Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-21


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Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE SATURDAY, APRIL 21 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Eec." in the entries below show the best time cf each horse at the distance since January 1, 1920, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. Btaefcat starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ® Superior mini runner. X Good mil 1 runn°r. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. *Apprcnticc allowance, b Winkers. First Race— 1-2 Mile. Blue Grass Pint. Purse ,200. 2 -year-olds. iBwwn, Track record: April 29, 1918—47-2 112.1 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Iter. A.Wt.Han. 6S241- Neptune M 116 :51m 10SX725 68632 Siinajr 112 :SS% 1OS..720 69254 June Flower 110 :4S*f,s 114.. 71.". 67934 Businesslike M.. 108. 71.". 69254 Pazzler M 110 :49s 10S..7B. 6S241 1 proar M 11C :54 .-.m 108. .71.". 69241s l.eau Nash M...110 :51:Sm 108x71.". 69267 Juledon M IU :49 105.. 710 6S267 Myrtle I.ilson M.MS :SS% 10." ..70r. 69241 Impo-s-ble l.M ...115 :54V:.ni 10S..700 6S251 Frankman M ...110 :51.-,s 10S..70O 69241 Chief Clerk M ..11!! :T.i:r.m 1S8..7S8 sue* io« Sarah Ginger .... 105 Warning Ill Bim.hicf 108 Pawnbroker 108 Heir -at Law 108 Finis Gk-riosus ... 10."i Bcnignj Ill Second Race— About 2 Miles. Better Skelter Steeplechase Handicap. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. 603651 Baronet 8 148. .700 63255* Tell Mo 8 130«9". 61734 Ireland S MSSjtttt 65488s Anne Kxeelleut ... 8 134.. 690 6G841 bllraft M 4 140. . 5.N5 69255 Cavendish M 5 132.. 6*0 C9255 Biyan O. Lynn M 7 136. .SBt Third Raxe — 3-4 Mile. Combat Iurse. Pitso ,500. 3-year olds. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 27. 1919— 1 :11 *-5— 3— 12S. 6C648 Itunlin 120 1:11% 118X750 63CC2 Sunfeience 125 l:14»,t.sy 111. .74r. G9270- Scribble 106 1:13 103x74:. 69243 Fly by Day 104 1:14 107X74.. 6e87S:i Vigil 105 1:12=5 108. .740 67083 Suiisini 106.73.". 69243 bBaniel 114 1:13 108x73.". 69E572 Mark Twain 112*1:13*-, 104.73.". 68781 Body Guard IS* 1:14% 104x7::0 68781 Blue Nose ISS 1:1S% 112X72.". 62628 St. Valentine 112.. 72.". 68634 Hotter Times MS 1:13% 108X725 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Climax Handicap. 1 Pane ,500. 3 vear old-* and upwnrd. Track record: Sept. 27. 1919— 1:11%— »— MBU 6€157»bTall Timber 117 1:11% 3 104X750 69104; Itltroomster 108 1:12% 4 115.. 74.". •MT7* MMMM Care 122 1:11% ■ 115.. 745 69256= bDextorous 105 1:12% 4 105X74.". 6S266 Second Thoughts. . 107 1 :12% 6 112X745 69244 Carmandalo 118 1:10% 6 118X745 66803 bSurf Hider US 1:11% 4 126.740 66677= Baby Grand 119 1:12 5 119X740 C5184* blillorv 1111:11% 4 114. .740 69244 Southern Cioss 116 1:12% 4 113X740 63239 blidy Baltimore ...110 1:12% 4 110x735 68363 M enf itneter 117 1:11% 5 109 X 735 6U537 Charlton Ml 3 90. .730 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Eleventh Running Philadelphia Handicap. 000 added. I -year-olds and upward. THMfc renin!: Soot. IS. 1920 1 :44%— • -138. 692141 EXTERMINATOR 135 1:44 S 129x850 69212= Fair Phantom 10.: 1:50 4 107x840 SSStS mil 126 1:46% 6 113X840 69245 Paul Jones 116 1:49m ■ 100® 840 69292 Irish Kiss 120 1:44% 8 MCXMS 69C44 Southern Cross 116 1:47% 4 ISSXSB5 C9163 H.Mkmnister 4 118..SB8 69245= bUoulcau 103 1.44% 6 107 X 830 | 68655 Comic Song 110 1:45% 4 1SSX82S C0320 bSetting Sua MS l:52sy 3 S8X833 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Iurse .20: . 3-ycnr-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 25, ISIS— 1:42%— 4— ltS.1 692Sl*bP:istoral Swain ...107 1:43% 7 113x750 69292 Irish Kiss 111 1:42% 8 124x74". 69291 bValor 104 1:43% 9 112®745 69291 •l.Fannie P.ean 96 1:43% 4 105x745 69292= Crack o Dawn ...108 1:43% 5 110. .740 69292 Episode 104:1:44% 5 110x73". 69138 bRamkin 110 1:45% S 112.. 735 6D29C* Maryland Nolle ...106 1:48 4 110x735 66805 *hRoyal Duck 1111:46 6 107X730 69271= Hilly Burton 113 1:45% 5 101x730 6865G Gentleman Jouet .107 1:47% 4 105.. 725 Seventh Race — 1 1-4 Miles. Pam ,200. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 25. 1918-2:05 — S— 103. 63273 *t Si:per 6 109 X 725 G9246= Da v I illy 5 106 x 720 69295s bAltornoy Muir 1112:07% ■ 106X715 | 69293 "Buoy Kate 102 2:08% I 101 X 715 i 6S247 l.Bravo 97 2:09% 4 114X71.". 69260 Anniversary 104 2:0rt% 6 104X710 69293= bChateaugay 101 2:16%m 4 104X710 69293 *hlr. Chail.-s Wells. 5 KM. 700 63259 •!. : land sr,n 4 104X7O0 69272 * King Trojan 105 2:08% 5 104X700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923042101/drf1923042101_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1923042101_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800