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Tijuana Form Chart TIJUANA, MEX.. SATURDAY. APRIL 21. 1923. One mile. One hundred and twenty -fourth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 125 days. Weather cloudy. St. ■wards. Francis Nelson. J. W. Con* roth and L. .1. Rose. Presiding Judge. Francis Nelson. Associate Judges. I. J. Rose and .1. S. Rotliert. Starter. Harry Morrissey. Raring Secretary. J. S. Kothert. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. in.. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight mrrietl. Indicates apprentice allowance fiQQfifi FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11s— 3— 110. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and OtluOO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 ■» ~S* Str Kin -lot-keys Owners Kpuiv. Odds Sti 1 09222 ONWA w I 113 4 6 77 i 5 P .1 Smith R Pi Hans 16J-I00 09232 TRCBANE w 11 113 a 7 31 V- 23 2- P Martinez R Ripley MM :o 09337 CANVASBACK w 6 113 2 4 M 7" 42 :,? L Creery K V Winters 1240-100 09179 SEA BEACH vb 10 113 11 1 4? 2i :! it D Powell Wilson and Williams KtO-iO-i 09338 OOONTKT a* 4 114 6 5 5" 5j 5 5*. H S Jones J B McCinn MM -1» 09337 BON SANTE ws 7 113 10 3 9". S1 6= 6= C Thpson P Rinehart f 09142 IAT CARTER W I 113 I 2 M V 7". 7, K Ericksn C. Oriffith t 09181 WA.NN GIRL ws 7 111 7 11 llSllMO1 S D Hum F Smith S20-P4 08102 SAN STKKANO wb 4 113 12 9 S*1 9= 91 9-" K Cantrell Nebraska. Stable 1120-100 09308 STIRRLIS wsb 6 116 1 I 1= 61 8 10* W Gargan H Gantz j 09222 MWT FIELD wsb 4 111 S i2 12 12 lll 11- ■ Konger S J Cornvyell IWI Mi 09223 MAI.ANKTTO ws 4 112 5 1 10" li"i 12 12 J Till J ■ Stewart 10»-100 |M«l»l| field. Time, 24%, 49%. 1:16. Track fast. mutuels i aid. Onwa. .20 straight. .00 ilace. .80 show; Trulane. .!0 place, .20 show: anvasba-k. . SO show. equivalent iKMiking mlds— Onwa. 160 to 100 straight. SO to 100 place. 40 to UK show; Trulane. 130 to HW : la -e. 110 to 100 show: Canvashack. M to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Dalhousic — Thistledown, by Ivithen trained by 8. Boyd; bred by Mr. Thomas Clyde*. Went to post at 1:53. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. W-n handily: second and third driving. ONWA moved up gradually and. challenging TRKLANK after entering the stretch, passed him and was going away through the final sixteenth. TRKI.ANK raced into a clear lead while rounding the far tnrri. but readily gave way to the winner when challenged. CANVASHACK finished resolutely and outstayed SKA BKACH. Scratched- «5933s Lantern. 113: 09330 Alice Richmond. 111; 6SX49 Lasy Ren. 113. Overweights — Country. 3 ixmnds; Malanetto. I. WQQOfy SECOND RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27~192J.— T:52— 5— 117. Purse 00. 4 -year -olds 0*_J«l 0 4 anil upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt ,* ■_• Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqniv .Odds Strt 69 1 58 * Kit 1 1 RATION wb 5 116 7 2 l-"i 1-?. 1- 1- l"" P Martinez. F D Howard 250-100 f,90S2 SALI.1E CARTER w I 111 S S 7 71 3h 3- juk D Hum G Griffith 8110 -10 09344 KBKDU1E KEA R ws 4 109 i 1 :t * 2? 