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Latest Training Gallops I 247 HAVRE DE GRACE, M 1„ April 2:5.— Sundays workouts here included the following: HAVRE Ml GRACE. Weather clear ; track fast- - Thrtxj-Eighths Mile. 241 -Admirer 35% ~l~ ItlWeinltl SI 114-Clansman 39 Helen Ciwk .35 II P— III 35 L12 Jen -i Corey ...39 »2 Dm of AHah S3 IJidy Audley .30% 24.1 -■ the! Clayton .30 % 242 -Mary, belle ...30-5 St -Hiyintj Devil ..38% 243 Seths Lemon .36% 113 Uamly 3S 90-Star Cloudy ..35 Half M.le. 228-Altissiino 53 Off Color 49% I.iR PJBM 49% 245 Primo 50% Henifrna 50% Sliming Light M 241 Despair 54 MB Tiefl««l Water 53 245-Dr. OMara ..50 242 The Lamb ...84 241 Doughnut PJ 243 Trafalgar 53 90-Mercury 51 75-Zeus Uissie ...50% 241 -Neapolitan ...53 Five -Eighths Mile. 242-Kn.okholt ...1:02% 244 Miss Cilley ..1:0-1% 244 Cimarron ...1:02% 242-MabelK Ml" Cal. M huianl:«% 235 Moody 1:00% 243-Ilil.lur 1:03% Three-Quarters Mile. 244 ISeaeh Beauty! :19 997 Jim Coffroth 1:25 245-Chief Curry 1:23 . 24. -K. Sol. s Seal 1 :1ft 243-Cour:euus ...1:23 244-Minuto Man .1:22 245 Carmandale .1:15% OH-Muttikins ...1:24 111 -Calailiiim 1:19 245-Iaddle 1:17 245-Cork Klin 1.22 242 IVgasus 1:20% 245-Coon Can ...1:20% 215 Kill. ien 1:17% 247-Dorando 1:27 241 Kockminister 1:20% 245 Devastation .1:19 241-StanIey 1:1* 244-!"rzy Sneezy 1:20% 241 -Sammy Jay ..1:20% O-Kinality 1:17% 245- Well Hmler ..1:17% 245-Ual!ivant ...1:20 One Mile. 107 Air Tan 1:57 215-MeOuff 1 :4S 03 numb Hells ..1:45% 90 -Overmatch ..1:58 230-Kxplosive 1:15% 244 -Koyal Duck ..1:48 243 Kannie Itean 1:47% 737-Seattle 1:55 242-Kclieitous ...1:41 9 Star Court ... 1 54 241-.Iove!l V. D...l:45% 245 Two Feathers 1 :4S 243-Lunetta 1:45% 245 Wkes-Barre 1:50 245 Miss Smith . .1:48 Fthel Clayton and Seths Lemon ran well together. Admirer showed some speed. Comixa and Dream of Allah were going easily. Helen Cook and Star Cloudy appear speedy. Shining Light ran well. Fig Ulaze and Off Color appear to be good ones. Altissimo is rounding into racing form. Autumn Fells ran evenly all the way. NMW YORK. N. Y., April 23.— Sundays training gallops on the local courses included the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track good — Three -Eighths Mile. 9 t Nantokah ....40 Half Mile. .VgvatiriR Papa51 Miss Cameo ...49% HIS Horologe 59 2!4-Miss Star 48% Five -Eighths Mile. 244-Itrain .torm ..l:02t 244 -Out and Conel :04% 75 Irish Itgadierl :03 244- KecKJiudatioii 1:04% 94 Mormay 1:03% Three -Quarters Mile. 243- All Aruerieaul :21% Seven -Eighths Mile. 243-Mawrrorou ..1:34 One Mile. 243-Kud Fisher ..1:47 244-W.vnnewood .1:49 Miss Star has her speed. Miss Cameo was not extended. Frainstorm looks and seems good. Irish Frigadier has improved in appearance. Wynnewood galh | ed an easy mile. nUWIf PARK. Weather clear ; track fast — -Half Mile. 105-Cye:ops 49% ."» -Prime Miuister49% 105 -F.m»t ion 49.-. ill. -Kuddy 4br. L-igoon 51% Wi. i MWCtk ...51% in -Meat 49 One Mile. ■ Errand Hoy 1:4*% 100-William Tell 1:48% Fmotion and Modo galloped together. Fuddy and Frime Minister Worked on i even terms. 