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Latest Workouts 245 HAVRE DE GRACE, Mil.. April 20. -Todays training gallops at the loc-al course Included the foUowiag: H.VVKK PB GKACB. Weather clear; tra.ek fast — Three -Eighths Mile. 179 All Fair M Ill June Flower . 3ti .12 Affectation ...30 Juiedon tand% 2B2-Brsrs M 230 John Morrill . . 3S 242-BeOe agaea ...3S SBS-Ueat. Parrefl 3;-. S4Z-B. of B. BUteeM "43-Miss Miami . . .304-, L4l-ltluffer 10 T ItmaiMBB 3.1- Donairhee M 112-Sweepy 3S 240 Daniel 3-% 9- Star Court ....41 SBT-Dr. Oiuara tO% L43 The Saae M 24S-Erelys Bath ti M Yank. Piiueess H% 243 Invictus 3t Half Mile. 242-»onnie Jack ..84 93-Mss Smith 4n 240 ham plain 19 243-PlttStea .11 1-Caimandale ...4*% Priaee il.iml-t .13 Chemise SI "42-S.-tK.nnor.- 49-i 7.1 -Ceoaess 52 24-Tspssga 10 213-Fair Pass Ism .SI 244-Trapteal Water 49 l43 1.. sraahhsrtea 54 M-Tsrs Feathers .48% 23s - Hohey Bshec . .S3 54S-Taseas SS ?lt Ksishrsanl — 52 243-W I!fM4er BB% 42-Mlasaal 42% 111 WiaiUi .".4 Five -Eighths Mile. 942-Asalnissiy .1:0 ■ •—, SM-Baalesa 1:0.1 243-Comie S.njr ..1 :0S 24» Bsbtes 1:02 244-Bthd Clayton1n7 241 -Bee. Thassblal m 2 13 -Fair Cain ...1:07 243-Vitamin l:tH-- 241 K. of the Hr 1:04 242-Wilkesllaire lot" 210 Kadin 1 Oti Three -Quarters Mile. 242-Chief tiny .1:10--, 241 -Hillsdale 1 1 1 .13 Dora nl 1 : •_•- 9.1-Kinu B.a S.-all:Lt 244-Iteraatattea .1:-! "ft laij Myra . .1 21 L 10 Day l.iily ...1:21 34* l.ava 1:L4 242*Piftees Cents 1:20 243-Pikesville ...1:1B% 2B4-4»Uasher ...1:21 T*W Bcsthsj. Timei:i7- 244-GslBvaat 1:21 213 Sandy Peal ..1:19-.-, 242 Ha i. lee 1:24 242 iurliuleut ...1:18 Sevea-Eishths Mile. 211 .oiirmaiid ...1:31 One Mile. 243-Ptillet l: ~~, 242 Red Hrand .1:17 241 folk BUS ...1.1.1 9.11 Kose H. iirl 1 :.13 9«7 -Courteous ...1:.".3 234-Satana 1 00% 243 Fairway 1:44% 243 Sea Tale 1:.12 213-M. Duff 1:11 231Ti:lsi 1 :.,4 242 Primo 1:11 242 Yorkist 1 :4S 241 -Paddle 1.11 I~ir. OMars showed a good turn of speed. The tNpre went easily. Lieutenant Farrell appeared to tire. Juledou and Tankec Prinoaas went evenly. Oppennan is i.i top form and ready for r his best effort. Aliss Smith and Two feathers showed fine l speed. Tropical Water and hair.plain went , evenly together. Hesting Time went handily. Chief Curry was under restraint. Red Brand appear;; to be a good maiden. Fairway was going strong all the way. Sataiui was doing his beat.