2 I* .1 Smith Ree.l and Kiefer 246100 09344 -SENR IXJNLAN w 4 109 4 5 4 4* 4| 41 4= C Thpson W E Hunter 70-;oi 69338 TAG DAY w 4 M I I •"•" I* 5i 5" 5 E Kenger A Binney ZtW-lM f 9343 JAY MAC wb 4 109 6 7 61 6"* S* 6- 63 W Dean Mclean and Gibson 910-100 09024 Gl.KNZAR ws 4 107 1 I S S 8 75 7" I Parke W G Jenkins MM III 9158 DOVSSBO06T wM M9 I 1 q 21 7= I I J Sington J Mackey 2620-1K Time. 25, 51. ltlfH. 1:«. 1:56%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Figuration. .00 straight. . SO place, .80 show; Sallie Carter, 7.60 place. 4.20 show: Kreddie Fear. show. K iuivalent Inxiking odds— Figuration. 250 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show: S,illie Carter. 17S0 to 100 place. 010 to 100 show: Kreddie Fear. 240 to 100 show. Winu.-r Br. li. by Rogon Figent. by Hastings trained by 1. D. Howard: bred by Mr. K. D. Howard. Went to post at 2:15. At i»ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FIGURATION showed much speed in pa emakiug and. holding sway throughout, had to Ih forced to a hard drive |o withstand the rush of SAI.I.IK. CAUTKR. Tlie latter . dosed a big gap and huisli ;i fast and gaining. FRKDDIK iK.AR mule a game finish. SKXATOR DON1.AN had no mishaps. AQAaB THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. March 10. 1923 — I.M% I — 117. Purse 0o! JtFti*J5 3-ycar-olds ar.d upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt *■« ? *t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt 69206*GEN. BYNG ws 7 IM 7 M 10* :" SH 5- V I Parke J Kern 2«!J-l-:o 09121MRS. PAT w 4 104 11 5 fi 10* 7- S 2" V Cantrell A Patterson fUM IM fi»388*PINK TENNY w 7 10S I 1 1; - 1» I* fi E Kenger G l.von MM-IM t:9238*MADRON m I 116 S I 7» 7 P l1 U KWalrous Z Barn-tt EM-MI 683S7;I-KERSS m.XK wsb v 110 4 6 M. 2i:- V ■■; K Ericksn I Iolk Mi Ml MMJM*ORUBAM8 GIRL ws 6 113 1 4 5" Pitt V ti-i 1 Hum L R Knifor.g 6;j -ioo 69343 FIZER wb I m I I H. Q !H 7 7- W tlargan A Brent 920 10. 69206;SIIJ!:X II. ws I 115 I 11 IV II3 10, si S3 .] Smith Allen and. Wilktrson 1S20-1X 09337 DIENERU ws M 115 I I ft l»l P W •■ P Martinez T White t C9SS7 MR. POTTO w 7 110 G . 9 4» 4:J 10 10 L Creery R Marmet :, W-V •MJM*MAR*M FI.fKE w 5 10S 12 7 4i xh ll1 11* 11- V Dean L Galbraith t 69181 OOBR1TA wst S 11 1 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 D Powell Piereo and Heail t tMutuel lield. Timo. 24i. 49*. 1:16. 1*S%. l:47=i. Track fast. mutuels paid, Jen. I.yng 4.20 straight. Ki.tiO ptace, 0.-0 sliow; Mrs. Pat, field, .00 place. .80 show; I ink Tenuy. S.20 show. E«mivahnt booking a*Mi n. Byng. 2010 to 100 straight. 720 to 100 place. 410 to 100 show; Mis. rat, field. 3S0 to 100 pla«e. 140 to 100 show; Kink iinny. S10 to 100 show. Winner Br. g. by Brummel Florida Ros, by lar.indole trained hy W. Kern; bred by Mr. EL Mc-Carren, Jr.. Went to Kist at 242. At post 1 minute. Start good aix slow. Won driving: second and third the same. jRN. BYNG. after raring far back early, moved up steadily after turning for home and, lin-ishmg fast, got up to win in the last strides. MRS. IAT elos« d a big gap and showed in front momentarily wheu twenty j.irds out, but tired near the end. PINK TK.NNY showed high speed in paei-mak :.ig and made a game finish, while tiling badly. MADRONO saved ground when entering the stretih aa-i liuished fast and close up. Scratched —0933s I.orena Moss. 113: 01233 Little Abe. 111. fiOQfiQ FOURTH" RACEl 3-16iles71jan. 1. 1921— 2 CO2!— 4— 107. ~ Purse~ "37ear-olds 3 *J t3 3 tj and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner !,420; second. 