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. . . o: U AUTU n D M C ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES HAYY InUnNt for Thursday, October 12 . . Of WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK MUDIi V. 64 facing starts at 2:30 p. m. 66014 Plaudcl 105 1:47 3 102X710 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. 66047 bWatcr Willow ....109 1:40 C 108X710 Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 66047 Day of Wrath ... .112 l:43-5 0 JOSXTOo allowance, b Blinkers. 66047 Scarpia II 112 1:43t5 108X70j J 66045 Cleopatra Boy M .103 1:56 0 103.. 700 ; TW t?,.i; i 9 v,.i, Purse 1UtJlSSBe. 6046 Rose of PicardyM 104 1:44 4 108.. 700 ; Track record: July 15, 19101:06 4105. Tourth Race 1 Mile. jr Todays Tursc 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Inil. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Track record: Aug. 4. 19001:38 3 90. 65735 Carlos Enrique ... 112. .725 66077 bN. K. Bcal 112 1:41 8 1OS0725 6 65923 Great Lady 112 1:07 103 X 720 66045 Bill Head 10S 1:41 0 10SX720 65970 Fernandos M 109 1:0S 103 X 715 66076 bWalter H. Pearce. . 8 10SX715 6i 66043 My Lorraine M . . 98X710 66076 "Laura Miller 115 1:40 7 103 X 710 6 66010 Crudenas 109 l:lls 111.. 705 66045 bHuzzas 7 108X710 gn 66010 Paula M 112 1:10 103.. 700 66012 Plash of Steel 109 1:42 8 108 X 705 66010 Stylish Miss 115 1:10 103.. 700 66047 The Colleen Bawn 6 108 X 705 108 1:42 0 108X705 66076 Normandie Second Race-5 1-2 Furlongs. 110 1:44 6 10S..00 66077 Old Rose Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: July 15, 1916 1:00 1 105. Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. ci 66011 Batty IT. 110 1:00 3 106X725 Congress Hotel Purse. 6J 65924 Shoreacrcs 95 1:07 8 108X 720 All Ages. Special Weights. c; 66046 Mary G 95 1:0S 4 103x715 Track record: July 29, 19161:12 4 120. c; 66077 Bonero Blue 98 1:0S 3 10GX715 65974 HARRY B 110 1:13 5 111X725 c; 65831 I. W. Harper 114 1:08 7 108X 715 65927 Betsinda 101 1:13 5 111X715 c: 66045 Rivulet 10S l:12s C 10SX710 65927 Mary Reigel 107 1:13 4 111X710 65737 Mark Denunzio ... 4 103.. 710 66013 Tuscola 98 1:13 4 111X710 65691 Maysville 106 1:07 4 108.. 710 65974 bBelle of Elizabeth- Q 65878 bOld Homestead ... 7 108X 705 town 105 1:11 C 111X705 66046 bMelody Man 100 l:17h 5 108X 705 sixtn Eace 1 1-8 Miles. M I66 s M 108 l:llh 3 10G..700 rurse 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 65831 Fourleaf Ill 1:11 4 108.. 700 TraJ Pecord: Aug. 2S, 1902-1:52-5-103. 6, Third Race 1 Mile. 65972 Friz 106 1:57 5 110725 Cj Turse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 66014 Edna D 4 110x720 g Track record: Aug. 4, 1900 1:3S 3 90. 66015 Tokalon March ... 99 1:54 8 105X715 c 66047sbMiss Prosperity .. 4 103 X725 66047 bNapthalius 109 1:53 C 106X715 c 66081 Madrono 116 1:41 5 108X720 65881s Louis 105 1:52 5 105.. 710 g, 66078 bBlack Top 96 1:40 4 108X715 66046 Christopher D. M 5 106.. 700 M ISt RACE 5 1 0J Jrlonprs. - ear-olds. Allowances. July 15, 101G Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish jj CARLOS ENRIQUE, ch. g, 2 113 By Seth May Day, Ty Leonid. j Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F R. Irwin. J 65735 Hthorne 5-S 1:02 fast 1 110 3 1 1 1 J Sington 7 Dr.McArthur, AnitaK., Crndenas l- 65554 Omaha 5-8 l:0Ofast 7 120 1" J Sington 5 Delante, Joella J., Paisley B 64945 Bghouse 5-8 l:02good 18-6 115 li J Sington 7 Dick Terpin, IvyGray, B. Ruth 64360 Hastings Ab 5-8 l:01slop S-5 111 l1! P Martinez 4 DickTerpin, ElmerW., BabeRuth j 63929 Brhouse 1-2 49fast 6 107 2 J Sington 6 Dick Terpin, Go, Furious Bill 6 63584 Reno 41 f 55 fast 31-10 105 1J D Hum 7 BrianKent, L.Leonid, MartBunch g C3392 Reno 5-8 l:01fast 32 100 D Hurn 7 DickTerpin, BrianKent, Irosity g GREAT LADY, ch. f, 2 103 By Ultimus Mollie Kearney, hy Sir Dixon. g Owner, G. Mahler. 6 65923 Hthorne 5i f l:0Sfast 3 104J C 4 41 6" G Marino C Delante, Ormont, Mt. Rose C5332 Aqueduct 6-8 59 fast 7-10 109 2 2 11 Is L Fator 10 Faithful Girl, Leloba, Candida r 65157 Belmt 51 f MC 1:07 fast 5 112 4 2 2 2n T Rice 10 Recomndation, Chile, Homestch 65052 Belmt 51 f MC l:07slop 5 94 G 4 2s 2 J A McLlin 9 Sequel, D.sDaughter, Bct.Wood 6 64961 Belmt 5i f MC l:06fast 8 101 4 3 3and 653 H Thomas 9 SunDoll, Belphriza, Thr.Square b 64787 Belmont 5-S st 1:00 slop 8 114 1 2 2and 43 T Rice 11 Wigwam, Panache, Contour 64517 Saratoga 5-8 1:04 mud 15 U4 2 2 2 35 T Rice 5 Pandowdy, Scribble, Jigstep c FERNANDOS, br. f, 2 M 103 By Cruzados Fernanda, by Rey el Santa, Anita. r, Trainer, L. J. Keating. Owner, L. J. Keating. C 65970 Hthorne 5-8 l:07slop T 106 6 1 li 2k J Sington 6 Dr.McArthur. MyLorraine, Eris 65735 Hthorne 5-8 1:02 fast 8 104 7 7 7 7" S McGraw 7 C.Enrique, Dr.McAhur, AnitaK. 