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EUGIBLES FOR DWYER ♦ Sixty-Four Named for Big Aqueduct Three-Year-Old Stake. « All of the Best Colts and Fillies of the Division Are Among the Nominations. NKW YORK. X. Y.. April M.— The Dwyer Stakes, one of the really imiortaut three- j year-aid fixtures of metropolitan spring rac- j inp. lias attracted sixty-four colts an l fillies of quality tins year. The entry list for this | Aiueilurt stake has just been made public [j by the Queens County Jockey Club. j The Dwyer cornea at a time in the spring I season when the three-year-olds to compete are generally at the top of their form. Barlier ia inv: has given then the necessary I hardness and fitness to show at their beat in || this test of a mile and an eighth and the entrance and starting fees in addition to the |MM added to the event make the prize well worth while. The Dwyer always attracts a field of quality and with the line array of talent represented in the list of nominations this yiars running should maintain tin- high average established in the past. Harry Payne Whitneys Enchantment is rot eligible for the Dwyer because he is a gelding, but the Brookdale colors will be represented. The New York sportsman has named Flagstaff, j thiekvale and Iiketer for the race. Tbe Rune teas Stable has entered Zev and Bud l.ernei-. .1. S. Coaden has a strong hand j with .Martingale. Dunlin. Cyclone and Golden « Rule. Cyclone is the colt for which the llaltimore sportsman paid 1,5*0 as a yearling in 1021. He was never brought to the post last year, hut the fact that he has been named for many of the important three-year-old stakes this year is taken to indicate that he is training satisfactorily. SAI.I.Y S Al.I.EY A MONK EMKIKI.KS. Willis Sharpe Kilmer has named his double Futurity winner. Sallys Alley, along with three other horses from his stable. August Kehnonfs .Kssenger, Gifford A. Cochrans 0,000 Goshawk and Benjamin Blocks Bet-bur Luck are among the other notable entries. Following are the conditions and nominations for the Dwyer : inn mvvKK. Put Ibiiiii jiibi ibh $.".000 added. of which .UM to the second and ISM to the tliinl. Weights 6 pounds below the wale. Winners at .1 l -vcar -old rare of the valce of |3.*M t. carry 3 pounds extra; of two such race-.. 0 pounds extra: of three such raci s, 9 po units extra. Other horses, if noil -winners or So. in: B| ..iiy time, allowed 3 pounds: of ,000. 7 panada; of ,000, 12 pounds. UelU-iiis not e.iKihlc. 1 1 -S mil.-s. Ascot Stable T. ue ayes, ell. c. by Lyc-brow — Kditli Inc/.. August r.i tin , nt MMKUger, Ch. c. by Fair Ilay — Miss, on Hciijaiiiin black -Better Luck, b. c. Iiy North Star III Oratt. Albeit c Blinks Taasal. b. f. by BnrfBMss Stake and Cap. J. A. Co. lira n CaahaWB, blk. c. bv VIii k II. IMvcl.t. G. A. Caracas imbria. b. f. b.v His Majesty — I.ivonia. J. S. Cosden Dunlin, eh. e. b.v Fair llay Dana Baca. J. S. CeaSes Martingale, b. e. by Martinet lady Irm.