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Latest Work-Outs 20 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 22. The following are the work-outs for today: SARATOGA. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. lS-Arapahoe 37 18-Longboat 3G 18-Amor Patriae .35 lS-Normal 35 13-Bo McMillan .37 14-rennon 38 13-Bluffcr 37 18-Rork 37 18-Bud Fisher ...35 8-Runleigh 36 13-Car. Pantages..36 7-Runmath 36 13-Drogheda 3Gand 17-Stnr Court ...35M; 15- Goshawk 35 14-Trajanus 35 12-Great Luck ...37 10-Toil 36 996-Grcat Lady ...36 18-Trystcr 37 7- High Prince .30 lG-Valor 35 18-Kippy 35 15-Yirginius .....30 12- Laekawanna ..37 17-Woodlake 36 988-Lucidus 30 Half Mile. 17- Athelstan 53 11-Dunlin 50,f. 18- Asterisk 50 18-Exteiminator .50 8- Bctter Times .49 14-Homestretch ..50 16- Br. Tomorrow..50M; 16-Martingale 50 18-Boxwood 47 18-Mawrcoron 49 18-Best Pal 49 14-Owasko 50 18-Chiffoa 52 18-Plentycoos 50 IG-Codina 51 17-Paragon 53 lG-Diagram 50 10-Rock Bottom .49 lS-Doughoregan ..49 13-Soph. GoldmanSO Fivo-Eighths Mile. lG-Black Monkeyl:02 lG-Pandowdy ..1:02 13- Bon Fire ...1:05 17-Pcddler 1:05 18-Coat of Annsl:05 18-Quaint 1:03 18-Catapnlt 1:03 18-Rping Homel:03 18-Confederacy 1:00 18-Runetta 1:07 15-Esquire .....1:07 18-Scribb!e 1:02 lG-Faith W. ...1:07 17-Serenader ...1:11 18-Hobgoblin ...1:03 18-Solisa 1:02 Miss Reverie.l:00 13-Utah 1:05 17- Monardella .1:04 15-Vacuum 1:00 17- Miss Belle ..1:01 Three-Quarters Mile. 18- Avalanche ..1:15 18-Lady Madcapl:16 632-Adelia W. ..1:18 8-Racquetta ..1:16 15-Blossm Time. 1:15 18-Red Brand ..1:22 15- Big William. 1:20 11-Rustem 1:17 16- Bctty Bcall .1:15 19-Sun Thistle .1:16 974-Childs Play. 1:19 18-Sakah 1:16 18- Daniel 1:21 19-Sad. and Btsl:19 14- Dust Proof ..1:19 12-Thimble 1:13 11-Donges 1:17 18-Valentia 1:15 19- Dry Moon ..1:14 12-Vanderburg .1:19 14-Evil 1:15 17-Witchwork ..1:21 14- Gladiator ...1:16 17-Y. Traveler .1:22 Seven-Eighths Mile. 15- Bit of Whitel:27 12-St. Allan ..:1:33 16- Emotion 1:28 18-Modo 11:28 18-Hullabaloo ..1:27 - One Mile. 18-Braedalbane 1:42 12-Overtake ...1:45 16- Chestbrook .1:47 18-Passamaria .1:47 18-Castanet 1:47 16-Polly Ann ..1:43 18-June Grass .1:43. 12-Violinist ....1:45 Tryster was cantering. Pandowdy and Solisa worked easily together. Sun Thistle showed fine speed in the first half mile of her work. Modo and Emotion galloped easily on even terms. . . Polly Ann had an easy work-out. Dry Moon seems fresh and good. Blossom Time and Betty Beall were both under restraint. Scribble has a good way of going. Thimble worked surprisingly well. Monardella joined Thimble for the last five-eighths. Braedalbane was under a pull all the way. Lady Madcap was not extended. Star Court showed a good order of speed. Martingale and Dunlin worked easily on even terms. Rustem and Donges had an easy gallop together. Bit of White showed fine speed. Hullabaloo did his work in good fashion. June Grass galloped an easy mile. Goshawk worked fast. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 13-Curtis 39 16-Kai-Sang 39 18-Dream Days ,.3S 12-Tuxedo 39 Half Mile. 15- Bces Wax ...50 lG-Hourbel 54 3-Chief Flynn ...52 12-Mark Twain ..54 17- Crossless 84 18-Newmarket ...50 17- Druid Hill 51 17-Poor Puss 52 16- Dicks Dghter.52 18-Rigel 01 Five-Eighths Mile. 18- Edict 1:04 11-Roseate 1:08 17- Oil Man 1:04 Three Quarters Mile. 17-Careful 1:22 960-Mystic 1:24 19- Jocose 1:22 19-Sedgefield ..1:23 One Mile. 17-Donhlc Cross 1:59 17-Vendor 1:54 13- Tangerine ...1:52 17-Yankee Star 1:52 17-Trevelyan ...1:54 Edict did a good work easily. Oil Man is training well. Careful and Jocose worked easily together. WINDSOR, Ont., August 22. The following are the work-outs for today: WINDSOR. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Ardella 3G 19-CoIanel Matt... 37 19-Bandeau 41 18-Plucky ".39 15- Bromelia 38 16-Theo 39 17- C. J. Craigmile39 Half Mile. 14- Be Good 48 974-Orlova 49 13- Dor. Buckner 51 16-Par. Diamond 52 14- Duke John 51 15-Pietrus 49 19-1. G. King 51 16-Ragyzza 53 16- Georgette 51 18-Rekab .50 18- Hadrian 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 15- Cicercnian ...1:02 15-Johny Dundeal:02 9- Floralia 1:03 10-Nenette 1:03 14- Fluzey 1:04 15-Moss Fox II. 1:07 Harry Yanrayl:04 15-Target 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 15- B. Drummondl:17 S-North Sea ...1:16 17- Dernier Sou .1:15 Oakland 1:19 17- Fannie Bean 1:19 17-Rcd Wingfldl:15 10-Galllvant ...1:26 Royal Gem ..1:17 16- Harmonious .1:15 15-Saiiing B. ...1:23 18- June Fly 1:19 17-Stoto 1:15 17- LEffarc 1:17 19-Sun Brae 1:16 15-Locarno 1:18 18-Tau Son 1:14 One Mile. 14-Ar. of Gold 1:50 17-Gol. Sphere .1:42 17-Bastille 1:46 17-Lady Meave..l:47 17-Bcljoy 1:47 15-Lion dOr ...1:59 14-Bcniface 1:53 15-Mor. Elder ..1:44 17-Dioraed 1:48 18-Sailor ...1:4S 19- Dorando 1:46 18-Rubidium ...145 Ardella showed a good turn of speed. Colonel Matt cantered. Bromelia is training well. Be Good worked a fast half with ease. Orlova seems to be in good form. Pietrus seems to be ready. Tan Son was sent for all there was in him. Golden Sphere was always under restraint.