65687 Hthorne 51 f l:09fast 8 101 7 4 7 6ls S McGraw 8 DixieDick, Layol, TipToelnn G 64884 Churchill El f l:06fast 27 112 4 5 81 10J1 J D Mneyl2 F.ofLove, GrassMaid, SweetLady fi 64793 Churchill 51 f l:06fast 18 109 7 X 31 6" A Wilson 7 OuiOui, FairAlice, FightingCook 0 64748 Churchill 51 f l:07fast 3 112 1 2 2 45J B Kenndy 9 Begum. RompingMary, Bandeau 6 MT LORRAINE, b. f, 2 M 98 By Tea Caddy Genevieve Sweep, by Sweep. jj Trainer, A. Menger. Owner, J. Allgeyer. 66043 Hthorne 5-8 l:08hvy 11-5 104 4 1 11 21 S McGraw C Eris, Anita K., Miss Edna 65970 Hthorne 5-8 l:07slop 8 103 3 3 3 3i H S Jones C Dr.McArthur, Fernandos, Eris I 65829 Hthorne 5-8 1:03 fast 20 108 8 8 41 41 H S Jones 9 Crudenas, Paula, Zapatos 65735 Hthorne 5-8 1:02 fast 12 104 2 S 615 618 J Chlmers 7 C.Enrique, Dr.McAhur, AnitaK. C CRUDENAS, br. c, 2 111 By Cruzados Ardenes, by Amigo. e Trainer, H. Webb. Owner, H. Webb. 66010 Hthorne 51 f l:14hvy 105 5 3 21! 21 C Dishmon 7 Ormont, Zapatos, Paula 65829 Hthorne 5-8 1:03 fast 8 111 2 2 2 lt C Dishmon 9 Paula, Zapatos, My Lorraine j 65735 Hthorne 5-8 1:02 fast 12 113 5 3 31 4" C Dishmon 7 C.Enriquo, Dr.McAhur, AnitaK. 65521 Lex ton F C l:10fast S3 104 Lost rider. J Owens 7 Antonia, Mammon, Marjor.Wood c 65297 Lexton 51 f l:10slow 21 109 2 5 51 5T M Garner 11 Ormont, Dap.Dan, PatHampson 64634 BlueGrass 5-8 1:05 slow 27-10 108 11 J Howard 0 Paula, Gonwithim, Ouch 64567 BlueGrass 1 4Sfast 33 115 3s J Howard 8 La Orb. Glencolex. Credit PAULA, br. f, 2 M 103 By Light Brigade Hermione, by Peter Quince. Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. M. Hubiard. 66010 Hthorne 51 f l:14hvy S 1021 3 1 31 4H S McGraw 7 Ormont, Crudenas, Zapatos 65970 Hthorne 5-S l:07slop 18-5 112 4 6 41 52 U Doyle 6 Dr.MArthur, Ferdos. M.Lorine 65829 Hthorne 5-8 1:03 fast 7 1051 6 1 11 2 J Conway 9 Crudena3, Zapatos, My Lorraine C 64748 Churchill 51 f l:07fast CO 112 3 6 9 9" J Owens 9 Begum, RompingMary, Hsudem c 64640 BlueGrass 41 f 55fast 3 109 6"! H E Jones 8 Glencolex, Bil.Bcrn, IreneWalton 64634 BlueGrass 6-S 1:03 slow 14-5 105 21 H E Jones 5 Crudenas. Gonwithim, Ouch STYLISH MISS, b. f, 2 103 By Granite Intricate, by Hastings. Trainer, G. Archibald. Owner, G. Archibald. : 66010 Hthorne 51 f l:14hvy 12 971 4 6 5 510 R Doyle 7 Ormont, Crudenas, Zapatos 65829 Hthorne 5-8 1:03 fast 7 108 4 7 81 8" E Petzoldt 9 Crudenas, Paula, Zapatos 65782 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 20 97 G 7 Cs 6" J Chalmers 7 Delante, Ormont, Miss Jane 65163 Thncliffe 3-4 1:17 hvy 35 105 6 4 41 3 J Wallace 7 Macbeth, Eau Gallie, Rockery 1 65014 Thncliffe 51 f 1:09 slop 36 112 6 3 3 3" B Petzoldt 8 Macbeth, Athanna, Dcntaria J C4214 FortErie 3-4 l:14fast 13 110 9 6 91 9 J McTag"tl0 OldTop, NulliSecundus, HotCoal nnJ DA PC t 1-2 Furl onsrs. S-year-olils and upward. Claiming:. July 15, 1 C.IIU nrtOt 101G l:OG 2-5 4 105. i BATTY H., b. f, 3 ICG By Dick Welles Enropa, by MaceO. J Trainer, A. Newman. Owner, J. P. Baker. 66011 Hthorne 3-4 l:21hvy 5 1001 4 1 Is 2s S McGraw 6 Delhimar. It, Proclamation C5924 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 1C-5 99 1 1 2 2 S McGraw 9 B.Blackwl, D.ofWrath, O.Wood 1 65831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 4 109 5 1 U 41 H S Jonesl2 Van. Welles, Jacobina, Woolday 65688 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 12 110 9 12 10" N Barrett 12 Bond, Skeer Face, Jacobina 64822 Churchill CI f l:19fast 16f 106 11 10 lllll11 A Wilson 12 Whirl, BirdieG., Crestwood Boy 64276 Toledo 51 f l:07fast 7-10 115 Is H S Jones 7 F.Kinney, Gipsy Joe, Mooresque : : 64244 Toledo 51 f l:0Gfast 2-5 110 1J G Wliams 6 McG.sPink, Kedgwk, Malzava 63868 M.Heights 3-1 l:13fast 3 107 2 1 li 2l E Martin 10 GyEagle. Hap.Buxton. Peasant ; i SHOREACRES. br. m. S 108 By Martimas Jane Shore, by Pershore. , Trainer, J. OSullivan. Owner, J. OSullivan. , 65924 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 8 103 4 5 Cl 6" A Tmbley 9 B.Bckwell, BattyH., D.ofWrath 1 65147 NewKen. Ab 5-S l:01fast 35 103 55 G Mangan 5 Panaman, Olym.lving, M.Hollins 5 64710 ConLake CI f l:2:Jfast 1G-5 115 C3 C Garner 0 SheDevil, Dr.Hall, Lng Eyes II. 64594 ConLake CI f l:23fast 5 111 2nk O Atwell 7 Louie Lou, Slip.Silver, Dr. Hall 64503 Erie Ab 5-8 59 slow 5 111 21 O Atwell 7 Mar.Hollins, QyWard. Ckroach j 64345 Toledo 5 f l:0Sfast 16 107 1 O Atwell S Ollie Wood. Cuba, Tokay MARY G., ch. f, 4 103 By Golden Maxim Trappist, by The Friar. Trainer, P. Reuter. Owner, L. M. Reuter. 