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Havre de Grace Form Chart i _„_ HAVRE DE GRACE. MD„ FRIDAY. APRIL CO. J 923. - One mile. Fifili day. Harford Agflk ultural :tn»i Breeders Associativa. Spring Meeting of 13 days. Weathar cear. Steward Uepres.-iiting Maiyh.nd Kai nig nun ssi. n. te-orge Krnwn. Jr. I .egati- nt Large. Carlos I M BsflaCSMedle. Stewards. Beams km Jr.. Baker Wat-is and H. P. Conkling. Judges. II. J. Mor-11-. J. P. Turner .mil M Kattwaaaa. Matter, James Milton. Raeing Ht ulaiy. BL Natkaaaaa. Raring starts al Ml p. m. fCkatwja tkae IJI p. m.. W indicates wMp, I sours, l? Makers. Pig-nrrs in | ;:r atkeaes fallowing the tfrtun at eack race indicate date, track record, ace of kataa and 1 1 weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. j OQOj £» FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 29. 1918—47—2—112. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Oll/OAO Maidens. Claiming. Net ial— to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtlISt || 2 % Mr Fin Jockeys Owners IJiuiv. Odds Strt I A PARTHKMA w 11. 9 r. 1= 1» l» H UaaaTfl J H Mat] r HK-BM HUMRLH w III S 4 23 L: :- C Kummer J S Co.sden KIO-loO I I A COISrMI I.IA ML w 107 I I P 7- P A Abel V Foley 410-ino SbSM*VBBC8 w M7 10 9 :* H ! S McLmc J A liurhanan S16.V10O I A , •U OIJEN w 110 C I P 1*1 S* B Qlea Riddle Farm Stb tURVRS RMS4 JACKSON w 110 7 S 7 i * 0- J Bulv.ell W.I Salmon ".m5-!0o 1 kSltS*GOLDMARR wk 110 4 11 N P VI K Malta : Peterson 17:iO-1 » LADY CBUA w 112 11 10 MP •■ P A riaver J Maadce HB-MI I LADY AUDREY w 112 i 12 li- 1 - !" A Plainer Kcatoa Stable 7170-100 , GS784 DIXONS PRIDH V US U 7 ".* 4 M | M S. hwtz K M McDonald t KLI-IK CICBXE fUtna 12*12*11* r MaMk B A Laaa I BUZZ saw wn 11". :! 1 11- n3 12° N Hafl B B Mr! una MSVMM , ASH LB V m 11" 1 I 13 U U B Marinelli II B RaM t Matari Held. Time. £3«5. 4S25. Track fast. iiiulu.-ls paid. r»l Ifcl — . ?4f..l0 straight. ?14.10 plate. show; HsBJhir, BUB place. ?2.SI ■haw; Julia M.. .2»» show. K.piivalent hooking oddi — I.-irthrm:.. 220.". to 100 straight. GO", to 100 place. 39 to 100 sliow; Ilunible. 7.". to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Juiia H . SJ to MM -how. Winner It. f. liv Kapid Water — Filigree, by IUiimis trained by J. II. Matter; bred by Mr. Ceorge W. J. Pis-ell. Went to p-:st at 2:29. At post I minutes. Start Rood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. IAKTIIL.MA st a fast pace from the t.irt and won in a canter. Ill MIS1 M ran well and was not |arae eared with when it was plain PAKTHBMA had the rate won. JlLIA M. closed a big Rap and finished fast. VKNIS ran well. SIP BUM showed speed. Berateked BHM Antiquity. 107; OWlbT Mackatta, 115; Boot Straps. 115; Fear. 112; Play Girl, 112; Sarah Stager, 112. nQQi P7 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 27. 1919— 1:11%— 3— 128. