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Havre de Grace Form Chart _ HAVRE DE GRACE. MD.. MONDAY. APRIL £3. 1923. One mile. Seventh day. Harford Agricultural , and fcwlMf Association. Spring M vting of 13 days. Weather clear. I Steward Representing Maryland Racing Commission. George Brown, Jr Relegate at Iargc. Carlos I M IWIarraendia. Stewards, George Brown. Jr.. Baker Waters and II. P. Conkling. Judges, II. J. Mor- j lis. .1 I" Turner and M. Natiianson. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. M. Nathanson. II Racing starts at 2:30 |i. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m . W indieates whip. S .spurs, B blinkers. Kig- ! nres in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and I weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. . I fiQQfifi FIRST RACE— 1-2 Hile. April 29. 1918—47—2—112. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Ot/OOD Claiming. Net value to winner 1,900; second. 00: third, 00. j lnde Horses A WtltSt , • Str Pin Jockeys Owners Ipii v Odds Strt | 69287 A .1. BtMA w 113 » 4 P U 1» T Pair ton | K Bryson BSVSB I 69316 JACKSON wn 116 SI 1 J 21 J Butwell W J Salmon fBS-Bt : i 69316IHMBIJ-; W 107 5 3 P P* P C Lam,- J S Cosden 65-100 | INU*UOI AIDRKY w 102 7 5 4- 4| 41 H MWk Keystone Stable 1035-100 - , mUWIDAI UT11 W 107 6 6 5"k 5« 5° G Mein S Louis BS-SB 69316* KNLS w 105 1 7 S 7J 64 S McLnne ] A Buchanan IBS-SM , SARAH GINCKR v 11! 4 2 6» 61 7* H I.unsf.l Audley Farm Stable 1 660-100 nm*QOUI PENDANT w 10S 8 8 7»t 8 P* ■ Maftz G Peterson 11440-100 69287 MOON DKKAM wb 1ff 2 9 9 9 9 K Bell H T Wilson tj | tV upIcd in betting as W. J. Salmon and It. T. Wilson entry. . Time, 23V 485. Track fast. , miitiK-ls paid. A. J. Buja. S.30 straight. #11.40 place, .30 show; W. J. Salmon and B. T. , Wilson entry. .50 place. .40 show; Humble, .30 -how. hooking odds A. J. Buj.-i. ISIS to 100 straight. 170 to 100 place. 63 to 100 show; W. J. Salm.iii and K. T. Wilson entry, 275 to 100 place. 70 1o 100 show; Mumble. U t» 100 show. Winner B. c, by Vulcain — Personal, by Kinley Mack trained by B. It. Hryson; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to imst at 2:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. A. J. BIJA. clofe up from the start, passed HIMBI.K when well into the homestretch and drew away in the last eighth to win e:sing up. JACKSON raced, well and outg.-uncd HIMBI.K in the final drive. The latter began well and showed the most early speed, but tired and ipiit. LADY AlDKKY ran well. Scrntehed 0925-1 Bramton. MB. 0 Mil ■eights — A. .1. Buja, 1 i oiind: I.ady Audrey, 2: Venus. 5. ftQ*87 SECOND RACE— 3-4 MUe. Sept. 27. 1919— 1: 11 15— 3— 128. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. W3*jand0 4 Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner C0: second, 00; third. 00. Index Horseg AWtlPSt ■; . Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Str7! VACUUM w 116 9 4 2"i. 2* U 1* C Kummer .1 S Cosden 430100 65768-SCN QPBBT will 5 2 Ill" 2s 2» G W "roll V S Kilmer 185-100 MttiTKN MINITKS w 116 2 6 71 : 3* B. T Davies tllen Riddle Farm Stb 36O-1O0 ■ 4 9268 MB ISA YET A wb 111 K 10 P| 6 4! 