1st Race [1st Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-08

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i4 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Dee 2O IfllO 111 no noDist Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St 31 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish JCE CAMPBELL ch c 1 107 By Boots and Saddle Welcor by Sick Welles WellesI Trainer W I Gaines Owner W P Gaires Breeder C B Eed 08542 Tijuana M f 110 mud 11 10 107 3 2 2 2 = M Milrick 8 MissKdna LittleSmilc JayMac 08120 Tijuana 51 f UCGfcfast 10 JOG 3 2 2i 25 M Milrick 10 Vibrate Dancing Jirl Bittern 18391 Tijuana 31 llU fast 231 10T 2 25S 1 21 2n j Jinrickl Mistake PinkTinny Miss Edna 03340 Tijuana 5S l01fast 32 112 3 35S 4 3 = 1 35 E Dugnn 9 Cannliall BMeyers MrKruter 58125 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 135 IOC 2 2 2 2J F Stevens 12 SGtUinan HersPcint Review i7891 Tijuana 2310 112 3 4 G1 O II S Jonetll VledColn Caavasbk MnFluke MnFlukeBy PINK TENNY ch m 7 By David Te = ny Friam by Pacemaker Trainer G Lyon on Owner G Lyon Breeder Sirs E J Schwartz 08399 Tijuana 34 lli = ifast 114 7 4 4 = 1 3J W Garganl3 Mistake JoeCampbell MissEdaa 08359 Tijuana 34 115 fast 2C 111 10 10 10 10 II Bauer 12 Flame Mr Krnter Cave Man 08103 Tijuana 34 34110 110 fast S 111 111K7890 6 a lll 123 C Thpsonl2 View Plurality Cannonuall K7890 Tijuana 34 l18mud 9 IKG7828 IK S 7 G = i 714 E KengerlO DlileKyc I ineline MdieWiln G7828 Tijuana 34 l15Tilast 33 10S 10SG7723 S 7 41 32 E Ken geilf Lewis WCDcolv SauthiaC SauthiaCTOy G7723 Tijuana ImOy TOy iMitfast 1G lid G 4 7i 10 ° E XencerlO Cafeteria Mrs 1at An Kcvolr DODE ADAMS br m 7 110 110Trainer By Luck and Charitv Tripod bv Bonnie Joe Trainer II Cassity Owner H Cassity Breeders J H Barnett 08462 Tijuana 58 l02fast G 111 3 G T 10 H Long 13 Jpck Pot Huzzas Phillipe Lugo 68380 Tijuana 51 f lC9 fast 9 113 1 2 2i 32 H Long 12 Kimitana Bonnebelle Tillotson Tillotson5S 08340 Tijuana 5S lCampbell5S l01fast T 111 2 2 T = S H Long P Canball BMeyers lCampbell 67764 Tijuana Woolday5S 5S l02afast S 115 4 2 S = 4i II Long 12 Caiicion Santhia C Woolday 53027 Tijuana 5S l0isfast 33 105 3 455 = 53J E Taylor 8 HAngleton Pizario WaltMack WaltMack5S E2ST4 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 7 105 G 5 4 41 1 E Taylor 10 Quid Nunc El Sabio Curume PEEHLESS ONE tr jr IroquoUOwner 8 102 102Trainer By Jack Atkin Sans Pareil II oy IroquoU Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Breeder T P Hayes 87 Tijuana 1 142 fast C3 106 106r70S 2 10 5J 9M E PetzoliU12 Ilkaniore Plger TlicVgeaiicc r70S Tijuana 1 1 fast S 11J 4 4 S1 S E TetzoldtlO Finworth Stailike San Hedron Hedrony 570 Tijuana Im70y y 1 47 = ifast 32 112 11211 S S = Si II Erieksnll Lariat Cigale Obstinate Obstinatey 07395 Tijuana ImTOy y IMS fast H 110 2 2 5 SI Fator i ivirttCorluon Lariat Ithymcr 07337 Tijuana 1 113 fast 1S5 103 322 CTi M Fator 11 Baisy Ollie Wood Arprento 57213 Tijuana ImTOy l47 = fast 10f 10S 4 1 11 M Fator 12 WGMCtk GByns Obstinate ObstinateDOTS DOTS UncloTrainer b m C 105 By Fitz Hcrtert Mabel Strauss by Unclo Trainer 3 Scovillo Owner G P McNeal Bred in France by C H Mackay 08100 Tijuana 5S 1CG hvy 12f 108 S D S 76J M Andson 9 Pokey B JackPot AnnsSister 07829 Tijuana 34 113 fast 15f 113 3 S S 7Ti S Sykes 9 Sheka View Cannonball 