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lili yearoIiLs anil uj Avir l Claiming lime 17 1J1 ROISTERER ch r G 104 By Etlielbert Rcranna by Rock Sand SandTrainer Trainer C E Groves Owner C E Groves Bred in Franco by A Eelmont G890 Tijuana 1 11C l51 = hvy hvyG8548 4 112 1 5 7 T5 H Long 7 Prank Iogirty Rajah Hnczc G8548 Tijuana Im7ly 1 47mud 47mud08S08 2 1CS 3 G G 5 J Merimee G MarHoy Plilamlvrer CleuWcll 08S08 Tijuana 1 11G l47fast SighGO 22 115 7 7 S1 W IVol 8 ItIlonse Philanderer Sum Sigh 08405 Tijuana Im70y 144 fast GO 107 9 S 95 9 II Long 10 MarcellaHoy Sdialll HI Hetty 58345 Tijuann 1 IS Ia3fast 5 10S 2 1 U 2J F Watrous 7 Marlioy FannieNail CluirHoy C8318 Tijuana Im70y l434 fast 2 110 2 2 23 11 F Watrous i WMt omy SiimSi h SDevil 08303 Tijuana 34 l12fast l12fastCHARLEY 29 1D3 6 6 Gi 4J F AVatrous T JackHaiier CBnrifiue Doubtful CHARLEY BOY b tr 5 110 By Zeus Romania by Peep oJJa Trainer F Bcchtelhciraer Owner Sunflower Stable Breeder White 4 Garnett G8549 Tijuana 1 31G 20 mud 1S5 10J 7 3 3 E Petzoldt S Vic San iiidron Pence Flag 08438 Tijuana 1 12 2afiSifast 22 lOi 3 6 6G83G1 u3 In F Watrous Walter Dant Dolpli Leta G83G1 Tijuana 1 14 209fast 3 10S 2 4 41 2 II Xander 7 Iteydo Walter Dant Halfour 08315 Tijuana 1 1S l S fast 49 109 G 7 7G830J 5 44i II XanJer 7 MarHoy Roisterer FannieNail G830J Tijuana Im70y l45 fast 7 101 7 9 9 9si H Xandrr HHCkamiire Dolph N K Heul 08187 Tijuana ln 70y 14S slop 51 10S 5 S SMANNIKIN 7 = 1 0 1 H Zander 8 Rajah Horace I rch Heicreso MANNIKIN II ch g G 112 112Trainer By Eitz Herbert or Gretry Manianita by Meddler MeddlerBreeder Trainer H A Lolt Owner H A lott Breeder C H Mackay 07930 Tijuana 1 116 l51 = ihvy 35 10 5 G 51 G YV Miller 7 Hrisaiie Hoisterrr J Dundee 079 1C Tijuana Im70y l49 mu l 7 110 3 4 5 7 W Miller S Rajah Silk Sox Yermak YermakG77G8 G77G8 Tijuana Im70y l41fast 33 110 6 S 9 9 H Molters 9 HklioruII V Patrick Sdialll 57070 Tijuana 1 11G IMSifast 3313 114 134 = 55i F Stevens G PrDirect KRaiikin Roisterer RoistererC7577 C7577 Tijuana Im70y IM fast 12 11 2 1 2 2 F Stevens 8 Reereso ItisiMansce KKankin KKankinG7475 G7475 Tijuana 34 l14Hfast 124 119 6 6 G la F Stevens 7 Herder Pueblo John Jr JrG7379 G7379 Tijuana 34 114 fast 6i 107 2 3 6 77i E Petxoldt 7 Litlicavli CraceK MolISarnei MolISarneiNEBRASKA NEBRASKA LAD b g 5 115 By David Teiiny Nebraska Lass ty Highland Lad LadTrainer Trainer P Clausen Owner 0 Blank Breeder A Weal 08509 Tijuana ImiOy l43ifast 16 10S 3 3 2 2J M Mllrick 10 FOrient Sum Sipli Harriskane 08437 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 1 113 1 2 21 l C Thpson HKuddcr WiseJudge 1 Wood 8383 Tijuana 1 l42 = ifast T710 10S 7 3 2 2J E Petxoldtll Colonel Matt Yukon Ycrmak 08110 Tijuana 1 l427ifast SG 113 3 1 1 = 1 Ii C Tirpson S Walter Daut Olympiad Ix ta 07957 Tijuana 58 l03rihvy 11 110 2 6 63 4 = C Rails 8 Full Moon Count Horis Milda 07 74 4 Tijuana 34 lU4fast 1 112 2 1 4s Z E Pefoldt S Vinso Tom Craven Philanderer PhilandererWCODIS WCODIS MONTGOMERY ch g 10 109 By First Chip Duchess of Montcbello by BanasUi BanasUiTrainer Trainer C B Irwin Owaer C B Irwin Breeder S L Warisr 08548 Tijuana Im70y l47mud l 5 1032 4 41 4T1 F Cantrell i MarHoy Philanderer GlcnWeH GlcnWeHC8527 C8527 Tijuana Im70y l45fast a 100 2 3 GJ 57i K Cantrell S VPatrick Delliimar SIlentKiiig 08424 Tijuana ImTOy l44Hfaat CJ 101 3 4 Sl S F CantrclllO Ir Direct Cllrone Huckhnll 08315 Tijuana 1 1S l53fast 10 105 3 6 7 714 F Cantrell 7 Mar