4« A Abel S Rosa 570 -100 | ! 09268 KHINEOOLD wb 116 111 10=10* 7» 5- H Callhan ■ F Whitney 2656-10 | I ! 64829 IM. IK TONY wb 111 12 9 5"k 5"k 61 61 J Wallace C L Whiting 4710-100 1 4SI90S SARSAPARIL.LA W 111 14 5 6U 7J P 7i A Gantner Keystone Stable 12615-100 ; 67948-SPARTINA w 111 4 7 8* 8 P P O Pernia O Yzquicrdo f| r.913l SANTI.KY wit 116 6 8 11 11J 10" 9« W Pool Audley Farm Stable 3685 100 69188 DOROTHY POP wb 111 3 3 3* H 11 10J G Mein K Denham 7135-100 66716 PRIMPS wb 116 D 14 12 12 12 11J L Jenkins I, A Price t .9268 WARBKRTON w 116 11 12 14 14 14 12-1 B Marinelli W Newman t BKNA wh 111 7 1 41 4- N. B*| B Parke S L Bureh 7771-100. ! MISS KVKI YN RUTH G. will S 13 IS* IXs IS1 14 A Acardy A Grantz t f.Mutuei tiehl. Time. 24, 48*s. 1:14. Track fast. I miitncls paid. Va mnm, 0.» 0 straight. .50 place. .00 show; Sun Quest. .30 place. .90 show: Teu Minutes. .50 show. Rquiralent hooking kids Vacuum. 430 to 100 straight. 125 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Sun Quest. ] 15 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Ten Minutes. 75 to 100 show. Winner -Ph. c, by Dick Pinncll — Rrocni Straw, by Broomstick trained by W. Garth; bred by j Xalapa Farm. Went to |»ost at 3:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. VACll M ferced the pace to the stretch turn, from where he came on fast and, passing SIN OlKST. drew away into a long lead. SIN QlKST set a fa.-t pace, but tir« d after leading to the i s:rctch. TKN MI.MTES liegan slowly and Hosed a gap. hut tired and was driving hard at the end to iitlinisli ROSA YKTA. The latter closed a big gap and made a fast linish. RHINKGOI-D also made up j much niuud. BKNA showed speed. S -rat. bed H7S99 Chief Curry, H : i»2»;S Ontario, llfi. AAQQQ THIRD RACE3-4 Mile. Sept. 27. 1919—1:11 -3128 .~ Purse 1.007 3 -year -olds DwOOO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt ~, - »-» Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt W916BMNA KAY w 11 103 2~Z V. 2 2"" luk G Mein B K Chapuiaii 1260-bW «5G49 WRKCKKR wis 5 M 12 2 3s 313* 2 A Ab«l W H Cooper MS-MS I 19057 PROTOCOL. w : 93 7 5 4 4 4i : W Milnor S Ross 65r.-100 .9256 MISTARD SEED WB 4 106 9 1 |»| 1U 1J 4» L McAtee G W Foreman 14i-100 li9242"l01YRIGHT wb 6 108 11 9 6 5h 6 P J McCoy P J I.avin llSO-lOO 19166 P.ORRKD HAIR wb % MS 1 6 P 7 5 6* H Wakoff J Kelly t.WO-lOO 69317 OAIDY w 5 111 4 7 10 P 8= 7i A Allen L, Campbell 1..40-100 69153 II.CKF vk i 107 S 8 7 H 71 S«t C ling H T Bartlo 1065-100 69269 MANNA wn 4 106 15 13 11 101 10 !»l A H K.-rain t G9242*PCRI. m I !10 I 10 12- 11= 11 10= E Bell C Buxton 975 100 6905K DIANA W 6 K6 14 4 8 9 »J 11« A Roach M J Reid t i 667B9-S1R ADSPM w 8 108 6 14 H 12 12 12 B Marinelli M J Cremen Ul:t0-100 6KRK4 ISlN TfJKRKT w 5 110 13 11 M*|M* IP IP S M Kane. H A Colvin tj 654W4 *TA TKESS II. w7 99 5 15 IP P IP II- T Finn C R Campbell t| 69136DIADI w 12 103 10 12 15 15 15 15 W Brown M Grant t tMutuel field. Time, 24. 4*. 1:1425. Track fast. S2 mutuels jiaid. Ina Kay. 7.20 straight. .10 place. .70 show; Wrecker. .60 place. $»1.30 show; Prot.x-ol. 1. NO show. ; Kquivalent booking odds— Ina Kay. 1260 to 100 straight. 