07571 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 23f 1CS 6 9 lOUlPJ M Milricki Ispliam Tillotson PliniKcr 075 JoseOC999 1Q Tijuana 5S 1C2 fast 431 105 7 G S S J M Milrick S Angela SwceplpII Don Jose GadlingOG933 OC999 Tijuana 51 f l101imud 45f 104 3 4 51 5s M Milrlck S Nog Plantagenet Gadling OG933 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 20f 109 10 10 10 710 M Milrlckll Xeg Merry Lass Count Boris THRILLS b m 8 105 105Trainer By Coy Lad Aviston by Ayrshire Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Breeder H H Hewitt 08218 Tijuana 34 l19mud 9 103 3 3 S S11 G Rose 9 Circulate Review An Reroir 08197 Tijuana 34 llSmud 23 10 2 2 4 S G Rose 9 Rifle BillyGibson NellieUarper 08145 Tijuana 31 11U mud S NellieUarperS 105 3 1 2 = 4C G Rose 10 CloverJunia Pluuger AuKevoir AuKevoirIX 08104 Tijuana 34 116 fast IX 20 105 2 1 11 31 W Martin 12 PlowStrel Balfour Canvasback CanvasbackH 08038 Tijuana 51 f l13hvy 11 10S 1 2 2 2l 2l W Martin 8 II Burgoyne Bacchus JamcsO JamcsOS 08018 Tijuana 41 f 53inud S IK 7 C 5 41 W Martin 10 CtheWay TpyDimcan BRuth NAP AN b h 107 By Dr Losgo Gaviota by Crishton B BTrainer Trainer S Eichards Owner S Richards Breeder A B Sprockets 07551 Tijuana Im70y IMoTifast 1SS 115 7 7 PullupE Dugan 7 SumSigh Veiinnk Cavaldrll 18B40 Ltitonia 1 110 IMGJfeKood S 107 10 11 12 1240 J Roberts 11 Lazy Lou PDrapeau Bombast 1277i I itonia 34 lll ifast 07 111 p S Ss Sls G Mworth 9 Bon Jour Tuto Joe Stahr 40831 FGrnls Di f lOSMifaat 7 113 9 5 G 4 G MtvorthlO LnderFire Iwin Vansylvia DALWOOD br e 8 102 102Trainer By Dalliousie Brynwood by Bryn Mswr Trainer V II Moore Owner J Koore Breeder T CJrae CJraeJ 08J3C Tijuana ImTOy l47 5fast 16f 1U 12 10 11 = llej P Hurn HurnS J LkyPearl SenDonlan McCroau 08183 Tijuana Im70y l50hvy CS 114 1 125f S S T E Dugan DuganG 8 Tawasentha Anita K Caamaiio 08140 Tijuana 1 1S 202iimul l 25 25f f 113 5 5CS 2 G 9 = E Dugan Dugan4ii 9 Bacchus Plurality Little Dear 08082 Tijuana Jm70y l13slov CS 3P7 2 234f 4ii 45J R Loo 11 Car LittleGink Point to Point 07920 Tijuana 31 l187shvy 34f 103 9 9 = S R Lee 11 ClmirMasicr JackLedi Balfour 07892 Tijuana 34 118 mud 15 f 104 5 9 = 9 R Lfe Lfe18i 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana 7871 Tijuana Im70y l rnud ISf 11310 18i 103 P Hum 12 San Hedron Gen Byng Plunger MRS CampusTrailer PAT b f 4 105 By Sigurd Canapa by Bedeck or Campus Trailer J G Condon Owner A Patterson Breeder H H Trawbridge 08358 Tijuana 34 l15 l15ifast fast 5 108 1 3 S 55 L Crcery 10 Woolday EmmaWeller Mo liste listei76y 07723 Tijuana Im76y i76y IM fast fast07C15 11 US 3 2 2 2 = F Stvtns 10 Cafeteria An Bevoir Go On 07C15 Tijuana Cl f 1 C9 C9rast = fast fastG7355 32 10G S 7 Gl Gi F Stevens 1U Uafferty SwplpII Punzaltaj PunzaltajTS G7355 Tijuana fS l02fast CJf 1UG 7 S 9J 9SJ K Petzoldtll Itess Welch Hazel Dale Klsa Klsai70y 03733 Ueno Im70y i70y l47 = jfast 17 W 45i Millerick 9 Al Wick TomBrnoks IJinkavoiu 03587 Reno 34 115 fast S 92 4si H Long 8 Qiiinam Toyon Bridgette LITTLE ABE ch S H 107 107Traiccr By Abe Frank Irish Gardia by Irishman IrishmanBreeder Traiccr P Dwyer Owner P Dwycr Breeder J F Newman Newman10s 08104 Tijuana 34 116 fast 41 107 1 5 10s 105 T Wilson 12 Plow Steel Balfour Thrills 07721 Tijuana 51 f l09ifast 13f 115 G D 9 7s J Glass 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 