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r 1U Furlongs yoiroIils and npivarcl Claiming Fcl 5 5i i j a i 05 s 11 PRIVATE PEAT ch g 6 105 By General Roberts Janice Marian by Rubicon RubiconTrainer Trainer W T Anderson Owner Bna Dieijo Stable Breeder G II Van Gorden GordenCR102 CR102 Tijuana fi f 1 fSfast 710 110 2 1 1J 1J C tude 12 Delancoy SnnthiaC Three X XG7748 G7748 Tijuana 24 l14 fast 37 Io7 3 3 S = 99 C Stude 11 MMaulsby Hnrinza Hs Heir HeirfP12S fP12S Tijuana ll41fist 5 107 1 1 1 2 2 4 = 1 C Stude 7 Nonsuit Orchid King Vic Munoz MunozK K 3 Tijuana SJ f l07fast 3 107 4 54 43 3 C Stude 8 CarMoore Nonsuit CACiskey 63020 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 9 100 2 6 G 61 4 C Stude 12 IIOHeels IkibAllen OrcliKius OrcliKiusc9S7 c9S7 Tijuana 58 l01Tifast 73 100 2 2 2 11 1J C Stude 0 Uiue ISelle Hilly Lane Nonsuit NonsuitDUG DUG DE GUISE ch p 7 103 3v Star StarTrainer Shoot Miss Granville by Yankee Trainer R M Hollocbsok Owner E M Kollenbcck KollenbcckC85K7 Breeder J E Madden C85K7 Tijuana 31 117 hvy 21 15 2 1 2l la c Thpson 8 Lone Pine Conichon Car CarX 1588 Tijuana r X f l07fefast i f 112 9 S 7i fi i C T Thpson I CocaCola DrJohnson FnllMoon FnllMooni 081 60 Tijuana i f 1 0 fa t J30 1C3 S G CM 71U K Kngor 8 Jltaucr LuckyButton MotorCop MotorCopliS 08108 Tijuana liS l01 fast 10 113 7 7 7 = 1 7 G Rose 10 Angela Pay Off Hazel Dale Dalef 17082 Tijuana i4 f 111 mud 73 113 2 1 I5i 1s C CC7918 Rails 0 Hilly Joe Hazel Dale FomUIope FomUIopeTS C7918 Tijuana TS l03muil 1110 113 1 1C7807 2 5 3l C R RC7807 Rails S Hazel Dale Stanley II Yukon Yukonl C7807 Tijuana fl l f lC97 mud 1D3 113 G 1 1 = 1 1 = J C Rails 0 FdUope CountUorU IGCley DELANCEY b g 10 0 111 111Trainer By Rock Sand Delusion by Meddler Trainer E Valdez ez Owner E Valdez Breeder A Belraont BelraontJf 08301 Tijuana Jf 1OS fast 39 115 1 3 h 9 B Fator 11 PhWard Van Welles FdHope 68123 Tijuana 31 l14fast 135 113 f 2 2U 2s W Pool 12 July Fly Virye Vera Rita 8297 Tijuana 1 f 1OS fast 8 113 1 1 1 = 1 1 E Fator 10 No Wonder Cnnnonball Flame 08 M5 Tijuana 119 mud 4 112 2 3 10 10 E Taplin 10 ClnvcrJnnii Plnrger AuUevoi C8 1 02 Tijuana 1 f lOS9ifast 2 113 1 2 2s 23 E Taplin 12 PrivntePeat SantiiaC TlirceX 57780 Tijuana 1 f lCSifast 5 115 1 2 U 2 E Taplin 11 Coldltryan KosaAtktn PokiyP CANKONBALL b h 5 1C9 By Irish Exile Betala by Rcy dsl Sierras Trainer K E Davis Owner H E Davis Breeder L L Alien OStKl Tijuana 1 f 1 OSfast 4Tif 115 3 5 53 5 ° F Stevens 12 Conichon Miss Meeliel Angelo 0838 Tijuana 1 1 42fcfast 9f 11G G 5 G S = J Glass II Col Matt Nebraska IJiil Yukon 08310 Tijuana 5S l01fast lie i bcll MrKrnter 08207 Tijuana 51 f 1 OS fast 21 11G 2 2 2l 33 J Glass 10 Dslanccy No Wonder Flame 18279 Tijuana TijuanaCS19C 3 4 llGsov 93 113 1 3 1U i Cnt j Glass 10 aamano Dovesroost Norain NorainIi CS19C Tijuana 51 f l12imud Ii J Glass 7 Hlaek Pat Onwa Perfect Day HAYFLOV7ER ch in By Karrisaa Lady Hildreth by Golden Garter Trainer Vr J Eonohne Owner 7 Humbrecht Breeder S K Velie fiBSOi Tijuana 51 f 103 fast IS 113 7 7 101 11 II Molters 1 1 PhWard VanWelles FdHope 08101 Tijuana 5S l015ifast r 113 7 6 3i 4i W Pool 12 HazelDale JoeHlair MissriHoy MissriHoyJ Oolttil