66046 Hthorne 51 f 1:16 hvy 13-5 104 4 3 2s 21 E Petzoldt 9 WarWinr, WarPennt, Mel.Man 1 65877 Hthorne 3-4 l:10fast C 110 7 7 8 C8 J Kederis 8 Ar.Point, SwtApple, L. Miller : 65736 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sfast 30 110 11 8 91 S13 L Gray 12 Plantoon, De Land, Bill McCloy C4382 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:10fast 9 10S 76J C Watson 7 Advance, San Diego, Miss Caltha t 64347 Toledo 51 f 1:10 slow 3 11G 33 C Watson 6 Machiavelli, Zainer, K.Cheatham 64279 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:09fast 4 109 5S1 C Watson 7 Mar.Hollins, Advance, Zainer 64221 Toledo 3-4 1:14 fast 17-10 116 61 T Wayt 10 Leuieve. San Diego, OurLit.Ann BONERO BLUE, ch. f, 3 106 By Tony Bonero Mary Blue, by Blues. Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. M. Hubbard. 66077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 10 113 8 9 10 10" E Virgo 10 N. K. Beal, Railbird, May Girl 66044 Hthorne 51 f l:14hvy 31 109. 4 3 41 410 C Dishmon 7 Different Eyes, Perch, Railbird 65928 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 31 105 4 2 33 471 J Conway 8 EdnaD., Jacobina, Chris.Holters C4635 BlueGrass 5-S l:02slow 43-10 103 31 H E Jones 0 C.Taylor, G.Minard, Scarpia II. 64600 BlueGrass 5-8 l:02good C 103 1 C Dishmon 7 Machiavelli, Pamly, EdGarrisor-64566 BlueGrass 51 f l:07fast 7 100 2 C Dishmon 5 Lt.Colonel, Maehiavi, J.Gorman 64507 BlueGrass 51 f l:07fast 7 103 3 C Dishmon 6 Loyalist, LyFrakes, Scarpiall. I. W. HARPER, b. g, 7 108 By J. F. Crowley Fenelon, by Governor Foraker. Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. 65831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 20 111 3 10 10 910 J Singtonl2 Van. Welles, Jacobina, Woolday 65470 Omaha 5-S l:02slow 3-2 112 in J Sington 8 BobGiles, B.A.Jones, DdyEileen 64906 Bghouse 51 f l:0Sfast 8 114 710 P Martinez 9 StanleyH., Chrome, BessieYoung 04813 Bghouse - 3-4 l:14fast 8 109 61 J Sington 11 Col. Snider, Little Abe, Sky Man 64427 Hastings 3-4 l:21good 12 113 9 W Gargan 9 Velvet, York Lassie, Cafeteria 64392 Hastings Ab 5-8 l:01mud 11 114 31 P Martinez S Eye Bright, Tovon, Phyllis K. 6432G Hastings 3-4 l:17fast 12 113 610 P Martinez 6 J.Underwd, Mayfwer, D.deGse RIVULET, ch. m, 5 108 By Rapid Water Mettie Bereaud, by Jean Bereaud. Trainer, A. Wallin. Owner, Wallin and Bryan. 66045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy 15 111 1 1 1 31 L Gray 10 Dad, Whippet, nuzzas 65925 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 20 107 6 6 51 6 L Gray 8 End Man, Toy Miss, Bond 64639 Blue Grass 3-4 l:14fast G 108 56 J Francis 7 G.Minard. Machiavli, E.Garrisor 64602 BlueGrass D-S l:02good 21-10 110 4S1 R Harton 6 SplitGrass, Scarpiall., L. Frakes 64260 Lex.Fair 1 l:45mud 16-5 105 58 L Gray 6 M.Pperity, Nan.Lane, LaKross 64229 Lex.Fair 51 f l:06fast C 107 2 J Robbins 6 Settle, Bonero Blue, Flip 64204 Lex.Fair 3-4 1:13 fast 35 115 C L Mink C MabelG., AuntieMay, MyGracie MARK DENUNZIO, ch. g, 4 103 By Martinet Casabel, by Star Ruby. I Trainer, B. McClain. Owner, B. McClain. 65737 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 15 102 3 4 4 41 J Carroll 6 Ring Rose, Grayssian, Madrono 65692 Hthorne 1 l:43fast 8 104 1 5 6 61 J Carroll 6 Kuklux, TanSon, BrotlierJohn 65633 Omaha 1 1:40 fast U-10 115 1 E Barnes 6 EdLeVan, S.Maggie, Dr.Mackll. 65557 Omaha 3-4 l:13fast 31-10 115 lh E Barnes 8 Desertltose, El.Wood, N.Witwer 65376 Omaha 5-8 l:01fast 6 115 2" E Barnes 12 Mouxie, BrwnDick, B. A. Jones 62625 Omaha 1 1-16 l:52good 7 116 21 R Scovillo 8 Boreas, Au Revpir, Lorena Moss 62259 Omaha 3-4 1:17 fast 1 114 1 E H Brnes 9 JimParmcr, Leenrack, S.Stefano MAYSVILLE, b. f, 4 103 By Cavalcadour Hill Top, by Clifford. Trainer, S. Judkins. Owner, P. Howe. 65691 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 41 10G 1 I" S 7" D Hurn 8 War Penny. Sea Way, Picdra 65631 Omaha 3-4 l:13fast 7 112 4 G Marino 6 B.Bkwl, CIRbbts, KsticsCub 65621 Omaha 3-4 l:13fast 3 H2 S G Marino 6 Phrone Ward, Icon, Bob Giles 65375 Omaha 1 l:39fast 107 21! G Marino 8 W.Mtgomy, Madrono, BckTop C4382 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:10fast 2 108 4i H S Jones 7 Advance, San Diego, Miss Caltha 64311 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:09fast 6 111 ! E B Jonea T HacniavcUl, Klga, First Consul o: Of 64 J ; ; jr 6 6i 6 gn ci 6J c; c; c; c: Q M 6, Cj g c c g, M jj j J l- B j 6 g g g 6 r 6 b c r, C G fi 0 6 jj I C e j c C c : 1 J 1 J 1 : : ; i , , 1 5 j 1 : t OLD HOMESTEAD, b. g, 7 108 By King Cobalt Beckon, by Plaudit. , .Trainer. R. Barnett. Owner, Z. Barnett. 