248 HAVRE ME GUACK, Mil., April 23.— To* days workouts here included: HAVRE IE Q RACE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 244 Rodanzky 3i% 235 -Fohrali 37% 244 Businesslike .38 244 Fort Bliss 39 245 B. of Blueiidtfe.38% 242 Irish Kiss 37 Urockala 38 240-Lady Boss 30 241-Bumra 37% 24.-Oiitai io 39 243 Briir Sweet ..38 214 Iillory 37 247-1 hief Curry ...37% 127 Star Jester 40 108-1. and Drakes. 38 245-Satana 38% 244 Diana 37% 205 Sunny Ctrl 37% 244 Dexterous 38 »99 -Sunferelii e . . .:*8% 244 -E. Kiekbacher.39 24! St. l«iwrcnce. .36 Half Mile. 241 -Apex 50 245-Miss Miami ...49% 244 Anterio 50% Neptune 49 233-BI.ik mry 54 24:!-Nor.s Choice .50% 114 Blazes" 49 213. Night Light . .55 tkanler 49 243- Pennon 52 241 Il llahm 51 241 Polynesia 50 224 Eltahe 54 243 Sailing It 49% 230- HeHIU 52 245-S,iganioro II % 243 Elemental 50% 109 Scare Crow ...40% 238-ldle Thoughts.. ".1 242 -Tony Beau 51% 241 Lion dOr 19% 231! Tip. Wi.chot .53 L-tdy Poker ...48 Iproar 51 220 Moun. Kose 11.52 244 -Wilderness ...48 Five -Eighths Mile. 23S-Aunt .lane ..1:0. 24 1 Oceanic 1:00 240 opyright ...1:04 242 Baffles 1 :04 243 -Camouflage .1:07 245 TiirhuLut ..1:01% 245 Fair Cain 1 :Ot 244-Valentia 1:02 245 Hobey BakerCOi Three -Quarters Mile. 245 -Ail Fair 1:23 245 Misdeal 1:18 245 Hluffer 1:21 245 Oppernian ...1:19 243-lap. Costiginl:23 gift-Reprisal ....1:24 245 Fairway 1:17 997 1:18% 245-Fifteen eats! :22 N50- Khinestone .1:19 245 -Coiiriuuud ..1:21 211 Ihessaly ....1:19 247 Hillsdale 1:20 245-Vitamin 1:19% 215 K. of tlFlheil :1.;% Soven -Eighths Mile. 244 Sthern Cross 1 :33 One Mile. 245 Billet 1 55 245 lied brand ... 1 :4S% Cold Foil ...1:48 245 Sandy Beal 1:48 231-Callagln r ...1:52 224 St. Ceimain 1:55 215-Iiidy Myra ..1:44 79 Tenons Bun .1:58 Mt leeill Storm I: Pi 245 Voikist 1:4-4 242 Miracle Man 1:18 Dexterous is training well. Star Jester is on the slow side. St. Lawrence is a speedy horse. i Famra ran well. Irish Kiss is in top form. Dazzler is showing fine speed. Lion dOr and Sailing B. ran together. Neptune and Lady Folka showed fine speed. Wilderness was going well. Valenlia seems to be in fine form. Knight of the Heather galloped easily. Yurkist worked a fast mile. NKW YORK, N. Y., April 23.— Mondays training gallops over the local courses included the following: JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; track good — ■ Three -Eighths Mile. 11 Billy M«Lghliii30% Red Mill M* Kdward Cray .41% 243-S:ony 1oint ..37i 239 -Miriam Comer. 41 Half Mile. 244-Anne 50% II. T. Waters 50% 234-Chief Flynn ...57 243 Montalvo 50% Flor. B. Walke!.r 2% Maur. C.hen ..52% 2-13 -Cene Austin ..501*, ISO-Koniany 52% 213-Ilephaistos ....52% Sweep Blosom 52% Ilelby Coles ..52h Sapphire BM ..50% Five-Eighths Mile. 243 Hull ibaloo ..l:0»c 244 Itoek Salt ...1:09 Masquerade . 