Tijuana 34 l14 fcfast J 113 5 2 31 3 = W Pool 12 Anikassin Slielbyvillc CMatt CMattS C7830 Tijuana 5S l01fast S 13 3 3 3J 351 C Thpson 9 Due de Guise Neg Toombcoln 1771G Tiiu ra 1 143 fai t 9 113 7 2 2 33J II Molters 11 II Rudder FCCorley DStcsoa 07C7y Tijuana 3S 101 fast 15 111 7 9 S1 45 M Slghterll Angela Joe Tag Full Moon VERA RITA pr in 5 5Trainer 109 By J 1 Crowley Cisne by Flamuaa = Trainer v L Stanfield Owner r 7 Z Stanfield Breeder V L Stanfield B2 113 2 3 2 3 = J Maibcn S Double Van It Itafferty G8501 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast ISf 113 6 6 5 CJ W Martin 11 Ph Ward VanWelles Fdllopc JS25 Tijuana M l14lifast l f 105 3 6 1 44i F Stevens 12 July Fly Delancey Virge 08084 Tijuana 58 102 good 2f 10S 7 S 7SJ F Stevens 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Nog 08020 Tijuana t4 119 mud 6 IflS 3 3 S = 1 F Stevens 7 Midian CMuehlubacli Tnnacli 8000 Tiiuana 58 l04 mu l 13 114 2 3 4J 4 1 M AndsonlO Yukon Plow Steel Hilly Joe JoeCSS CSS Tijuana 58104 hvy 22 111 5 S C1 G i H Molters 11 FdHope Philanderer FullMoon FullMoonANGEiO ANGEiO ch c 4 110 By Rock View Orlo by Orby OrbyTrainer Trainer A Brenr Owner A Schitlt Breeder J Livincton LivinctonG8181 G8181 Tijuana rJ f lCS tfast 4C 112 423 31 A Claver 12 Confthon MMeelick NelIIin er erG85ir G85ir Tijuana 51 f l07 ifast 15 1CS 5 4 10 1U95 E Petsoldtl1 Sheloyville ToriCraven Poacher Poacher08iSO 08iSO Tijuana 51 f 103 slow 11 10G 1 1 L3 441 E Pctzoldt 8 KytHright Donblenye Slielbyle SlielbyleSOS SOS I Tijuana 58102 good 10 10S 4 5 S4 S E Pet7oli 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Nog 079 18 Tijuana 3S l03rimud 3 107 5 3 4J 4 F Stevens S HazelDalc StleylL DduGuise 07831 Tijuana 41 f 56 mud 25 10G G G 715 7s H Howard S Ccwuutr FdHope QncyWanl QncyWanlTUTT TUTT ch g 5 111 By Harrigan Beatrice Soule by Pesp oDay oDayTrainer Trainer W H Sperling Owner J Pidgcon Breeder B A Jones 0852 Tijuana 5S lCl4 fast llf 115 3 5 Cl SJ C Thpson 11 Iobelia UoscoeHse RosaAtkin RosaAtkin6774G 6774G Tijuana 1 143 fast 2C 115 5 10 IOJ 104 E Dugan 11 HUudder FdCorley Mflowcr 07521 Tijuana 1 l44fast 7f 114 1 1 Si 1C2 R Carter 11 PceFlag Prooraation GeuCzar GeuCzar7r 7r 12 Tijuana 5S l014ifast S2 113 6 S S S15 R Carter 8 Icon Uandorosa Xmdo 07875 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 7 10S 2 2 4 = 1 443 E Petzoldt C F Corley Neg Kimono KimonoVIRGE VIRGE ch m 9 1 X By Leonid Virginia Lindsay by Pirato of Pen Trainer C E Davison Owner C E Davison vison zauce Breeder Col M Yountr 0852T Tijuana 34 l14fa t lOf 111 2 25S 5 0 35J T Rac V luiy Fly Dclrncey Vera Rita 8104 Tijuana TijuanaG7872 5S l01UfKt 51 113 S S5S 5 4 r T Rae 12 HuzclDalc JoeHlair MissriHoy G7872 Tijuana TijuanaG7741 5S 1 OSVimud 10 10S 10 7 7 7C5 G ROE 10 Corncutter Milds Count Uoria G7741 Tijuana 31 l14ttfast 17 111 4 1 13 11 W aiartin S TCraven NebrIxul Pliilander 07072 Tijuana TijuanaC7431 8 1C fast 135 110 G G5S 2 IGl II Long II FondHope Nebraska Lad Nizam C7431 Tijuana 5S l01irast lOf 10S 2 1 1 = lz H Long 11 Alajah Xyncopation FVIiNurse ERMITANA b m 8 101 101Trainer By Von Tromp Isolation by George Kcsslcr KcsslcrBicedcr Trainer W Kern Owner J Kern Bicedcr E Cebric i880 