65878 Hthprne 3-4 lil5fast 8 115 6 7 7 6 M Slghter 7 Sirocco, H, of the North, Dad 65783 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 10 111 3 9 9 5 M Slghterl2 BrownBill, AVhippet, Black Top 65624 Omaha 3-4 l:15fast 5 115 l3 M Rrdson 7 M.Lewis, Indianola, J.K.Hoche 65556 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 5 115 45 R Scoville 8 Baisy, CleotraBoy, Melody Man 65469 Omaha G-S l:02slow 51 112 C3J R Scoville 8 Ed Le Van, Melo:ly Man. Baisy 65371 Omaha 1 l:40fast 11 115 531 M Slghter 5 W.G.MCtk. Barkane, N.K.Bl 64950 Bghouse lm70y l:47gbod 25 101 651 F" Cantrel 12 G.James, ILHarrigan, Gcn.Byng MELODY MAN, b. c, 5 108 By Martinet Ethel Le Brume, by Broomstick. Trainer, M. McPherson. Owner, M. McPherso n. 66046 Hthorne 51 f 1:16 hvy 8 106 2 2 4 471 R Doyle 9 WarWinr, MaryG., WarPcnnant 66015 Hthorne lm70y l:55hvy 25 101 2 5 5 5 C Dishmon 5 Hon.Boy, Tok.Mch, AV.Mmery 65635 Omaha 5-8 l:01fast 2 115 2 R Scoville 7 Innovation, Min.Mack, J.Nugcnt 65628 Omaha 5-S l:01fast 14-5 112 21 J Carroll 0 L.Pointer, MisriBoy, TlieCubll. 65556 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 8 115 33i J Pecorara S Baisy, CleotraBoy, O.Homestead 65469 Omaha 5-S l:02slow 8 112 21 J Pecorara S EdLeVan, Baisy, Sovereign II. SUNDO, b. g, 3 M 106 By Waldo Hester Zorra, by Cesarion. Trainer, T. E. Edwards. Owner, R. Y. Curtis. 66046 Hthorne 51 f 1:16 hvy 12 102 7 7 73 7" J Smith 9 WarWinr, MaryG., WarPcnnant 65876 Hthorne 3-4 l:16fast 5 110 6 4 41 6 J Smith 8 Roy C, Little Billic, Gcn.Petain 64933 Dufferin Ab 5-8 l:01fast 18 104 58 J Smith 0 Topmost, Lent, Tricks 64864 Dufferin Ab 5-8 1:02 fast 32 109 31 J H Smith S Topmost, Lent, Alva 60503 F.Gnds 51 f 1:09 hvy 30 108 9 6 9 10l 101! F Murphy 12 Max Gold, Forest Queen, Dare itK24 Jeffson 51 f l:12hvy 40 107 4 3 7 61 718 C Miller 8 OoLaLa, Dbfounder, Bill Block 38605 Jeffson 5-8 l:03fast 12 104 61 N J Brnes 6 Malvolio, DouglassS., TomLogan FOURLEAF, ch. f, 4 108 By Bulse Cousin Martha, by Pirate of Penzance. Trainer, M. Sanders. Owner, M. Sanders. 65831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 20 111 G 9 93 1013 L Gray 12 Van. Welles, Jacobina, Woolday 65736 Hthorne 51 f l:08fast 10 110 8 11 111511 D Hurn 12 Plantoon. De Land. Bill McCloy 63581 Ashland Ab 5-8 l:01good 5 113 33 S Wholm 4 Sister Susie, Woodpile. Rivulet 63095 Connet Ab 5-8 l:00fast 8 115 11 A Kroger 8 British Isles, Dr.Hall, L.-Meme 63013 Connet Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 11 10S 1" F Lux 7 Midian, Dr. Hall, Miss Orb 62929 Connet Ab 5-8 1:02 slow 14 103 7" T Buel 7 Malvolio, Br.Isles, UoraceLerch 3rd RACE 1 BIle- -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Aug. 4, 1900 MISS PROSPERITY, br. f, 4 103 By Jim Gaffney Claxonette, by Peter Quince. Trainer, H. Webb. Owner, H. Webb. 66047 Hthorne lm70y l:59hvy 41 10S 7 5 4 34 J Kederis 10 Bkboard, C.Holtcrs, D.ofWrath 65834 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:04fast 31 1011 6 5 4 45i E Petzoldt 7 B.Watchll., Spec.Girl, Whippet 65740 Hthorne 1 1-S l:56fast 15 106 4 5 41 461 C Dishmon 7 Picdra, Elias O., Buckboard 65485 Lexton lm70y l:44fast 95 105 6 6 6 6" J Heupel 6 La Foudre, WalnutHall, Hrlock 05388 Lexton 1 1-16 l:50hvy 12 107 8 6 6 67i B KenndylO Rekab, Randel, Split Grass 65237 Lexton 1 1-16 1:47 fast 11 102 6 4 4 515 W Pool 8 Loc. Leaves, Hyanpom, Harlock 64644 BlueGrass 1 1-8 l:53fast 51 10S1 25 R Hrgtn 7 Virgo, NancyLane, TheSwimmer MADRONO, ch. g, 5 108 By The Manager Fancywood, by Prince of Monaco. Trainer, R. Barnett. Owner, Z. Barnett. 66081 Hthorne lm70y 2:02mud 4 111 3 5 Lost rid.M Shter 6 Sea Way, Lendonia. Madge F. 66014 Hthorne 1 l:51hvy 10 113 6 5 41 3 M Slghter 8 Money, Edna D., Elias O. 65737 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 3 9C 6 6 6 3l R Doyle C R.Rosc, Grayssian, M.Denunzio 65640 Omaha 1 1-16 1:48 fast 7-5 112 1 M Slghter 5 DtyLady, N.K.Beal, D.ofWrath 65473 Omaha 1 1:41 slow 5 115 57 E Sequin 0 W.Mgomy, C.Holtcrs, B. Head 65375 Omaha 1 l:39fast 7 110 31 M Slghter S AV.Mtgomy, Maysville, BkTop BLACK TOP, ch. g, 4 108 By Ormondale Black Cap, by Sir Wilfred. Trainer, J. D. Kindscher. Owner, J. S. Kindscher. C6078 Hthorne 51 f l:15mud 20 113 5 7 7 . 7 L Gray 7 RoyC, CarlRoberts, BrownBill 65972 Hthorne lm70y l:55slop 10 101 5 7 7 73 R Doyle S Grayssian, Friz, Walk Vp 65783 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast G 106 10 6 3and 33 C Dishmor.12 Brown Bill, Whippet, Railbird 65639 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 8 115 31 L Gray 4 Coffield, Florentine, Lenieve 65621 Omaha 3-4 l:13fast 20 115 5S1 E Sequin 6 Phrone Ward, Icon, Maysville 65425 Omaha 3-4 1:15 slow 8 114 5"! W Gargan S H.Rudder, C. Roberts, W.Penny 65375 -Omaha 1 l:39fast 24 110 441 G Ury S W.Mgomy, Maysville, Madrono PLAUDEL, br. g, 3 102 By Plaudit Ave Russel, by Russel. Trainer, J.J OSullivan. Owner, J. OSullivan. 