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NATURAL 0.30- WON and a scratch were yesterdays Dailies. This niakos 3 Nice Winners out of the last four. Madeline LilHan, 2.3 5- Won was a nice long shot that wo had last week. We suro aro making it interesting for tho Booties on this Eeryico. Terms: So. CO FOR SIX DAYS. Get New Book On Sale Today 35c AT ALL HEWSSTAHD3. Contains the East line on all the sleepers that is to bo obtained. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Rosm 403. 22 V. Quincy Street, CHICAGO, ILL. lade Good Again! 38 Out of 06 July 15. HOPELESS. 250-100, . VOil, and a lorer. So its hean y l-4r J-C Pai 1" years. Averaging 50 Sand i-Ci coat or bitter winners. Whore ohiO ca.i you set direct track info, f V JSyJ -sro X Specials each Saturday for X fl. Hail for two going July 22. Guarandntco o. a must win cr next two FREE. Same peopla weekly pact 13 years buy B."POETElt. Those that heat tho game steadily mast ha fjezuir.e info. Try a copy. Only 36c. all newsstands. It will convince you skeptics. Hailed mh. plain envelope, 3 wcahs, ?1. WEDifESD AT 5 SPECIAL: Forward-Siturday-"Wor.-TTs-Will-wa. THE TURF REPORTER OLDEST PD"BLICATIO:i III EXISTENCE. 22 V. Quncy St. Estab. 1CC4 CHICAGO. ILL. HEEE AP.E II? LAST V SPECIALS SENT OUT: Tuesday. 18, Ten-Lec, even, wen; Saturday, July 15, To, ceccr.d; Friday, July 14, Lady Zeus, 3 to 1, won; WednoEday, July 12, Cyclops, to 1, won; Tuesday, July 11, Brsiastcrm, second; Friday, Juno 30, Sloivesonard, " to 1, won; Wodnosday, Ju--o 23, Bon Homme, 2 to 1, won. Tho above results speak for themselves. How Ions aro you Eoin? to waste your good timo and mency cn irresponsible tipping institutions when you have the opportunity of joining ha::d3 with a man of affairs who enjoys the fcct of tanking and business references. Only pesans having business standins or bavins reforeucc used apply. Fikers and weUhera ttay away. My terms Send me by wire, after you collact yours, the winnings of a ?10 straight play. I cannot win if you lose. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN 1303 Lexington Ave. New Xrork City. N. Y. Yes, Tuesdays Special, FIE.H FULEND 11-10 WON and Fridays Special, SPUG3 15-1 WON All my frisnds must have made hand3o:ne profits. Another wonderful proposition is slated to go for the money Tuesday, JULY 20. Tako my advico; dont miss this opportunty. B.U3h your name and addrosa at once. Terms: The winnings of ?10, to bo sent mo immodiatoly after liorso wins. L. ALLEN 322 East CSth Street New York City 3 Winners Out of 4 Starters. Saturday Specials. Send Trr?- -71 -cr Juy 22 tw0, Guaranteo a HandSg--, winner cr following two FREE. Big doings. Soo new THOROUGH. -t$ ,JCf?TC$ BRED, any nowssta-d. only 35c. FS?"tS?and -1 TODAYS BEST: Ks?-r Come-Southern-Ate-Run-Out- THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimoro Eldfr. Estab. 1C07. Chicago, 111. 100 PER CE!3T HANDICAP COPYRIGHTED. Figure your own horses. 100 per cent handicap will givo you a percentage of winners that will startle you. Enable you to mako two or three plays a day or the entire card. RELIABLE CONSISTENT SUCCESSFUL. No tips you figure your own winners. L. H, PATTEN" LOCK BOS. :: LA SALLE. N. Y.