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1 Ililc yearolds anil upward Claiinlnpr June 17 1J1G FULL MOON blh m 5 IOC IOCTrainer By Dick Finnell Caller On by Oddfellow OddfellowBreeder Trainer R E Lovcll Owner J McGinn Breeder McB Mo rn 68756 Tijuana ImTOy l45 ifast 2 112 5 4 4C873G 51 4 3 H S Jones 7 Delhimar Herder Melchoir C873G Tijuana Im70y l44fast 12 112 5 2 31 3J H S Jones 8 Purl Harry Rudder Ilreczo 68688 Tijuana Tijuana08G51 1 l41V fast 129 112 1 2 11 251 M Milrick 10 Occidenta Melehoir Dclhimar 08G51 Tijian 21 100 4 8l 9 i M Milrickl2 Dalton Fireplace Vibrate 68589 Tijunn 34 l14 ihvy 62 9S 5 = 1 6 J M Milrick 8 JkUaner Littlellope LkyBufn 08488 Tijuar SI f l07fast 34 10S 3 3l 33i 2LI Milrick 9 Coca Cola Dr Johnson Faber 68242 Tijuana TijuanaG8199 51 f lll hvy 98 105 3 4s 3 M Milrick G HarryD lackUancr lucognanca G8199 Tijuana 51 f l10 imml 21 1CS 2 1 1 1 M Milrick S CieelyKay Don Jose Caunzel CaunzelBy TEO BRECKENRIDGE ch m 7 7Trainer 111 111Kiesel By Suffragist Teo Beach by Bobby Eeaca EeacaBreeder Trainer C Reed Owner H Kiesel Breeder 0 G Parke ParkeI1 G8731 Tijuana 1 i4i ifast ifastC8G6G 2710 111 1 1S I1 lh E Fator 11 Shelbyville FOCley 1lSteel C8G6G Tijuana 51 f lOSifast S 111 5 1 = 1 1 E Fator 11 IJonSante Phyllis K Miss Jano 68435 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 5 110 S 4 9 H Molters 12 liaifour Meteor Hoimver G7G3G Tijuana lm0y 145 fast 5 1CS 7 9 9 H Molters 10 GMhlebach SnSens PkTcny j G7598 Tijuana Im70y 14S fast 11 110 5 5C 6 G11 H Molters S TomCven Fireworth Cafeteria 7350 Tijuana Im70y l471ifast C IDS S 6l S11 E Petzoldtll EHarrigan LCocbron Drifting 07300 Tijuana Im70y l46bfast 17 105 4 5 = 51 E Petzoldt 7 Toombeola C Itarktey W Dant 07244 Tijuana ItnTOy 14S fast C 10S 4 3 9s 9S3 E PetzoldllO LitlleOrphan Reydo Deckhand 01590 Devshire DevshireEL 34 1 12 fast 45 101 11 11 H1 101 J Chlmersl2 SAway L AFjc II of theNorth EL ROBLE ch c 3 93 93B By Honeywood Pepperwood by Eddie Jones JonesBreeder Trainer R B Irwin Owner C B IrwhO Breeder McKeon Christenson Christenson2l 08774 Tijuana 34 114 fast 3J 112 4 2l 2U F Cantrell 10 Kof theSpa I idyl onid Scraps 08591 Tijuana 13 101 S 2 In F Cantrell 9 Kndire Clock Storking Reap C8559 Tijuana 1 1 42rnuii 13 95 1 1S t 7 W Martin S SpanMaize Jlondella Virgiuius G854G Tijuana 34 l15tnud S 102 7 4J 4CJ F Cantrcll 7 Clock Stocking Reap Endive G8400 Tijuana 1 1S l53Mifast 21 93 4 11 2 F Hurn 10 TomOwens Diilpli Little Dear 083G2 Tijuana TijuanaFOND 34 lll7sfast 21 1C9 7 4 4J F Cantrell 8 Norfield Athanna ClkStockg ClkStockgBy FOND HOPE b m G GCrsech 106 106Owner By St Swithins Boll Weevil by Cayugm CayugmBreeder Trainer B Crsech Owner B Creech I I27ifast Breeder E H Anilruss 08794 Tijuana 58 l027ifast 27ifast 24 IDS 6 12 127fast 12 1011 W Martin 12 PvatePcat