66014 Hthorne 1 l:51hvy 15 102 7 7 7s 7" C Dishmon S Money, Edna D., Madrono 65367 N.Kton 1 1:49 fast 25 107 7" T Rae 7 Old Pop, Wodan, Short Stop 65115 N.Kton 1 1-16 l:56good 16 99 5F Lux 0 Sentimtal, Slip.Silver, Cockrch 64740 ConLake 1 1-16 l:55slop 4 106 1 F Lux C Old Pop, Blue Star, Kimono 64677 ConLake Gl f 1:25 fast 16 105 5" B McCann 7 Old Pop, Benecia, Miss Kruter 64502 Erie lm70y 1:54 slow 6 105 Cl O Atwell 0 ElCapitania, Balarosa, BlueStar 64414 Erie 11:45 fast 5 105 5" O Atwell 0 Sea Mime, Reveler, Little Niece WATER WILLOW, b. m, 6 108 By Rapid Water Icaria, by Sanders. Trainer. J. Eckert. Owner, J. Eckert. 66047 Hthorne lm70y l:59hvy 12 10S 5 7 7 Gsi J Smith 10 Bkboard, C.Holters, M.Psperity 65880 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:57fast 8 103 3 6 6 6 D Hurn 7 Friz, Brown Bill, Buckboard 65787 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 15 10S1 5 4 4s 515 H S Jones 7 Sea Way, Bond, Walk Up 64859 B.Bnnets 1 1-8 l:55fast 41 100 4 4 4nt 5 W Bogski S Gath, Kentish Boy, Cavalier 64616 Connght 1 1-8 l:55fast llf 104 9 4 71 7" F Weiner 12 SansPeurll., Doyle, Geo.Duncan 63379 FortErie 1 1-8 l:54fast 12 105 5 3 21 331 F Weiner 8 K.Trojan, GrtHawk, T.Enqrer 63158 FortErie lm70y 1:49 slow 25 108 6 9 7" 713 C Thpson 9 Burgoyne, Skeer Face, Brisk DAY OF WRATH, b. g, 6 108 By Peep oDay The Scold, by Meddler. Trainer, M. McPherson. Owner, M. McPherson. 66047 Hthorne lm70y l:59hvy 15 1081 1 4 51 45 L Gray 10 Bkboard, C.Holters, M.Psperity 65924 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 10 107 6 6 51 33i L Gray 9 B.Blackwell, BattyH., Ol.Wood 65787 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 15 109 1 6 53 4 M Slghter 7 Sea Way, Bond, Walk Up 65640 Omaha 1 1-16 1:48 fast 7 110 451 J Carroll 5 Madrono, DaintyLady, N.K.Beal 65626 Omaha 1 1-16 1:48 fast 6 107 Ins j Carroll 7 Barskane, FullAgain, AdelineL. 65039 Bghouse lm70y l:47good 43-10 112 3 T Wilson 10 Capon, BessieYoung, Gen. Bync 64815 Bghouse lm70y l:42fast 41 114 6i W Garganll Al Wick. DoubleVan, Deckhand SCARPIA n., b. g, 8 108 By Isidor La Tosca II., by Laureate. Trainer, L. F. OLeary. Owner, L. F. OLear y. 66044 Hthorno 51 f l:14hvy 8 111 3 5 5 513 J Kederis 7 Different Eyes, Perch. Railbird 65971 Hthorno 3-4 l:21slop 10 1061 5 7 10 1018 C DishmonlO C.Itoberts, Dif.Eye.?, AV.H.Prce 65877 Hthorne 3-4 l:16fast 12 115 2 S 71 S" H S Jones 8 Ar.Point, SwtApple, L. Miller 65624 Omaha 3-4 l:15fast 1 110 5i F Horn 7 O.Homesd, M.Lewis, Indianola 65470 Omaha 5-8 l:02slow 6-5 112 653 L Gray S I.W.Harper, B.Giles, B.A.Jones 64635 BlueGrass 5-8 l:02slow 8 110 41 J Heupel C C.Taylor, G.Minard, BoneroBlue 64602 BlueGrass 5-8 l:02good 7 115 2" C Dishmon 0 SplitGrass, LadyFrakes. Rivuler CLEOPATRA BOY, b. g, 6 M 103 By Deering May Esher, by Prince Esher. Trainer, S. S. Tracey. Owner, S. S. Tracey. 66045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy 20 113 3 9 9 9 A RichcrklO Dad, Whippet, Rivulet 66014 Hthorne 1 l:51hvy 20 103 8 8 S S" R Doyle 8 Money, Edna D., Madrono 65877 Hthorne 3-4 l:16fast 10 1121 5 5 6 7 A Richcrk "S Ar.Point, SwtApple. L. Miller 65637 Omaha 3-4 l:15fast 7-5 115 2l R Scoville 5 LadyEileen, Mfl.Boone. M.Gray 65556 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 32 115 23 R Spicer S Baisv, MelodvMau, O.Homestead 65422 Omaha 5-8 l:02slow 14 115 3i R Spicer 7 Dr.Mkll., MelodyMan, Recluse 65370 Omaha 3-4 l:14fast 37 110 7" P Wilson 11 S.Maggie, FullAgain, Dr.Mackll. ROSE OF PICARDY, b. f, 4 M 108 By Jim Gaffney Sensitive, by Kismet. Trainer, L. Marion. Owner, A. Gainard. 66046 Hthorne 61 f 1:16 hvy 15 111 5 6 6 5 L Gray 9 WarWinr, MaryG.. WarPennant 65924 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 10 103 7 7 83 716 A Pickens 9 B.Bckwell, BattyH.. D.ofWrath G4378 Toledo 51 f l:0Sfast 36 103 95 E McJovntll Bennington, Plato, Hunter Piatt 64309 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:llfast 16 111 41 E McJoynt 7 Kcdgwick, Woolday, Malzavcna 04221 Toledo 3-4 1:14 fast 82 115 9i H ClemntslO Lenieve, San Diego, OurLit.Ann 63867 M.Heights . 3-4 l:13fast 35 106 9 12 ll1 10 E Martin 12 S.Susic, Bemigton, MarnUolns 63782 M.Heights 3-4 1:14 fast 13 107 S 7 71 Sl E Martin 12 Lura, C.otheMain, QuineyWard 4-th RACE 1 i11"0" "-e,ar-olls and upward. Claiming. Aug. 4, 1900 N. K. BEAL, ch. g, 108 By Glorifier Puritan Girl, by Yankee. Trainer, S. E. St. George. Owner, C. Neely. 