355 to KM place. 345 to 100 show; Wrecker. 2S0 to 100 place. 215 to 100 show; Prnt «-ol. 1490 to HXt ►how. Winner — Ch. m. by Nasturtium — Subdue, by Star Ruby trained by B. K. Chapman; bred by Mr. J. 1 i Hart Brown. Went to |« st at 3:29. At post 2 niinr.tes. Start yood and slow. Won driving; second and third the j same. INA KAY forced the early pace and. after passing MISTAKR SKKI. had to be hard ridden to j withstand WKKCKKUS challenge. The latter came fast on the outside on the stretch turn and finished with a rush. 1KOTOCOK saved ground cu all the turns and finished fast. COPYRIGHT raced well and finished close up. KOBI.KU IIA1K ran well. KKIKK met with interference. i Scratched 0»317 Kusee. 100; 09209-1ictrus, 112: »;9317 Joseph Brant. 105: iSMrs7 .lo.-cphine C. 91 : j 69212 S.itaua. 101. Overweights Ina Kay. 5 pounds; Protocol, 1: Oaudy. 3: Diana. 3: Tactless II., 1. AQQQQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sept. 27 . _1919iTli V532lT— SusquehanuaJPurse" Dt/OOlJ Purse S1.5C0. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,003; second, 00; third, 50: fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtiPSt » -j "i Str Kin Jockeys Owners Upiiv. Odds Strt «9243:c.ol.DEN Rl I.K w 1«6 9 2 5 V 2 1" C l.amt J S . ..!. m 26,-10 SSSSSNKW HMPSHIRK v.Klli 7 i pkP i p A Claver J K 1. 40-100, 69257 MOMIXA wb 103 S 1 P 2 V M J Wallace KB Mrl— BaS-Mfl I.6H71 C«xiD NMiHT wb 1 M i 6 7; P R 4 L MeAtec H P Whitney 1150 -1 M ! J9268 -DEMIJOHN W 104 1 3 2 E] PIS1 S Pullman Glen Riddle Farm Stb 1615-100 , 1 69347 BODY GUARD ar* Ml I 4 P M* q 61 C Mein Idl • Hour Stock Fni Stb MS-MS 69243 BU7I HAWK w 112 I 7 6" JC 7-1 7" G Fields O Yz.iuierdo MSMM 69256 PRINCE REGENT wis It! 6 9 " » S" S" S« C Taylor W M Jeffords 2785 -100 69243 ITHEl. CLATTON WB MS] it 9 9 9 9 W Pool K-nton Stable 9K-MS Time. 24. 47*i. 1:13. Track fast. ! .*2 niituels iiaid. lidden Rule. X7.30 straight. J3.S0 place. .S2.70 -how: New Hampshire. S5.20 place, I M ahaw; Comixa. .00 afeaav. K.|tii v.i lent bookiag odds- ..ihlen It. tie. 265 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show: New lljiapship. HW la ISt plac,.. 53 t, loo l.ow: omix.-i. M to 100 !io-.v. j Witinei B. r, by Wrack - ; ilding. I.y llint Ro.-k trained by W. O.irth; bred by Mrs L. Went to po-t at 4:04. At post 1 minute. Start £ood and slow. Won driving; second and third the 8.1 me. GOLDKN IHKK raced t.n the otilsiOe of the leaders feir the lii-st liaif and made a wide turn when entering tiie homestretch, but finished fast and outsamed NKW HAMiSHIRK at the end. Hat Batter i bumped OM1XA at the head of the stretch when he raced to the front and was tiriug at the linish. fOMIXA ran wed, but tired badly in the last rfpMh. BODY OIAHB showed tiie most early spec.i, but I quit in the last ipinrter. KTHKI. CLAYTON was interfeird witli MM after the -tart and wa:: pulled up. i Scratched 4i92-S Raffles. 1KI. MtttS Resting Time. 103: 69257 Thessaly. 101: 69257 Adminr. MS; 69347 Better Times. 112. Overweight*- KobJcn Rule. 1 |Miiind; Demijohn, 4: 1thel Clayton. 