20: third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt 4 H- 94 Str Fia Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 09344 FLCRALITY w 1 12 S i. 7i 7« :*• 2- I I Hum .1 Johnson UTTo 09310 1SPHAM w I 100 I 2 l 1, lil; 24 K Ericksn H A Lott MCV1M 09233 DALWOOD ws I Ml 4 I 4 i 5S :;i. ::■ P Hum W Akers f m 10 1 69343 MR. X. WB 5 97 2 1 2i 3 4 4 |n K Cantrell C B Irwin 17 1-; 00 09143"RlTH HRIGAN s6 95 6 8 6! «"■ 6*i 0 : * 1 PariH T W~«eka M*-MI 69204 MISTAKE wsb 7 107 1 i ::" »• 2," ;"., 6 K Watrous W I Brien pM- Ml «934»»*POKEY B. w 7 100 5 I ." !• .".; 7 7 7 L Creery G 1* Sh. rman 69344 HIGH OLVMPCS w I 102 7 7 I I PuIImI mi E Keuger G Nibbs t tMutuel field. Time, 24V 50. 1:I65. 1:43, 2:03. Track fast. mutuels paid. Plurality. raight, .0O place, $..40 slow; Isphani, 0.20 place, .t"0 show; Italwoud, field, SO show. Kquivaleut booking ...his rluralitv. 210 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Ispham. 410 to 100 ptaCC, ISO to 10O show; Dalwood. fcld. 40 to IOO show. Winner- I., i. by Pluvious Fan-well, by Ossary itrnined by .1. Johnson: br.-d hy Mr. T. W. OPlfca. Went to |Mist at ."« ;. At peal I minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and tlii:.| .In. jug. PLKRAI.lIY miv.-d up with ■ rush after leawng the lw kstretch and. challenging ISPHAM when an eighth out. won- him down and won under a gent!.- hand ride. ISPHAM skewed the most speed in paeemaking and. after giving way to the winner, easily saved seiond place. DAI. WOOD [hashed namely and outstay d MB. X the latter showed speei, hut tn.d badly in the final dri.-. ■caatoaei «*JJ3I4 N. K. Real. 112. MM4 ;.-.;rg.- Janes. 1 7 ; MMI I.ariai. 107: MJtM Kver Bold. 102 kj»QQr7/ FIFTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Jan. 1. 1921— 2:00*41070 Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds ?3«70 4 " and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second, 20; third. 0. Index Horses AWtllSt ,4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners l piiv Odds Strt 692 3 7 * DO N A TEI.l X WB 6 11- 1 1 1« T- i» P 1 • J G R Coop, r 1S0-1OU 69208VMABTHA L. WB 4 95 11 5 6; 4» 3» M 2" W D-an San Diego Stable Ml Ml 69343AL WICK w 10 107 9 4 » 24 2* 3* V, 1 Parke A M Gray i; 70-loO U*2M DuLdU WSB 6 112 10 9 S- I- 6i i- V J miulIi A Keilla 440-100 09313 CAAMANO ws * 111 7 2 4 6» 1- 6 5« D Hurn L R Knifong 2360-100 09235*CAR w 6 101 S I 21 .I? 4 41 «*i K Ericksn G J Buskay ttM-MI 69206 1VHIRK MAID ws 4 95 5 3 P 51 7 7 7 L "reery Martin and Barlow 5730 109 6931 I LITTLE GINK wb 10 107 I 7 7* S» S» 8=1 P E Kenger J McFarlar.c 7160 100 69344*BHYMER ws 9 107 E 6 91 9" »; If 9h V Watrous Vernon Stable 41* 1 69966 SVVENSOIM wsb 11 112 2 11 ll 10= 10- 10 10* P Martinez S J Cornwell t 08892VN.TA K. ws 3 M 6 1110" 11 11 11 11 P Hurn C E Groves 650-100 tMutuel field. Time. 24H. 50. 1:15%, l:41*i. 2:01«s- Track fast. mutuels paid. Donatello. .00 straight. .20 place. .20 show; Martha L.. place, .40 show; Al Wick, field. . 40 show. Equivalent h.«king odds Donatello. IsO to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show; Martha l... 210 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show : AI Wick, field, 170 to 100 show. Winner Br. g, hy Horron-Mallie, by Kilkcrrun ttrained by II. Cooper; lir-d by M -ssrs. Talbot Bros.. Went to post at 3:35. At | ost 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving DON ATKI.I.O took a long lead ill the first quarter and. racing ender restraint, easily won all the way. MARTHA L. steadily improved h.