66077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 12 116 4 4 4and 11 A RichcrklO Railbird, May Girl, Vansylvia 66014 Hthorne 1 l:51hvy 10 115 5 6 6 615 A Richcrk S Money. Edna D., Madrono 65972 Hthorne lm70y l:55slop 8 106 7 4 7 5" E Owens 8 Grayssian. Friz, Walk lp 65834 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:04fast 8 108 7 6 H S Jones 7 B.Watchll., Spec.Girl, AVhippet 65691 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 4 107 5 7 8 817 N Barrett 8 AVar Penny. Sea AVay. Piedra 65625 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 7 112 21! E Barham 7 DtyLady, Flortine, AV.G.McCk BILL HEAD, ch. g, 6 108 By Doncaster Seddie King, by Leonid, Trainer, J. McCoole. Owner, J. McCoole. 66045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy 2 111 7 S 63 6 H S JoneslO Dad. Whippet, Rivulet 65473 Omaha 1 1:41 slow 12 113 31 R Scoville 0 W.Mgomy, C.Holttrs, DyLady 64281 Toledo 1 l:41fast 17-10 108 ll H S Jones 0 Pierrot, Miss Kruter, Grandee 64225 Toledo lm70y l:44fast 6-5 112 5 H S Jonesl2 Pierrot, Frank F.. Miss Kruter 63900 M.Hghts 1 1-16 l:46fast G-5 110 1 4 31 21 M Fator 9 Puzzle, Red, Madge F. 63871 M.Hghts lm70y l:44far;t 2J 110 8 5 31 3U J Chalmers S Advance, KrkSliannon, Speedster 03825 M.Hghts 1 1-16 l:47fast 11-5 115 1 2 11 2n H S JoneslO Handfull, BermonU Pierrot WALTER H. PEARCE. b. g. 3 108 By Sain Loyalirta, by Loyalist. Trainer, J. Delihant. Owner, W. T. Delihant. 6G07G Hthorne 3-4 l:23mud 12 112 S 6 6 6" E Owens S H.oft-North, Whippet, Norm die 06047 Hthorne lmTOy l:59hvy 8 103 2 6 6 S10 E Owens 10 Buckbd. C.Holters, M.Prospity 05971 Hthorno 3-1 l:21slop 20 106 6 C 5 31 E Owens 10 C.Roberts, Dif.Eyes, CaTdourll. 65881 Hthorne 1 1-16 l:19fast 15 111 2 S 7 7" E Owens 8 Frank Fogarty, Piedra, Louis 55780 Hthorne 7-8 l:29fast 30 111 9 7 51 5 E Owens 10 WarPenny, Skeer Face, Money 61387 Tijuana lm l:42fast 29 112 1 7 71 7i W Organ 10 Conichon, Rill Head, Lavaga 01381 Tijuana InuOy l:47fast 33 111 1 1 71 S" B Maskrid S Swenson, Tom Rrooks, Cigala LAURA MILLER, b. m, 7 103 By Norford Purse Rose, by Orsini. Trainer. V. Scuitto. Owbw, J. N. McFadden. 00070 Hthorne 3-4 l:23mud 4 107 7 4 4 44 R Doyle S n.oft.North, Whippet, Norm die 05877 Hthorne 3-4 l:16fast 41 110 6 4 51 31 A Tmbley 8 Ar.Point, SwectApplc. Rallhirtl C578S Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 10 1071 9 6 5 64 A Tmbleyl2 BrownBill, Wliippct, Black Top 04984 Tncliffc lmTOy l:4lfast 13 107 10 9 9 9 R McCrnnll Encrinite, Stanley, Col. Matt 04902 Dufferin 7-S l:34fast 3J 10S 64 "W Taylor S JnstFancy, Allik. PlumBlossom 04839 Dufferin Ab 5-S l:02fast 11-5 109 51 W Taylor S RisgRock, LdgStar. M.Caltha HUZZAS, "br. g, 7 108 By Plaudit Ivabel, by Ogden. Trainer, F. Winters. Owner, P. Winters. 00045 Ilthorno 51 f 1:15 hvy 20 112 2 G 5 V R Carter 10 Dad, Whippet, Rivulet 05925 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 30 103 8 8 S 7" C Dishmon S End Man, Toy Miss, Bond 05088 Ilthorno 3-4 l:15fast 3" 111 6 12 12 12" R R Cter 12 Bond. Skccr Face, Jaeobina 02539 Erie Ab 5-8 l:01fast 50 111 C51 J Meek 10 K.Johnson, NoWder, Feg.Eaton 02426 Erie Ab 5-S 1:01 fast 100 114 71 J Meek 9 OlympianKing.- Rivulet, Murphy C1995 Chagrin Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 22 109 GJET Moore 7 British Isles, Doctor D., Nan PLASH OF STEEL, ch. g, S 108 By Ballot Nigella, by Ornament, Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. 06012 Hthorne 3-4 l:13hvy 30 1081 1 4 4 4" J Sington 5 I.ina Clark, nnlu, Diomed 65623 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 8-5 113 5" J Sington 7 Old Rose. Joe Nugent, Ingot 05550 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 6 115 S" J Sington 8 Baisy, CleotraBoy, Melody Man 05372 Omaha 5-8 l:01fast 19 110 9" J Sington 9 Coffield, PneWard, B.Blackw 1 04811 Bghousc 51fl:0Sfast 64 111 11" J Singtonll LadyBourbon. Ros.Goose, Toyon 03932 Brhouse 51 f 1:09 fast llf 112 64 J SingtonlO Ann S., Alice Carr, Leenrack 02545 Omaha 3-4 1:19 hvy 17-10 113 ln J Singtonl2 Invation, Acclamafn, Honolulu THE COLLEEN BAWN, b. m, 6 103 By Handsel Bodin, by Dr. Leggo. Trainer, C. Irby. Owner, H. Sanders. C6047 Hthorne lm70y l:59hvy 20 108 9 10 10 10" J Carroll 10 Bkboard, C.Holters, M.Pspcrity 05786 Hthorne 7-S l:29fast 20 111 2 10 10 10:l J Carroll 10 WarPenny, Skeer Face. Money 02583 Erie 61 f l:24fast 40 100 9" L Gray 9 Red, Prin.Myrtle, Cousin oMino O2100 Chagrin 3-4 1:22 slow 18 107 7 T Rae 7 Elga. Lni-Memc, Nes. 01930 Chagrin 1 1-16 l:5Sgood 4 ICS 74 C Eames 7 Br.Favorite, Benecia, Jacquclia 61822 M.Hght3 1 3-16 2:02slow 43 lOt 9iS F Lux 10 Amcr.Soldier, JnArbor, C.Burns 01718 M.Heights 7-8 1:26 fast 29 95 711 J Pevic 7 Zouave, Plum Blossom, Railbird NORMANDIE. ch. g. 6 108 By Star Shoot Mamie Worth, by St. George. Trainer, A. Wallin. Owner, Wallin and Bryant. 