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LA TEST WORK-OUTS 60 LATONIA, Ky., October 3. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 53-Banker Brown 35 942-K. Williams. . .37 53- Best Pal 33 22-Make Up 36 973-Chaplet .37 IIP. G. Brown .37 54- Donges 33 45-Spats 36 34-Dr. Clark 30, 993-Sister Flo ...30 58-Donegal ......37 958-Tacola 35 GS-First Bluish... 37 55-Translate 38 55- Gordon Shaw 37 55-Wful Waiting39 58-Grasa Maid . . .36 Half MQe. 52- C. o the Eoost49 Mabel Rule ...50 33-Cut Up 50 53-Piedmont 51 968-Diana ...48 970-Rcel Foot ....49 50- Leslie 48 52-Smuts 52 55-Lady Madcap .51 35-Tender Seth ..50 Five -Eighths Mile. 877-App, Jack 11.1:02 57-Lady. Mother 1:04 54- Body Guard 1:03 48-McGees Pinkl:03 58-Banter 1:02 44-Montpeiri ...1:03 57-Brunnett ...1:03 58-Miss .Minerral:03 57- BHly Star ..1:04 48-Merle 1:03 58- Bantam 1:03 47-Rt on Time. 1:03 44-Betty Mae ..1:03 941-Sam Lorch ..1:03 49- Certain 1:04 58-Startle 1:03 48-Jean. Bowdrel:08 54-Settle ..1:02 51- K. Carpenterl:03 974-Yennie 1:05 55- Kindred 1:02 907-Youneed 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 58-American Acel:14 58-Ind. Trail ;.1:15 54-Bctty Beall .1:14 962-Louis A, 1:16 58-Beg Pardon .1:15 923-Last Rose ..1:17 58-ClintonvIUe .1:15 52-Mart OHara 1:16 43-C. McMkin 1:19 52-Ruggles 1:16 58-Demos 1:18 54-Rib Grass ...1:16 732 Foul Wther 1:15 53-Sir Lawnful 1:14 58- Hold Me ....1:10 52-Sea Prince. ..1:18 One Mil. 10-Anglum Maidl:44 2G-Suave Prince 1:46 50- Bit of White 1:40 50-Sir T. Kean.l:45 59- Cho Clio 1:43 58-Sway 1:45 53 - Jake Feld ...1:45 48 -Tony Beau ..1:45 19-J. F. OHara 1:43 35-Tulane 1:45 982-McGoodwin .1:46 43-Virgo 1:43 990- PIr. McGee .1:43 43-Walnut Hall 1:49 50- Pit 1:45 Mile and an Eight!!. 53- CantileTer ..2:04 51-Fantoche ...2:01 Mile and a Quarter. 58- Ashland 2:10 58-Lady Rachel 2:10 American Ace showed an impressive gallop. Betty Beall worked well. Sir Lawnful moved fast Tulane was under restraint. Bit of White worked as if near his best form. Ashland and Lady Rachel galloped on even terms throughout. NEW YORK. N. Y., October 3. Todays training operations here included the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile, 54- Bridcsman 36 13-Sunsini 36 51- Evel. Sawyer .30 52-Tuxedo 37 40-Hullabaloo 42 57-The Peruvian 35 56- Mormaw 35 57-Transient 39 57- Recoup 33 57-Valentia 35 5G-Spugs 38 Half Mile. 54-Blue Hawk ....51 50-Mawrcoron ....48 54- Dolores 48 55-Rejection 52 57-Esquire 54 55-Spot Cash ... .52 55- Irene Sweeny .49 55-Sir Sidney ....49 Five-Eighths Mile. 55-Dream Days.. 1:01 54-Sea Tag 1:03 53-Faithful GirU:03 55-Wegie 1:03 55-Peter Brown. 1:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 884-Briarcliff ...1:19 57-Kirglevingn 1:10 57-Chlef Frynn..l:18 50-Pe of Umbrlal:24 57-Deep Sinker. .1;16 One Mile. 48-Costigan ...1:47 Pilgrim 1:48 5G-Dominican ..1:47 Mormaw showed her speed. "Valentia was not extended. Transient showed a good speed gallop. Dolores looks and acts good. Mawrcoron ran fast. Dream Days as usual worked well. Peter Brown was under restraint. Kirklevington and Deep Sinker worked together. Costigan galloped an easy mile. LAUREL, Md., October 3. Todays training gallops here included the following: LAUREL. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Bettle Dear ...38 Malzavcna 38 47-Billy Gibson ..30 50-Max Gold 39 51-Clean Gone ...38 50-Mainmast 41 55-Calistoga 40 53-Radiant 38 55-Bromelia 39 53-St. Quentin ...39 50-Jealous Woman37 5-The Lamb 37 53-Keziah 40 729-Tubby A 3G Half Mile. 57-Ourrent Events50 42-I.ucky Button .54 57-Delhi Maid ...52 13-I,ynmouth 51 55-Dr. Johnson ...50 55-Lloyd George ..50 59- Dcxterous 52 729-Last Girl 51 50-Elizabeth Bean51 24-Lady Myra ...52 9SS-Bxcuse Me ....54 5G-Nedna 52 50-Fannie Bean ..51 47-Romulus 50 49-Frank Monroe .50 10-St. Donard 52 49-Grace Foster ..51 55-Silence 53 Gold Mount ....51 50-Tidings 50 991- Josephlne C. . .51 750-Tenons son . . .04 Five-Eighths Mile. 902-All Fair 1:07 54 -Royal Gem ..1:03 55-Better Times 1:04 53-Simplicity .:i:07 Three-Quarters Mile. . 905-Black Deer ..1:19 50-Polly Ann ...1:18 59-Comixa 1:15 54-Petite Dame 1:17 57-C. J. Cgmilel:20 57-Rubidium ...1:17 977-Futen 1:19 5G-St. Lawrence 1:18 49-Fly by Day 1:23 53-S. and Bootsl:17 59-IIidden Jewel 1:19 54-Trcvelyan ...1:17 55- Little Ammiel:18 19-Vigil 1:18 5G-NocI 1:20 5G-Woodland ...1:23 16-Oakwood 1:17 919-Zorro 1:16 One Mile. 953-Anniversary .1:48 55-Gallagher 1:45 57-A11 Over 1:42 50-Hendrie . 1:52 56- Balustrade ..1:48 59-K.s Chpion 1:55 47-Bunga Buck 1:46 53-Rummel 1:47 21-B. of B. Rgel:43 5G-Super 1:54 57- Comic Song 1:45 59-Servitor 1:40 57-Dresden 1:58 57-Wid. Bedotte 1:51 S59-Gipsy Joe ...1:47 20-Little Hope .1:45 28- Grace Mayersl:45 . -Jealous Woman seems to have a good, turn of speed. Billy Gibson ran well. Tubby A. is showing good speed. Romulus and Dr. Johnson . ran well together. . r " Better Times worked evenly all the way. OakWood was under restraint. WINDSOR, Ont., October 3. Training gallops here included the following : KENILWORTH. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 50-Angelo 37 57-Forriova .39 29- CarmandaIe ..30 40-The Nephew " ..37 Half Mile. C9-Buckwlieat ...49 27-Royallieu 51 57-Dark Horse ..50 Three-Quarters Mile. 57-Bdog Drmdl:16 59-Procyon 1:19 29-Higli Gear ..1:18 One Mile. 57-Brill. Jester 1:40 Buckwheat and Dark Horse worked together ; both were driving.