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BAIL Y RA CING FORM HANDICAPS BELMONT PARK The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Belmont Park Long Island, 3f. T., September 8, 1!22. 11 Runelise, Kippy, Untidy. 2 Crest Hill, Earlocker, Frank B. 3 Last Straw, Emotion, Mary Patricia. 4 COSTIGAN, Sedgfield, Tufter. 5 Lucky Hour, Athelstan, Flannel Shirt. C Shamrock, Cavea Emptor, Vigil. V. J. OitelL Now VorU Handicap. 1 Untidy, Runelise, Miss Star, Kippy. 2 Frank B., Crest Hill, Earlocker, The Virginian. 3 Penrose, Emotion, Ten-Lec. Last Straw. 4 Tufter, Sedgefield, Costigan, Duncecap. 5 FRIGATE , Lucky Hour, Chesterbrook, Pirate Gold. C Shamrock, William Tell, Caveat Emptor, Cyclops. Chicago :iml ItulTnlo Handicap. 1 Untidy, Equinoctial, Runelise, Miss Star. 2 Frank B., Crest Hill, Bob Redfleld, Earlocker. 3 Polythia, Last Straw, Bantry Pass, Pen Rose. 4 Sedgefield, Costigan, Bellsolar, Tufter. 5 FRIGATE, Lucky Hour, June Grass, Bit o Black. G Amor Patriae, Sallys Alley, Canaque, Pennon. Obser vcrVs Handicap. 1 Runelise, Untidy, Equinoctial, Kippy. 12 Frank B., Crest Hill, Earlocker, New Haven. 3 Emotion, Last Straw, Polythia, Pen Rose. 4 COSTIGAN, Sedgefield, Tufter, Duncecap. 5 Frigate, Lucky Hour, Bit o Black, Chesterbrook. C Shamrock, Amor Patriae, William Tell, Caveat Emptor. Consensus of IT:nil ioa vs. 1 Runelise, .Untidy, Kippy, Equinoctial. 2 Frank B.,"Crest Hill, Earlocker, Bob Red-field. 3 Last Straw Emotion, Pen Rose, Polythia. 4 Costigan, Sedgefield, Tufter, Duncecap. 5 FRIGATE, Lucky Hour, Chesterbrook, Bit o Black. 6 Shamrock, Amor Patriae, Caveat Emptor, William Tell. DORVAL PARK The horses which seem best in Mondays races are: Dorval Park Montreal, Que., September 9, 1922. 1 Sans Peur II. , Fizer, P. G. King. 2 Mabel Curtis, Devonite, Freezy Sneezy. 3 ARRAGOSA, Veronica, Trippawa. 4 Camouflage, Mumbo Jumbo, Titania. 5 Sangrado, Feylance, Beverly Belle. C Azrael, Mallowmot, Blarney Boy. 7 Bengalese, Tan IL, Doyle. T. 1C. Lynch. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Sans Peur II., Theresa, Clean Sweep, The Portuguese. 2 Freezy Sneezy, Mabel Curtis, Little Patsy, Horinga. 3 Arragosa, Fitzrue, Uptown, Zing. - 4 Mavourneen, Mumbo Jumbo, Camouflage, Titania. 5 FEYLANCE, Beverly Belle, Chloris, Sangrado. 6 Azrael, Blarney Boy, Mallowmot, Bengore. 7 Tan II., King Trojan, Bengalese, Doyle. Chicago and Ilniralo Handicap. 1 Comment, Clean Sweep, Cavalier, Thistle Queen. 2 Mabel Curtis, Freezy Sneezy, Indian Prince, Little Patsy. 3 Uptown, Arragosa, Veronica, Fitzrue. 4 Camouflage, Titania, Mumbo Jumbo, Mavourneen. 5 FEYLANCE, Chloris, Quanah, Sangrado. C Blarney Boy, Azrael, Mallowmot, Bengore. 7 Booneville, Tan II., King Trojan, Rhymer. Observers Handicap. 1 Sans Peur "II., Clean Sweep., Fizer, Zoie. 2 Mabel Curtis, Indian Prince, Freezy Sneezy, Devonite. 3 Arragosa, Uptown, Fitzrue, Trippawa. 4 Camouflage, Mavourneen, Titania, Mumbo Jumbo, 5 FEYLANCE, Beverly Belle, Chloris, Quanah. C Blarney Boy, Azrael, Mouette, Mallowmot. 7 Bengalese, Tan II., Booneville, King Trojan. CoiiKCiiKiis of Handicap. 1 Sans Peur IL, Comment, Clean Sweep, Fizer. 2 Mabel Curtis, Freezy Sneezy, Devonite, Little Less. 3 Arragosa, Uptown, Veronica, Fitzrue. 4 Camouflage, Mavourneen, Mumbo Jumbo, Titania. 5 FEYLANCE, Sangrado, Beverly Belle, I Chloris. 6 Azrael, Blarney Boy, Mallowmot, Bengore. 7 Bengalese, Tan II., Booneville, King Trojan. THORNCLIFFE PARK The horses which seem best in Mondays races are : Thorncliffc Park Toronto, Ont., September 9, 1C22. j 1 BROADVIEW, Troubler, Plymouth Rock, j 2 Stlyish Miss, Macbeth, Miss Edna. 3 Different Eyes, Panaman, Joyce Hoffman. 