2V-. Q7 Q-f| FIITH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Sept. 18. 19201 ;44«43— 1380_ NewrlTpurse. PuTse Ut/iil/U ,000. 4-ycar-o!ds ajid upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,300; second t400: third, £00; fourth. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 ■■ 34 Strlin Jockeys Owners K.piiv. Odds .strt , c92»0 -BRHKli»I T w "i S 4 2 U 1- 1 1 l3 E Scobi- Audley Farm Stable 65-100 -92»l ML OF ALLAH w 4 102 5 4 P P P 4- L; A Clave,- .; i; Mrf — 1GV. 1 I ■SITS BTGONE DAYS w i 107 6 5 1s 4 31 :: P A Cantner C J Brookmiller ::30-!0 MM M RYI AND BEI.K w 4 M 3 « 6 6 6 a] 43 I Finn AV H Snyder MS-MI SSSMIPMIMO ws ti 107 I :: P P»P 6 V .1 WaJtwee Aork Stabl? 2MS-MS 1 69245 HMIS KKMB1.K wn 4 115 1 1 P» 2- 2= 9* I R Rom. Hi PDe Iitour MM-MS Time. 24 5. 49. l:15-5. 1:41. l:47*s. Track fast. mutuels paid. Brookholt. .30 straight. 00 place. .40 show; Dream of Allah, 40 place. . 30 show; Bygone Days. .00 smw. Kguivalent necking odds Bi.ckh.dt. 5 to 1;0 straight. 30 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Dream of Allah. 270 to 100 place. 11.-, to 100 show; Bygone Days. 50 to 100 show. Winner 4h. h. by Ballot Gracilla. by Goldfinch trained by K. Spence; bred by Mr. John K. Madden t Vi nt to post at 4 30. At post 4 minutes. Si.irt good and slow. Won easily: second aaal third ilriv-iae. BBOOKHOLT took the lead juickly and. setting a good pace all the v.a.v. was in a canter at the linish. DKKAM OK ALLAH saved gfWJMj when entering; the hoine-i lot. Ii and mtgani- 1 IIVCO.NK DAYS 1 second place BYGONK DAYS raced well and finished gamely HLKMIS KKSII.I K quit after racing in clo-ei pi:r-uil t the last eighth. PBIMO iitit after setting tin- pace brietly. Serat !iwi MOM Sedgeticdd. US; MCPJ S.ijieriaiiv ■•. PK; 60291 Trajanus, 105. tlverweights Dream of Allah. 2 pounds. if* Ct *-* le "SI SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and "70 Yards. Sept. 25, 1915 — 1:42- 4 119. Pans ,200. j LJ?«i« JL 3-yesj--olds. Claiming. Net value to winner *900: 00; third, 09. . lodeT Horse* AWtPPSt » -4 StrKio Jockeys Owners K|inv laiaw Strt i SwSwS*POOB BPORT wa lo-j 4 4 P» 1 11 1» V A Ab- I J R 5 inker :.;5-KW j gwSSI PKI.rHBl/.i.Nl.v wb 105 5 5 ..... V 2»k 2"* B Marinelli A Swnnke HS-MC I 4,9321 BONFIRE W IS 3 I 4 4 4» Z P| W Brown M Crant MS-MI 69152 i*PPI I I.ON w 102 •. 6 6A 6 5- 5 4 H BkllHck F BCapra OaS-MS I C92577.KI S LASSIE w 104 777 7 7 7 5"l C Taylor W Ireo 2155-100 wMS*BE88IK LlOHToN w !0:.. 2 1 3" • 3»k 6 « 6 E Martz H Uosea.h.r :;j.".M0 I 4i9269 MT ATMS G1KL WB MS 1 2 P 2- P 4 7 A Claver J H Stotl-r MS-MS Time. 24. 43*;,. 1.153a. 1:42. 1 47. Track fast. "111111 ::« Is paM, P • Sport, .50 trai„ht. 55.60 place, .90 show; Bel;hriznn:a, ,.S0 place, |4.M sh.m : Baaawc. Jo show. Kpuval.iM Makaaj m|.|s- Paar ■part. 375 to lOO straight. 1 *0 to IOO place. 45 to 100 show; Bet-phrisunia. 240 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Bonfire. 95 to 100 sImiw. Winner K. g by Delhi Play Pair, by Pair Play train.d by W. A. Burltschell ; bred by Mr Mai 1 IV arr A llr.i.