Hoy Roisterer FannieNail 083 18 Tijuana ImTOy lM5fast 4 110 1 1 1 21 E Potzoldt i Koisterer HiimmerSich SDevil 08 83 Tijuana 1 l4islow 65 110 1 1 3 31 J SIngton 8 Fannie Nail McGees Pink Vic jlCoatinucd on tenth pace TIJUAWA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from ninth page SHE DEVIL ch m 7 102 102Trainer By Peep o Day Meddlesome She by Heddlcr HeddlcrCreech Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech Breeders Ott Uaruee 08509 Tijuana lm0y l15 l15sfaat sfaat 70 0 ICG 1 G 51 5 1 F AVatrouslO FairOrient NobI ul SmnSigh 6844 1 Tijuana 1 141 fast 40 102 1 G GC8384 6 = 1 6i R Flynn Purl TkSloiking Fannie Nail C8384 Tijuana Im70y l46fast G5 5 105 2 244 4 4G831JJ 51 F Cantrell 10 Poacher PeaceFlag OrleansGirl G831JJ Tijuana Im70y l45 ifasi 9 10S 3 3 4i 4 W Martin i Rsterer WMtgoiny S Sign C8301 Tijuana 51 f l06fast lOf 109 8 9 9 917 P Hum U Brilliant Uay Dolores Feylnuie C8I87 Tijuana ImTOy 14S slot S S1T G Rose S Rajah Ilfrace lArch Regreso HO RING A lr f 4 99 By Horroa S SV Syringa by Cesarlon Traicer G V Crippen Ownor Blackwcll Crippen Breeder J B Gorham GorhamS 58529 Tijuana 51 f l07sfast 30 102 S S S S5 R Bauer S Dr Johnson Pay Off Trusty C8488 Tijuana 51 f l07ifaHt 15 113 G 4 5 S J Merinv Merimee 9 Coca Ccla Dr Johnson Faber C8421 Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 310 109 2 1 I1 1s AV Pool Pool4i S DoAdmit GrTrimbie ChSmith 08284 Tijuana 4i f 54islow 21 100 S S SJ1 S G Rose Kinrlike Angela Incognance GS150 Tijuana 51 f l10mua 31 111 544 4 4 4 A Claver 7 ARegiua N Towr Sam Rch G8087 Tijuana TijuanaMeGEES 34 l14Vifast 2s II HowardlO FlorDcen CckStuckiag JohnJr MeGEES PINK By McGse Pink Rosa by Fonio Trainer L Matthews Owner Matthews Sc Dunlap Breeder C AV Koore 08484 Tijuana 1 142 fast 4310 10S S S 5 Sl AV Pool It Flame Kirkwood Dr Tubbs TubbsG1 08385 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast S 106 7 4 G1 S5J AV Pool S Philanderer Dclhimar liarrisko J82S3 Tijuana 1 l45slow C 110 7 4 21 21 AV Pool S FannieNail AVMtgomery Vic 08002 Tijuana 31 l17 mud 70 111 7 7 7J 7 S Smith S Incognauce John Jr Delhimar J7791 Tijuana Im70y I4a5fa3t 8 107 G 3 S S i C Thpson 0 Donatello ChliyI5oy 1ircworlh POWER br f 3 84 84Trainer By Rapid AVatsr Surccome by Delhi DelhiBreeder Trainer F Brooks Owner EL Baker Breeder T Fiatt 34 l15hvy 2 105 6 4 5 5 = 1 AA Dean J El Roble Endive C Stocking 1S5 84 3 3 4 5 AV Dean 7 Hyinpoin PlkHetty AMatrick CS2G3 Tijuana 1 l45 ihvy 3 SS 3 1 1 ll AA Dean 9 PoorPuss PlowSteel PeaceFlag 07358 Tijuana 34 l12fast 40 10S 7 7C0581 6 Gh G1 H Long 7 Delante CEnriinie Knighthood C0581 I itonia 24 l12ifast 37 106 9 9OG242 10 10G 91 Si E Scobie 12 GofHonor Away IlompMary OG242 Latonia 51 f lOSfefast G 101 10112 10112GO 12 1 1 I1 AV Pool 12 AAernor PandTake FCanadn GO 102 Latonia 3 114 fast 41 103 G GPEACE 4 2l 2 J Owens 12 Cash Lucky Run CAIJeinhajrt CAIJeinhajrtBy PEACE FLAG ch f 5 89 89Trainer By Manager AVaite Plum by The Manager ManagerBreeder Trainer G Neal Owner Neal Bros Breeder T C HcDavsll 08549 Tijuana 1 316 205 mud 51 S5 3 3G850 4 4 i AV Dean S Vic San Hedron Churliv Hoy G850 Tijuana lrr70 l34fast 16 S S5 5 4 4G8384 4 4 0s 10 AV Dean 10 FOrieut Naskalid SuniSigh G8384 Tijuana 3n70y l46fast 10 91 4 2 2 2f AV Martin 10 Poacher Orleans Girl Theresa 08300 Tijuana Im70y l4G fast 6 S7 5 5G82G3 5 GJ CJ L Creery 9 Don Jose El Roble Keydo G82G3 Tijuana 1 l45 ihvy 13 Ul J 4 4 31 41 I AValls t Power Poor Puss Plow Steel