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Jefferson Park Form Chart 2TETW ORLEANS LA V7EDNESDAY MAECH 7 1023 Jefferson Park 1 mile Nineteenth dny Jef ¬ ferson Parish Fair Association Spring Meeting of 28 days Weather clear temperature CO Stewards T A Murphy II 1 Conkling and T IJ Campbell Judges T McLennan J It Reedcr and 1 II Campbell Starter W Snyder Racing Secretary J It Campbell lUcing starts at 1115 p m Chicago time 213 p in W indicates whip S spurs II blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIBST BACE 1 12 Miles Dec 26 1921 235 5 111 700 Added 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 13075 third 7050 Index Ilorses AWtPPSt U i StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 58314 ATTORN Y MUIR w 8 107 2 2 51 3 2 Ill A Abel G C Milton 951158571014 951158571014fi8535 fi8535 FRED KINNEY WB 4 ICG 6 5 1 Il 1 2 2 R Doyle AV Baumartner 4 a 5 S5 45 4558448FORESTIERE 58448FORESTIERE WB G 102 4 6 4 5 G 3l 3 AV Fronk J H Baker S 20 SO 25 8 4 08391 BLACK HACKLE w G 111 5 4 2 4 31 41 4 J D MneyJ Hennessy 21 41 41 S5 8545 45 45G 84C9 WARLIKE v 6 112 1 1 GJ G GJ 5 5 J ChalmersA Kennel G 7 5 S5 45 45G 8474IACOBINA w 5 102 3 3 3J 2l 4l G ° 6 B Harvey W M Cain G 10 10 4 S5 S5U8391 U8391 HOT FOOT WB 6 107 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 A Wilson W G Schmidt SO 30 10 5 Time 25 50V4 110 143 209 236 Track fast fastWinner Winner Rr K by Stalwart Sail Andres by Quicklime trained by G C Milton bred by Mr John 1 Nect NectWent Went to post at 210 At pest 1 minute Start gocd and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ATTORNEY MITIR was far hack for the first milo then moved up fast and raced into the lead in tin last eighth to win as his rider pleased FRKI KINNEY showed the most speed for a mile and a quarter but began tiring in the stretch FORESTIERE ran a good race for him BLACK HACKLE tired WARLIKE might have been dangerous but for being in close quarters in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched G17I53 Ter 111 111Overweights Overweights IJlack Hackle 2 pounds SECOND HACE 34 Mile Dec 31 1019 112 Vi 3 117 Purso 700 3ycarolds Claiming Not value to winner 525 second 115 third GO Jndcx Horses AWtPPSt Vi V StrFin Jockeys O U C P 68407 = LADY ROSK wis 108 13 2 la 1 = 1J E Pool M L Mabler 222 71013 68407 POOR SPORT WB 115 24 31 3 3 2s H Doyla J R Skinkcr 2 13521 1 25 G8407 FELICITOUS wu 113 8 1 1 2 21 3s G Babin C P Winfrey 2 31 3 85 12 8407 OLD TOP w ICO 7 5 41 4 A 4 H Harvey Four Oaks F Stb 20 20 20 8 4 83GG FLYING BOAT w 103 f 7 6 = 3s T 5 5i J McCoy R A Leigh 20 50 50 15 S 08450 FERNANDOS w 105 4 2 7l 7J 7 G A Wilson L J Keating 20 20 20 8 4 408441BUDDUGIE 08441BUDDUGIE wit 103 38 S S S 7 A Abel J Arthur DO GO GO 20 10 10G793G G793G LESLIE WB 113 G 6 5 Gl Gl 8 II CostclloA Swenke G 8 S 3 75 75Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner 11 f by Von Troinp Jourdaiu by Watercress trained by W M Baird bred by Mr Ed ¬ ward CVbrian CVbrianWent Went to post at 240 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and tiiird driv ¬ ing I AIY ROSE began well and under