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds OiFOA a and upward. C.aiming. Bjat value to winner CSO0: second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtlISt ,i .2 3i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 68779 PICNIC wn 4 108 9 1 Dl 4i 21 P W Pool C. S Dann BNfr-HJI I 69 153 FOR ST QFEEN w 4 110 I 4 »• 1" l1 2" R Romelli .1 M Hubbel Jr :!20 100 , 68613 *rU8XR w 4 103 I 8 B» M" ::" "= ■ Pell J R Skinker BNS-Mt 6SI67MOSKPH BRANT a 4 Mi C 7 4 541 45 R Smwod J Szelatowski t-O-lOO BMTt*IRA WILSON wn C 110 S ." ;»: 6 r.J r.» C Kuinmer Crow Point Stable ;r,0-101 69-269 BO IT OOEB w 4 BB 11 9 It". !■ 7 C" A Abel H Acker UM MB j 668*20 SANCHO PANSY wn :! OG 1 I SO 8 W 71 T Finn , A Price MR5-M8 «9242 GAUDY w 5 110 12 11 11 ill * S S3 A Allen J. Campbell BBk-Mt 6»210 BOX.TAN w i: P. 1% | 6 71 9" 9?. 9! W Smith S C Denham ti 68886 »* PON" V KXPUKSS w 3 96 7 M 1! M* 12 !•* W Milner J W Candle 1 69210 KIRAII w I 105 10 12 ti"1 Id- 11- U] F. Scobie T R Crist 299-,.0J : SIMM BON JOn: W 108 1 3 1" V fi 121 N Huff R B McLean |] 63857 IlNK WATERS wn S 110 11 10 12- 12- 13 U*| A Gantner Keystone Stable t 69152 SEA TAG wn 3 95 1;, II 11 14 14 14 R Costello A Swenke 2S20-100 tMiti:el field Collided in bcttins as E. B. McLean and H. Acker entry. Time. 24. 48%, l:14* i. Track fast. nintiKls paid. Picnic. 0.90 straight. 4.10 place, .M show; Forest Queen. .90 place. .50 show; Fusee. 6 Go show. Baateak nt kaaktatf tka-Ptcaae, 1915 to 100 straight. G20 to 100 jd.ic, 31; to 1;K sliow; Forest Qataa. 145 li UK aiaer, 125 to lOO show; Fusee. 730 to 100 show. Winn r K. s. by Pebbles— May Queen, by Fltimus trained by F. Tner: bred by Mr. James Butler.; Went to cost at 3:00. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the sime. PliNlC shntlted hack at Ike start, finished gamely under hard ridiag and got up to win iu Ihe final strides. FOICKST QIKKN. hard ridden fivm tae start, tired in the last sixtiH-nth after r.-iing into a clear lead. PDBBB was a close-up eaateader all the way. JOSEPH P.BA.NT was running fastest at the end after going to the outside. IUA WIBSON ran well. SO IT QOHfl was away poorly. Serat.he.l GG707 Wellfinder. 105; 60424 Pini irron. HK»: G925G Mustard S -. d. MB; 69242 Satana, 105; SMMH Jis,.,,| iae .. 91: 69242 P.odansky. MS. Overweights — Joseph Praut. 1 pound: Sultan. 5; Pon Jour. 3: Sea Tjg. 4. nQQi Q THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept 25, 1915— 1:42%— 4— 119. Puree ,200. JeZ/eZl AO 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt MM SW. AND PRETTY w 3 95 1 1 H1 » V 3s 1" W MWaiT G Koniffswahl BB-Mtl 66474 ANNA ML Willi 2 2 1 Ill1 l1 21 C Kumm. r I.ilane Stable W MB MR ERURBKA wr. 3 100 6 3 . 5 2" 2f BJ 3s T J Doyle E F Whitney 430-100 t9258 WEST P1TTSTON w I 1O0 4 I Si 6s 4; 4» 4» R Romclli Triple Spring* Farm Stb J60-100 8BM8*RBXXMTP w 3 95 9 8 45 5 G5 5= V R Farland C N Freeman MBKMM 69153 J1 IS WOMAN w 3 103 7 7 7"" 71 7* 6- G» E Legere R Patti 9455-10. MB— ROUNDSMAN wb 4 111 S 6 BJ 4J BJ 7° 7 T Finn S Hyman BRa-MM 69188 NIGHT LIGHT w 3 105 3 4 6J 8 81 SI BJ B Marinelli V Kaiser BMa-ttl 69188CABIATHIAN w 3 105 i 9 9 I 9 I 9 J Zoellcr .1 .1 Farrell Jr 1020 -100 Time. 24%, 50. 