1 :07% 244 Ka lea 1 :03 244 latsy 11. ...1:07 190-Silent Kiug..l:10% Three-Quarters Mile. 9G0-Air Bubble ..1:22 215-Lady Inez ...1:19 One Mile. 243-Nightboat ..1:49% Filly McLaughlin looks good. Anne ran well. II. T. Waters and Gene Austin worked from the barrier. Hullabaloo is training well. Lady Inez was under restraint. "HKLMONT TRAIMNC. TRACK. Weather clear ; track fast — Three -Eighths Mile. Dauntless 30 59-Seipiel 36 53-Cosuawk 30Vs Half Mile. 65 -June Crass ...51 Five -Eighths Mile. Insurance ...1:M Koyal Miss .1:10 Praiseworthy 1:10 Throe -Quarters Mile. 05-Aster!ite 1:27 107 -Kompg Honiel:10% 41-CanaipJe 1:16% 110-Three Si|uarel:25% Ciniaru • 1:2! 91-Tryster 1:15 Jj Calantmau ...1:15% One Mile. 39 Dustabout ...1:48 112-Osprey 1:5". 13-Messeuger ..1:40 Goshawk is training well. Tryster and Galantman are near racing condition. Romping Home and Canaque worked together. LEXINGTON, Ky., April 23.— Todays [ training gallops at Lexington included the following: LEXINGTON. Weather clear; track fast — • Three-eighths mile — IVggy O., 30 % : Ellis M.. 31! fe: Cuest of Honor. 36%; Forty Two, tt%; Pineh o Snuff, 39%; Cap Rock. 37%: John Finn. 38%; Niagara, 35%; Silver Faine. 36%; Playful Miss, 37; C. H. Steel, 37%; Bethljhem Steel, 37%; Joy-m;iker, 36%. Half mile M-irgaret A.. 51%; Ciblon. 53%: Ijon-ilon Hmoke, 51; Blue White. 51: Bourbon Boy, 50%: Corriiie. 52; Ja k Frost. 53: Kloenee W., 50; K-eliange. 50; Bessie Wright, 50; Kuuiee Bailey. 50; Kxpressive, 52; Kate IVtors, 51%: Klaxon, 53: J. D. Denny, 53; Ballot Brush, 52; Colev MeDaviett, 51; Will Land, 49%; Billy Klaire. 49 fe ; Harry B.. 50%; Coldeu Plate, 50%: Naughty Nisba. 51: Kus-li -ator, 50; Sweet Beat. 52; Battle Creek. 52%. I- ivc -eighths mile Nichol. l:04:vi; Hickorv. 1 :00 % . Three -quarters of a mile -Jimmy Daw, 1:18%; My Valet. 1:19%; Dardinella, 1:15; Kelucth. 1:17%; I Wapita. 1:14V,: Komania, 1:16%; Famy Free, 1:18; Bluebird, 1:17%; Brotherly I»ve. 1:14%: Chiva. 1:16: Lady Corhani. 1:18; Tip Toe Inn, 1:18%; Wee Ti ddler. 1:18%; Kocky Mountain. 1:15%; Alard 1:17%: I Hi! li Vernor, 1:17%: Ten-Ijee. 1:17%; Braedalbane. 1:M%; Kib Crass, 1:17%: Kasler Bells, 1:19%; Finday, 1:19; Clialmette. 1:20%; Velma M., 1:17%; Auntie May, 1:17%: Broken Blossoms. 1:18%: Captain Adafns. 1:18%; Kendall, 1:18%; Bo McMillan, 1:16: Aspiration, l:14»r.: Ian Son. 1:16%; Quince Carden, 1:21%: .las. B. Brown, 1:17%. Seven -eight lis mile --Audacious. 1:27%. Mile Meg.m, 1:45; Uidy Kachel, 1:46%; Paris Maid. 1:43: Yoshimi, 1:45; Tomahoi, 1:45; Fantoche, 1:44%; Sunburst II., 1:46; Parader, 1:46; Taylor Hay. l:4ii; Slanderer. 1:46; Freeholder. 1:46: Kun-Miioi. 1:41; Lidy Madcap. 1:43; Cilford. 1:43%; Anna M. Humphrey, l:43fe; Dusk Flower, 1:44; ■ War—, 1:44%: Dancing Spray. 1:43; Acker-Knocker. 1:4.!; Delusive, 1:42: Claymore, 1:45; Vic-toiie, 1:41%; Miss Merle, 1:44%; Precious Lula, 1:43%. Wapita acts good. Brotherly Iove showed good speed. Braedalbane worked extra well for him. Bo McMillan was only cantering. Aspiration did his work well. Audacious appears in wonderful form. Lady Madcap galloped easily. Delusives work was exceptional.