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C. L WHITINGS IMPORTATION Avon, N. Y., Breeder to Secure One of First Four Jumpers From England. NEW YORK, N. Y.. April 28.— C. L. Whiting of Avon Yale Farms. Avon, N. Y.. is one of those fortunate enough to se-urs one of Um first four jumpers to come from abroad as samples. This horse will lie im-porte.l with those of J. IS. YYidener. Robert L. Gerry and K. .1. Davis. Mr. Waiting receive! a letter from the Fas;R-Tipton Com. pany statintr that the horse would be shipped from England on a steamer leaving there either on April 20 or April 28. Mr. Whitings jumper, upon its arrival, wlfl be turned over to the veteran ttainer P.. L Cole. Cormer trainer of the steeplechase horse l ytle. Mr. tole has fourteen head el two -..his and tin ee-year-olds belonging to Mr. YVhiting which have been wintering at Pimlice and trained there this spring. Mr. Whiting also reports nine foals by his good Rock Sand stallion Half .lock, from Half Sovereign, by Hastings, at his farm at Avon this spring. The brood mares at his farm are iu the charge of LIdwaid Feakes.