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Darling sales at SARATOGA OPEN ON i Friday, August 4 and Continue Through Practically the Entire Meeting FASIG-TIPTON CO. 31-33 East 27th Street, SARATOGA SPRINGS, IV. Y. NEW YORK CITY lliral,iailMira,H,B,,EM i i THE BEACON Hailed Every Thursday Evening; Contains news of interest to horsemen and trainers regarding: present form of horses that are expected to win next start. Also ratings and intended coups. We Have No Specials to Sell You "When -we receive late -word on anything good wo wire or mail same to subscribers free of charge. Subscription rate, one week, 51; four weeks, . All Beacon Headers Were Given: TROUBLER ..9.60 Won GRAYSSIAN . . .65 Won Order now. Dont miss next weeks BEACON. Subscription rate, 1 week, ; 4 weeks, . All business by mail. BEACON NEWS SERVICE 1463 Broadway, :: :: NEW TOBK CITY. Today Is the Day My advertised LONG SHOT goes at SARATOGA 10 to 1 OR BETTER Is expected on this one, as few know anything about it. Here is your chance to get your vacation money today. I AM GIVING THIS FREE jost to shoy TOTJ the kind of "INTO" I get and make you CLEAN UP today. Go at once to nearest telegraph office and "WIBE me yonr name and address with bill to guarantee payment of telegram. This ?2 you set back. BUT you must eend the . C. CLOCKER 20 "West Jackson Boul. Chicago, 111. NOBIS SEA ?7.75- WON and a third were last Saturdays XX Specials. Dont fail to get next Saturdays Getaway Specials at Hamilton. All they cost is ?2.00. KINGS COUET 2.15- WON was yesterdays Free Form Special. Xou not only get a Free Form Special with the Blue Book but also tho best lino on sleepers at all leading tracks. 35c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Form Special: April-Apple-56-40-30-88. Standard Turf Guide, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, HI. WIN OR MONEY BACK On My Four Advised Plays AT SARATOGA WIBE OB HAH. HE 0.00. If youre not a winner on these four plays Ill return your money, less telegraphic charges. First horse starts Thursday. GET BUSY. AL "WESTOTf, Suite S09, 37 Madison Ave., NEW YORK CITY. ANNUAL RACING FORM for 1921 IS NOW ON SALE The International Authority on American Racing, Circulating in the United States, Cuba, Philippine Islands, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Australia, India, Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc, eto. Annual Racing Form has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospective purchasers of the 1821 edition is respectifuHy called to the desirability of placing orders early, PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES PRICE, PER VOLUME, 0 Copies by mail must go as registered matter, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACIMB FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 PLYMOUTH COUJtT i: CHICAGO, ILL. The American Racing Manual FOR 1922 NOW ON SALE The Encyclopedia of Thoronghbreddom THE 1922 MANUALS Handicap Table have been brought up to date. Instead of divisions of quarter, seconds the three tables have all been modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their application charts is an intro duction and general directions for handicap ping by the late Nin S. Hand, an expert of the first class. Engraved diagrams of thirty-trro leading American race courses, with their locations, capacities, chutes, stands, width of tracks and length of stretches in detail. ITS REGULAR FEATURES ARE All Scales of Racing Weights. Americas Leading Sires. American Racing Statistics for the Tear 1921. American Stake Races for the Year 1921. Bargain Yearlings and the Rererse. Uookmaking Tercentage Table. Comparative Mile Speed. Dead Heats of 1021. Disqualifications of 1921. English Betting Rules. Great Money-Wiuning Ilorges of the American Australasian and English Turf. Handicapping and Racing with Examples. Highest-Priced Thoroughbreds of the American and European Turf. Lending Winning Two-year-olds. Long-Priced Winners of 1921. Most Important Races of Foreign Countries. Necrology of the Tnrf in 1921. Pari-Mutncl Retting Explained. Race Track Records of All the Tracks of the United States, Canada, Cuba and Mexico. Racing of American Tboronglibreds in 1921. Racing Organizations and Their Officials. Racing Records of the American Australasian Canadian and English Tnrf. Records of Miles in 1:3S or Better. Record Odds in the Pari-Mutuels. Remarkable Jockey Feats. Sires of Two-year-old Winners of 1921. Thoroughbreds