Delancey R Welch 08G2G Tijuana 51 f I07r5sfast 7fast 13 104 G 2 1 S F Stevens It Van Welles LPoinler URudr G85G5 Tijuana 51 f 110 0 mud 21 107 G 5 51 9 W Martin 11 Red Man Joe Tag Xcg 08504 Tijuana 51 f 1OS S fast fast5S 31 J2S 2 2 2s 3J F Stevens 11 P Ward VaiiWolIes ColSnider G8084 Tijuana 5S 102 2 good Sf 10S 2 1 I1 li W Martin 9 LitllePointer Nig HHurgoyne 07982 Tijuana 51 f 111 1 mud mudnS 4 10S 3 3 3 4S F Stevens 0 DdeOuise liillyJoe Hazel Dalo 07933 Tijuana nS 104 4 hvy ISo 106 2 1 1 11 F Stevens 11 Pliilander FiiUMoon CtRoriM G7897 Tijuana TijuanaPOACHER 51 f l09Timud 9T mud 11 10S 4 2 25 21 Wr Martin 9 DdcGnise Countlioris FUCley FUCleyBy POACHER ch By Star Shoot Partridge by Longfellow LongfellowErsadfir Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Ersadfir J E Madden MaddenC1 G871G Tijuana 34 l14fast 4 110 7 C1 55 K Ericksnl2 OIHcWood Delanery EWilliams G8G10 Tijuaita 1 144 slow S 10S 4 4iui70y I1 ink K Ericksn 7 TCravcn Tawa entha Anita K 085G4 Tijuana iui70y l49mud 6 108 3 3s 3 K EricksnlO Ycrinak Tawnsentha Car G8484 Tijuana 1 142 fast 3110 102 1 1Im70y 4 SJ K Ericksnll Flame KirKvvood McCeesPiiik G8425 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast GJ 110 1 1ImTOy In 23 K Ericksn 8 Vic Hackaniore Orleans Girl G8384 Tijuana ImTOy l46 = ifast 11 112 3 35Jf P I1 K EricksnlO PeaceFlag Orlr usCirl Theresa G8315 Tijuana 5Jf l07ifast 23 110 10 31 35 K EricksnlS Shelbyville Tom Craven View C8281 Tijuana 51 f lOSslow 13 108 4 3 31 4J II Ericksn S Sister Susie Couichon TCraven TCravenBy DON JOSE ch g 8 113 113Trainer By Ballot Micaela by Watercress WatercressBreeder Trainer C E Groves Owner C E GroTes Breeder J O G H Kcene 08487 Tijuana Jm70y l4jfast 10 113 1 7 S S13 W Pool S Vic Fannie Nail Purl 08385 Tijuana Im70y 14 fast 6 113 2 1 1GS300 2 a II Long S Philanderer Delhimar Itarriske GS300 Tijuana Im70y l464fast 13 113 2 1 1G8199 Il I2 W Pool 9 El Roble Reydo San Hedron G8199 Tijuana 51 f l10 4mud 5 113 4 4 3l 3 II Long 8 Full Moon Cicely Kay Caunzel 68 105 Tijuana 1 IMSifast 31 112 C 1 1 I W Pool 9 MissICmmu Raisv Figuratiou G8084 Tijuana 5S 102 good 1C5 110 S 7 4 CJ W Pool 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Neg 68021 Tijuana 34 119 mud 63 110 2 25S 2 1 11 W Pool S Jack Iedi Fickle Fancy Uaisy 67999 Tijuana 5S lOoinud 2 116 6 65S 5 5s 31 D Hurn 7 Carein Cicely Kay Velvet G7872 Tijuana 5S l03H Jnud 21 115 1 4 5 = i C ThpsonlO Cornell ttvr Milda Couut Roris RorisBy LICHEN ch f 3 86 86Trainer By Pataud Woodnitch by Octagon OctagonBreeders Trainer H Farrell Owssr H Farrell Breeders S Ross E Daingerfiell 68754 Tijuana Im70y llGifast ISf SS 11 11 11G8559 1 10l 9i L Creery 11 Don Van WCMiCVk Tawtha G8559 Tijuana 1 l42mud 130 93 S S 61 5 L Crccry S SpanMaize Mondella Virgiiiiua 08180 Tijuana 1 14S