714 M.Heighta 1-2 49ifast 23 10* o» B Holway 7 M Beolah, BighTea, 8*1 Saootat 61660 M.IleighU 1-2 48Sgood 34 H 7 6« T Wayt 7 F.Canatin, StytaUaa, StrtShter 61626 M.Heighta 1-2 MffcgOoS 10 ldO ~i W Bocski S Btjrl Mlm. BhwBeeJah, BichTea C1557 M.Heighta 1-2 51*iSlow 13 112 6;l W Bogki I BighTea, liia-ionist, F.Cmadiaa BILLY BERN, cb, c, 2 M 105 By Pataud — Meadrosa, ty Meadowthcrpe. Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Owner. L. C. Crnt;her. 62811 Latonia 51 f IM fast 103 no 10 10 54 andJ J H Purkelo MiaaBeise, Keaaaaaro, Rjldgold 62558 Latonia B-S laBWfcxaaS 9S H2 4 4 41 57 .1 B Borka 8 Tay I. Bay, BtoaeAge, Beacelaw 162356 ijatonia 41 f M%faat 40f i* 8 7 61 6* T Mtjrray ll Macketh, Tay.Boy, Bay.CancJ f:-»301 Itcnia 41 f 54f4Caat 54 107 7 7 7 V T Murray I Pun.Gorda, U.Oraham, iavlowa OISS ChurchiU 41 f S4rajfaat 107 115 8 8 8» SiT H J BurkelO Blaaderer, Taylorllay, MrC.irrel 32007 ChurchiU 41 I 54 fast 43 116 11 10 ll1*!!-1 E Martin 12 Pr.of i. mbria, Utieator. Glliret