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DAPC 1 lil lilnAUt Iycarolds and nptvaril Claiming June 17 1D1G nAUt i as BREEZE b g RoyalH 104 By Ballot Eliso B by Prince Royal Triiner J D Heard Owner G H Abbott Breeder T L Caroenter 08730 Tijuana ImTOy l44fast 95 1 8 3 5 4J 4s F Watrous S Purl Harry Rudder Full Moon 08072 Tijuana 1 l41 fast 1710 108 5 1 1J1 151 F Watrous 8 CharleyUoy Tlioresn KULorley 08590 Tijuana 1 11S l515ihvy 4 101 533 3J F Watrous Frank Fosarly Rnjali Torsida 08544 Tijuana lm 0y l49Vimud 3 110 411 11 F Watrous 8 NortliTower Warlloil GlfUNews 08509 Tijuana 7m70y l45ifast 16t 10S 6 7 7 7s G Rosa 10 FOrient VaskaLad SumSIgb 08187 Tijuana ImTOy 14S slop 51 108 S 5 0 C W Martin 8 Rajah Horace Ix rch Itesreso C8128 Tijuana 34 l14VJfast 28 115 7 7 6 5 D Hurn 9 Polly Walo Fireplace MarlaRoy G7GG1 Tijuana TijuanaMAYSVILLE 34 l137ifast 13 US 7 7 5l 5T F Andson S Grace E Polly Wale Romulus MAYSVILLE b m 5 105 105Fuller By Cavalcadour Hill Top by Clifford Trainer R Fuller Owrer P Howe HoweImTOy Breeder S K Kicccls 08808 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 61 111 3 3ItiiTOy 1 1 22 R Carter 8 Ralfonr WalterDant PlowStcel 08045 Tijuana ItiiTOy l46 l46rfast = rfast 51 110 3 1 13 1 J Maibcn li JustRight LittloDoar Mrs Pat 08580 Tijuana 51 f lC9fehvy 15f 109 3 5 6 711 J Maiben 10 DiucingGirl TubbyA Charmant 08420 Tijuana 51 f lCG fast 15 111 2 3 5t 7j j Maiben 10 Vibrato J Campbell nincRGirl 07022 Tijuana 34 lHfast 49 108 1 8 11 11 R Carter II Royal Maid Poachor El Roble 07380 Tijuana 34 l14ifast IS 110 1 5 10 10 E Fator 11 Aryanna Sho Devil July Ilj 072G7 Tijuana 34 111 fast 21 101 4 5 6 6TJ R Flynn 0 Herder Rill RIackwell Romulus OG110 irthorne 51 t 117 hvy 12 16S 3 3ImTOy 6 6 6 D Hurn S MnryG MDtnunzio MeldyMan 05G9L irihorrie ImTOy 1 47fast 41 1M 1 5 6s 71 D Hurn S War Penny Sea Way Piedra G5G31 Omaha OmahaWISE 34 l13Hfaat 7 112 4 G Marino G RRkwl ClKobls ICstiesCub WISE JUDGE b g 5 102 By Judge Wright Mrs Wright by Masetto Masettoo Trainer H Tullett Owner o Shanter Stable Breeder Tyree Bate 08483 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 2 2J 9 E PetzolJtll Vulwn Midian Litlle Gink G8437 Tijuana ImTOy l45jfast 3 31 3 i F Stevens 12 Nobrljd HarRuddor OlWood G83G4 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 6 61 6 E Petzoldt 7 Reydo CliIey Roy Walter Dact 818 1 Tijuana Im70y l19rshvy 5 6 62 W Pool 8 SHedron PlowSll TVgeanco 07004 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 4 41 1 = E Petzoldt S JDavid CiiRarkley Slioreacres 07453 Tijuana 1 l42Vsfaat 3 2 1 11 W Pool 11 Tom Craven Flame Cisalc G7395 Tijuana Jm70y 143 fast 6 41 4i H Long 12 IiuraCoohron I iriat Rhymer 0 43 Tijuana Im70y Il7ljfast 6 51 4s W Martin 12 WGMCfk GRynz Ohstinate 07190 Tijuana ImTOy 152 hvy 2 2h 2J W Martin U Regrrso Argento Inriat Inriati 0710G