-r position and. finishing f.-st. outstayed AL WICK. The latter raced in closest pursuit of the winner and showed improved form. DOLPH was going fast at the end. Scratched 09344 M.-Croan. MB, Overweights Car. 4 pounds; Swenson. 1. f?QOTf T|" SIXTH RACE-4T-2 Furlongs. Jan. 8. 1921— 63—10— 105. " Purse" .006T_ 3-yeax "tyt 4 JL olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 00: reoond. 00; third. 00. Hide; Horses A Wt PPSt H Str Fin Jockeys Owners »piiv. Odils Strt .9312 KINtiLlKi: w « 111 fi 1 7 U V I j M SFghter H E Calwdl 26o-KO MtMUARBT D ws 9 104 11 1-i 2i V -"k W 1 antrell C B Irwin MB-MI 69124 ABADANE w 8 131 1 5 5 5 5 :;; P Martinez C B Irwin I 693121WILD UTHBK a b 5 106 2 1 1=* t1 41 4 j 1 Deford Hlorado Stable EM-MI .9117 BROWN BELLE ivb .1 89 4 4 ::*.. 3 ,: 5 I Parke C Harris UM-MI tCoupled in hetttoe* as . B. Irwin entrv. Time. 23. 47«i. 5345. Track fast. mutuels paid. Ivinglike. .20 straight. *:2.tU place; Harry 1 . 2.20 place; no s.iow mutuels sohl. F..piival.ut booking odds Kinglikr. 2t» to 100 straight. M to 100 ptoce; Harry D.. 10 to 100 ptocp Winner B. g. by Hippodrome -Searchlight, bv Kingston trained bv H. E. Caldwell; bred by WMMe Stud. Went to post at 4:01. At ]iosf 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second ami third driving. KINOLIKK passed HARRY D. while rounding the far turn ami. racing into a good lead. ■ jsily held his advantage to the end. HARRY I, set a fast early pace and finished g imel.v Al.ADANK was caaeM in a tangle at the start and. after being intpaced early, rtoacd a gap and finished fastest of all. WILD HKATHKR saved ground on all turns. Overweights Will Heather. 1 ; oiind: Brown Belle. 1. jr*»QQ~r"TO SEVENTH KMBE— 1 1-M MilesTTlIarch 11. 1923— 1 :44»i— 3— flllj-Pu~00. 3-year-lloO 4 £d olds and upward. Claimine;. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third. 0. lidcx Horses A Wt PPSt U -.. :li Sir Fin .1.x keys Owners Koiiiv. Odds Strt 09123 SINNYLAM wb I 112 2 .*. .".* i a] ::- I .1 Dfonl Bronx Stable 4.V PV 09123 JOHN P. JONES wsb 5 116 :; I 2 2J 2= 2 2- D Hurn W Fenwick HP-MI 09341 "KKAP xvii :: M I 1 C" .V ■•and•• ] I Parke C P. Irwin fW-Ml 69126 JACK BAKER w I 94 4 :l 1- 1= 1=1 V 4 W Dean ■ I. Baker 550-100 69340 SI NDIAL II. wit 7 11:: .", 2 M ■. .I1 4= :" P Martinez C B Irwin 09228 FTII -BOODLE will:. 1 6 6 6 I I 6 K Ericksn P Richardson 5860 -100 H B. Irwin entry. Time. 24*5. 482s. 113S- !=•*%. 1:46V5. Track fast. mutuels paid. Si.navland. 1.00 straight. .20 place; John Paul Jones. S4.40 place; no show mutuel-, soil. K..|uivalent lx oking odds Sunnvland. 450 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place: John Paul Jones. 120 t • 100 place. Winner Ch. g, by Sunflower II. — Fair Anna, by Terrifier trained by H. Knna: bred in England by Mr. Augasl Bttmeiit. Went to .lost al 4:24. