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Latest Work-Outs 9 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 11 Todays training gallops here included the following : SARATOGA. Weather clear ; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 99G-A11 American.. 3T 7-Rock Bottom .355 985-Bantry Pass ..37 5-Routledge ....35 5-Goshawk 30 l-Scribble 30?f. 9G3-My Reverie ...41 r.-Tom Cassidy ..35i 7-Martingalc ...37 1-Tas el 33 7-Mirabelle 35 7-Valador 37and Half Mile. 5-Rlazes 2-Honicstrctch. . 50 999-Rluc and Cold 49 7-Liwaito 50 7-Bullet 53 !-Loiterer 50 5-Uarbary ISusli AT- 7-McKee 50 1- C. Pantagcs ..54 5-1urity -19 3- Pevastation ...50- 1-Simplex 49 fi90-Dust Proof 50 5-Vulcain Park.. 52 954 -Dream Maker .52 U-AVildiakc 50 G-Kliminator 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 999-Aspiration ..1:03 3-Kindred 1:02 7-Arw of Goldl:02b 7-KuigIithool .1:04 993-Coloncl 1:01 7-Ladv Rose ..1:05 7-Certain 1:03 999-Mctric 1:03.?. 7-Crocliot 1:01 7-1rima Donna 1:05 7-Dunlin 1:01 7-Iaragon l:0u 4- Dimmesdale .1:04 7-Runviso 1:05 3-Kaster Bells 1:02 7-Sakah 1:0 j 99G-Gon. Jouett .1:04 4-Sniling Alongl:03 3- Grnss Maid ..1:03 , Sequel 1:03 990-IIulIabaIoo ..1:07 915-S. Goldman. .1:03 871-Irish Kiss ..1:05 4-Vacuum LOS 2- Jigstep 1:04 997-Wellfindcr ..1:03 Three-Quarters Milo. 7- Brocklcsby ..1:15 2-Gladbrook ...1:10 4- Bettie ltcall. .l:ld S-Morvich 1:15 5- Corse Payton 1:15 4-Modo 1:10 8- Dm of Allah 1:1S 5-Ten-Lec 1:15 Seven-Eighths Mile. S-Boxwood 1:29 4-Polythia 1:30 G-Laekawanna .1:30 1-SIeiveeonard .1:32 8-May Blossom 1:34 One Mile. 7- B. McLghlin 1:41 7-Firm Friend 1:41 8- Bill and Coo 1:44 7-Naturalist ..1:4S 8-Brilliant Starl:44 S-Ovcrtake ...1:40 99S-Double Cross 1:43 Tassel showed good speed. Billy McLaughlin worked creditably. Polythia looks and acts good. Naturalist refused to work kindly. Rock Bottom and Mirabelle showed goad promise in training. Daniel was under restraint. Double Cross galloped from the barrier. Barbary Bush handles himself like a real horse. Brocklesby was not fully extended. Goshawk seems fresh and good. Blazes galloped easily. Bettie Beall could have worked faster. Crochet and Dunlin both ran well. Morvich was under restraint all the way. Firm Friend showed a good mile well. Modo galloped under restraint. Easter Bells and Kin.dred ran well on even terms. Ten-Lec did her gallop easily. Martingale showed speed. McKee and Wildrake worked from the barrier. On Thursday afternoon Enchantment had his final for the Special. He worked three-quarters in 1:14. Messenger, the Belmont candidate for Mie Special, also had his final trial. He galloped the quarter in 23, half in 47, three-quarters in 1:14. He accomplished his task in commanding style and is sure to give a good account of himself. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear ; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 928-Brumado 37 7-Ralco 33 Half Mile. 997-Aladdin 51 8-Grey Las 51 2-Bud Lerner ..51 999-Opperman .10 5-Captain Alcock52 G-Sr. Aalentine. .54 4-Dream Days ..49 992-Ticacey 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 7- The Almonerl:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 999-Costigan 1:20 6-Mollic Barnesl:23 4-Kdict 1:19 991-Olynthus 1:24 4- Knot 1:19 One Mile. 5- Ilayfel!ov ..1:55 Dream Days showed good speed in the coft going. Grey Lag looks as good as ever. Bud Lerner and Aladdin galloped together. Captain Alcock is training well. The Almoner lias a good way of going. Edict was under restraint. Knot looks and acts good. Playfellow is taking regular training. FORT ERIE, Ont., August 11. Todays training gallops here included the follqwing : I FORT ERIE, Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. C-Atlilete 3S 924-.Tustina E 37 G-Billy Gibson ..41 73S-Keltoi 43 2- Camouflage ...41 999-Lunetta 3G 1- Dcspair 3G i-Miss Emma G.37 093-Dr. Hickman 37 4-Mastcr Jack ..37 9S9-Dottas Best ..30 8-NuIli Secundus 40 8- Bulah F 38 3-Pampas 39 999-Explosive 38 G-Itoyal Maid ..39 5-Fair Gain 39 5-Tippo Sahib ...39 992-Hidden Jewel .37 904-AVreekcr 40 5- Johnny Dundee 37 973-White Socks ..40 Half Mile. 3- Dr. of t. Valy49 8-Prctendcr 50 3-IIildur 5G 5-1rismar 50 8-Isomorphous ..50 9SG-lcter Piper ..48 G-Knot Grass ...50 1-SundiaI II. ...52 970-Melodrama 51 1-The Enquirer 53 6- Mavourneen ...52 Five-Eighths Mile. 5-A1 Pierce ...1:03 2-I"l G. Brovnl:03 Floralia 1:03 5-I"toral Swainl:02 8-Flying Jacquel:02 8-Speedy Girl.. 1:03 7- Hot Coal ...1:03 7-Siren Maid ..1:02 3-Kings Court 1:04 5-Wee Toddler 1:05 Three-Quartors Mile. 2- Golden Spliercl:18 2-Quanah 1:17 S-On High 1:18 S-St. Qiientin l:o 2-P. G. King 1:20 7-The Lamb ..1:21 One Mile. 7-Dark Hill ..1:43 9G7-Itaider 1:43 2-Muttikins ...1:49 5-Spanish Maizel:49 973-Murray 1:44 3-AVur Mask ..1:45 7-Mock Orange 1:42 Hidden Jewel only cantered. Lunetta showed good speed. Dr. Hickman ran Avell. Johnny Dundee had a good turn of speed. Peter Piper is speedy fo.r a short way only. Dream of the Valley is long overdue ; works well all the time. Speedy Girl appears to be a good maiden ; worked fast from the barrier.