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1 llI r4 DA PC 1 Fnrlonsrs Ilyearolds Dlaidcns Claiming Tail S ll I Si nAUC 10 101 LITTLE SMILE ch c 3 M 104 104Trainer Ey J H Houghton Smiling Mag by Smila Trainer G V Crippen Owner Blackwell Crippsn Breeder J A Blackwoll Blackwoll7l 68611 Tijuana 1 l43ifaat 19 93 fi 2 7l S14 W Martin 9 lilenzar Wann Girl Country 68542 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 17 109 3 3 3i 37 F Watrou S MissKdna JCampbell Jay Mac 68110 Tijuana 5J f lOS7ifast 7 101 G 3 3GS399 21 75 W Pool 11 Syncopaln Fdielear dNewd GS399 Tijuana 34 l14ifaEt 23 101 9 7 G1 7 G Rose 13 Mistake JoiCampbrll PkTenny 68338 Tijuana 41 f 55 = ifat 155 107 4 3 3P8284 2 21 W Pool 11 NorIIoney MatSeta Trippawa P8284 Tijuana 41 f 54 slow 209 09 101 3 G 1 7 U Eauer Kinslike Angela Incognanee 68237 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy 23 101 1 1 2i 5 5H i G Rose 7 Kl Bol Ie Tiippawa NorHoney 67827 Tijuana 41 f f4sfast 14 104 4 2 i 41 A Claver 12 Norfield NorIIoney Qunriipll 67205 Tijuana Ei f lll slow 13 92 7 2 51 I01S W Mart Martin 12 Trinket Cicnzar Make Haste 67166 Tijuana 58 lC57vy 10 99 2 1 1HAE 2 6J W Martin 3 HelenMijor Baisy Wise Judgo HAE SETH ch f 3 M 107 By Seth Mae Erwin by Banquo II Trainer C C Richards Owner F A Breit Breeder F A Breit 687 12 Tijuana 53101 fast COS 101 1 S S1 S5 D Hum 11 Beverwyck Cedric May Bruen 63434 Tijuana 1 IMS fast 9 102 4 S S = i 3 F AVeiner 12 SallieCarter SthiiC UaiiuGirl UaiiuGirlG8HO G8HO Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 4 101 3 2 4J 5Ti F AVeincr 11 Syncopafn FdieKear GdNews GdNewsG8380 G8380 Tijuana 5J f lC9HifaHt G US C 9 7 VJ P Hum 12 Krmitana Bonnrbell I Ada us 68338 Tijuana 4J f 55fust 37 105 2 2 2 = 3 J Maiben 11 Xor Honey IitSmile Trippawa 797 Tijuana 3S l05muil 16 102 6 S S S ° F Stevens 10 Squash Bcchus Onwn OnwnG78G9 KayG72G5 G78G9 Tijuana 5S l05 3mud 7 92 4 3 4J 713 II Long 12 Careen 7ainer Ciiely Kay G72G5 Tijuana 5i f 1OS fast 3Jf 110 S 7 ij S J Carrol 12 BrianKcnt lvleonid Bowsprit BowspritELMER ELMER W b g 3 M 10 By The Volf Mona Canoamann l y Elmer L LTrainer Trainer Z E McGregor Owser Z E McGregor Breeder P A Klicstsin G8729 Tijuana 34 l14fast 170 93 7 7 1 7J W Martin 12 PPierson BlkMdnkcy Fiesta FiestaG8G05 G8G05 Tijuana EJ f 110 slow 5 100 6 11 11 = 13 P Hurn 14 Itungeorge Contriot Big Indian 8502 Tijuana 5S 153 fast S 100 5 3 2J 31 J Merimee 13 Chrome GalBerjy G Trimble 8338 Tijuana TijuanaG82GO 4 f CVjifast Cl 107 G Fell C Rails 11 NorIIoney LStSmile Mae Seth G82GO Tijuana TijuanaG8123 51 f 113 hvy 4 100 7 S 4i 3 J C Rails 8 MssMlick TemDuncnn Onwa OnwaIS G8123 Tijuana TijuanaG7982 5S l02ifast IS 107 2 3 2 3SJ A Claver It QncnpIL SmAgnin Ndlloney G7982 Tijuana TijuanaG7827 51 f 111 mud C 99 5 6 6 C15 T Wilson G DdeGuise BillyJoe Hazel DJU DJUCJ G7827 Tijuana TijuanaG7742 41 f 54 54rfast rfast CJ 110 6 5 5 57J F J Bakerl2 Xorfield NorIIoney tiiuciipU G7742 Tijuana 5S l02fast 71 112 2 5 3J 3SJ M Slghterll Iris Girl