2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-08

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Di PC lile lyearulils md up vnrd Claiiuiti r Uve O 151 nAUt iii r no CANVASBACK ch B G 112 112Trainer By Greenback Coronia by Voter VoterBred Trainer H C Porter Owner E Winters Bred by estate of 0 Lewisohn 085GO Tijuana 1 147 muil 4S 113 5 3 3s J Maibin 9 Alazon SuiithRtlcman Midian 08464 Tijuana 1 111 fast 30 113 7 4 41 J Mailirn 7 Dovroost SGtlenian Plurality 08399 Tijuana 34 l113ifsst 97 113 5 5 51 J Maibcn IS Mistake Joelampbfll Pk1cnnv 08279 Tijuana 3 l16slov 9 112 9 913f 7 5JJ E Dugan 10 Caamano Dovcsroost Canuonball 08101 Tijuana 34 116 fas 13f 112 5 C31 41 M SlKhterll1 Plow Steel Balfour Thrills G8021 Tijuana 31 119 mud 32 110 S 7i G10 M Sltljter S DonJose JackLedi FickleFancy FickleFancyBy GALLOUBERRY b 5 112 112Trainer By Galatine Kate Kittleberry by Ccrasus CcrasusBreeder Trainer II E Davis Owner H E Davis Breeder J E Seagram G8524 Tijuana TijuanaG8502 5S lOIVfcfast 29f 113 7 5 5 3 M Andsonll Lit Pointer JocTag Stnnleyll G8502 Tijuana TijuanaG8218 58 103 fast 3 113 2 2 3h 2 i M Andsonl3 Chrome Klmer W G Trimble G8218 Tijuana 3J l19mud 9 112 6 1 1 5J M Andson 9 Circulate Review Au Revoir 08107 Tijuana TijuanaG8124 34 l18mud 33 115 9 9 9 9 J Glass 9 Illfle BillyGibson NellieHarper G8124 Tijuana TijuanaC7722 5S l02 ifast 5 113 4 3 21 2l M Andsonll Babelluth TDtmcan FrNurse C7722 Tijuana 13 115 U 11 Si S1 T Wilson 11 Yukon Delancey Phyllis K W C DOOLY DOOLYTrainer b K 7 107 By Prince Frederick Millers Daughter by Belvi BelviY Trainer D DG8107 Y Elander Owner Elander Bros der Breeder W C Doelr G8107 Tijuana 58 lC6hvy 15 516 9 S ST 71 H Molters 10 IvyGray YoiiBot Victory Won 081 04 Tijuana 34 116 fast 0 112 7 3 4 G II MoltersPJ Plow Steel Balfotir Thrills G8039 Tijuana TijuanaI 51 f l14shvy 2j 115 5 8 7 = 1 G T Wilson 11 Rag Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan I TijuanaI 07892 Tijuana 34 113 mud 15G 112 9 5 5 = 1 55J T Wilson 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana I 07828 Tijuana 34 l5rsfast 10 115 9 G 3 = 1 2h T Wilson 10 LewisB PinkTcnny SanthiaC SanthiaCHI 07575 Tijuana Tijuanaj HI f l O ifast 129 110 Left at post E Blind 11 Due de Guise Jzz Alazon Alazon5S j 0722 t Tijuana TijuanaI 5S l02 cood 176 1C3 10 10 10 E Blind 10 ColoncIMatt MissDunbar Velvet I IORENA MOSS MOSSTrainer br m 7 7T 110 By Sir Wilfred WilfredStrito Kitty K by Gotham Trainer J T Strite Owner Strito Valentine ValentineWO Breeder A Humphrey Jr 08557 Tijuana Im70y l50mud S WO 103 3 2 2J1 2 T Wilson WilsonOf 8 McCroan Gen Byng Silex II 08137 Tijuana ImTOy l45 fast Of 111 12 12 12112s T Wilson Wilson9f 13 XcbrIyitl llarItudder WJudge C8383 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 9f 111 9 10 10s 9 T Wilson 11 ColMatt Nebraska Iad Yukon j Tijuanaj 08279 Tijuana 34 Ii6slov 55 105 3 7 9s G4 T Wilson 10 Caamano Dovesroost Cannonball 1 08082 Tijuana Im70y l13Vislow 7 110 1 G SJ S T Wilson Wilson3Sf 11 Car LittleGink Point to Poin j Tijuanaj 07933 Tijuana 5S 101 hvy 3Sf 111 11 11 11 11 T Wilson Wilson2Sf 11 Fdllope Philanderer FmlMoon 07833 Tijuana 55 f 107 fast 2Sf 108 11 11 U 11 T Wilson 11 Tuic PhroneWard FlorceDcen TEO BRECKENRLDGE ch m 7 105 By Suffragist Tco Beach by Bobby Beach BeachTrainer Trainer C Reed Owner H Kiesal Breeder 0 G Parko ParkoG8135 G8135 Hopover0703G Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 5 110 S 2 4l 8 II Molters 12 Balfonr Meteor Hopover 