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Latest Work-Outs 984 WINDSOR, Ont. July 18. Todays training operations here included the following: VrIKDSOll. Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. Azrie 40 9S2-Kicksy WJcksy42 B6S-Baby Mine 39 975-Mauccvrc 41 054- C. A. Rinehart 40 flSO-ltmllsnt 39 973- Dark Honse ...38 0S2-Tlpsy Danc-c ..42 9S1-Flnzey 40 Topmost 40 950- Kewple ONcil 40 Half Mile. 980- Anaprisa 51 979-Mereury 40 951- I5C Good 55 0S2-MIss Jemima 51 931-Brasa Tacks ..52 9S2-Newninrkct ...52 07S-Parnay 54 9S3-0ur Birthday .52 975-Decision 51 981-Paropas 40 BSl-Doris 53 932-Sir Clarence .51 SSl-Klias 0 53 OSO-Uptown 50 97S-Fcrcusoa 53 981-War Winner ..53 055- Fincastle 50 Five-Eighths Kile. Donegal 1:00 982-.Tos. H. Levy 1:05 971-Doric 1:0S Mar. Collins 1:04 9S3-Ed Fcndlelonl:G9 9SO II. Wingfield.l:00 02-Fannie Iican 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 05G-Buddic Kcau 1:22 9S2-Pcter Piper 1:19 978- Citation 1:22 OSl-PIaywright .1:22 979- Gor.dolier ...1:21 982-St. Maurice .1:27 979-North Sea ...1:20 982-Tlie Vgcanccl:20 927-Old MeKonna 1:24 9S1-Witch Flowcrl:21 Sovon-Eighths Kile. 974- Kings Court 1:34 One Kile. 975- Anstral 1:52 974-Irish Jig 1:54 979 Hetty J 1:52 052-Lcta 1:34 979-lilarney Boy 1:49 979-Rcdstone 1:49 975-Collinga 1:54 9S2-Star Jester .1:50 YONKERS, N. Y., July IS. Todays training gallops at Empire included the following: Weather clear: track fast EMriRE CITY. Three-Eighths Mile. 981- AUie Ochs ..;37 975-IIigh C 37Vs 981- Hlanc Seing ..31 9S1-Jug 37Vs 9GS-Bravo 37 Mark Twain ..33 973-1r. of Umbria. 39 9S0-Moonraker 37 699-Cirrus 37vs 97G-Polythia 39 978-Forest Lore ...39 070-Simple Simon. .3S4 Half Mile. 950- Ben Wood 54 9S2-Knobbic 4S4 930- Bo McMillan .50 I; Tigrc 50 977-Brother Pat . .50M; 982-Mad Hatter ..47 SSl-Coaligan 52 OSl-Miss Star 49 SSO-Dorninique 51 975-Ncw Orleans ..50Vc 957-East View 50 982-Nose Dive 50 977- Fsench Max ..50 9Sl-Pittston 50 959-Great Lady ..51 562-lMutrel 49 951- Great Man ...49 979-Stony Point ..49 952- Grey Las 47 980-Tr.ll Timber ..50 978-IIephaistos 49 981-T.mgcrine 50 953- Idle Toy 50,S 982-Tliundcrclap ...47 Interior 49 9S2-Wellfinder 49 982- Kai-Sang 47 9S1-Wildrake 49 SS3-Kippie 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 9S2-Bctter Timesl:03 907-Qaeen Blondcl:06 9C7-Confort 1:05 954-Stch Verdict.l:07 979- Driftwood ...1:03 082-Sor.thn Crossl:0244 982-Ghost 1:07 981-Smiday Best .1:03 9S2-Hourbel 1:02 9S1 Tan II 1:01 969-Lady Myra ..1:03 9S2-Wilkes-Barre 1:01 Thrce-Quarlers Mile. 9S2-Aladdin 1:17 0S3-Laurcls 1:1S 981-B. McLughlinl:17,; 9S1-L:.berty Girl. .1:10 9S2-"BilIy Watts. .1:10 946-LEfare ....1:15 977-Blaek Raeal.l:lG S3-Merry Land.l:li 97S-P.right Lightsl:20 9t55-Monardella ..1:15 951- Cromwell 1:20 97a-Mi:tiny 1:19 973-Daydue 1:19 9S2-0n AVatch ..1:10 952- Ievastal!on .1:10 973-Pientc 1:1S 979-Innlin 1:17 9S2-Poe 1:19 952- J?dict 1:15 9Sl-Rcparation ..1:17 953- Rxecution ...1:20 981-Sandy Hatch.l:23 951- Figodon 1:18 9S2-S:ren Maid ..1:14 iS2-Finality 1:17" 9S2-Svcep Bv ...1:15 975-CladbrOok ...1:15 9S2-AVaywd Ladyl:lG 9S3-Jolly 1:10 Seven-Eighths Mile. 950- Einator 1:34 9S2-Irelude 1:33 952- J. Paul Joncsl:20 982-Missionary ..1:33 One Mile. 951- Calialan 1:45 9S1-Thimb!e 1:45 931- Frigate 1:47 9Sl-Tv. Sev. Div.l:45 975-luns Albert. .1:44 9S1-Vonisclos ...1:40 t72-Kirtle 1:40 941-Kenlot 1:44 979-ietterman ...1:4G 978-Zed 1:44 918-Normal 1:43 Kilo and an Eighth. 072-Bellsolar ....1:59 Chicago and Enilalo Handicap. 1 Joella J., Athlete, Teds Plum, Billy Bern. 2 Philanderer, Batty H., Louie Lou, Our Maid. 3 Marmite, The Nephew, Prince Welles, Col Chile. 4 Miss Crestwood, Delhimar, Article X., Athgarven. 5 MADGE F., Nashoiah, The Swimmer, Minnie II. 6 Secretary, Satana, Speedster, Cacambo. 7 Walk Up, Don Dodge, Link Boy, Mary Jane Baker. Observers Hantlicap. 1 Joella J., Oriental, Athlete, Teds Plum. 2 Batty II., Philanderer, Slippery Silver Bristow. 3 Winding Through, Redmon, Marmite, Thi Nephew. 4 MISS CRESTWOOD, Delhimar, Tony Sue. Maura. 5 Madge F., Minnie H., Peggy Eaton, Nash- otah. G Satana, Secretary, Balance Wheel, Musito. 7 Don Dodge, Walk Up, Mary Jane Baker, Link Boy. Consensus ot Handicaps. 1 JOELLA J., Oriental, Athlete, Teds Plum. , : 2 Batty IT., Philanderer, Slippery Silver, Rubula. 3 The Nephew, Redmon, Marmite, Winding Through. 4 Delhimar, Miss Crestwood, Tony Sue, Article X. 5 Madge F., Nashotah, The Swimmer, Min nie IT. i Secretary, Cacambo, Satana, Balance Wheel. 7 Don Dodge, Walk Up, Link Boy, Mary; Jane Baker. MOUNT ROYAL PARK The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are : Mount Royal Park Montreal, Que., July IS, 1922. 1 Port Light, Military Girl, Humpy. 2 ASSYRIAN QUEEN, Joe S., Hip o Green. 5 Joyce Hoffman, Pepper "ea, Al. 4 Fairy Nymph, Sheka, Jacquerie. 5 Lee Enfield, Herron, Ahah. ; G Amaze, Duke Ruff, Chefa. 7 Bread Line, Pittsburg, Huntress. E. E. Ferguson.