hvy 7 JS 5 2 2 1 L Crcery S Wann Cirl Sinthia C CaveMan 08082 Tijuana Im70y l49 slow 4f S7 S 5 5 = 1 5CJ L Creery 11 Car LittlcOink Point to Poiist 67997 Tijuana Im70y l53 mtid 40 Sr 4 5 5n D13 L Creery 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Renecia 07827 Tijuana 41 f 54fast S3 97 12 12 12G7701 12 12 12 II Long 12 Xorfwld XorHoney Quncupll G7701 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 37 9S 11 12 12CHICK 12 12 12 P Walls 12 Kirkwcod Plunger Caamano CaamanoBy CHICK BARKLEY b g 8 103 103Trainer By Toddingten Mary If Bus by St Savia Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker r Breeder A L Ferguson G8384 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 6 Sl 9J F Stevens 10 Poacher PeaeeFlag OrlennsGirl C8315 Tijuana 5i f l07 fast 21 110 9 9G8171 S 61 55 F Stevens 13 Shelbyville TornCravrn Poacher G8171 Tijuana 115 = 5 vy 7 112 4 3 51 67 F Stevens 12 Pliilander SHcdron I wis H G7GG4 Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 15 112 3 2 31 3 = 1 F Stevens S WJndge JuilsicDavid Hliaeres 67534 Tijuana Im70y l47 l47sfast sfast lOf 11010 9 9 9S5 F Stevens 10 Ry Right Ton Owens Vic 67435 Tijuana 1 116 150 fast 3710 112 G GG7300 1 31 3 = F Stevens 7 WalterDant Lnvagn Fireworth G7300 Tijuana ImTOy l46 fast 16 110 1 3 2 2 F Stevens 7 Toombeola Walte Dant Dolpii 67207 Tijuana S4 117 slow 4 112 4 4CONICHON S 21 2l F Stevens 7 Jerry Theresa ISaisy ISaisyBy CONICHON b g 7 113 113Trainer By Reformation Janice Marian by Rubicon Trainer P Dwyer Owner A Slcmmon Breeder G M Van Gordon G862G Tijuana 5 f l07 jfast 29 113 9 9 95 75J C Thpson 30 Van Welles LPoinler FdHope G8587 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 165 115 3 5 4 1 3n T Wilson S Due de Cuse Lone Pine Car G8481 Tijuana 51 f lOSifast S 112 1 4 4G 2J 1 C Thpson 12 MissMccliek Angelo 1 Harper HarperI G8315 Tijuana G 115 S 11 I 7J 65 T Wilson 13 Shelbyville TomCraven Poacher 08281 Tijuana 51 f lOS3jslow 23 113 S 6 451 21 T Wilson S SisterSusie TCraven Pearlier d8219 Tijuana 51 f lllHmud 10 113 2 5 21 2s T Wilson 10 StAngelina Coniehon RillvJoo G8184 Tijuana Im7 y l49 = ihvy 13 103 2 4 5i 5 ° T Wilson 8 Sanlledrou PSteel TheVgnco 68055 Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 35 110 S 8 4l 3i F Stevens S Jack Led Hilly Joe Midian MidianBy HIGH OLYMPUS ch g 8 103 By Hastings Olympia by Rock Sand Trainer G Nibbs Owner G Nibbs NibbsG8731 Breeder A Bclmcnt G8731 Tijuana 1 l42fast 110 10S 4 10 10G8G28 10 9l 75i K Ericksnll TRkridge Shhyle FOCley G8G28 Tijuana 1 1S 55fast 19f 103 3 7 7G8342 9 9i H Xander 12 Racchus Rafour Firewonti G8342 Tijuana 1 1S 35 ifast 26 110 0 7 7i F Watrous S Vic Racclms Tawasenlha 08278 Tijuana 34 lGisIov IS 103 6 4 4G7978 21 1 F Watrous S FrcncliNurse Hoixjver Limerick G7978 Tijuana 1 14 lmud 30 110 