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DAIL Y RA CING FORM HANDICAPS HAWTHORNE The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are : Hawthorne Park Chicago, 111., October 3, 1922. 1 Anita K., Eris, Crudenas. 2 Ed Le Van, Harry Rudder, End Man. 3 Don Jose, Batty H., Vanessa Wells. 4 MONEY, Smiling Maggie, Bill Blackwell. 5 Citizen, Grayssian, Halu. 6 Black Watch II., Regreso, Miss Prosperity. P. Clark. New York Handicap. 1 Anita K., Crudenas, Zapatos, Auntie Em. 2 Vansylvia, Carl Roberts, Bill McCloy, End Man. 3 Woolday, Jacobina, Different Eyes, Caval- cadour II. 4 Money, Delhimar, Reliability, Madge F. 5 GRAYSSIAN, Marine Corps, Halu, Citizen. C Regreso, Frank F., Spectacular Girl, N. K. .deal. Chicago ami Buffalo Handicap. 1 Anita K., Stylish Miss, Zapatos, Paula. 2 Bill McCloy, End Man, Vansylvia, Harry Rudder. 2 Jacobina, Batty H., Different Eyes, I. W. Harper. 4 Madge F., Phrone Ward, Delhimar, Relia bility. 5 GRAYSSIAN, Marine Corps, Halu, Citi zen. 6 Black Watch II., Spectacular Girl, N. K. Beal, Regreso. Ohxcrvtrs Handicap. 1 Anita K., Zapatos, Crudenas, Stylish Miss. 2 End Man. Bill McCloy, Carl Roberts, Ed Le Van. 3 Different Eyes, Jacobina, Don Jose, It. 4 Madge F., Money, Reliability, Phrone Ward. 5 GRAYSSIAN, Marine Corps, Halu, Citi zen. G Regreso, Spectacular Girl, N. K. Beal, Black Watch II. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 ANITA K., Zapatos, Crudenas, Stylish Miss. 2 Ed Le Van, Vansylvia, Bill McCloy, End Man. 3 Don Jose, Woolday, Jacobina, Different Eyes. 4 Money, Madge F., Delhimar, Reliability. 5 Grayssian, Citizen, Marine Corps, Halu. 6 Black Watch II., Regreso, Spectacular Girl, N. K. Beal. LATONIA The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are : Latonia, Ky., October 3, 1922. 1 Whirl, Wayward Lady, Banker Brown. 2 Heskiluna, Princess dOuilly, Prestolite. 3 WALNUT HALL, Sea Prince, Travesty. 4 Orlova, A. N. Akin, Salvo. 5 Dr. Clark, Rockminister, Lady Madcap. C Bosh, Leslie, Chiva. 7 Georgette, Dimples, Diana. J. L. Dempsey. Kciv York TTa iiUens. 1 Wake Up, Wayward Lady, Spats, Whirl. 2 Romping Mary, Prestolite, Grass Maid, Sweet Lady. 3 Billy Star, Walnut Hall, Travesty, Sea Prince. 4 Sway, Sewell Combs, Ruby, A. N. Akin. 5 LADY MADCAP, Rockminister, Dr. Clark, Best Pal. G Bosh, Macbeth, Away, Cash. 7 Georgette, Oo La La, Loveliness, Lady Mother. Chicago nml llufT.-ilo Ha ml Ion it. 1 Wake Up, Whirl, Lady Astor, Wayward Lady. 2 Romping Mary, Heskiluna, Sweet Lady, Prestolite. 3 Billy Star, Walnut Hall, Travesty, War Prize. 4 Ruby, Orlova, A. N. Akin, Sway. 5 DR. CLARK, Lady Madcap, Rockminister, Best Pal. G Bosh, Array, Piedmont, Dapper Dan. 7 Dimples, Diana, Lady Mother, Locust Leaves. Observers Handicap. 1 Whirl, Wake Up, Banker Brown, Lady Astor. 2 Sweet Lady, Romping Mary, Heskiluna, Prestolite. 3 Walnut Hall, Billy Star, Travesty, Pir ate McGee. 