1:16%, 1:42%. 1:47%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Sweet and Pretty. 3.70 straight. .40 place. .50 show: Anna ML, .10 place, .00 show: /.eureka. .90 show. Equivalent l ooking odds— Sweet and Pretty. 585 to 100 slraight. 270 to 100 place. 125 to 100 show: Anna M.. 155 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; /.eureka. 95 to 100 show. Winner— Ill, f, by Berrilldon — Stalwart Helen, by Stalwart trained by L. Meripolc; bred by Mr. L. Garth. Went la post at 3:35. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the s.imo. SWKKT M PUKTTY, close up from the start, saved ground when entering the homestretch and. finishing gamely, outstayed ANNA M. The latter set a good pace and made a game, but tiring, finish 7.F.1KKKA raced well an l was eii the outside of the leader all the way. The others were beaten off at the finish. -QQQ-f Q FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 27. 1919— 1:11%— 3— 128. Purse ,200. 4-year-OuOll? olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtlISt i % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 6921 I iiAMiUFLAGE wn 7 119 11 G M BJ 1* lak K Smwod GC Winfrey 345-100 66867 -BY JIMINV wit I 115 10 I 61 BJ 42 21 J Rowan E F Whitney 475-10 65584 BAPY MINE wis 4 107 5 3 || 2- 2 V J AVallace J I-axton HTM MB 69211 COLANDO w 4 101 12 1 4= i1 31 4G Mh in C Phillips 8:»-100 BBRM*MAT BLOSSOM wb 4 113 Gil llh 9= 7 5nk c Kummer C F-tlowes 225-100 69256* VALENTIA w 4 103 J 9 10 S 8= 6«t GJ KM D BBS-MR 68740*1.1:KFAP1: w 7 115 4 S MP MH MP 75 A Roach M J RaM 595-100 68802*TONV BOB w 4 9G 3 I 7»t 71 8 s1 AV Alilner J J Farrell Jr 5140-100 66610 TAPN wr. 4 103 1 4 2»k J« 51 il!A Abel R .1 Miller f-580-100 69104 MONASTERY wn 5 llfi S 9 9- IP 11 M 1 Q Yeargin L Liebling 540-100 69256 AIKEN wb i 105 2 7 5« 5 90 U« G Fields A Inclan t i8l99,or!:CKEEK w 5 114 7 12 12 12 12 12 A Claver J Kelty t tMutnel field. Time. 23%. 48%. 1:14. Track fast. 52 mutuels paid. Camouflage, straight. .40 place. .10 show; By Jiminy. .90 place. .20 show; Bakf Mine, 7.10 show. Bqairalenl bo. king odds— Camouflage. 345 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; By Jiminy. 195 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Baby Mine. 1755 to KM sli ,w . Winner— It. g, by Star Shoot — Busy Maid, by Meddler trained by 0. . Winfrey; bred by Mr. John i: Madden. Weni to post at 4:04. At post 10 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen driving: second and third the sun.-. IAMOI KI.AGK. close up from the -tart, racd into a long lead after entering the homestretch. J. m lire.l badly iu the last sixteenth. BY JIMINY clos-d a gap and. finishing fast, would have won in a few noil • strides. BART MINK s.t a fast early pace, but tired in the last sixteenth. MAY BLOSSOM was irowd-d lia. k at the start and el, .sen I big g.ip. COLANDO ran well. s.