0G076 Hthorne 3-4 l:23mud 8 112 2 2 2 3 L Gray S H.of t.North, Whippet. L.Miller 65830 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 12 111 2 3 S 5 L Gray 12 End Man, B.McCloy, Ed Ijb Van 04633 BlueGrass 3-4 l:l7slow 19-5 117 4s Jl Harton C MgaretAtkin, Friz, O.McKcnna C4568 BlueGrass 51 f l:07fast 5 112 ll R Harton 6 MarionAdler, ElMahdi, HotFoot 04260 Lox.Fair 1 l:45mud 16-5 113 6" L Mink 6 M.Pperity, Nan.Lane, LaKross G422G Lex.Fair 3-4 l:14fast 8 110 1 L Mink 9 McGoldrick, R.Atkin, LtColoael OLD ROSE, b. g. 6 103 By Star Shoot Doria, by Ogden. Trainer, J. Chaney. Owner, J. Chaney. 66077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 15 112 7 10 9 Gi M SlghterlO N. K. Bcal. Railbird. May Girl 66047 Hthorne lm70y l:59hvy 20 113 6 9 9 9" A RichcrKlO Buckbd. C.Holters, M.rrospity 65880 Hthorne 1 1-S l:57fast 15 106 1 4 5 53 J Carroll 7 Friz, Brown Bill, Buckboard C5688 Hthorno 3-4 l:15fast 30 109 1 S 9 6s J Carroll 12 Bond. Skccr Face, Jaeobina 05623 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 7-5 115 Is E Barham 7 Joe Nugent, Ingot, Tom Caro 65473 Omaha 1 1:11 slow 8 115 6" E Barham G W.Mgoaiy, C.Holters, B. Head DA PC 3-4 Mile. Congress Hotel Purse. All Ages. Siiceial "Weights. Dill HAUL July 29, 1910 1:12 1-u 1 120. HARRY B.. ch. g, 5 111 By Jim Gaffney Flying Frances, by PUnudes. Trainer, J. B. Partridge. Owner, Cain and Sanford. G5974 Hthorne 51 f l:llslo 7-10 113 1 1 Is 14 E Petzoldt 4 B.Kean, B.ofEliztown, Incogce G5879 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sfast 2J 109 6 1 14 1 E Petzoldt 9 Brilliant Ray, Diomed, Bctsinda 65739 Hthorno 3-4 l:14fast 3 107 1 1 IS l5 E Petzoldt 7 MaryReigel, L.Enficld. Betsinda 65G89 Hthorno Gi f 1:0S fast 15 107 It 11 11 ll:o E PetzoIdtE! Tuscola, Lina Clark, MossFoxII. 03539 AVindsor 1 l:43slop 21-5 101 4 4 4 4" F Wilson 4 Cote dOr, Gr.Mayers, Mad.Liln 03163 Devshire 3-4 l:14fast 2Cf 115 4 5 3 l1 J Thomas 11 Tan Son, Lucky B., Camouflage G2398 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 25 112 4 6 7 S1 M Garner S LhtRose, Tomahoi, R.Wingfield BETSINDA. b. m, 5 111 By Rocktoa Winning Witch, by Broomstick. Trainer, W. Scuitto. Owner, J. N. McFadden. 05927 Hthorne 61 f l:20fast 7 110 1 4 4 22 E Petzoldt 7 MaryReigel, L.EnficId, L.Clark 05879 Hthorno 51 f l:0Sfast 7 103 7 6 5 4 S McGraw 9 HarryB., BrilliantRay, Diomed 5739 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 2 110 3 3 44 41 A Pickens 7 HarryB., MaryReigel, L.Enfield 05132 Thncliffe 3-4 1:14 slow 31 10S 4 e 01 41 C Damclle 8 UBrkSbeep, Bob.Allcn, Graysn 05056 Thncliffe 3-4 l:15hvy C 105 3 3 2J ll T Burns 7 Ablaze, Sikhim, Marimba 04935 Dufferin 61 f l:25fast 8-5 113 41 W Taylor 0 Bobby Allen, Panaman, Verity C4807 Dufrin 7-S l:33fast 3 111 ll D Stirling 7 Wild Flower, Ring, Some Baby G4722 Connght 3-4 l:13fast 21 113 5 C 51 41 II Ericksn 7 L.Enfield, Antipate, BevyBclie MART REIGEL. br. f. 4 111 By Golden Maxim Green Dawn, by Greenan. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 65927 Hthorno 61 f l:20fast 6 107 2 2 1and 13 C Dishmon 7 Betsinda, LeeEnficld, LinaClark 65739 Hthorno 3-4 l:14fast 8 1021 5 2 2" 2 J Kederis 7 Harry B., Lee Enfield, Betsinda 65205 Thcliffe 51 f 1:08 good 17 106 7 7 61 4 J Smith 8 Theo, Thorny Way, Iron Boy 65096 Thncliffe 3-4 l:14lslow 37 107 4 4 4 4S1 J Smith 10 Theo, Thorny Way, Dclhimar 03250 FortErie 3-4 l:15fast llf 105 6 7 7 6J D Fuller 11 Beljoy, Musito, Mumbo Jumbo G29G0 Hamton 3-4 l:17hvy 11 110 11 9 81 7l T Wilson 12 TheNepbew, O.Chap, Turnabout 01941 Churchill 3-4 l:12?fast 72 107 5 4 4s 41 E Barne3 6 Ararat. RoyalDick. MissMufns TUSCOLA, t, f. 4 111 By Jack Atkin TJseeit, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer, H. Webb. Owner, Mrs. R. M. Hoots. . 0G013 Hthorne 51 f l:13hvy 3-2 112 4 12 381 E Petzoldt 4 Moss Fox II., LordAUen, Coyne 65689 Hthorne 51 f 1:08 fast C 107 6 2 21 1 C Dishmool2 LinaClark, MossF.IL, Incogucc 6538G Lexton 3-4 1:16 hvy 6 99 3 1 25 2s II E Jones a JnFinn, QiiinccGdcn, Manoevre G4G42 BlueGrass 51 f l:03fast 3-2 108 2i J Francis 4 Aunt.May, MabelG.. MoonWinks 04570 BlueGrass 51 f l:06fast 11-10 1061 J Howard C Auntie May, MabelG., L.Widrig 04511 BlueGrass 51 f l:06fast 1 112 2s J Howard 5 Mabel G., Auntie May, Manicure 63185 Latonia 3-4 l:landfar.t 5 9S 3 1 2 2 W Pool G Pin.Peel. Roy.Palm, B.Paradise BELLE OF ELIZABETHTOWN, 111 By Jack Atkin Cloistcrcss, by Carlton Grange, br. m, 6 Trainer. W. Coll. Owner, T. Hoffler. G5974 Hthorne 51 f l:llandslop 41 110 3 3 3 31 H S Jones 4 HarryB., Bnd.Kean. Incognancc 05879 Hthorne 51 f l:08fast 5 109 8 3 3 5 A Pickens 9 HarryB., BrilliantRay, Diomed G5G89 Hthorne El f 1:08 fast 8 107 2 G 61 51 A Pickens 12 Tuscola, LinaClark, MossFoxII. 