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. S*. YLAND. after being in close quarters while rounding the first turn, moved up steadily on the haKsiretih and. coming around the leaders when turning for home, caught JOHN PAIL .IO.NK.S tiring and pa sed Mai to win going away. JOHN PAKL JONKS raced in closest pursuit of JACK BAKKR until after turning for home, where lie raced to the front, hut gave way to the winner in the last seventy yards. REAP came from far back and otitfinished JACK RAKER. Toe latter set a fast pate, but failed to stay the note. _ iQO T Q EIGHTH RACE3-4 Mile. Dec. 2 T 1916— 1:11=53— 110. Purse 00. yea-olds OttJ 4 «3 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second, 20: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt l, "L- "4 Str Kin Jockeys Owners ho 11 iv Odds Strt 69i 9 OLEL MATT wsb 10 110 !» 8 7= 61 :! ~ K Ericksn S Iolk :!60-!-O 09204 KIRKWOOD wn 5 115 :: 10 M* 10=1 V 2 H S Jones A M Gray .Jill ■MM** HERDER w I 110 1 6 :: P 21 M F Cantrell C B Irwin M Ml C9311 PONICHON w 7 115 8 7 11=11" 9=14 W Gargan A Slemmon 1W0-PX 69310 MAYFI OWER w i 113 5 1 "1 4" k 4 5J D Powell J Humbrecht t!040-li0 09309 BESSIE YOCNG w 1 IK! 12 Z • 5, 51 *i P Martinez W E Hunter t 093 10* ROSA ATKIN ws 5 108 10 5 11 l* 1- 7; E Kenger La wry Sc Thomas 56S0 HO 69309 ICIBA w I 113 11 11 M Is M I" 1 Smith L Hankins Ml Ml 09234*.] CLY KLY ws 9 10.8 6 4 P- 71 71 91 V Watrjus I J Sharkey XM-MI 09309 *KKLE FANCY wsb I IC8 2 i M ::t 10" 10* I Parke R Cloud | 09234 SILVER MAID wsn ; 102 4 9 8h 9» 11- II- D Hurn M Reeves t 68730 CHOIR MASTER w S 115 7 12 12 12 12 12 G Bdfoot J Kern t tMutuel field. Time. 24*5, 4845. 1:14V Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Colonel Matt. S9.21I straight. SO. 20 place. .20 show: Kirkwood. .40 place. 40 show: Herder. .00 show. K.ltiivaletit Ixioking odds Colonel Matt. 300 to 1O0 straight. 210 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show: Kirkwood. 270 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show: Herder. SO to 100 show. Winner — B. g. by Coliu — Ormeiia, by Urate trained by S. Polk; bred in Kngland by Capt. J. O. Kwing. Went to post at 4:53. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the sime. COI.ONKL MATT, away slowly, moved up steadily :iik1. eaieliing the leader tiring, rated ti the front and. under a hard ride, barely lasted to win. KIRKWOOD closed a great gap and would have won in the next stride. HKRDER. after forcing the pace, tired in the last sixteenth. CON1CHON closed a big gap. ROSA ATKIN set a good pa -e to the last eighth and tired. Scratched 09339 Don Jose. 115: 69240 Flume. 113: 69339 Chrome. 115. Overweights — Bessie Youug. 2 pounds; Silver Maid. 2. /"•OQf"7 A NINTH RACE— 1 MUe. June 177T916—1 :38— 3-95? Pursed 09. 3 -year -olds and ay. Oui 4 ~t ward. Claiming. Net value to winner S420: second. 20: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PI St 4 ~. - Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kiuiv. Odds Strt 69224 *.Mi;L HOIR w :! 94 5 9 s* 4 :V; :: l,1 W Dean Woo. Hand Stable 700-100 6!;08**CA1.!THL*MP w I 113 8 4 10 10 71 4- 2*|*E Kenger A M Gray MI-MI CltMUDI LEONID w . 89 M 8 91 91 ,; 7- ::■ I Parke Mclean and Gibson 71 I-IOO. 09226 STYLISH MISS w :. 89 li 10 7 ::■ 21 11 4, L Creer - C Harris f:,150 190 09310*i:A SONG wsb i 113 :: I *P V 9 x=l 51 C Thpson P ■ 1. aline BH-MI 09234 iHORLNGA w 4 114 4 2 4- 11 1 2" IP J Smith Bla. kwell A Ciipiien 250-100 69235 *GOLD BRYAN* W I US 1 1 1" 25 1- "4 7= H S Jone:; J B McGinn 41 -M0 09309 LADY BOURBON w I 118 7 5 I* 61 V 61 s W Miller ] G Giveus 10460 Ml 69208*MAYSYI1.1.E w 5 11:. 