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Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA SATURDAY, APRIL 21 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figure, under the heading "Rec." in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases wlieio letord was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. Racing staits at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:.V ». ® Superior mud ruimer. X Good nind runner. # Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Rice — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Bee. 20. 1916— 1 :ll=t.— 3 -110. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. C9222 Dm 115 1:15% 9 113x725 C9337 fanvasback 115 1:15% 6 113X720 C8102 ! San Sefano 106 1:16 4 111X715 69222 Bewv Field M . 96 1:17% 4 111X715 C9179 MM Beach 117 1:13% 10 113X715 C9232 Trulane 112 1:14% 11 113. .715 69181 Wann Girl M . . . 116 1 :17% 7 111. .710 G9338 lantern 109 1:15% S 11.-,.. 710 CS337 Bon San to HOl.lOb 7 113. .710 69308 Stirrups M 6 113. .710 GS338 Country Ml 107 1:15% 4 111. .705 C9223 Mal.inetto M| ... 4 111.705 C9336 Ali«-o KichmondtMlllO l:16i 5 111. .700 69142 Pat Carter M S 113. .700 G8849 Lazy Ben 112 1:16 9 113.700 Second Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Pur*e 00 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 27, MM — 1:52— *— 117. 69344 Senator Don Ian .109 1:56 4 109. .725 G9344 Freddie Fear 4 100.720 C9158 hBovcsroost 4 109X715 69343 Jay Mac 4 109X715 C9024 Glenxar 107 1:56% 4 107. .710 6S338 Tag Bay M 107 1:58% 4 109X705 C9032 Sal lie Carter 6 111.. 705 C9158 Figuration 5 110. .700 Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse i»0. 3-year olds and upward. Churning. Tiack record: March 10. 1923— 1 :42%— 5—117. 69337 -•bPeerless One 108 1:44% 8 10SX725 C9338 •bPink Tenny 112 1:47 5, 7 108x720 69238 Madrono 112 1:45% 6 106X715 G9206 *C.en. Byng 115 1:45% 7 110X715 69338 Orleans Girl 1111:46% 6 113x715 69338 bl.oren.-i Moss 7 113X715 69337 *.Mr. Kruter 1*5 1:47 7 110. .710 69337 Bienero 117 1:48% 10 118.. 710 69206= Silex II 115 1:48% 6 118X710 G9343 Fizer 112 1:44 9 118X710 69121 *Mrs. Pat 107 1:40% 4 KM.. 705 G9336 Marion Fluke I 110.. 705 69233 Little Abe 11 111x700 69181 Mol.rita 110 1:46% 8 113X700 Fourth Race— 1 3-16 Miles. Purso 00. 3-vcar olds and upward. Claiming. Track iceord: Jan. 1. 1921 2:00% — 4— 107. C9344 1 N. K. Beal 108 2:06% 9 H2QT2S C9344 Plurality 1112:03% 4 102X725 CD3405 Pokey it 7 100X715 69143 Hiith Harrigan .. ■ 95. .715 69344 •Oram* James 5 107X715 G9343 7 107x715 C9343 Mr. X 5 97.. 710 6S233 Balwood S 102X710 C3204 bMistake 7 107X710 69343 Lpliain 6 100. .700 G9148 Fver Bold M 4 102. .700 G9344 High Olympus ...113 2:04% 8 102. .700 Fifth Race— 1 3-16 Miles. PMW MWSl I peat oils mi upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 1, 1021 S.kt% 1 MV.| G920G Til trail I Maid .. 4 95. .725 68892 Anita K 3 85x720 692L5 Car 112 2:06 6 97X715 6S344 Met roan 7 102x715 69239 Bolph 106 2:01 6 112X710 6S344 •Rhymer 115 2:01 9 107X71! 69066 Swnson 107 2:05 11 112X710 692C8 *Martha L 4 97. .705 69237 : Bonatello 6 112.. 705 69311 »Little Gink 102 2:02% 10 107X700 69343 *A1 Wick 10 167. .700 C9343 bCaamano 113 2:03% 8 112. .700 Sixth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,000. Handicap. I year-oils and upward. Track record: Jan. S, 1921 —53%— 10— 105. 69124 ABAOANF. 130 54% 8 131X750 C9312 Wild Heather I 105x740 69312- Kingl-ke 117 54 6 1110735 G92361 Harry I 109 54% 9 104x730 691173 Brown Belle 3 8V.725 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Pm 0O. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 11. 1923— 1:44%— 3— 116. 69126 Jack Bauer 3 94.. 725 69341- Reap 3 94X720 69123 bSunnyland 117 1:45% 8 113x715 69123 John Paul Jones ..118 1:45% ■ 116.. 710 69340- bvSuudial II 112 1:47% 7 113.705 69228 Fitz -Boodle 1111:47% 5 113x705 Eighth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. .3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. 69229 Colonel Matt Ill 1:12% 10 110X725 69234s bllerder 115 1:14 8 110x720 69209- Fickle Fancy 100 1:14% 8 108X715 69234 July Fly 110 1:14% 9 108x715 69310 Rosa Atkin 5 108X715 69311 Conichon 115 1:15 7 115X710 69234 Silvermaid 11241:17% 3 100X710 69204 Kirkwcod 110 1:14% 5 115. .710 69309 Bessie Young 110 1:16% 4 111x705 69339 Bon lose 112 1:14 8 UfcfcTK 69310 Mayflower 113 1:1." % 5 113. .700 69240 Flame 107 1:14% 8 113x700 69S09 Cuba 110 1:15% 6 113X700 C8730 LChoir Master 115 1:15% 8 115:1:700 69339 Chrome 115 1:15% 6 115X700 Ninth Race — 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 17. 1916 — 1:38—3 — 95. 69208 Lady Leonid 81 1:43% 3 89X725 692241 bMelohoir 92 1:42% 3 94.. 720 69208- •Calithump 10*5 1:42% 5 113X715 C9344 Theresa 1111:42% 5 113x715 69234 Coid Bryan 108 1:43% 6 113x715 69234 Horinga 99 1:41% 4 114. .710 6S310 ICva Song 1111:45 5 108.705 G9208 Maysville 100 1:40% 5 113.705 G9309 Lady Bourtwn 6 118. .705 69226 Stylish Miss 3 !-9 700 69309 Helen Major 4 104x700 C9E44 Fiesta 4 104. .700 Tenth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 10. 1923— 1:42%— 6— 118. 69313" Wedding Prince... 121 1:48 4 107X725 G9311 Balf.ur 113 1:46% 5 113x720 G9228 Regres 119 1:14 9 117X715 C9237 Torn Owens 113 1:46 IMS. .718 I 09223= •Ki;c» irtli 110 1:45% 6 10h710 ! 69314 Doctor Tubbs 106 1:48 4 109X705 69229 Kugenia K MM 1:45% 5 106x710 69343 York U-issie RMS 1:45% 6 106x705 GandSll" *To;n Craven 109 1:46% 4 Rfci. .700 G9313 Silk Sox 108 1:45% 4 116x700 69229 bPueblo 6 113x700 6C337 Dienero 117 1:48% 10 114. .700