That Died During 1921. Track Record Speed. Twenty Leading American Sires of 1021. Winners of Important American Stakes. Yearling Sales of 1921 In America, etc., etc. With this eminently handy book any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing In the past. Its equal has never been printed and, considering the topics It covers. It is an extremely low-priced book of general and correct turf Information. PRICES BY MATT.. Leatherette Bound .60 Paper Bound .10 Full Purchase Price Must Accompany Each Order THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL is a copyrighted publication. Its contents must not be nsed without permission. Tho matter in tho pages of The American Racing Manual is original and has been written and compiled by its editors and statisticians. Proof of originality is ready in case protection has to be sought against unauthorized copyists. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. MI PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ELL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET a BUFFALO. N. Y SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM TERMS: 15 Cents Per Copy Per "Week ? 1.00 Per Month 4.00 Half Year 20.00 One Year 40.00 Single copies by mail 12 cents each. As plain enveloped letter; first-class mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 82ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y, THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK issued on the first day of each month, with complete charts of the previous months racing in North America, now carries an index showing each and every start of all horses in training, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated. By means of this arrangement it is possible for the user of the Monthly Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired, as shown in the following examples: LAST SPARK, ch. r, 5, by Martimas Flicker H. A. Cotton X J30971 310S8h 131252m J31453;h e31497s 31523 s "31Gl!i J31632 J31729J 131S21 31S43sy r31933h 31963h 319S9s 132000 320SG 132147 J r 32231 P32303 "32377 "32399 324195 32S15 P32S36 328S3 32944 J3322C 133276 33352 "33435 B33320h 33655h J33S27 "33902 "34032 34139s 34357 34504 "34574 34610 "34748 "34S44 HAPENNY, ch. g. 6, by Rock Sand Half Sovereign. .. H. Lang X 3130GS f31375 31432 T31470 "3153S i3155 h3158Sni E31740U s31S14s C318331 131934s r31978J 131993 32072h 132094s J32123MI 321C5 r3217o 32213 J 322 13 132S11 J32879 33029 33130sy 332S7Js 33309 E334G13 ll3356SIs k3367C 3377SJ k33S22 S33923 h339CS 3n055in k34241 3420G 34309h 34422s 34Gllh J34C31 J34717 J31751 ZODIAC, ch. r, 6, by Star Shoot Lady Vincent M. J. Daly .X 31079 "31179 "3122S 31309 31350s r31410 "31457 P31540s "31G09 J316SS J31743h 331913 331982 J3202G 320G2h 3212Sh 132209s "32250s 322S11 "32458s 324S3h P32511sy 32543 132537 3305Sh 332CS "33309 333S8 r33460s 33G07 P33312 P336771 P33745 33972 34OS0sy "34139 31303 P34428ssy "34541 k34371 34 CSS 3474S P34S17s The letter "h" indicates heavy; "m," muddy; "sy," sloppy; "s," slow. Races not otherwise designated were over fast or good tracks. The alphabetical sign before each race number shows the I distance at which the race has been run according- to the key below: 1-4 and 3-8 Mile A 1 Mile 2V 3 1-2 Fnrlongo B From 1 Mile 20 Yards to 1-2 Mile 11 1 Mile 100 Yards O 4 1-2 Furlongs F 1 1-1G Miles . P 5-S Mile G 1 1-S Miles Q, 5 1-2 Furlongs II 1 3-10, 1 1-4 and 1 B-1G Mile. It 3-4 Mile J 1 1-2 and 1 3-S Miles S G 1-2 Furlongs Iv 1 .-S and 1 3-4 Miles T 7-S Mile Ii 2 to 3 Miles lT 1-2 Furlongs M 3 to 4 Miles V In addition to the complete charts of all races run on North American tracks during the month, comprehensively and correctly indexed, the June book contains the following . NEW FEATURES: IT Complete Index to Stakes Run Since January 1, 1922 Thirty Leading Owners Since January 1, 1922 Thirty Leading Horses Since January 1, 1922 Stake Dates tor Month ot July, Alphabetically Arranged Track Records tor All Distances Calendar Table of July Racing Dates I Monthly Form Book FOR JULY I WILL BE ON SALE I WEDNESDAY NOON, AUGUST 2 I The Price Remains Unchanged, .00 I Single copies by mail must be sent as registered mail, with I an extra charge of TEN CENTS for registration. Not respon-I sible for books sent by mail without registration. I DAILY RACING EORM PUBLISHING CO. I 441 Plymouth Court - - Chicago, HI. I 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - New York, N. Y. I 74 Exchange Street - - Buffalo, N. Y.