7 6 6 Cl II Zander S LonePine Lit Dear Tawasentha 67892 Tijuana 34 1S mud 15f 103 10 9 9G7745 S3 S H Zander 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana G7745 Tijuana 1 1S 57sfast So 110 1 5 5G7674 4 42 II Xander 9 Rhymer Ressic Young bora G7674 Tijuana 1 1S l36 ifast 50 110 4 5 7 = 1 61 H Zander 9 Al Wick Little Cink Obstinate ObstinateBy LEWIS B cb g 8 113 113Trainer By ProSpero Lady Marchmo = t by Marohmont H Trainer G W Crinosn Owner Blackwell 11 Cripisea Breeder S A Beckhpm 68754 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfefast 32 10S 9 9 9G8G84 Sl S 3 B Kengcrll DoiiVan WGMcCck TawUia G8G84 Tijuana J l41sfast 6G 10S 9 9 9G8G08 105 10i G Rose 11 ol Snider Tom O eiis llamu G8G08 Tijuana 1 144 slow 9 108 7 6 6C8304 51 6 1 W Martin S WalterDant DoubleVan Iiriat C8304 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 41 104 9 fi 51 4 = i G Rose 9 Hackamore Dolph N K lleai 08184 Tijuana Im70y l49hvy 10 70S G 6 4 = 1 4 G Rose S SHedron PlouStl TVgeanee 68171 Tijuana 34 llS = 4hvy 13 112 S 9 9C805G C 3 = 1 G Rose 12 Pliilander SHedron DocTubbs C805G Tijuana I l31hvy 8 1CS 2 1 1G8019 1 In H Howard S Lariat JMtielilebach Olympd G8019 Tijuana Im70y l535inud 2 108 1 1 1ARGENTO I1 1 W Pool 7 Cabin Creek Rhymer Car CarBy ARGENTO br g 9 113 113Trainer By Jake Argent Ardones by Amso Trainer C Edwards Owner M Martin MartinG8752 I Braedsr Estate of E J Eiidwia G8752 Tijuana ImTOy l46 l46sfast sfast 121 113 10 8 8G8G84 G3 451 R Carter 10 Gipsy Joe Kirk wood Car CarII G8G84 Tijuana 1 l41fast 5Sf 10S 10 11 11G8G28 11 91 L Armstg 11 Col Snider Tom Owens Flame G8G28 Tijuana 1 1S l55Hfast 19f 10511 12 12 12 12t5 L Arrnstg 12 Hacclms Halfoiir Fireworth FireworthS 68483 Tijuana 1 l42 ifast lOSf 10S 11 S SG8341 6 5 L Armstg 11 Yukon Midian Iittlu ink G8341 Tijuana 1 1S l55 = ifast 43 115 S 5 5OS2G1 6s 6 3 M Slghter S Shoreacres Lit Dear NKHoal OS2G1 Hjuana 1 1S 202nvy OS 113 4 42S 3 3C818G 31 4S3 F J Baker 8 Cabin Creek Lariat Dulph DulphS C818G Tijuana 1 12 24khvy 2S m 5 s S S C Thpson S Dominator XKISeal Tag Day DayBy 113 By Orimar Lulu M by Masets Trainer R Barnett Owner R Barnett Breeder M Doris G8793 Tijuana 23 110 7 7 5 31 L ArmstglS Fort Churchill Virgo Jack Pot 68626 Tijuana 20 106 S S 7l 63 L Armstg 10 VanWelles LPointet Fdllupe 68565 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 39 105 5 6 6 = 3i L Armstg 11 Red Man Joe Tag Stanley 11 G8467 Tijuana 34 115 fast 22 110 1 7 3i 7i L AnstB 9 HarRudder Ollie Wood Yukon 68422 Tijuana 34 l13 fasl 9 108 4 4 4U 63 L Armstg i mkissiii EinWilms HRudr 08223 Tijuana 5S l04 imud 14 110 3 4 4 L Armstg 7 Hazel Dale It Joe Tag 68172 Tijuana 34 119 hvy 12 112 5 2 11 2 L Amsrng 9 CMaster Kimono Em Williams C8084 Tijuana 5S 102 good 27 110 5 4 3 Z3 L Armstg 9 Fllope Llointer Hllurgoyue