-ratci.od STffSGae|Bk, Hi: BBMH swe ay, MM; ;:ti«;7 Badkraad, 109. Overweights ulando. 1 pound; Valentia. 1 -.. : Monastery. 2. iQOQA FIFTH RACE— 1 MUe ard 70 Yards. Sspt. 25. 1915— 1:42%— 4— 119. Cassic Handicap. UOOAiU Purre ,500. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner ,S00; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 00. :: dex Horses AWtlISt »4 % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt 69212 RRTTING SIN wk 112 1 1 4- 3r- 1 I" I" A Abel E K Bryson 130-10 j 6881 I SPOT CASH w 113 4 4 2" C 2 2r 2*1 A tlantner H P V.hitney 410-10J 69258 I ME I.OWN a 111 I I I 4- 4° 3" 3° H Lunsfd Audley ft™ Stable 165-100 69257 DOUGHORRJGAM w loo 2 2 1 2 BJ "PIT Pinn J S Cos 1. n 2845-100 69258 RiARRR wb 10 I I S* | r, E 5 J Walla. ■•■ R i; BM-BM Time. 24. 48%. 1:13%. 1:30%, 1:43%. Track fast. m utile Is paid. Setting Sun. .60 straight. ?3.10 place, .10 sk«W; S; ot ash, .30 place, .20 show; 1 he CTaaa, it show. Bn,! ileal aaakksj «l !s Setting Baa, US to MS straight. 55 to 100 place. 5 to KM show; S|Kt Cash, UH t Ml t»la - -. 10 to HM show: Ike Clown. S to MB show. B/ksaee Ck. g. by Maaskaki Sunburst, hy Baaaatar trained by :. B. Pry-on; lire 1 by Mr. Btekard T. Wils.t, , W!il I. i . st at 4:44. At pest 1 minute. Start g od and slow. Won handily: so.-ond and third driv inj BRTTINS SIN was saved to the far turn. Rwa moved up rapidly en Ifcc out-ide ami. racing into the lead while rounding the last turn, was ridden out Ihroagh the last sixteenth. SPOT CASH rac.-d into the lead on Ike haekstrelch. but •• nld not wiilistniul the winners challenge. THE FLOWN ran well, bat tirci after Mssrkag up awaariaajy aa the stretrk turn. The others wire beaten off. but BOUGH OKKGAN ran aril for three .piart. is. H091 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 18. 1920— 1 :44%— 3— 138. Purre ,200. 3-year-OOO A olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wi:.ner 00; second. ?200; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % •_• % Str Ma Jockeys Owners Eijuiv. Odds Strt MIM*OONDOUBR will". I 5 P Il «J l| ll G Mem J Salt MB MB 69153 KING JOHN wb s 112 1 I G is* ;. i c Pielda I G Haakijr BOa-101 SSSTIMOR w t MM M I 2 2- 2 21 ::• B Bell i C Winfrey 5s-l 0 iSSTS1* BONFIRE w 3 MB 7 4 :■ 7 ■". I W Browa M Graat 1275-1» SSSSS*MAT ROBERTS w C MB 2 1 tt r.-.i. ;. i :, s McLaae W Nearaaaa IMS-NO SSMS*RELiPHRIXONIA w:t I M S : :, Q I" t* G R CaateUo A Swaalu BBS 1M CSSSS*TONY peal w5 BB I I P :i P 71 7 A Raark M .1 RcM Mk-MM «"9247 JOAQUINA WB5 110 9 ll 10 10 9 SI g B Marinelli L T Bauer MM Ml 69191 I 1. 1.1 . A H M a ■- HO 4 I I " P 10 11 M W P....1 K-nlon Stable Ma-MM 69271 1 »st. DONARD aa a MB : I] ll | f» M A Abel c CafCaraHl. BS-MI Time. 24%. 48%. 1:14. 1:41%. 