4 Sway, Ruby, Orlova, May Bodine. 5 DR. CLARK, Rockminister, Lady Mad cap, Startle. C Bosh, Macbeth, Cash, Chiva. 7 Dimples, Georgette, Diana, Lady Mother. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Whirl, Wake Up, Wayward Lady, Banker Brown. 2 Romping Mary, Heskiluna, Sweet Lady, Prestolite. 3 Walnut Hall, Billy Star, Travesty, Sea Prince. 4 Sway, Orlova, Ruby, A. N. Akin. 5 Dr. Clark, Lady Madcap, Rockminister, Best Pal. G Bosh, Macbeth, Cash, Chiva . 7 Georgette, Dimples, Diana, Lady Mother. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are : Jamaica, L. I., 2T. Y., October 3, 1922. 1 Rork, Allie Ochs, Avalanche. 2 Winneconne, Kirklevington, Thornhedge. 3 VALENTIA, Bright Lights, St. Isidore. 4 Muskallonge, Nose Dive, Polythia. 5 The Roll Call, Wild Heather, Daydue. G Contour, Lustrous, Pay Dear. F. J. OrtelL IVcvr York Handicap. 1 Rork, Allie Ocns, Dicks Daughter, Ava lanche. 2 Orcus, Kirklevington, Thornhedge, Winne conne. 3 Valentia, Shaffer, St. Isidore, Esquire. 4 MUSKALLONGE, Hullabaloo, Nose Dive, Polythia. 5 Canyon, Daydue, Leghorn, Overtake. G Mormaw, Contour, Ethnea, Panache. Chicago and llnfTalo Handicap. 1 Avalanche, Prima Donna, Dicks Daugh ter, Rork. 2 Orcus, Kirklevington, Winneconne, Scot tish Chief. 3 Valentia, Bright Lights, Star Court, Tran sient. 4 MUSKALLONGE, Hullabaloo, Polythia, Nose Dive. 5 Canyon, Overtake, Leghorn, Sea Mint. C Morrow, Contour, Panache, Ethnea. OlisvrrcrN Handicap. 1 Dicks Daughter, Rork, Avalanche, Allie - Ochs. 2 Winneconne, Orcus, Kirklevington, Lord Herbert. 3 Valentia, St. Isidore, Star Court, Bright Lights. 4 MUSKALLONGE, Polythia, Hullabaloo, Amanda Hoey. 5 Canyon, Daydue, Overtake, The Roll Call. G Contour, Mormaw, Runetta, Panache. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Rork, Avalanche, Dicks Daughter, Allie Ochs. 2 Winneconne, Orcus, Kirklevington, Thorn hedge. 3 Valentia, Bright Lights, St. Isidore, Star Court. 4 MUSKALLONGE, Hullabaloo, Polythia, Nose Dive. 5 Canyon, The Roll Call, Daydue. Overtake. 6 Contour, Mormaw, Panache, Ethnea. LAUREL PARK The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are : Laurel Park Lanrcl, 3rd., October 3, 1922. 1 Druid Hill. St. Lawrence, Noel. 2 Jyntee, Hereafter, Pride of India. 3 Heeltaps, Felicitous, Lady Boss. 4 Nedna, Quincy Stable entry. Bluffer. 5 Captain Alcock, Bastille, Blazes. 6 Sword, Crock o Gold, Hickory. 7 BELLSOLAR, Trevelyan, Double Cross. C. J. Connors. New York Handicap. 1 Moonraker, Druid Hill, Belter Times, Knighthood. 2 Jyntee, Caligula, Charles J. Craigmile, Beverly Belle. 3 Heeltaps, Felicitous, Tassel, Mabel K. 4 Playfellow, Nedna. Harmonious, Bluffer. 5 CAPTAIN ALCOCK, Rebuke, Blazes, Bas tille. G Freezy Sneezy, Hickory, Little Amraie, Crock o Gold. 7 Trevelyan, Dresden, Knight of the Heather, Bellsolar. Chicago and TtnlTalo Handicap. 1 Moonraker, Druid Hill, Noel, Hoy. 2 Hereafter, Jyntee, Pietrus, Beverly Belle. 