Tijuana 5S l067ihvy i 4 31 3 K Petzoldt 8 HoIenMajor Raisy Miss Dnnbar GaGut Omaha 5S 102 fast 2 H Tullett 7 Old Coin Quota Ingot IngotBy GLAD NEWS ch f 4 4Trainer By Atkins Duchess Philippe by Sam Phillips Trainer G L Palmquist Owner OwnerC8797 Palmquist Brooder J 2 Irfjchn C8797 Tijuana 1 1S l54fefast 32 4 4h 4 J E Kenger S JDundeo Fannie Nail FOrient 08682 Tijuana 1 1S l34isfast IS 2 21 11 E Kenger 13 Miss Jane York Lassie LitDtMr 08666 Tijuana 51 f lOSVfast 3 10 Ui 9 = J Merimc 14 TRkridge RSante PhyllisK 08544 Tijuana ImTOy l49mud 9 5 4 41 E Petzoldl S Rieczo North T wir War God 08482 Tijuana 31 lllHfast SG 3 3 21 M Milriclc 11 MManagp LyTiptoe DangGirl 08419 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 8 7 C1 34 H Molters 11 Synropafii FdieFcar GJamcs 08358 Tijuana 31 l15 l15sfast sfast 31 7 71 S J H Long 10 Woolday EuimaWeJler Modiste 08144 Tijuana 34 113 muI 3 1 2 2 H Long 9 ItclleFIower RessipYouug Jazz 51 f lll4mud 8 S SIJ II Moiters n Williams CRarkley AlPorter DOVESEOOST KingstonTraicsr ch s 4 105 By Kaintenant Dovecote by Kingston Traicsr G J Miller Owner 3 McKay Breeder G D Widener WidenerCB752 CB752 CarG8401 Tijuana ImTOy l40 tfast IS 109 5 7 7l S J Singtonl Jipsy Jci Kiikwood Car G8401 Tijuana 1 144 fisjt 1G5 IOS 2 5 li IK J Sington 7 SCtleman Plunlitv Canbark 08381 Tijuana Ll43fast 9 IOS 7 2 21 3 J Sington 8 Niznni CoIdRryati SGentlenian G827U SGentlenianG827U Tijuana 34 l16Hsow 6 107 8 4 2 1 J SingtonlO Caamino Cannonliall Noraln 08145 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 107 4 5 5 5i 1 SingtonIO CloicrJtmia Plungtr AuRevoir 07853 Tijuana 51 f 1OS mud 413 92 7 7 7s 7 H Howard 8 Ilariyl I Icognanr cognanr John Jr C7770 Tijuana 51 f l07ifust 221 107 7 10 10 10 C Stuiler ICH lumHiee Tubbv V VCG305 CG305 Empire Ab 3i l107ifast CO 111 9 15 15 15V C Studer Nightbt TaLing HrtLJghta EUGENIA K b m 5 107 By The Wolf Miss Angela by Bob Ragon KlipsteinC81S4 Trainer RagonTrainer T J Oglo Owner Hollywood Stab Breeder P A Klipstein C81S4 Tijuana 1142 fast 6 105 4 3 S 9 E FVtzoId 11 Finnic Kitkwood McfSeos Pink 08300 Tijuana ImTOy l46Ufast 3 96 1 2 7l S = W Martin 1 Don Jose Kl Roul Reydo 074 13 Tijuana Im70y 113 fast 11S IOS 213 oi E P tzoldt 7 CavalMrlL SumSigh SilkSoj 07339 Tijuana 1 1S l54 fast 41 111 1 1 1J Il H Moltera 7 Vic Dolph Walter Dant DantC72G3 C72G3 Tijuana 1 1JS l4SVifast 5 107 3 1 I1 1 E IVtzoldt 7 Leta Waller Dant Ponchr 07157 Tijuana 1 l4SHhvy l4SHhvyG711G S 107 4 3 4 4 J E Peizoldt 7 Whippet Lavapa Xorlli Tower G711G Tijuana 34 4 llSimud 11 103 8 5 4 21 W Martin 9 KWilms FGCrley EIlarfn JAY MAC blk C 4 103 By Leonid Zirl by Sain Trainer R H Daniels Owner C CImTOy B Daniel O Brneder C B Daniels 08813 Tijuana ImTOy 1 48fast 2 f fImTOy 103 S S 5l 4J W Pool S TomOwens SheDevil JudDarid JudDarid1K9 08771 Tijuana ImTOy l4S1ifasl 2310 1K9 