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Entries and Past Performances HUNTINGTON TUESDAY, APRIL 24 WEATHER CLKAR: TRACK FAST. Tlia figure* under the heading "Eec." in the entries below show the. best time of each borse tit the distance Snce January 1. 1921. no matter where it finished. In c-isci where record was made on oth-jr than a last or good track, abbreviations show tiack conditions. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ® Superior mud rii.iiier. X Good mini runner. : Fair mud rntiner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Bac s — 3-4 Mils. Purse 0O. 3 year-olds. Claiming. record: April 21. 1MB— 1:12%— * 104 Todays Itirl. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. G9265 *Adventuress 99 1 :11V, 109X725: 692941 Dont Bother Met Ml 102x72tlj C9295 Sweet Cookie MM 1:M*4 109X715 69363- Old Blue M 1M 1 Jftl 112.710 69295 »Cru.lenas 100 l:MHjj 107 705 | 69294 Carter M 110 1:21,11 112..700J Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse £50*. 3-year-olds and upward. Trick record: April 21. 1923 1:13%— i 104. 69268 bPretty Baby 110 1:13«£ 8 105x725 G9357 hWreckless 99 1:13*5 4 115x720 69248= * Ban tarn MM l:14Vf. i MM. .715 1 69325 Carrure 106 1:14% 0 110x710 69394 Ting a-Ling 109 1 :12 5 10 115X710 69325 *bFleer 101 IM% « 110 70r, 52940 l.Man.kin 9 115X700 Third Bace— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3 .Claiming. Track record: April 21. 1923 1:12% 9 MM. C6335 Arapahoe US l:13-5 5 115X725 C3325 M hallenger 115 1:15 i I1SX7S»| CS323 Mary Bock 110 1:14 4 110. .715 | 69394 K.ntmUy Smiles ..103 1:14% 3 MM. .715 I 69358- Yorick 115 1:15:-. • 105x710 1 60275 Peddler 113 Ills • ltt#MH G9266 Lively 112 1:14 9 I15X70T, 69295 Boh t.iles 113 1:15% 9 115.700 Fonrth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Pur.- JC.x. | yeir-olds and ui.w.inl. Claiming. Track record: April 21. 1923 1:07% 1 11. MMftJ*%jJUrf HA.NCK 11.100 1:07r. « 1 13 7*i G9325 Ijiiis Li. •hteiiheim . 1 15 I :0S 1120.715 G9353; *Ioris M 112 I 09 V. 4 1115 710 69354 I.Kmden 1o7 I :OS% 10 115X705 CS354 Best Board IMIM 5 IJftXMM G9323 Jim S|Hilm 112 LOSS 11 1i:.:;:700 Fifth Bace— 1 1-1S Miles. Purse 01. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 23, 1923 1:49% 5 112. G9299* Herroti MM 1 : 4l»»f. • 112.725 G9326 *lMatinee Idol 114 1:45% 8 107X720 169396 High BflH 110 1:45% ■ I12XTK 69396 Exhorter 110 1:10 ft 112 715 63845 •bllarntey 110 1:40% 7 107.. 715 C932G *nZone .IAim.e 110 1:47% 0 107 71t G93i6 Reel Foot MM 1 :53%h 3 100 7 H 69395 Flypaix-r 100 1 :50% 0 MSSftlMI Sixth Bace— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse £5410. 3 vear-olds ami cpward. Claiming. Track record: April 23. 1923 1 19% 5 112. 69367- Kallrhoii 110 1:48% 0 110x725 69357 bBuckboard Ill l:47%s 9 115X7211 G9397 *Kingling II 102 1:40-. 10 110x715 69358 *b British Liner 1011:47% 5 110.710 69328 Jio II. Ko, he 107 1:49% 6 115 .705 6S266 Fortune 12 115 700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. PtaC S50O. 4 year olds and upward. Cliimin. • Track re«-ord: April 2-".. 1923 1:45% 9 111-.. 69398 l.Klibrertygibhet ...107 1:44% 0 115x725 69394 bOakawn Belle .. .105 1:44% 10 Il0 720 69298 *Sea Mime MM 1:51% ft lloy.715 63328- Fayelle 90 1:4!% 1105.715 G9327 Roseale 103 1:45 5 11OX710 63397 bKustler 113 1:53 V-. h » 120X705 69396 »l.Miss Prosperity ...105 l:40t. 5 110X700