good riding passed FELICITOUS on the stretch turn and won casing up POOR SPORT began slowly and was outpaced for the first half but gained steadily in the sire tch and was running well at the end FELICITOUS showed the most early speed but began tiring in the last eighth OLD TOP raced fairly well LESLIE was unfit to race and always far back backScratched Scratched W494GlaboIIa 100 iS470Macbeth 111 GS071 Jupiter 110 GS407 C A Reinhart 103 08407 Tender Seth 110 08568 Wrangler 105 Ji 32tiPanasainf 105 THIBD HACE 1 316 Miles March 16 1S20 153 C 114 700 Added 3year olds and upward Claiming1 Handicap Net value to winner 525 second 13075 third 7050 Index Ilorses AWtPPSt Vi V Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 68447CONDOLIER w 4 IOC 2 2 31 4 3 11 I1 H ThurberE J Salt 67621 08532 BOY FR HOME wn 4 105 Il Il I1 2s 2 R Doyle S N Holman 13 15 12 08172JDOUBLE CROSS we 4 lit 1 1 4 2i 2l 3 3J J D MneyR J Gilmore 2 3 1351 25 085343TULAL1P w 4 105 4 4 2 2 4 41 41 R HartonR L Rogers 4 4 31 65 12 12083G81 083G81 VITAMIN w 4 ICG 3 3 5 51 5 51 5 A Wilson F T Miller 3 4 1S5G3 12 08094 FANNIE BEAN w 4 1CS G G G G G G G J ChalmersJ It Skinker 21 31 31 85 12 Time 25 49 114 141 154 201 Track fast fastWinner Winner It c by Alvescot Rosalie by Oiscau or Seuipronius trained by E J Salt bred by Mr Edward F Simins SiminsWent Went to post at 300 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing GONDOLIER well ridden was saved nuder restraint until in the 1ist quarter where he wore ROY FROM HOME down and taking the lead won going away HOY FROM HOME showed the most early speed and easily held DOUBLE CROSS safe for second place DOUBLE CROSS raced forwarder and liiiislieil gamely but tired in this last eighth TULALIP hail to race wide and quit after going the lirst mile VITAMIN and FANNIE BEAN were always badly outrun outrunScratched Scratched 6S4012IIennls Kcmblc 110 110Overweights Overweights Double Cross 2 pounds Talalip 3 FOTJBTH SAGE 34 Mile Dec 31 1919 112 3 117 Kingston Handicap Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Ilorses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys O H C P 08515 S AND BOOTS wr 4 111 7 1 1 I 1 Ink J McCoy L Lieblitiff B 7 G 2 1 08509 BARRACUDA wn 4 108 6 3 2 2 2J 2 F Murphy S N Holman f3 3 21 45 13 08532 CANYON wu 4 100 4 7 31 31 3 3 = G Mein M L Mahler 2 31 1G31 25 2508570ORCUS 08570ORCUS wn 5 lit 22 4 5s 4 4 G Babin C A Apple 07518 KIRK LADY wn 3 1051 1 5 G 41 5 5J J Smith J W Smith 20 20 20 8 4 j 08509 JMAVOURNKEN w f 101 34 7 7 7 G R Doyle S N Holman f5 3 21 4513 08409 MISS MEISE w 3 107 5 G 5 Ci G 7 J Owens T B Jones 888373 fCoupled in belting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 23 47 112 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Roots and Saddle Flash of Lightning by ISen ISrusIi or Prince of Monaco trained by A S Vnodlirfe bred by Mr It Varwig VarwigWont Wont to post at 330 At pest 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SADDLE AND HOOTS set a fast pare from tin start and saving much grmind on the turns stood a hard drive and ctitlinislicd BARRACUDA The latter ran