1:48%. Track fast. nmtii. Is paid. Gondolier, 1 10 slraight. .60 place, .20 show; Kiug Joint. 3.20 jdice. 5 show. 0 -how. i: |i:i» il in aeaMag Mlds QaadaUer, 455 to 100 straight. 2: to KM place, 160 to 100 show; King Julio. ".iyi [.. IOO ataSC, 275 to 100 show. M an, L l to 100 li. ,v I 1 1 j I A I I A I , A 1 I , , Winner II c, by Alvescot Reaattt, by Macaa or ocmironius trained hy J. Tigae; hrel hy Mr. ■ I -ward F. Simmsi. Went to cost at 515. At po-1 9 minutes. Start good and slow. Won diiving: second and third Hi" same. BOX DOURR followed the pacemaker clo-e up to the stietch. where he came fast on the inside and. ractag lata Ike lead, won going away. KING JOHN sivfl ground when entering the honi"strete|i and oiilfini-hed the tiring MOM. The latter ran well, but was sharply cut off at the thr-e eighths post, where She had to Ite pulled uo. ROXPIRR ch.sed a big gap and linished fist. MAY RORRRTB can do BHWk artier. BT. DONARD |ii:t badly after leading to the stretch. Si lit. he d— 68247 Bravo. Ill: BUM Perhaps. 110. SQQ99 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-IS Miles. Sept. 18, 1920— 1 :44%— 3—138. Purse ,200. 3-year-SiJ LSlAi olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wir.ner 00; cccccd. C0; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % -"Si Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eijuiv. Odds Strt SSIS1*RU7R RRDSH wa 4 104 5 | |*| »* ft 2= 1"" G MHa R .1 BkawkrMRa MM 100 69260 ---SM ARTY nlM 1 I B" V 4J 3h 2" A Claver. J M Collm.s RS-MB 169242 TICACEY W 1 MM I I BJ V 2" l1 BJ R RomYlli Triple Springs Farm Stb 11100 CHMTNT OVERTON wit G 104 S 7 7s 6 V f.1 4* A Ab •! C N Eneman 2»-IOO BStTS DAKK HORSE w 5 10.,. 7 I 2- 2". 3s 4 V B Bafl J R Skinker BB-MB C9259*i;r;l.sEIDA w 4 101 I 4 G 7" G 6* GJ H Shillik EK Pryson Mk-MM |69I55 DOCTOR JIM wn G 111 4 S S 8 S 71 7" M Si hwtz B B Chapman IRS Ml 69I37*RAD!CAL Willi 1 1 P 4- 7-8 8 T Finn I. T Bauer MRS-MR Time. £4%. 49%. 1:15%, 1:42%. 1:48%. Track fa£t. inuiicls paid. Mac Blush. 0.00 .-traight. 3.20 phu e. $.s.50 show; Smarty. .00 place. .70 show: Ticacey. .70 show. HaaJiahal kaakJaS aaSj Bine Brush. MM to IOO straight. 560 to 100 pliee, 325 to 100 show: Sm::rty. 150 to MS idace, K to 1K show; Ticacey. 235 to 100 show. Winn.r Br. g. by Sweep Blue Ball, by Hastings trained by W. M. Shewbridge; I red by Bel.iir Mad. Went to post at 5:51. At post 1 minute. Start gcod and slow. Won driving; second and third Ike .anie. BUT. liKISH slipped through on the inside while rounding the far tan gad, coming fast in the Mai drier, won la the last PtrMa. BMARTT raced well and aBtgaaaed TMACKY for second pla.-e. The latter set the pace and finished resolutely. JOHNNY OYLKTON made a very aide turn into the home-. stretch, bat was going fast at Ike DARK HOUSE .liiit in the last eighth. Scratched -61272 Ashland. 104. MOM IjkIs I»ve. 101. On Dark Horse. 2% pounils; Oriselda. 5: Doctor Jim. 5.