0703G Tijuana Im70y 143 fasv 5 1GS 7 3 9 911 II Molters 10 GMhlehach SnSeas PkTeny 07508 Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast H 110 5 G G2 GIS H Molters S TomCven Fircworth Cafeteria 07356 DriftingG7300 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast G 10S S 4 6 = SI E PetzoUUll EHarrigan LCochron Drifting G7300 Tijuana ImTOy l46 fast 17 105 4 2 5J 51 E Petzoldt 7 Toomfocola C Barkley W Dant 07241 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 6 10S 4 3 93 9 = 5 K PetzoldtlO LittlcOrphaii Rcydo Deckhand 01500 Devshirc 34112 fast 45 10111 11 11 = 1011 J Chlmersi2 SAway BAllen Ilof thcXortii thcXortiiBORA BORA LamplighterTrainer br m 5 110 By Rook View Carolyn B by Lamplighter Trainer M H nley wser Hanley Cisler Breeder J D Carr He Ern 08558 PluralityGK13G Tijuana Im70y 149 mud 41 113 4 2 2 2 = C Thpson 8 GeorgeJamos Vetpran Plurality GK13G Tijuana ImTOy l47sfast 16C 113 S 4 Gl 5 = i C Thpson 13 IkyPearl SenDontan McCroau McCroauG33GO LuckyPearlG8312 G33GO Tijuana ImTOy lti fast 12 10S 8 7 5l 5 F Watrousll LittleGink Gleuzar LuckyPearl G8312 Tijuana Im70y ll lHrfast itast 15 113 S 1 1G814G 11 10 = Sl T Wilson 11 TomCravcn Cobrita Mike Daiy G814G Tijuana 1 1S 2t 2femud 7 HI 3 3C8053 4 = i S C Thpson 9 Bacchus Plurality Little Dear DearS C8053 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy S 113 8 3 4 = 1 48i II Moltersll Ptender Chtiellolters Bvchu3 67892 Tijuana 34 118 mud 4 105 6 i iSTEVE S 6s E Petzoldtl2 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana STEVE b p 6 103 103Trainer By Uacle Strite by Waterbay WaterbayD Trainer J Croftnn Owser H D Gates Breeder Oneck Stabo 08239 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 43 113 7 5 G5 6 E Dugan S Antalv Plurality Little Dear 08182 Tijuana ImTOy l31Bhvy 13 114 S S S 81J E Dugan S OMcKna Mistake TomOwens 68010 Tijuana 1 l305shvy 7 115 6 I 3 5s 5 P Martinez 7 TheVgeanre Dissolute TagDay 07703 Tijuana 1 l437sfast 7 117 3 9 10 10 = 8 O Atwell 10 Fircworth Starlike San Hedron 67018 Tijuana 1 18 l5Sifast 5 113 4 1 1G515 1 4 P Martinez S Swcnson Al Wick Tag Day G515 Tijuana 1 11R l13 l13sfast sfast 118 US 115 G G GC7470 GI G = O Atwell 8 Shorcacrcs lariat Rhymer C7470 Tijuana 34 l14fust 27 113 9 10 10PERFECT S S ° W Marcin 10 Van Welles View Plantagine PERFECT DAY ch m 6 100 100Trainer By Prospero Pansy Kins by Kingston KingstonGlbcman Trainer J Green Owner P Glbcraan Breeder S A Beckliam 08120 Tijuana 5i f lC6 fast lit 108 S 9 9 9 F WatrouslO Vibrate JCampboll DanegGirl 68 190 Tijuana 51 f l12 l12stnud stnud GJf 10G 5 4 = I1 J Maibcn 7 Black Pat Cannonball Onwa 08101 Tijuana 34 116 fast 13f 103 4 45S 2J 3 = E Fator 12 Plow Steel Balfonr Thrills 07659 Tijuana 5S l011ifast 50 105 S S5i 7 7Zt 7s G3 W Wiley 10 LyBibon KosaAtkin CiveMan H532 Tijuana 5i f 1 C9 fast 42f Zt 106 7 7 6 = Gi W Wiley 12 MyrtleA Dolancey FrchNurss G7262 Tijuana 34 llxfast 15 109 3 G T = S W Wiley 10 NebrLad TCravcn Shclbyvilla IIAUDIE WILSON ch m 5 110 By Karrigan Llazonia by Mazagan Trainer R Campbell Owner Campbell Kipp Erseder B A Jones C8502 Tijuana 5S 10J fast 112 12 It Si Si C Thpson 13 Chrome GalBerry Elmer W 68039 Tijuana TijuanaG7S55 51 f lll 4hvy 9 10S 3 5 7flS M Milrickll Rag Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan G7S55 Tijuana 34 l19Vfchvy 5 111 3 4 G 5 S Sykes 7 Shelbyville CharSmith Thrilln 67890 Tijuana 34 l18mucl 10 110 3 2 = 3 II S JoneslO DbleEye LonePine C Master 