05520 Lexton 3-4 l:13andfast 39 106 2 1 11 41 W Pool S Merle, James B. Brown, Orlova 04965 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 58 1091 6 6 7 7" J D Mney 7 Auntie May, Hadrian, Easteside 04788 C hurchill 3-4 l:13?fast 49 106 6 5 71 S II Gray S Translate, .T.Bowdre, Col.Bakor 01G51 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 23 115 6 4 5 7" D ConnllylO LordAUen. Widgeon, MissMufn? 6th RACE 1 1"Si3"leS" "-y0-0118 aDLl1 lllwarcl. Claiming. Aug. 2S, 1002 FRIZ. ch. g, 5 110 By Handsel Calanthe, by Ben Trovato. Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. M. Hubbard. 05972 Hthorne lm70y l:G5slop 3 112 1 3 3 2l C Dishmon 8 Grayssian, Walk Up, Madge F. G5880 Hthorno 1 1-8 l:57andfast 8 106 7 2 2 H J Conway 7 Brown Bill. Buckboard, EliasO. G4G43 BlueGrass 3-4 l:14fast 9-5 120 2l J Bass 6 F.Kinney, El Mahdi, JudyAbbott 04633 BlueGrass 3-4 l:17slow 5 121 h J Bass 6 M.Atkin. O.McKenna, Nmandie 04570 BlueGrass 51 f l:06fast 9 117 6J L Gray 6 Auntie May, Tuscola, Mabel G. 64148 Lex.Fair 1 1:42 fast 4 115 1 Bass 8 La Kross. Jetsam, Brennan EDNA D., b. f. 4 110 By Ballot Sadio S., by Charaxus. Trainer, F. Tennant. Owner, J. H. Murray. 66014 Hthorno 1 l:51hvy 8 113 4 3 2 25 L Gray S Money, Madrono, Elias O. 65928 Hthorne 1 l:42andfast 12 107 6 3 21 In L Gray S Jaeobina, Ch.Holters, Bon.Blue G5830 Hthorno 51 f 1:09 fast 15 111 4 7 7 Si E Petzoldtl2 End Man, B.McCloy, Ed Lc Van G1GGG Dcvshire 1 1-16 l:50slow 62 114 8 7 8J 9" H J Burkel2 Stanley, Bond, Fair Virginia 01554 Dc vshire 1 l:40fast 3S 104 7 10 10 11" A TmbleylJ Royallicu, SkcerFace, F. Virginia 04471 AVindsor 1 l:42mud 29f 110 "7 5 G" 5" D Stirling 8 Dimples, Sister Flo, Bees AVing G353C AVindsor 3-4 l:12sfast 37f 106 10 9 9 Sl S Bullmanl2 Ablaze. J.Bract, T.othMomg TOKALON MARCH, b. g, 8 105 By Marchmont II. Tokalon, by Tammany. Trainer, F. R. Doyle. Owner, S. Jones. GG015 Hthorne lm70y l:55hvy 6 93 3 2 ll 2l R Doyle 5 nono.Bov, W.Mgomv, F.Fogty 05975 Hthorne 1 1-2 2:51slop 2 102 4 1 I4 Is R Doyle 6 B.Hunley, B.Watchll., Spec.Girl G5740 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:56fast 6 101 6 6 6" 6" R Doyle 7 Piedra, Elias O.. Buckboard G5G91 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 41 106 7 S 7J 510 R Doyle S WarPenny, Sea AVay, Piedra 05217 Dorval 1 1-4 2:13fslow 6 100 8 3 4 31 R Doyle 8 Pre-a-Feu. Pltarede, K.Trojan G5142 Dorval 1 1-4 2:21 mud S-5 101 6 3 11 1 li Doyle 7 Hercules, John Arbor. Rhymer G50GG Dorval 1 1-8 l:59mud 8 102 6 4 3 21 R Doylo 8 Phalaris, Gallivant, Fireworth NAPTHALIUS. b. g, 6 108 By Lorenzo Napthalia, by St. Angelo. Trainer, T. E. Edwards. Owner, T. E. Edwards. GG047 Hthorne lm"0y l:59hvy 12 109 10 S Sl 71 F Murphy 10 Bkboard, C.Holters, M.Pspcrity 05740 Hthorne 1 1-8 l:5Gfast 10 109 7 7 7 715 F Murphy 7 Piedra, Elias O.. Buckboard 05060 Thncliffe 1 1-4 2:10 slow 31 100 5 7 7 71! J Chimers 8 Jn ofArc, Royallicu, St.Germn 04GG6 Devshire 1 1-16 l:50andslow u 115 9 9 9l S F Murphy 12 Stanley, Bond, Fair Virginia 63348 Devshire 1 1-2 2:35good 14 95 7. 8 8 8" R Flynn S Dan, Pit, Lazy Lou 63258 Devshire lmTOy l:45fast 33 114 9 7 71 61 J Smith 9 PeaccPal, MaryMaxira, N.Wal.-s C1781 M.Heights 1 1-S 1:51 fust 2 109 C F Murphy 9 Donatello, A.Soldicr, Jackstraw LOUTS, br. g, 5 105 By Leonid Dolly Hayman, by Crighton. Trainer, W. L. Stanfield. Owner. W. L. StanfieldV. 65881 Hthorno 1 1-16 l:49fast 5 107 5 7 31 31 C Buel 8 Frank Fogarty, Ticdra, Walk Up 65784 Hthorne 1 1-16 1:49 fast 6 103 5 S G 5 C Buel 5 L.Lillian, Croupier, BlackBetty 65540 AAoodno 1 1-4 2:06 fast 2f 104 3 2 11 1 J Wallace 11 Rouen, S.PcurlL, Old Faithful C5451 Woodne 2 1-4 3:53fast 9 92 7 7 5 4" M Garrett 8 P.Diamond, B.of White, Finery 65353 AVoodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 15f 107112 11 1110TJ C Buel 12 Halu, Dantzic, Bills Luck 65135 Thncliffo 1 1-4 2:08 slow 9 105 4 7 7 7" A Tmbley 7 O.Fthful, Blos.House, ClnGone G4766 Devshire 1 1-2 2:42hvy 11 108 6 Lost rider.C Buel 7 Yorkist, Pit, Dr. Charles AVells CHRISTOPHER D., b. i, 5 M 100 By Patriot Slipperdale, by Silver Dale. Owner. C. R. Sheppard. 6601G Hthorne 51 f 1:16 hvy 20 104 9 9 S 9 C Dishmon 9 W. Winner, Mary G., W.Pcnnant