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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesHAVANA HAVANA WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 21WEVTIIEII WEVTIIEII CM3AK TRACIC FAST Tho figures under the heading Ree in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on oth r than a fast or good track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing starts at 230 n in Chicago time 200 Superior mild runner X Good IIIIK riiimsr Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprenlic itlliiuniiro li Plliikpr PlliikprFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 00 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 102Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Ree ReeRennington AWtHan AWtHan67533s 67533s Bennington 112 OS OSMidday 0112 72T 72TC87651 C87651 Midday M 107 09Vs 09VsRosi 3 9J7JO 9J7JOC3765 C3765 Rosi Rosie II 8 89 071tShifty 074i 3 90X715 68724 Shifty 01 0 OUJs OUJsWalter J 5107X715 5107X7156SGSO 6SGSO Walter Whitaker 112 OS OSiKineUc 8110 715 08785 = bKinetic ItfJ 03 03Lullaby 5 110X710 Lullaby 101 103 103Montjoy 5 105 710 Montjoy Ill 103 103Sarpia 4 109X710 Sarpia II 103 107 107Commodore J 110X703 Commodore lugra lugragmham gmham lM 109 109 109ficiural 5 110 700 ficiural Ill 107 13 110700 CG5G2 bUudiand 11 1120700 Second Race 34 Mile MilePuree Puree 000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Tun S 1920 111 0 102 05747 = DIFFKRFNT KVTS105 1 11 7112X725 7112X7256847G 6847G Ciirie Mooru 105 112 7105X715 7105X7156S7S7b 6S7S7b ld Sinner 113113 10SX715 10SX715CS7Cr CS7Cr IPort Licht 112 113 10 1110715 1110715C8459 C8459 War Idol 110 113 7 1015X710 1015X710G8G77 G8G77 Miss Mazie 101 113 3 9S705 9S705G8724 G8724 Cavalier 113 113 7 111 705 63724 Miss Caltha 102 112 0 101 700 700Third Third Race 1 Mile and 50 Yard Purse 500 J yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 0 1913 141 5 117 68790 Puzzle 109 145 5 103h725 103h725G87G8 G87G8 bRar Atkin IOC 1M3 G 103X720 Todays Ind Horse Wt Reo AWtHan 6S790 = 10r Sltafer 105 l f S 105X715 I G8SOO Heorse W 105 14 5 103X715 68723 l Haran IOS M4f 0 103 710 68723 Gntian 105 5f 5 lOiixTH G8417 Fair Virginia 99 M ti 4 990705 68785 Lindslidc 105 J7 10 1U70I G876S3 Edith K 102 5f 0 105X705 I C8673 0stcll 101 4 91 700 1 6872G Xellp Vorke 10 145i 7 103X700 6S803 Humpy KMi J 5 I OCX 70 68787 Dicknell IOS 141 i 5 103 700 Fourth Race 1 14 Miles MilesPurse Purse 700 4yearolds and upwarl Claiming Track record Jan 30 1921 203 1 118 68804 bDarnley T 111 7 68805 Ocscorron 100209 4102X720 63803 Rounce 4 110X715 68664 Not hue 4 102X715 63749s Ruddls 5 10G710 68678 Ryndel 4 107X710 63805 Duke of Wellington G 114 705 7056S743 6S743 Yankee Roy 101 209 5 102 70 70Fifth Fifth Race 1 14 Miles MilesPurse Purse 700 4yearolds and tipwaiil Claiming Track record Jan 30 1911 203 1 118 118GS803bJ GS803bJ Alfred Clark G 1 2X725 63803 Juo R Roche G 107 720 720GS76S GS76S bFelix M 5100X715 5100X7156S726 6S726 Moorisime 4 100 715 63803 Kerrum 4 98 710 68739 bllarry M Stevens 109 203 7 109X710 109X7106EG78 6EG78 101X7056S743 Miss Rankin 5 101X705 6S743 Miss Dixie 9G 222 m 5 102X700 102X700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards YardsPin Pin so ClaimingTrack 000 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March G 1913 141 5 117 68305 bSun God 100 143 10 109X725 08541 Roseate 100 143 5 99X720 99X720G8769 G8769 bCromwell 110 142 7 110X715 66642 bTop Rung 110 143 7 109 715 68680 bMayrosc 102 145 G 104X715 104X715C8643 C8643 bl o Ronero 101 143 4 100x710 68805 Mallowuiot 107 143 9 112X710 63749 Montillo 103 144 5 104X705 68555 bKeltol 9G 145 4 93X700