Tijuana 5 51 51OK59 f UriiUifast 7f 113 2 1 1 1 R ParUe 12 Ilnnnebclle DAdiims Tillotson OK59 Tijuana 34 5 115 fast 27f 116 7 S S E Dugaii 12 Flame Mr K niter Cave Man 8297 Tijuana 5i f 105 fast 24f 111 5 S 9J 9IZ H Long 10 Dclancey NoWder Cannonba 828 Tijuana 5 3 109 1 S 5J 31 F Watrous S HroJaski SanlliiaC TlirceX 8195 Tijuana 51 51C8107 9 10S 4 3 3 = 2 = F Watrous S Nonsuit Lola Fluke Jazz C8107 Tijuana 5 5S lOGhvy 9 109 5 7 3 Sl E PctzoldtlO Ivy Cray You Het Victory Won OLYMPIAD ch g i 103 By Ferole Olympia by Rock Sand SandG Trainer J D Heard Owner G K Abbctt Breeder A Belmont CK201 Tijuana 1 1S 202Hlivy 23 103 S SC8180 7 7s 73 G Rop 8 Cabin Creek Ixiriat Dolph Dolph3i C8180 Tjuana 1 12 242Hhvy 3i fiS G G0811R 3 4J 5 W Martin 8 Dominator NKHeal Tag Day 0811R Tijuana 1 l474tmuil 115 10S 5 1 25 G Rose C Pncblo Jack Idi Alazon 100 Tijuana 1 2fast 61 107 4 4fiSOJIB 31 W Martin 8 Neb Lad Walter Dant Leta fiSOJIB Tijuana 1 151 Uhvy 12 102 G GC7S97 2 4l G Roie 8 LexvisH lariat G Mnehlebneh C7S97 Tijuana Im70v l53Vfemud S 103 7 7LEKIEVE 1 23 G Rose 9 Cafeteria Henecia Shclbyvilla ShclbyvillaBy LEKIEVE ch in 7 10 i By Luck and Charity Eugenia K by Bilgowan Trainer B F McCain Owner B F TacCl UO O Breeders F H R Brown f81 l Tijuana M f lOS4ifast 4 110 11 S 1 O0 J Merimeel2 Conichon Mifs Meelick Angflo 08101 Tijuana 5S l0t = ifast 20 I1G 1 8 CJ 51 C Thpson Dark A es Tabloid July Fly iiSUfil Tijuana 31 l144fcfast 7 = Sc F Vatrousl2 Auikassin Sliliyville Mflower C8172 Tijuana 34113 hvy IS 110 4 7 S1 7CJ R Flynn 9 Clioir Master Neg Kimono CS127 Tijuana 5S lOUra t 5S llu 9 9 71 3 ° C Thpson 9 Aryanna Dark Ages Kndive C7 flO Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 7 74 H S Jones S Philander Klla Waldo RedMaa TIIISTY SEVEN b g JO By Abo Frank Kiamesha II by Clifford Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z E McGregcrl Breeder J F Kewman KewmanfG8 fG8 Tijuana 5S l0ifast 23 110 8 S S Sl E Pptzolcll 8 Harriskane CtHoris H Rudder 0510 Tijuana 58102 fast S 110 S Sfi39 7 CJ C i V Martin t Angola Sweep lj II Don Jose Josefi39 fi39 Tijuana 34 l14fast 1110 150 2 2C374 3 3s 1 M Fator 10 HLOvea Ilungir iHoiccstVi iHoiccstViC374 C374 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 32 lot 6 6iSDJ 5 41 3 M Fator T LPointcr II Rudder Don Jose iSDJ Tijuana 51 f 1 OSVsfast 2110 104 3 3 3i 21 C Rails Jalway Al Porter Carl Roberts 02 0 Tijuana 5S UOiVsuood 31 1C9 4 4CUEA 5 5i 4 = M Fator S LitPoiuter Colebrati HWelch CUEA bik ir C 109 109Trainer By Bard of Hope Salvation ITell by Salvation Salvationkins Trainer L Hcnkins kins Owner L Hankins Hankinsrsr2 Breeder K II Gilpin Gilpin5S rsr2 Tijuura 5S 101 faat 171 113 6 6tSOOiJ C S3 71 AV Gargan 11 Lobelia ItoscoeCse RosaAtkin RosaAtkin5S tSOOiJ Tijuana 5S l0tmud fi 314 6 9 7si 6C2 W GarganlO Yukon Plow Sloe riiiy Joe Joe5S 07511 Tijuana 5S 102 fa t C3 113 7 7C71 S S Sla T Rae 8 Haxellie ULOwcn FullMoon FullMoon5SlOI C71 Tijuana 5SlOI ihvy 9 111 G 4 SJ I T Rae 8 Pinaquaiia Celebrate Virgo 07079 Tijuana 51 1 f l1lhvy DO 112 8 807C2S S1 4 1 T Rae Sit Cascade Chrome 07C2S Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 7 114 9 1 11 11 11 ° A Claver It Silk Sox It Choir Master