10 7 SI li W Pool 11 ChnCoiirt Enulda YkshircMM 08542 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 1C 107 1 6 4J 1 E Petzoldt S MissKdna JCampliell LitSiuile 08101 Tijuana 2 116 fast 13f 106 H U He 11 E IVtzoldtlL Plow Steel Ralloiir Thrills 0774G Tijuana 1 113 fust 19f 110 11 11 11 ll K Carter 11 ILRudder FGCorley Mflower C7187 Tijuana 1 l49Tihvy 75 10 6 6 4 41 C Rails 7 Retiecia CareMan Norfordal st 07099 Tijuana 1 l46 hvy 20 20ImTOy 95 2 7 1 T H Long 8 Whlpixt My Rose Dissolute 07038 Tijuana ImTOy 131 hvy 21 100 5 3 3i 4 C Rails 7 Rarriskane Yerinak JohnArbor GiJ38 Tijuana 1 113 hvy S SS4 103 4 3 3 4 E Petzoldt 0 Yerniiik Midin Millersburg fS7SO Reno S4 113 fast 135 96 3 W Miller 7 Pueblo MIssDhar KofPytblns G358G Reno 34 114 fa3t 12 12lss7Sy 97 1 E PetzsMd 8 LittleAbe EllaWood OurUaz l G3420 Reno lss7Sy l46Hfaat 3C 92 61 W Miller 8 Caamaiio Audrey K Arzeuto DOCTOR TUBES b g 4 102 By Norford Lanra E by Ben Strome Trainer A Neal Owner Ncal k Bartholomew Breeder Ncal Bartholomnw G8588 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 2 113 5 4 4 5J C Thpson 8 Double Van It Vora Rita RitaIm70y 68545 Tijuana Im70y 149 mud S5f 113 2 1 13 3 K Dujjan 7 Walter Dant Dolph Lcta C8484 Tijuana 1 142 fast 38 103 6 6 31 4 1 F Stcvensll Flamo Kirkwood McOeesPink McOeesPinkIm70y C8300 Tijuana Im70y l46 4faat 36 103 7 7 9 9 R Lee 9 Don Jose Kl Roble Reydo G8244 Tijuana 34 118 hvy 21 110 8 4 3l 3T1 T Wilson 9 UFIorcnce Dclhimar Rarkane 68202 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 31 103 3 3 2l 2 R Leo S JkLcdi HaselDale QcyWnrd 68171 Tijuana 34 l18hvy 73 109 9 5 3l 4 R Lee 12 Pliilander Snnlledron LewisR 6810G Tijuana 1 l42fast 13 107 6 5 4 5 F Stevens S NebkaLad WtcrDant Olyropd G8045 Tijuana 1 150 hvy 33 IOS 7 3 31 4 J F Stevens S SHedron MEmG CliIey Roy G7981 Tijuana 1 l4S7imud 14f 110 7 7 SJ 10 H MoltcrslO NlhShore GdRryan ChlcyRo HO RING A br f 4 104 By Horron Syringa by Cesarlon CesarlonTrainer Trainer G W Crippen Ownar Blackwell Crippen Breeder J B Gorham Gorham6875G 6875G Tijuana ImTOy l45fast 61 106 4 6 6 6Ti E Kenger 7 Deiliimar Herder Melchoir 68688 Tijuana 1 l41Vifast 11 114 4 7 71 Tl J Merimee 10 Occidenta Full Moon Meloln MelolnG8630 G8630 Tijuana 1 141 fast 13 99 5 3 3 3 W Martin 10 McOeosPink Power Mnikii MnikiiG8529 G8529 Tijuana 51 f lOTfast 30 102 S 8 S S1 R Bauer 8 Dr Johnson Pay Off Trust TrustC8488 C8488 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast 15 113 6 4 5l 8 J Merimee 9 Coca Ccli Dr Johnson Fab 68421 Tijuana TijuanaPLOW 51 f l07fast 310 109 2 1 I1 1s W Pool S DoAdmit GrTrimble ChSmith PLOW STEEL STEELTrainer ch c 1 104 By Honeywood Dsocency by artiaet artiaetBreeder Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Breeder L Chnitonson 68808 Tijuana TijuanaG8731 ImTOy l4Tfast 10 104 2 4 4 41 F Stevens S Ralfonr Maysville Walter