|. Went t«, lM«it at 5:11. At aaal I miniiti s. Start good aud slow. Won driving: second and third the ■ MM*. POOR SIMIRT laat the lead at WJM and ric-d WATKK U1ML int.i defeat in the tirst five -eighths » an.i drew away after entering the homestretch, but was tiring at the end. RKLIll KI/OM A racaS in I improving f.,rm ami oiitgameU BONKlltK in the final drive. The latter raced well and lini h«sl fast and I . lose up. WATKit I.1RL .juit in tie- last quarter. BKSSIK LKIOHTON fell to tiie riar iu the stretch 1 and ran far below her true form. Ovei .,. lgliu Water t.ul, 2 pound... Uuaiie Lcighton, 1 ,-» , I II i , , | , , ftQOQO SEVEJITH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 18. 1920— l:44»i— 3— 1S8. Purse ,200. 3-year-O «_F *L J *d olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 09: third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt « fe % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.piiv. Odds Strt C932I JOAQFINA wb 5 10-5 12 10 71 r 3j lJ 1 B Marinelli J Bauer 9W-10 69259 .1 N.Y DUNDEE wb 4 114 1 4 4 2 4" aj P L Kyke R Lewis IT. Oi 69271 •JACQ/UWB wn 5 111 11 9 8"* S1 5s 3- 3" H Shillick W S Murray MS Mi 69259 ANTILLES w 5 105 7 2 l| l1 l"* 4 4"V A Claver .1 H Stotl-r BS-M4 .927I*1HE IAMB WB 6 111 4 1 V 4- 2* ! * U» EBell A Stvcnke |MS SM 69293 RLNNYOL wn 1105 14 7 3»k 3» 6| 6 CJ W Pool T 0 Wcbbtr 700-1 H 68229 HP. BETSY wit 4 10. S 14 13 13= IP X 7 I Chalmers D B Jones 69242 VENAL JOY wr 6 111 I S P 6"* 7- P X1 A Allen M I Cremen 69269*S IAlNCH vc. 5 100 ri2 11 % fl-ik 9 Mj H Farland N" Kreeman I 69269»HEI.I. PRDNKR w 6 105 13 I MS IP 12 10 10- S McL*ne E Denham t 69317 PICNIC wn 4 111 10 13 12- 12 O* Br IP B Parke J S Darin 1175-10 69012 CLEAN CONE w 7 110 2 15 15 15 15 15 IT|C Iiiih; J J Farrell Jr ZMS-M* .9272 3*. MOODY WB S 111 I I 143 143 14 Hi 13 A Abel W V as y 111,100 69189 ntNK MONROE w » USUS 11 »" 10- 10 1li 14 M S.hwtz B B Chapman 69259 "DEBADOi: wb S 111 !» 5 P " • 8 12 15 T Finn 1. W Carth B6-M* tMutuel fi.1,1. Time. 2415, 48!i. 1:15«5, 1:42H. i:«. Trick fast. mtitMcls paid. Jon.iuina. 1. 60 straight. 1. SO place. .00 show; Johnny Dundee, 1.20 place. fg.M aaaw; lacajava, .*4 so o;0w. Kpiivalent Imekiag Mlri- Jononiii.-i. 9S0 to 100 straight. 490 to 100 place, 3S0 to 100 s!i.,w; Johnny Dundee. 4h to 1«0 pia -e. :140 to 100 show; Jaispies. 140 to 100 how. Winner -Br. m. by Carry Herrmann Joannina. by Voter trained by It. M.Keag; brisl by Mr. SatRM* B. Widcuer. Went t- |«ist at 5:45. At post I, minutes. Stnrt go«Kl and slow. Wen driving: second and third Pie same. JOAQFINA moved up rapidly after rounding the far turn an! raced into tin- lead in the sir.-t.h hit had 10 be hMid ridden at the end to outfinish JOHNNY IMTNDKK. The latter ric-.l prmiinently throughout and made a resolute finish. JACIJIKS dosed a big gap into a f.i -t mJbH tliirl. ANTH.I.D.-i ]Uit aft.-r seting I goo t pace o the stretch. TBS LAMB and Rl NNYOL ran well to the stretch. BKBABOI MM ietir»d to the rear. S.ratched -09214 John Morrill. 105: 693P iSweet and Pretty. 91; SBffllTai K"1I Call. P- ; BBBI Cork Elm. ».,: 59193 Helen Atkin. MB. Overweights -Venal Joy. 1 | ound: Prank Monroe. 2«