07850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud lOf 113 7 4 = 23 H S JoneslO Alazon Coombs Mistake 07785 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast Tf 115 11 10 9 = 9i II S Jonesll OIIcniestd MissDbar Review KISS FRAULAIfD ch f By Halamont Sister Baby by Lord Esterling Trainer B J Sheldon Owner Nebraska Stablel Breeder A Brown 081 G4 Tijuana 1 141 fast G3 100 3 2 f1 7nl J Merimre 7 Dovroost SGtleman Plurality C8399 Tijuana PkTenuy5S 34 l14sfast 23f 105 10 9 91 Ki R Flynn 13 Mistake JorCampbell PkTenuy 08339 Tijuana 5S 1OJ fast Mf 101 10 9 7 = T9i F WatrouslS Tabloid Jack Pot Coombs 6S148 Tijuana 1 l47mud IfiC IDS 4 5 G 6 = D Hum 0 Pueblo Olympiad Jack Lcdi 08124 Tijuana 5 l02fast 25f 10 S 9 7i 7 F Stevens 11 BabeHuth GalBerry TDiiacai G7914 Tijuana 34 llGmud 119 103 3 C S SIJ I1 Hurn S Dclhimar JustRisht Pretender CLEARFTELD b g By Textile Grizel ly Aintree AintreeBreeder Trainer 3 B Bond Owner B B Bond Breeder B Smith CP542 Tijuana 1 f 110 mud 5S 113 7 7 G = i 5 1 H Molters S MissEdna JCampbell LitSmilc C8358 Tijuana 34 llffast 20 10T 9 10 1 1C8313 9 = 1 93 R Bauer 10 Woolday EmmuWoller Mmliste Mmliste2T C8313 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 2T 110 3 3 3G8238 G1 ll C Thpsonl2 Plunger York I assio Balfour G8238 Tijuana 34 121 hvy 43 111 S 5 5G8I83 5J 553 E Kenger 9 Jazz King Worth Mistake G8I83 Tijuana ImTOy l50 hvy 10 104 8 4 4MARION Gl G15 F Stevens 8 Tawasentha Anita K Caamano MARION FLUKE b m 5 105 105Trainer By Toay Faust Princess Viola by Kismet KismetL Trainer X Galbraith Owner L Galbraith Brpeder 0 A KcLaughlm 08279 Tijuana 34 l16sow 33 1O 105 4 434 3 7s W Dean 10 Caamano Dovesroost Cannonball 08218 Tijuana 34 l195mud 12f 103 4 2 51 Gi W Dean 9 Circulate Review An Revoir RevoirOy 68181 Tijuana ImTOy Oy 151 hvy 125 10S 5 1 41 5 ° W Dean 7 BesYouag Plunger Gen Byng 07891 Tijuana 34 l18mud S3 100 1 3 4 S W Dean U VledCoIn Canvasbk EVellcr 67787 Tijuana 1 142 fast C7f 104 11 12 lli 11 W Dean 12 Hkamcie Plger TheVgearee TheVgearee3S 67657 Tijuana 3S lOH fast iSf 103 10 12 12 11 ° W Dean 12 Pcwatilee Slieka Fickle Fancy LADY LofrascoTraiccr BETTY b m 9 105 By Yorkshire Lad Lapenza by Lofrasco Traiccr G Nibbs Owner G Nibb Breeder C E Wilkinson 68302 Tifuana 5S 103 fast 21f 111 10 12 12 12 M Garrett 13 Chrome GalBerry Elmnr W 68257 Tijuana 5S lMhvy 157 10S 6 5 63 71 P Walls S Review Chariot Smith JamesG 68107 Tijuana 5S l06hvy 230 1 103 899 = 913 R Bauer 10 IvyGray YouHet Victory Won 68018 Tijuana 41 f 59V mud 9f 1 1tt 111 5 9 71 7 ° E DonhuelO CtheWay TpvDuncan BRuth tt tti9 i9 Tijuana 5S l047smud 95 103 S 8 1 T1 H Xander 9 Xainer Tabloid Review Review5S 67918 Tijuana 5S l03mud 20f 106 S S S S = 3 II Xander S HszelDuh Stleyll DdeGuisa LIMERICK cb g 9 1 1Trairer 112 Jy lleelick Preriilecta ty First Clip Trairer T Polk Owner T Polk ilk Breeder S Waring G8359 Tijuana TijuanaG83I4 34 115 fast 13 113 1 3 4i 45 E Petzoldtl2 Flame Mr Ki liter Cave Man G83I4 Tijuana 31 f lOSVfast 22 10T 1 3 4 = 5T1 E Petzol ltl2 Not fold Niz m Merrj Iiss 082 78 Tijuana 34 IzlG slow 31 112 214 451 H Walter S HOlyinpus FVhXurse Hopover 08258 Tijuana TijuanaG7722 5S 106 hvy 5 115 S 5 S S J H Molters S RtilisKi Srntlia C Kimitnra G7722 Tijuana 5S l02 = ifast 4 115 1 S 101 11s H Molters 11 Yukon Delancey Phyllis K

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923030801/drf1923030801_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1923030801_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800