BPchus Smile Asam TRIPPAWA ch f 3 M 102 By OrmesJale Helen Pink by Piak Coat Trainer J S Baldwin Owner J S Baldwin Breeder F J Ksllny 68750 Tijuana Im70y l6ifast 20 SS 3 Pulled upW Dean 9 Jut Bight Yotkljissre LorMoss 08605 Tijuana TijuanaG8398 5X f 110 slow 13 103 2 7 7 1219 F Weiner 14 Bungecrge Contriot Big Indian G8398 Tijuana 5j f I s ifast 3 91 6 7 GJ 45J W Uean 12 BetSlnirt Calithnmp Sthiii C 68338 Tijuana 4J f 55Sifast 55Sifast5S 9 103 1 4 41 41 M AmFsonll XorHoner LitSmile Mae Seth Seth7S 63237 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy 7S 105 2 3 4J 2s E Petzoldt 7 KIBoble Ndlloney Ijla Huke 67799 Tijuara TijuaraG7742 51 f lftS fast fastGS 43 SS 7 7 9 9 I Creery 9 MatnZorrn Nisam Pinaquana G7742 Tijuana TijuanaG7702 GS 3 02 02rsfaat = rsfaat 20 110 S 2 41 6 J Pevlc 11 Iris Girl facebus KJrner W G7702 Tijuuna PS f 1OS fast 27f 9S G 5 CJ 6 J Pevic 11 StAngeJina BusaAlkin CoomDs CG29X Akron Ab 5S 101 Vfcfast 10 102 Bled J Pevic 5 Queen Maznnia Zing Futurette GG181 MHghts 5i f lK lKshvy shvy 135 IOS T Rae G Iota Frank Hrb Nutty JANE A b f 3 M 102 By Col Venaie Lsttls Bit bv Transvaal Trainer F BechtcLheimer Owner Sunflower Stable Breeder J B Respers 67803 Tijuana 1 147 mud 20 97 2 4 4f 6 G P Hurn 7 Pinaijra SilverMaid PoorPiiss f 3l Tijuana 34 l14 fast 4S S9 S 10 11 LManning PeaceFlac Coniriot 67355 Tijuana 5S l027sfast 7S 92 9 7 S S3 H Long 11 Bess Welch Hazel Dale Klga 67227 Tijuana 58 8 l02sood St 92 9211 11 9 11 11 H Long 11 Amkassiii T 67154 Tijuana 51 f l12 hvy It 91 3 4 4s G = i H Lons 8 Coruiiitler Sherman A It It5S 67132 Tijuana 5S l03Hhvy 51 102 3 1 I1 2l T Wilson S Toyon Anna Star Iokey Jane Jane5X 66403 Toledo 5X f 109 fast 33 IOS 5 5 7 7 J T Buel 7 SilverMaid EauGallie FrbKrb FrbKrb5J 66016 MHghts 5J f 109 hvy IS 105 G J Allen 8 Pinaiiinha Athlete Frank Urb Urb5S 65740 MHKhls 5S 104 fast 31 108 Wcli T Murray S Poor Iuss Argo Futnrettc 02114 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 47 109 3 6 6 6 A Wilson Mss Minerva Puppvo Dearie 61495 Lcxtou 4 4i f 57mud 13f 107 9 11 11GILLIFLOWER 11 II15 E Martin 12 Anna Tod 1oppve Palladium GILLIFLOWER cb i f 3 M 102 102Trainer By Semprous Jossie Girl by Nonchalance Nonchalanceobn Trainer B John obn Owner W G Jenkins Breeder L L Allen Allen5S 08712 Tijuana 5S 101 fast SSf 9S 9 tf tfC7827 73 7l I Parke 11 Beverwyck Cedric May Bruen C7827 Tijuana 41 f r4 fast IGf 99 7 7 Si S ° I Parke 12 Norfield NorIIoney Qirncupli 07513 Tijuana TijuanaG1332 54 f lCSfast 130 Ki 4 G 6J G Inrke S Bowsnrit Klltolile Lady Ieonid G1332 Tijuana TijuanaG1285 12 49rrfast 5 101 1 4 4J 2 T Wilson 6 BrianKenf DnvBoy FrkKkrit G1285 Tijuana TijuanaG1194 41 f 56 fast 21 97 4 4 SI 4 M Fator S PPierson BKent IidyLef nid G1194 Tijuana 12 4St fast G 109 5 5 5i 5 E Fator 8 PHampson BnKent PPiersoa 51080 Tijuana 12 49fast Z3 109 7 4 1 31 T Vilson 9 Tile Irosity Melilioir 51040 Tijuana 12 49 fast 39 106 6 7 5J 4 44J i M Fator S NVVinet PPierson Pnampson 00013 Tijuana 12 49 K ooil 218 109 4 5 S