3 Tassel, Sun Doll, Lady Boss. Sweep Hawk. 4 -PLAYFELLOW, Nedna, Spanish Maize, Harmonious. 5 Captain Alcock, Blazes, Bastille, Rebuke. G Crock o Gold, Freezy Sneezy, Sword, Little Ammie. 7 Bellsolar, Knight of the Heather, Dresden, Double Cross. Observers Handicap. 1 Druid Hill, Moonraker, Better Times, Hoy. 2 Jyntee, Hereafter, Clansman, Beverly Belle. 3 Tassel. Heeltaps. Sweep Hawk, Sun Doll. 4 PLAYFELLOW, Nedna, Saddle and Boots, Harmonious. 5 Captain Alcock, Blazer, Bastille, Rebuke. G Miles S., Freezy Sneezy, Grace Foster, Crock o Gold. 7 Bellsolar, Trevelyan, Dresden, Knight of the Heather. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Druid Hill, Moonraker, Better Times, Hoy. 2 Jyntee, Hereafter, Beverly Belle, Caligula. 3 Heeltaps, Tassel, Felicitous, Lady Boss. 4 Playfellow, Nedna, Harmonious, Bluffer. 5 CAPTAIN ALCOCK, Blazes, Bastille, Re buke. G Sword, Freezy Sneezy, Crock o Gold, Miles S. 7 Bellsolar, Trevelyan, Dresden, Knight of the Heather. KENILWORTH PARK The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are: Kenilworlh Park Windsor, Ont., October 3, 1922. 1 The Nephew, Assyrian Queen, Arctic King. 2 LANCELOT, Ciceronian, Horinga. 3 Doc Gaiety, Seths Lemon, Ethel Clayton. 4 Elemental, Bulldog Drummond, Sun Brae. 5 Billy Lane, Ruddles, Old Chap. G Chefa, Betty J., Wakefield. 7 Rex Gaiety, Flibbertygibbet, Fornovo. T. K. Lynch. Nnv York Handicap. 1 Mormon, The Nephew, Assyrian Queen, Somme. 2 Lancelot, Ras, Phantom Fair, Ciceronian. 3 Ethel Clayton, Seths Lemon, Buckwheat, Patchwork. 4 ELEMENTAL, Madeline Lillian, Mars- dale, Sun Brae. 5 Ruddles, Yermak, Billy Lane, Mary Jane Baker. G On High, Betty J., Flame, George Duncan. 7 Fornova, High Gear, Flibbertygibbet, Rex Gaiety. Chicngro and IlnfTalo Handicap. 1 Assyrian Queen, Vibrate, Arctic King, The Nephew. 2 Lancelot, Phantom Fair, Ciceronian, Ras. 3 Doc Gaiety, Seths Lemon, Ethel Clayton, Patchwork. 4 ELEMENTAL, Sun Brae, Madeline Lil lian, Dark Horse. 5 Billy Lane, American Eagle, Old Chap, Ruddles. 6 On High, Flame, Betty J., George Dun can. 7 Flibbertygibbet, Rex Gaiety, High Gear, Blossom House. Observers Hand lean- 1 The Nephew, Assyrian Queen, Mormon, Vibrate. 2 Lancelot, Ciceronian, Ras, Phantom Fair, 3 Doc Gaiety, Seths Lemon, Patchwork, Buckwheat. 4 ELEMENTAL, Bulldog Drummond, Mad eline Lillian, Sun Brae. 5 Ruddles, Betty Lane, Mary Jane Baker, American Eagle. G Betty J., Chefa, On nigh, Wakefield. 7 High Gear, Rex Gaiety, Joan of Arc, Flibbertygibbet. Consensu of Handicaps. 1 The Nephew, Mormon, Assyrian Queen, Arctic King. 2 Lancelot, Ciceronian, Ras, Phantom FaiK 3 Doc Gaiety, Ethel Clayton, Seths Lemon, Patchwork. 4 ELEMENTAL, Bulldog Drummond, Mad eline Lillian, Sun Brae. 5 Billy Lane, Ruddles, Old Chap, Mary Jane Baker. 6 On High, Chefa, Betty J., Flame. 7 Rex, Fornovo, Flibbertygibbet, High Gear