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| ! j : j i j j i ! . i I , I I i ; i i t ■ i i I C4U DA PC ■ *-»• Mllea. M-year-ol«ls and upward. 1 laiminK. Sept. 18, Dill ilHLrU l«aO 1:4-4 -4-5 3 1;5S. PERHAPS, ch. g. 5 106 By Luke McLuke— Miss Georgia, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. P. McCaffrey. Owner, J. J. McDonnell . Breeder. J. N. Markey. .9451 H.deGce 11-16 1:48 fast 8 109 4 1 2« 2- D Stirling S Tra.ianus. Vitamin. Tingling 69412 H.deGce 1 1-N 1 7 105 1 1 ll 4*1 G Mein S Tony Beau, Tingling. T. Cassidy |69269 H.deGce 3-4 l:U%fkat 14 112 9 9 81 9;i E Martz 13 Felicitous. Pietrus. Whalebone 68430 Havana 61 f 1 21 112 4 4 4 3T T Burns 4 i..A.Poe. B.ofEltown. llurenll. 68121 Havana lm50v l:4t%Caat 7-5 112 1 3 45 ;JT Burns .". Sea Prince, uncastle. LB. Sheep 68049 Havana 34 LllVast 4-5 106 4 2 l2 Is! T Brothers 5 Different Eyes, Quanah. Janku 67922 Havana 3-4 1 :12«ifast 4 107 3 3 2nk li T Burns 5 The Boy. Col. Chile. Salvo 67826 Havana 1 1:43 slow 2 108 2 1 l1 ll I Burns 0 Fincastle. Hainan, Notime MOM. ch. f. 4 99 By Rockview — Compensate, by Compute. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. J. D. Carr. 69321 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:48M fast 6 104 7 2 21 3!1 B Bell 10 Condolier. King John. Bonfire 69271 H.deGce 1 1-10. 1 :47%faa 4 105 4 4 45 3- E Bell S St. Donald. BillyBarton. Jacques 69153 Howie 61 f 1:21 fast 8-5 110 4 3 33 371 E Smwod 7 Forest Queen. Super, King John 169130 Howie I] t 1 :21=-fast 7 109 8 7 7 651 ■ Smwod S Spugs. Tidings, Elemental 68471 Jefferson S-4 l:17«r,hvy 8 113.1 6 64 5*1.1 Wallace 7 Sagamore, Ralco. inv nor 68410 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :46- .fast 8 106 1 2 2 1 Z* J Wallace I Kewp.ONeil. Normal. M.Robts 68349 Jefferson 3-4 1 :l::::.-.fasi 5 107 1 6 61 4! E Smwod 6 Orcus. Canyon. Biff Bang 68208 F.Grnds 1 1-10 1 :47*t.fa ,t 6 97 3 1 l2 1 B Harvey 9 BiffP.ang. DoubleCross. Devomte 68152 F.Grnds 3-4 I 1ll l 4 106 3 4 1J 1! J Crcoran S Camouflage. Spugs. I.astEffort 68025 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13%faat 8 105 6 8 42 2» R Doyle 11 Green Gold. Whalebone. Shaffer 67935 F.Grnds 3-4 1:13 fast i-5 97 2 1 li lh B Harvey 11 Sandalwood. Fusee, Locarno STAR REALM, ch. g, 7 110 By Star Shoot — Continental, by Yankee. Trainer, A. Alexandra. Owner, A. Alexandra. .Breeder. J. E. Madden. 69411 H.deGce 11-16 1:49 fast 12 116 1 2 2J 1" C. Alexdra 7 DukeJohn. ML Barton. Wrangler 69269 11 drCce 3-4 1:13Sfast 7 IIS 8 5 61 4-l P Madeiral3 Felicitous. Pietrus. 69242 H deGce 3-4 l:lt;-:,mud 9 110 4 1 11 ll P Madeiral3 Paul Micou. Copyright, Ticaeey 66875 Bowie 1 1 16 1 :52Vast 9 119 2 1 9 1 9sl P MadeiraL". Mt iiRosell.. Natural, Royallu 66862 Bowie 61 f l:22« 13 113 10 12 12s 9C! P Madeira 13 Belmon, Flibberbet. Jos. Brant 66173 Laurel lm7Uy 1 :46ifast 9 114 1 4 7» 633 P MadeiralO Ladsl.ove, Ettalie, Cur. Events 65868 Laurel 1 3-16 2:01 fast 18-5 1111 3 7 9" 9- P Madewsll KgTrojan. Royal Duck. Debadou 65773 Laurel 1 1-8 1 31 113 2 1 l1 31 P MadeiralO RossR.. WarVi. tor. Kir.gTrojan 65531 H.deGce lm70y lAh fast 9 115 3 1 l1 l3 P Madeira 9 JakeSchas, Gallivant, Bob.Uair VITAMIN, b. g. 4 106 By Transvaal — Incognita, by Disguise. Trainer, F. T. Miller. Owner, F. T. Miller. Breeder. Morns and Walden. C9454 H.deGce l 1-16 1:4S fast I 109 2 6 61 3« S McLane S Trajanus. Perhaps. Tingling 69132 Bnwie 1 l:43%faat 18 96 I 6 6 6T3 R Costello 6 Rama. Master Hand. Duke John 69043 Bowie 7-8 1 :2S:.