05150 Hastings 34 119 slop 17 112 7 P Martinez 7 North Shore Cascade Overstep 01996 Bghouse 34 l17slov 1910 lit 1i P Martinez 9 ChMastcr GcnCzir LitGinl 04907 Rguousc 1 11G l41fast S 111 4U P Martinezll GrnMint Mont Belle ClJunia G4813 Bghouse 34 l14fast 9f 112 112CLEAR 2 P Martinezll Col Snider SkyMan HKAsacr HKAsacrBy CLEAR LAKE b m 9 100 100Trainer By Fountain Square Clear Night by Tree Hnight HnightBreeder Trainer C B Irwtn Owner C B Irwin Breeder W Distz 08482 Tijuana 3J l14 fast 58 198 6 11 11G7132 11 11 F Cantrell 11 MManage GladNews LyTiptoe G7132 Tijuana 5 l0r hvy 6 111 5 S S S14 P Martinez S Toyon Jane A Anna Star 07019 Tijuana jS l03muil 2310 114 4 9 9 9t D Hum 9 Ineblo HnMajor Goldie Ilosn 02148 Omaha 61 f LlO gnod G5 110 7 J D Hum 10 U Atkin OklaKid ThirtySevpii 02379 Omnlui 51 f lOS = fast 1 110 110G2312 2h D Hum 7 ILUudder KutliWehle FlMae G2312 Omaha 51 f l08rifast 1G5 110 1 D Hum l JBudroxv Innovation Bob Giles 12200 Otnabi 5i f 1OS fast 4 112 112WILTON 3l D Hurn 12 Mosey JudgeBudrou HarItudr WILTON ARROW cb E C 102 102Trainer By Ferolo Adele Rose by Ecn EcnBreeder Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech CreechG8525 Breeder G P Finrean FinreanG G8525 Tijuana 1 1S 1SG fast 10T IIS G 5 5GS131 G 7T T Rac 10 SpnDoiiIan Ykl issie Glenzar GS131 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 21 10 100 7 7llf S SI 7 i R Flynn 12 Pnlfour Miteor Hopover 083 1 3 Tijuana Im70y l473tfast llf l 10t t 7 7JGf 6 51 6 i R Flynn 12 1ltriser York Lassie Balfour 08238 Tijuana 34 121 hvy Ifif 110 7 7ffJ 7 7 G l It Flynn 9 larz Kiug Worth Mistake 08182 Tijuana IniiOy l31 hvy ffJ 1CD 4 42Sf 7 T Rac S OMcKna Mistake TomOwens G81G8 Tijuana Im70y 154 hvy 2Sf 113 7 6 ° G T Rac 7 Cabin Creek Plurality Balfour BalfourBy ANNETTES SISTER b M 5 M 105 105Trainer By Hessian Milldale by Killer KillerBreeder Trainer J Ualovrney Owner F Beeler Breeder J C Milam MilamSl 085GO Tijuana 1 147 mud 47 1H C C C41f Sl 7 ° E Petzoldt 9 Alaion SGpntleman Cansback G8482 Tijuana 3J l14 4fast 41f 108 S 4 4Sf a al K Flynn II MManage GladNews LyTiptfKj G8162 Tijuana 5S l02fast Sf 105 S 9 S k J R Flynn 13 laik Iot Huzzas Phillipe Lugo P81CO Tijuana 0S 1 C6 hvy 20 10S 4 G GCf 5 = 1 3J C Thpson 9 1okeyP JackPot AmernMaid C8103 Tijuana 34 115 fast Cf 103 1 3 3 G5 M AndsonlS View Plurality Cannonbal G733G Tijuana 34 llGfast 21 119 7 6 4 S J II Jones 12 Nizam Norfiehl Glenzar GlenzarBy THREE X b h 6 H 107 107Trainer By David Tenny Princess Vera by Key dol Sierras SierrasBreeder Trainer G H Lambert Owner J Horn Breeder Mrs E J Schwartz SchwartzC 08434 Tijuana TijuanaGS359 1 l43ifast 13 102 S C 7 ° M Milrickli SallieTarter SthiaC WannGir GS359 Tijuana 34 115 fast fast5J 43 107 S S21f SI 7i M MilricklJ Flame Mr Krnter Cave Man 08297 Tijuana 5J f 1OT fast 21f 108 7 7SS 51 5 M Milrick 10 Dlarcoy NciWder Cannonball 08258 Tijuana 5S 1 05 hvy SS 105 G Gir 3 4 1 M Milrick S Brnlnski Sanhia C Krjnifnim 081 GO Tijuana TijuanaG8102 58 1PC hvy ir 105 G CJ Gi M Mirrick 9 PokeyB JackPot AnnVSister G8102 Tijuana 01 f l08 = fast 111 110 S 43 4 i M Mirrickl2 Privateleat Delancey SthiaC

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030801/drf1923030801_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1923030801_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800