in closest pursuit for the entire race and made a fast and game finish CANYON ran well and had un mishaps but tired in the last eightl ORCtS began slowly and came fast in the last quarter KIRK I ADY tired Overweights Kirk Iady 3Vi pounds Miss Meise TIFTH HACE 1 116 MUes March 17 1920 145 i 7 110 Purse 5700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 115 third 60 AWtPPSt StrFin Jockey O H C P S fi8570DOUGHNUT wn 4 112 1 2 21 1 Ill 11 W Reid A K Alexandra 10 15 12 5 21 0851 I PRIMO w G 118 9 1 3 31 2 2 2 J Butwell J F Hyncs 10 12 10 4 2 08570s ETTA H E w wn li 8 1 112 1 2 3 4 41 4J 2 3 = 34 G Mein S Louis 3 1351 12 0844 UNCLE VELO w 5 a 10S I I08570MATINET S 8i 7 Gi 41 4 B Harvey H McGarvoy 8 G 21 G5 08570MATINET IDOL wn 8 108 7 7 G1 V T 1 5 5 II Doyle W D BernhiinU 4 5 41 2 1 07987 SAGAIOOK w 5 115 6 608535r 3 h SJ S1 Gs G5 R CostelloA Swenke G S 7 21 75 7508535r 08535r DUMBFOUNDER wu 4 110 2 5 1 2J 4 7i 7l A Abel C Houbrc G 8 S 3 S5 07987 WALNITT HALL wn 9 110 8 0 9 9 9 S1 8 A Roach R T Watts G 8 S 3 83 83C8511HELLO C8511HELLO PDNER w 6 111 5 G 5 Gl 7 U 9 AV Fronk J McKecver 588383 Time 24 43 114 141 148 Track fast fastAViiniT AViiniT Hr g by Sweep Fascination by liuck Massie trained by U Alexandra bred by Mr E C Christian ChristianVent Vent to ost it 355 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the thee e DOUCHNUT well ridden disposd of UCM1IFOUNDER in the lirst half and taking the lead ired much ground on the turns and outstayed PRIMO in a game llnish The latter was hard ridden all the way and finished fast KTTA1IE was given a bad ride and taken all over the track and might have won with a good ride UNCLE VELO closed a big gap MATINEE IDOL had no mishaps DUMI5 FOUNDER set the early pace but quit badly badlyScratched Scratched GSllSMloufire 91 GS4J3Mallotcar 111 GS153 Serbian 111 58193 St Donard 103 GS5GS Minnie R 1 SIXTH RACE 1 12 Miles Dec 26 1921 235 5 111 700 Added 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 525 second 13075 third 7050 Index Horses AWtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 08571 STANLEY w G 112 1 1 2 2J 1 1 1 A Wilson F T Miller 73 2 2 71014 07756 FC1AL ROOSTER w G 112 5 G 3 3 31 3U 21 E T Moorell Warfield 20 20 20 7 3 085 15 MOODY wrs 5 107 2 2 61 4 2 = 2 31 G Mein W V Casey 73 93 93 71014 08571 LITTLE ED w 7 112 7 7 7 G 5 I 4 G ManganC W Chappoll 8 10 4 85 08515TYRANNY w 7 107 4 3 I1 11 4 3 5s A Roach J W Laswoll 15 20 20 7 08351 TKALON MARCH w 9 107 G 5 5 7 7 G G R Doyle S Jones 10 20 20 7 3 08571 SPECLAR GIRL wn G 107 3 I 4J 5 G1 7 7 B Harvey W J McFce G 7 G 2 1 1Time Time 25 50 117 143 209 236 Track fast fastWinner Winner IS g by Strephou Ueth Stanley by Golden Maxim trained by F T Miller bred by Mr SmniK1 Ross RossWent Went lo poit at 421 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing STANLEY well ridden wa kept close up from the start and i limrtfr to win in a canter FINANCIAL ROOSTER was hard riddei Mivtrli MOODY was weakly ridden 1ut finished well LITTLE ED was npiatedly ridden into close 1 urccd to lak n biHc TYRANNY set the c1 OS1U3 IMiiiitured 107 iSlJ4 Kebo 107