9 7 3 ."1 P M 9- K Watrous P Howe M9-M 09309*HEI.KN MAJOM v 4 M I I 2 7 10 10 10 K Cantrell P Dwver | iMiiiue field. Time. 25, 49V l:144s. 1:12S. Track fast. lautitls aid. Ml ahoir. 6.00 straight, ?s.» 0 place. HUM show: Calithump. Sl.trt ptoce, S3. 40 show: Lady Leonid. SI 20 show. K. in v.i lent booking odds— Melchoir. 7o to 100 straight. 330 to 100 place, 150 to 100 show; Calithump, 150 to 100 ptoce, 70 to IOO show: Lady I-emid. 110 to 100 show. Winn. ■!■ ii. f. by Joe Carey — Velio Yon, by The Irishman trained hy W. A. Krench: bred by Mr. W. A French. Wii to i»ost at .*":21. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MKLCHOIK a sed a gap early and. after being fotwardly placed to the last turn, raced into :he lead after iiiMiing tot ""aasC and. under a hard ride, finished gamely and won drawing clear. CAI.iTIIKMP. ■flee iKing a distant follower, dosed a gap after entering t lie stretch and. finishing fast, was wearng IbC winner down. LADY LEONID ran a good race after being iMimped whip- rounding the first turn. STYLISH MISS ran veil. HOKINOA and COLD BRYAN tired after alternating in pj .making. S. rat.hed 09344 Theresa. 113: 09344 Fiesta. 104. JTJQqW £•- "TENTH RACEl Mi!e~and 70 *S*ardsT March 10. 1923142*607137 PiireSeOoT" Ut/«L# 4 O S-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: ;econd. 20: third. 1923.sh0. ~- ndex Horses A Wt PPSt . :;, Str Fill Jockeys Owners Eiptiv. Odds Strt MSI l**TOM CRAVEN w 1 106 : s r. 6 1 51 2- I" I Hum N.uicola.s Bros pTio~P0 1 09237 *TOM OWENS wb 5 1 "8 3 ti 7= ."; :1 11 2 E Kenger FC Marmet MM M MSUWIirG PKIN*E wb 4 107 7 :: 11 M V :■* *P I Parke G H Abbott Ma-MI MStttFANNIE NAIL ws:t 7 114 E 7 8J 8i» 72 4= 41 J Glass J S Mi-Daniel Ma-MI 6931 1 1 BAL!"OL*R w 5 113 8 9 10 10s 9J 5 5= J Smith N*. braska Stable 710-PM 09228 RBGRESO w 9 HI IM "M M V 7s 6* P Martinez C B liwin -I I !.» MMt "K1RKWORTH wit 6 108 4 1111 11 11 81 7; K Watrous W Walker 680 1 X 09313 SILK SON w 1 IM M 1 K l| 1- H V K Ericksn R F Cloud MM M 09229*KCGENIA K. w 5 M 11 2 2 2-1 P 91 91 K Cantrell Hollywood Stable 228I-1-0 t 09314 tDTOR TILLS ealM 1 i M 4" 0» 1 • 1 i- C Thpson Meal and Bartholomew fMM-MI 09229 MlEBLO wn I 113 2 4 Il 71 W 11 11 D Powell J Manal- t tMutuel field. JScnt oi:| ia entries as Dienero. Time. 23*4. 48*s. l:14j. 1*41%, 1:45%. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Tom Craven. 4.00 straight. S23.MJ place. M.M show; Tom Owens, 7. MJ place. S7.00 show; Wedding Prince. .00 show. i: luiv.ileii eeaktoc aMi 1*ai Craven. 1MB to IM straight. 1030 to IOO place. 3S0 to 100 show; T«n Owens. 70 to H«» place. 2Vt to KM show; Wedding Prince. 250 to 100 slow. Winner I., g. by Magueto — Lakelet, by Orlando trained by K. Nancalas: bred by Mr. Charlton Clay. Went to post al 5:45. At post 1 minute. Start g.od and rieer. Won driving: second and Liird i!ie same. TOM RAVEN sp-adily iaiproved his |Kisition while racing down tie- backst retell and. challenging TOM OWKNS v.hcii a iieig!:th oi.t. wore liim down to win ia the hull stride. TOM OWKNS meed into a elear lead aftCC turning he hem.-, but tired when challenged. WKPIMNC. PRIM L did his N-si. FAN-NIK NAIL and BALFOLR dosed gaps. SILK SOX set a last pace to the stretch and .uit. Scratched »!9343 York Laeatc, 100.