4 Ring, Bobby Allen, Ogarite. 5 Citizen, Night Raider, James F. OHara. C Magician, Fluzey, High Gear. 7 Solid Rock, Summer Sigh, Secretary. F. II. Sproule. Xoiv Yorlc Handicap. 1 Plymouth Rock, Jacquerie, Flying Ford, Primo. 2 Macbeth, Athlete, Love Bird, Athanna. 3 Panaman, Joyce Hoffman, Marmite, Hin-j doostan. 4 Quick Run, Bobby Allen, Shoot Away, I Ring. 1 5 IRISH JIG. Night Raider, Ten Can, James I F. OHara. C North Wales, Blossom House, Fluzey, I High Gear. 7 Solid Rock, Summer Sigh, Secretary, First I Consul. Chicago and IlnfTalo Handicap. 1 Broadview, Flame, Flying Ford, Troubler. 2 Athanna, Athlete, Illusionist, Dentaria. 3 Marmite, Different Eyes, Panaman, Delhi mar. 4 Bobby Allen, Shoot Away, Ring, Toe the Mark. 5 JAMES F. OHARA, Irish Jig, Ten Can, Night Raider. 6 High Gear, Magician, June Fly, Comme Ci. 7 Solid Rock, Buckboard, Tulsa, Secretary. Observer Ilaiullca"- 1 Broadview, Flying Ford, Jacquerie, Plym- out Rock. 2 Athlete, Athanna, Illusionist, Love Bird. 3 Panaman, Marmite, Different Eyes, Harry Burgoyne. 4 BOBUY ALLEN, Ring, Miss Caltha, Oga rite. 5 Night Raider, Ten Can, James F. OHara, Irish Jig. G Magician, High Gear, Fluzey, Clean Gone. 7 Solid Rock, Tulsa, Secretary, Summer Sigh. Consensu. of Handicaps. 1 Broadview, Plymouth Rock, Flying Ford, Troubler. 2 Athanna, Athlete, Stylish Miss, Macbeth. 3 Panaman, Different Eyes, Marmite, Joyce Hoffman. 4 Bobby Allen, Ring. Quick Run. Osarite. 5 James F. OHara, Night Raider, Irish Jig, Citizen. G Magician, High Gear, North Wales, Fluzey. 7 SOLID ROCK, Summer Sigh, Secretary, Tulsa. DUFFERIN PARK The horses which seem best in Monday s races are: Puffcrin Park Toronto, Ont., September 9, 1022. 1 Leading Star, Mormon, Harp of the North. 2 Assyrian Queen, Lady Binmore, Captain B. 3 Speedster, Sarivan, Flying Beauty. 4 Plum Blossom, Golden Chance, Earnest. 5 AVION, McLane, Just Fancy. 6 Flibbertygibbet, Redmon, Some Baby. 7 Penelope, American Eagle, Pretender. J. J. Murphy. IV civ York TTaiullcap. 1 Harp of the North, Mormon, Enos. Moody 2 Captain B., Lady Binmore, Lady Felix, Assyrian Queen. 3 Maiden Voter, Tricks, Sarivan, Flying Beauty. 4 Commander Colin, Earnest, Plum Blossom, Golden Chance. 5 Avion, McLane, Just Fancy, Dependence. 6 FLIBBERTYGIBBET, Some Baby, Her- ron, Verity. 7 American Eagle, Penelope, Mary Jane Baker, Hocnir. Chicago ami IliITalo Handicap. 1 Harp of the North, Cock o the Main, Mormon, Enos. 2 Lady Felix, Assyrian Queen, Captain 15., Lady Binmore. 3 Speedster, Maiden Voter, Tricks, Flying Beauty. 4 Peppery Polly, Commander Colin, Earnest, Blondel. 5 AVION, McLane, Black Pat, Just Fancy. G Some Baby, Flibbertygibbet, Verity, Her- ron. 7 Pretender, Penelope, American Eagle, Mary Jane Baker. Observers Handicap. 1 Harp of the North, Leading Star, Cock o the Main, Enos. 2 Assyrian Queen, Lady Felix, Captain B.t Lady Binmore. 3 Speedster, Tricks, Maiden Voter, Sarivan. 4 Earnest, Peppery Polly, Commander Colin, Plum Blossom. 5 McLane, Avion, Just Fancv, Black Pat. G FLIBBERTYGIBBET, Some Baby, Redmon, Verity. 7 Mary Jane Baker, Penelope, American Eagle, Dottas Best. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Harp of the North, Leading Star, Mor mon, Enos. 2 Assyrian Queen, Captain B., Lady Felix, Lady Binmore. 3 Speedster, Maiden Voter, Tricks, Sarivan. 4 Plum Blossom, Commander Colin, Peppery Polly, Earnest. 5 AVION, McLane, Just Fancy, Black Pat. 6 Flibbertygibbet, Some Baby, Redmon, Verity. 7 American Eagle, Penelope, Alary Jane Baker, Pretender.