-i. J. S. omIi-ii r.vlone. b. c. by Sweep Ballet Girt. J. S. bases iolden Bale, b. c. by Wrack Cold in«. William !».inicl Hlam Betas, ch. c. liv North Star III. Bed of Koses. J. S. It. inn Daatet, ch. c, by Back View — Marie Potato. II. Ptehet I utooiiist. ch. c. bv Celt -Honey Bee. 11. C. Pteber type! ion, br. c. by BaSSUM Mel- rl p • Bnhert L. Jerry Prime Minister, b. c, by Celt — lriiiiitl.i II. Braes tw i stable -Bartenj Baaa, eh. e, by Whtek I.rooiu II. -4aid.i urine. Jrecntiee Stable Kialto. b. e. by Chicle-Matinee. Qreaatree stable aVeearaher. eh. •. by Bteunatick Aist.-i- Creaa. Jrecntiee S:able Diistaliout. br. e, bv ButCD Kopje. Bssentree stable — Son o-lne. eh. c. by Carle Idle Tale. Jreeuti.-e Stable Pandowdy, b. f. by Peter Pan Winif.el A. Jreeiilice Stable Solisa, eh. f. l.y Spanish Prince II. Preanay. Kre.lci i.k .lohn.-ou — Nassau, br. e. by Nassovian Pbilistia. Willis Sharpe Kilmer Sillys Alley, b. f. b.v Alia BMW Sa vol.ll lie. Willis BhStpe Kilmer — Still ferenee. ch. c, by Sun Briar bafereace. Willis BhSipt Kilmer - Sun Fey. bik. f. by Sun Briar si. Pejr. Willis Hbaipe Kilmer Sun Thistle, b. f. by Sunstar swet Briar II. A. K. Mataaihil IlllwilaSI. b. c, by Palo Alto — Hoop Skirt. J. K. Ma.lden Siuandei. blk. e. by HcsMnn— Mil- lilltTV. Wiliiam M.ntin Valador. eh. c, b.v Short !n licer S. M.N.iuulitoii Little Celt. Ch. c, by Celt Little flower. Base* Btaste Baasahun, br. •. by.Lahe MeLahe Sprit.-. Quincy Stable P.!i:euiO!it. lilk. c. by Vul.-ain Notasii las. QBBUrjr Stable Pettifogger, b. c. by Yulc.iin - Princes-. Oraesade. Quincy Btabte and. ch. c. by Ornoudaie Bsaaie • Carrie Quincy Stable BsaCT, b. e. b.v Fair Play Aid. -lit. Itan.oas Stable /.-v. br. c. l.y The Finn Miss Kearney. Bsarsi aa Bt late Boi Leraer, b. e, bj The Finn - Dieam.-ome. B— rarer still,- Bhwl, eh e, by Battel Pieteai Iri.lo. Kivieri Stable Great Man. b. e; by Great P.rilain Met/.ie llivieia Stable Iliuh hi.-f. br. c. by TlSWp Shot. - -Sain Uivieia Stahl.- High Pi. lee. br. c. by Mont dOr II. Veneila. Walter .1 Balnea risB, • •. l.y Jim Jaffa y rbraate. V..:lter .1. S.:!m- .n Lawiniat, b. c. by Hoiirl-s- I. iiiinci s.-. S.:.iford Stiid Ilrms Arsgau, h. c. by Bpasiali Priaee II. Mabel Btiasaa. Satiford Stial Fauns GleStUt, b. c. by IYoi n .h.rit a. 0 n I out Slul 1aims llalby. b. c. by tl.-or-.- Baaith Bh 0 -mi i . John ahsachaeiMy PaBoa, h. e, by Friar Bach Miaa Ke KM. j. n. saaitb Kisg Bel BMaa Real, b. e, by Kiag -l.ilil.-s Ifin.i I -. f I J. It Sniiili a la liiim. br. c. b] Vnl.-iin Cnbiii j. B. BuUdi Aiium.i Belli, br. e, by Battel An tiiiini II. c. A. st.nieii.iiii UeKee, i . e, by Lltbsaa Bally- m. -ti i C. A. r, b. c, by Mary Sell ir.-. It. K Vi.k.-rman Park Hill, b. e, by Bene- Kiln i Collins. John S. Ward — ISoIi s. cU. c, by Cell K« ssi.- Mellou. 1!. Water-. 11 Out and Mae, eh. 1. by. Whisk P- iii II. Mini 1 to. II. P. Pteheter, b. e, by Chicle Pank- 1 nr-l. H. P. v;.,tic. Ila.-taff. -h. c bj Braaassttek 1 llllll- 11! 111. H. P. Whitney chi.Ual.-. 1.. e. l.y Chicle G era rate. J. B. WWeaer Battereea, b. e, by Meal sOr II.— .ier. I. i: Wdcu r Purity, ch. c, l.y Fair II iv P. V. witeM Wllerncss. .h. e. I y C, in; fir lli-iii- ta. It. T. Wliaaai Tall Thaber, a, c. by CaMsflre Piy. it. T. Wilson Porest Lars, eh. ■. by Csatpfire -I Ha wee