S C Gross 10 Iidy Mvra Kl Uoble Iruslty 60862 Tijuana 12 Rflisow IS 100 5 5 4 C Studei 8 MlsslJdmi PatlPpsnn DutyBoj DutyBojEy LOLA FLUKE b f 3 Li Ey Tony Fajst Princess Viola by Kismst Trainer L Galbiith Owner L Galbraithl lithl Breftder C A UcLauehiin 68358 Tijuana TijuanaS58237 34 l15ifast 4 10 10 = W Dean 10 Woolday KnmiaWolIor Modiste S58237 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy N 101 4 4 oi 4s W Dfan 7 KIBobie Trippawa Nd Ilon j 8I95 Tijuana TijuanaG8IGG i f l12mud 2C SG 1 2 2 3 i AV Dean 8 Nonsuit Krmitana Jazz G8IGG Tijuana TijuanaC8017 5S 1CC hy 101 SS 4 5 W Dean 9 PokeyB JackPot AnnsSiRter C8017 Tijuana TijuanaG70I1 4i f sSHmiiil 113 91 6 5 S S1 W Pean 8 QyVard Operator NorHIon5o NorHIone G70I1 Tijuana Tijuanai7S69 5o 101 mud Sf SO 11 12 lll 911 W Dean 14 Cicely Kay You Bet Car CarCS i7S69 Tijuana TijuanaC7742 CS KayES l03 imud 9 K7 5 6 71 S16 W Dean 12 Careen Znintr Cicely Kay C7742 Tijuana ES l fast 37lOf 99 7 4 71 8 W Dean 11 Iris Girl Bacchus Klmer W W5S 67595 Tijuana TijuanaR7472 5S i02fast 50 2 3 S 91 10IS W Dean P Pliilamltrer Viva Bacchus Bacchus5a R7472 Tijuana 5a 102 fast 51f 103 2 5 Gh S W Dean 11 Doubtful Kl Uobl l jdivc DUD ch c 3 M 101 101Trainer By Enfield ColuF Girl bv Bill TPFTT Trainer E Linnell Owner Leslie Stable Breeder S S Eaklfi G8807 Tijuana Im70y IMSTsast 7f 91 10 S 3 = 919 F AndsonlO JollySailor Modiste YkLa M 34111 LylxoniilA fast f lf2 10 10 10 9 F Andson 10 Kof t laSpa KIKolIe Lylxoniil A f l07Vffast 6f S9 12 11 12 2 F Aniisonll Iud Faber Ieter Iierson Iierson5S 68G07 Tijuana 5S l lOS K islow slow 33C 95 5 7 7G852 S 71 F Andson 8 CBoberts MarFlnke K Welter Welter5S G852 1 Tijuana 5S l01Vsfast 29f 97 S S Sh S I Andson H Lit Pointer JoeTag Gal Kerry 68338 Tijuana 41 1 f KHfast 41 102 S G Ss T Tvairousll NorIIoney Lit Smile Mae Seth 68217 Tijuana 34 1 ISVnud iS 101 4 4 G5 G1 T Wilson 7 SmieAjrain Contriot Ch Smith Smith5S 07742 Tijuana 5S l03ifa l03ifat t 43 101 4 7 10 10 C Hose 11 Iris Girl Bacchus Elmer V 61285 Tijuana f 56 fast 54 107 3 7 7MIDNIGHT 71 173 II Jones S PPUrson P Kent UidyLeonid UidyLeonidlk MIDNIGHT BELL blk lk f 3 M 107 107Trainer By Lay Low Violet May by Peep oBay oBayney Trainer G Cconey ney Owner G Cooney Breedsr G Coozey 68773 Tijuana 51 1flOSfaHt Coozey1flOSfaHt f 1 OSfast 29 9 S 6 5 3l 2 M Garrett 12 Channant Prince Henry Onwa Onwa5S 68710 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 13 93 11 116860G 8 S S M Garrctt 12 Sty Miss MrKruter InsHughes 68606 Tijua Tijuata a 5S 58103 103 slow 9f 98 6 3 3t 4 M Garrett 12 Gal Berry J Camptx 11 Onwa Onwa4i 68338 Tijua a i 4i f V Vfast fast 52C 107 3 7 71 55J E Fator 11 Norllmiey LitSmile Mae Seth 08298 Tijua Tijuata a 34 341li Nfoidlloney5S lli fast S3 110 5 5C82S7 6 6 G M Wood 6 Monnrdelia Cedric Nfoidlloney 68237 Tijua Tijuata a 5S Honey5S 107 hvv I 99 5 6 6s 7 M Wood 7 KIKohle Trippawa Nd Honey 67742 Tijua Tijuaia a 5S UflZsfast 02fa8t 45 90 9011 H 6 9 93 M Wood II Iris Girl Baechiis Klmer V 6770 1 Tijuana 