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LEADING AMERICAN JOCKEYS A new riding luminary in the person of W. Fronk carried off the saddle honors of last week, riding twelve winners, whisk gained him inclusion in the select list of the thirty leading riders of the year. A. Abel continued on his successful way and piloted five more winners" and is now tied with T. Burns for second place, each with a total of forty-eight winning mounts to his credit. The standing of the thirty leaders to date follows: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. In].. P.C L.W. Stevens. V 3450 «L 55 61 1S2 .17 0 Bums, T IM:* 4S 30 2« 108 .13 0 Stutts. Jjf. 330 4« 44 59 181 .14 I Pool, W 228 44 35 33 11« .19 I Abel. A 257 48 28 *M 155 .19 5 Mein. G 310 41 50 49 170 .13 2 Fetzolt. E 280 38 41 34 107 .14 0 Groos. P 230 36 34 21 14.". 15 0 Ralls. C 221 31 35 36 119 14 0 Cantrell, F 200 31 24 IS 127 .15 0 Ixmg. H 289 30 24 29 Ltr, .111 0 Thompson. C. ...231 32 24 24 151 .14 2 Martinez. P 154 31 23 23 77 .20 I Smallwood. E. ...175 32 28 26 M IN 2 Brothers. T 119 28 24 16 51 .24 0 Coteoran. J 177 27 19 21 110 1". I Merimee. J 141 27 12 20 S2 19 0 Fntor. E 185 26 24 23 112 .14 | Molters. H 225 27 22 26 150 .12 1 Pool. E 148 25 28 21 74 .17 0 Wilsou. T 249 26 34 23 106 .10 1 Harvey. B 163 25 13 18 107 .15 0 Hurn. I 190 27 27 22 114 .14 4 McDeimott. L. ..162 22 25 25 90 .14 0 Claver. A 145 22 25 28 69 15 | Martin. W 207 21 27 26 133 HI 0 Owens. 3 182 20 16 22 124 .11 0 Taylor. W 159 20 29 22 NX .13 0 Watrous. F 183 23 16 22 122 .13 3 Hurn. P 185 20 21 23 122 11 1 Fronk. W 130 20 13 II Mi .15 12 Dean, W 172 21 12 15 124 .12 3 Parke, 1 160 21 17 17 105 13 3