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I Entire Dispersal of the I BASHFORD MANOR STUD 1 on the Farm, two miles from Louisville City Limits, on the Bardstown Road, I Thursday, September 7 a at 10 A. M., Completing Sale in Time for Races. 76-- HEAD --76 1 INCLUDING THE STALLIONS j RALPH FREECUTTER 1 13" Yearlins -13 I LL" IT RJaPDc iViOlCS amLL JO THE GET OF I S Sain Ralph Under Fire B 1 " 15 Weanlings 15 1 fe Six Two, Three, Four-Year-Olds THE GET OF Cross Country Type. Escoba Ralph Alvescot H 1 18- HORSES IN TRAINING -18 1 DORIC DORIUS ORLOVA ASIA SIR LAWNFAL I THARON DAMORIS ANBEANA FEDORA HAMET I MODNA LEONTES LOCARNO LUBECK MANOR I I MARCEL MELUN SELIM 1 I CATALOG READY. APPLY TO I The Kentucky Sales Co., Lexington, Kentucky 9 Ithe GOLD bond system! 1 OF TURF SPECULATION. X An original, successful, powerful method of turf speculation, based on the invincible and in- j A disputable law of average. A system which eliminates the chance element and makes racing a 2 systematic business investment instead of a chance speculation. J SENT ON APPROVAL. y GUARANTEED TO WIN CONSISTENTLY OR IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. , o ? This system requires no knowledge of racing, handicapping or "any of the technicalities of the . T game. It may be operated at the track or in the books, and is zo simple that a child cannot go . . I wrong. It is the only system sent on approval. Guaranteed to win or no pay. : . SEND NO MONEY. T Simply send your name and address today. Get this wonderful system on approval. Try it at -. risk. Not one day, but ten days, ten weeks or ten months. If it doesnt "win it costs you noth- . ing. Under this offer you take no risk. Why not investigate today J . iour SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO., X LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY Dept. 1 - - - - THE HOME OF THE THOROUGHBRED. LOOK ! BOYS, LOOK !! This wonderful system only had 9 losing bets in the last meeting at Louisville and Lexington combined. The best bet only had 5 losers in 29 days. Last meeting at Latonia same system only had 21 looera out of 99 bets. The best bet only had 4 losers. Now, gentlemen, it can do the came this fall. SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still picking the long shots. Here are a few winners: The Wag 1945-2 Tom Korris .2855-2 Xaura Miller . ...3G25-2 Sailor 2390-2 Ablaze 1CG0-2 Bread Line 15C0-2 Plain Bill ......1820-2 Curtis 10-1 Buckwheat .....1460.2 Kuskallonge 8-1 Hocair 2165-2 Knot 6-1 Affectation 1770-2 Xast One 1505-2 Doyle 2915-2 and a large number of others. Get this system and pick your own winners. Can be played at or away from the track. These systems are good always on any track. Price in full 0.00. Then, after you get them and if they have not dono just as I advertised, I will gladly return, your money. Nothing accepted by telegraph. J. H. CR0SMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA. INDIANA 5 XXX Special This horse goes for the money a.t Churchill Downs providing track is right the first of next week; has been carefully prepared and kept -under cover and should pay a long price. Remember, this horse must win or your money refunded. Why try to pick -them when you can get this information direct from the stable. Bush your subscription at once with correct address. Dayton Information Service 24 Xorth Canal Street, DAYTON, OIIIO. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN wishes to announce that his fall and winter campaign starts Saturday, Sept. 9. Every horse will be filed in advance with this and other reputable newspapers and every special sent out will be adv. win or lose. Honesty is my policy. My past record and reputation speaks for itself. If you are reliable and can use 2 or 3 good plays weekly, and want to do business with a person of affairs, dont hesitate. Bush your correct name and address now. Terms Send me by wire, after you collect yours, the winnings of a 0 straight play. I cannot win if you lose. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YOBK CITY, N. Y. Telephone Lenox 6110. YES, MY LAST FIVE SPECIALS WON Routledge 7-2 Won S. Peur n...15- Won Wake Up..9.35- Won Resting Time . Won Kk Lady.?15.50- Won Winners get the money. Winners are what I send. out. Parties with references, who can use several safe plays -weekly, can rush in their correct names and addresses. Terms, the. winnings of 0, to bo sent me after horse wins. Two more big Specials going Wednesday, Sept. 6; Friday, Sept. 9. L. ALLEN 222 East 89th Street New York City, N. Y. FOX LIVE ONES GET THE REPORTER ONLY 35 CENTS WEEKLY On Sale at All Live Newsstands SATURDAY S SPECIAL: No. 282 THE TURF REPORTER 2 W. ftuincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, HI. THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM FREE BOOK ON RACING will bo sent upen request without obligation. This book shows in .detail profits obtained at every track tabulated "by Racing Form for past 2V2 years. We arc confident that a method that has won consistently for that length of time will continue to do so. We can show you how to regain your losses. Our claims are moderate but positive. An investment, not a speculation. THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM is oa file in U. S. Patent Office and with Racing Form. Small payment secures system complete, balance from profits. No trouble to play away from track, as it names horse to be played. This free book will surely interest you, as will our guarantee and -forfeit declarations. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. FRANKLIN STREET BALTIMORE. MD. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1807 Chicago, HI. SATURDAYS BEST: No. 15 Book Now on Sale Everywhere Racing Form Is 35 CENTS PER COPY THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL FOR 1922 NOW ON SALE The Encyclopedia of Thoroughbreddom THE 1922 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their application charts is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nin S. Hand, an expert of the first class. Engraved diagrams of thirty-two leading American race courses, with their locations, capacities, chutes, stands, width of tracks and length of stretches in detail. With this eminently handy book any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing in the past. Its equal has never been printed and, considerins the topics it covers, it is an extremely low-priced book of general and correct turf information. PRICES BY MAIL: Leatherette Bound 51.60 Paper Bound ,. 1.18 Full Purchase Price Must Accompany Each Order THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL is a copyrighted publication. Its contests must not bo used without permission. The matter in the pages of the American Racing Manual is original and has been -written and compiled by its editors and statisticians. Proof of originality is ready in case protection has to be sought against unauthor. ized copyists. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLSHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL, 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, 1TEW YORK, N. Y.