12 43 fast 45t 90 G GG3G20 6 5s 5i M Wood S Hazel Dale Joe Tag Joe Plair G3G20 Reno 41 f 5fust 72 112 112G3314 S P Caron S Bemit Mart Bunch Klmer W G3314 Ucno 41 f Go fast 29 101 7IS W Davis 7 Ollenry BiiaiKent L Leonid HAY BRUEN ch f 3 M 107 107Trainer By Ballot Bazo o Gold by St Florian Florianrooks Trainer F Brooks rooks Owner R L Baker Breeder W S Thralkeld G8774 Tijuana 34 34111 111 111G8712 fast 13 105 3 C SI 101S W Pool 11 Kof theSpa KIBobie IvLeonid IvLeonid5S G8712 Tijuana 5S 101 fast ri SS 3 4 3 31J W Pool 11 Beverwyrk Cedric Serapo 68667 Tijuana 51 f 107 l07ifast 22 103 10 S S 10 J F Watn usl2 Pud Falwr Peter Pierxon G8298 Tijuana NfotdHoney5S 34 113 113G8I23 fast 6 110 1 1 45 4 W Pool I Moriardella Ceilrie NfotdHoney G8I23 Tijuana 5S 1 V VC7472 ifast ll10f 10 G 5 3 FellW Pool 11 QnrnnlL SmIIeAgaiti KlmerW C7472 Tijuana 58 58102 102 fast 34 103 S 4 al 31 W Pool 11 Doubtful Kl Buhle Kudive Kudivef E3GH HEELS Ir f 3 M 102 By Lovetie Hot Bird by Dry Monopole Monopoleadge Traicr T Hodge adge Owner T Hedge Breeder Mrs L A Livingston G86GG Tijuana 51 f lftSVfefast 437 9312 14 14 II W Dean 14 TPkridge BSante PhyllisK 67827 Tijuana 4i PhyllisK4i f 54fcfast 16f 97 9 3 9 9s J Thomas 12 Norfield NorIIoney Quniupll GG255 Toledo ToledoG6I81 51 f 1OS fast 1CT 101 7 77 77G6I81 7 M Garrett 7 Athiinna DixieDick Illusionist G6I81 M MHRhts MHRhts6CU5 If gilts 51 f llSHhvy 13 107 G T Buel r Iota Trippawa Frank Krh 6CU5 MHKhta MHKhtaG5775 51 f 115 mud H 112 6i S Wida Poor Puss Back Taps FrankKrb G5775 Kworth 4 f 1 8 ifast 32 1 0 4 C G 6 F Weln r Fitzrue Fair Iivannn Kadiu 5730 Kworth 31 f l07ifast 62 97 G 12 12 12 F Stevens I Fr Iavana Fitzrue FlyJaciiue ZARIN br f 3 M 107 107Trainer By Dr Leggo Coma by Solitaire II IIBreeder Trainer H Calwell Owner H Calwell Breeder A B Spreckels 68123 Tijuuna 5S l02fust l02fustC80I7 110 107 S S 91 3 J M Slghterll QncnpII SmIIeAgaiti KlmerW C80I7 Tijuuna 41 II KlmerWII f nSVbinud 7S 101 3 C 7 T Wilson S QvXYard OtKrator Nordlloney 67532 Tijuana 54 4 f 109 fast 7 M S 9 9 9 H Long 12 MyrtleA Delaiiiey FrVliNuraa 67433 Tijuana 5J 4 f lOSUfast Sf 101 6 G Ci 7IJ G fttzoldt 7 Bowsprit L Leonid Peace Flag BETTY ScribeTrainer ZANE ch f 3 M 107 By Discontent Cordia F Ly The Scribe Trainer C W Officer Ovtrners Trowbridge Officer Breeder H H Trowbridgc TrowbridgcG8712 G8712 Tijuana 58 101 fast SSf IT 11 10 10s 10 M Garrett 11 Beverwyck Cedric May Bruen BruenCABBY CABBY B b c 3 H 109 By Tho Wolf Kismet Girl GirlTrainer Trainer A Gibmov Owner A Gibmey Breeder A Gibmey 68772 Tijuana 51 f 100 fast 13f 100 11 13 13 13 T Wilson 13 Phyllis K Kahani Tennilec 68605 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow 133f 10 9 S1 II11 M Garrett 14 Kungtorgr Contriot Big Indian G8237 Tijuana 5S 1 7 hvy 141 1 6 7 7 G F Serumba 7 KIBobie Trippawa Nd Honey HoneyPEG PEG BurgomasterTrainer 0 b f 3 M 107 By General Roberts Frill by Burgomaster Trainer E R Armstrong Owner G M Van Gorden Breeder G M Vtn Gordsn GordsnFirst First start