Dant G8731 Tijuana TijuanaG8G84 1 l4ifast 11 104 S 5 41 43 F Stevens 11 TRkrilge Shbylc FGCley FGCleyS G8G84 Tijuana TijuanaG8608 1 l41fast 39 104 U S S 6s F Stevens It Col Snider Tom Owens Flimc G8608 Tijuana TijuanaG8543 1 144 slow 4 104 5 5 4 4J1 F Stevens WaterDant DoubleVan I arlat G8543 Tijuana TijuanaG8400 31 l16smud 51 113 S S 5 31 F Stevens 9 Alnzon Ixine Pine Tom Craven Craven4l G8400 Tijuana TijuanaG8304 1 1 l55kfast 25 106 6 5 4l Ci F Steven 10 TomOwens Kl Roble Dolpli G8304 Tijuana ImTOy l46ifast 13 104 3 7 71 6J F AVatrous 9 Ilackamoro Dolph N K Real Real4h 082 G3 Tijuana 1 l43ihvy 4 101 5 4 4h 3i C Rails 9 Power Poor Puss Peace Flag Flag2h 68184 Tijuana TijuanaG8I04 ImTOy l49Tshvy 7 103 4 3 2h 2 F Stevens 8 SHedron TlieVgeance LewisR G8I04 Tijuana TijuanaG8041 34 116 fast 1 107 10 4 3 = 11 F Stevens 12 Ralfonr Thrills Canvasback CanvasbackI1 G8041 Tijuana TijuanaC8000 ImTOy 151 hvy 1110 103 3 1 I1 2 F Stevens 10 NKReal Ta vasM ha Plurality C8000 Tijuana 58 l04Jimud 5 106 5 5 21 2 F Stevens 10 Yukon ISilly Joe Vera Rita RitaBy TTAT WRIGHT b e 4 10G 10GTrainer By Ormondalo Hattie Me by Ocd n nBreeder Trainer G Noal Owner Neal Bros Breeder J E Jtadden Jtadden3k 68809 Tijuana 1 11C l4SHfast 51 104 2 3 3G8G73 3k 4J W Dean li WIVnny RKkThoiiff KRnnkin G8G73 Tijuana 34 114 fast 19f 111 12 12 12 12 H Molters 12 PayOtf DancGirl Sister Susie Susie8s 68580 Tijuana 51 f l09 hvy 12 112 10 9 8s S11 C Thpson 10 DinciiiBGirl TnhbyA Cliumant 07019 Tijuana ImTOy l47 47 fast 38 106 6 7 61 6 M Slghter S Rogreso WMgomy KRankiu KRankiuS 07577 Tijuana ImTOy IMl fast 39 104 6 S S 7 T Wilson S Regreso Mankinll M Manage 07535 Tijuana ImTOy l4 ifast S4 90 10 10 10 911 H Long 10 PDiroot ReKHso KssthRankin KssthRankin2s 04908 Bshouse 1 1S 153 fast 15 119 2s S Smith 6 Ttilalip NclHarpcr CaptClover 04778 Brhouse 34 lllifast 2 112 4 S Smith 6 Cap Clover FlorDeen N Harper HarperBy KR X ch g 5 106 106Trainer By Frizzle Floral Park by Burgomaster BurgomasterBreeder Trainer C Buxton Owner A Marrone Breeder F J Grefer GreferG 08809 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 2310 IOS 3 4 G GJ F Stevens WPonny ItrkThonjr KRaiikin 08673 Tijuana 34 111 fast lUf 113 G S 8i Ci F Stoens 12 PayOff FiiiiicGirl Sister Susie 68507 Tijuana 1 140 fast 171 10T 3 7 7G6840 T Tsl M Andson 7 Coffield Siinnyland Dorins G6840 Bowie 1 115 l52fast Ut 101 3 7 10 12 C I ng 14 Transient Rotty J Rravo 06789 Marlboro ImTOy l52 4iast C 111 1 3 3l 35 M Buxton 0 Salt Peter Sir Adsnm Futon 66775 Mboro Ab 61 f 129 good 9 113 6 6 4l 45 M Buxton 7 Salt Peter Runiian Star COUIT 06732 Mboro Ab 61 f 116 fast 4 113 I 1 4l 4 i M Buxton S Purl Jap Minna Ina Kay 06443 Empire 1 116 l43fast 10 103 5 4 61 7S3 K Kummerll RalMark SLiglilHI StIsidorj I 6G341 Empire 1 116 l49Hfaat 15 107 1 S 13 13 E KumniorlU ServStar Ixjidllerbert Huouc