-,last 41 112 4 6 42 31 J Wallace .Eulalia. Servitor. Episode 68594 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:01. .fast 18-5 106 3 6 6l 5» A Wilson 6 Jondolier. R.f.Home. BbleCross 68368 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:fl fast 8 100 3 2 2l 3s J Wallace t! Ramkin, DoubleCross. BlyStone 68324 Jefferson 1 1-S 1 :." 20 100 1 3 41 37 J Wallace B Ramkin. Runquoi. Gem 66492 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :4S:tBfast 26 107 6 7 51 53 J Wallace B Don. Cross, King.iol.r, Cromwell 66320 Laurel 1 1-S 22 100 4 4 4* 4"i J Wallace 5 Clansman. Trevelyan, Lunetta PICNIC, b. g, 4 107 By Pebbles — May Queen, byUltlmus. Trainer. F. Toner. Owner, J. S. Dann. Breeder. J. wutier. 69428 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 23 114 I 2 11 V- W Pool 14 Tarn, Whalebone. Tony Sue MM ILdaGca 11-16 i;: fast IS 11113 13 K:-!1I3R Parke 13 Joaquina. J. Dundee. .Inclines 69317 H.deGce 3 4 1 :144sfast 19 108 1 4 21 1» W Pool 14 ForostQm-en. Fusee. Josephltnint 68779 Jefferson 61 f 1:09,11 vy 4 110 7 6 6062J McCoy 7 Sagamore. T.Pernvn. Col. Floss .8738 Jefferson 3-4 8 109 8 7 61 6" G Mein 11 Theo. Roseate II , Marimba 68614 Jefferson 61 f 1 :U7-,fast 12 10S 3 S 7 7»G Mein 7 Col. Floss. Rap. Day. T.Iiieiscan 67562 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13i/f,fast 7 112 1 8 125 729 0 Ung 13 Louis A.. Rapid Day. Mom 67384 Jefferson 3-4 134%faat 5 108 4 12" B| 0 Lang 7 K.of t.Iltlier, Hadrian. HiiCost 67285 Jefferson 3-4 !:13%faat 6 110 6 8 61 6 L McDott 6 Valor, IliddenJewel. Rapid Day 66881 Bowie 1 1-16 8 112 1 4 72 9" C Iing 10 Doughnut. War Mask. Plucky 66870 Bowie 61 f l:21%fast 21 111 4 3 2 ll C Lang 12 Cahalan. Wraith. Sweepy 66832 Bowie lm70y l:484t,fast lot 101 5 4 41 21 G Mein 12 All Fair, Crank. Sad. and Boots TARN. br. g. 4 107 By Celt— Dark Water, by Dark Ronald. Trainer. R. 1. Miller. Owner, R. I. Miller. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 69428 H.d.Cce 3-4 1:14 fast l"f lofti 4 7 5 I! E Martz 14 Picnic, Whalebone. Tony Sue 69319 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 26f 103 4 3 V 9 A Abel 12 Camouflage. P.y.liininv. ByMine 66610 Pimlico 3-4 l:12%faat 62 109 12 12 134 137 A Kroger 15 Cum Sail. Whalebone. L.Button 65305 H.deGce lm70y 1:47 fast 25f 105 10 6 10 104 L Penman 10 Rebuke. Past. Swain, Trevelyan 63992 Saratoga 3-4 Lllvfast 8 106 6 6 6 6" 11 Thomas 6 Hullabaloo, Billy Watts. Tang ne .3808 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10»tgood 2 106 4 3 1" 1] H Thomasll French Furze, Picnic, Boxw .od mtt Belmont 1 l:*%faat 11-10 112 5 6 6* 3» L Lyke 10 Mystic. Nancy Shanks, Macduff 62108 Belmnt 34 MC 1:13 fast 4 115 5 6 3 21 L Lyke 17 Ex. eisis. Aknusti. Treviscot SPUGS. b. g, 5 106 By Charles Edward— Shoo Fly, by Meddler. Trainer. J. Reams. Owner. W. Reams. Breeder, E. Rucker. 69211 Bowie 61 f 1 :222»slop 2110 108 1 2 2» 2» H Shillick B Camfhige. D.sDghter. Colando .9130 Bowie 6 f 1 :21ar,fast 12 110 6 6 42 ln H Shillick 8 Tidings. Elemental. Sagamore 69075 Bowie 6i f 1 :22V.slop 33-10 111 1 2 2! 11 A Abel 7 Biff Bang, t amoiiflage. Jacques 68473 Jefferson 1 1 16 l:53-..hvy 13-5 110 3 1 l« Is A Abel 7 Repeater. Dumbfounder. Tulauo 68194 F.Grnds 11-16 1:50 hvy l«-6 109 1 2 2* U E AtkinsnlO Rekab. Buxom. Hickory 6815 J F Grivs J-4 l:ll t,mud 8 108 I 6 41 3: E Atkinsn 8 Mem. amoiiflage. Iist Effort 67944 F.Grnds 3-4 I:12%taat 10 112 6 6 6 5* FJ Atkinsn 8 ElmerK., R.Cnarlie, Mavournn 67771 F.Grnds 3-4 1 :l:S*jfast 10 112 1 6 61 4n3 ■ Atkins nl4 Kklglon. Mavrnii, C.J.I "gmile 67555 F.Grnds 3-4 1.12*tgood 12 111 3 4 4 3 G Mein 13 May Bodine. AlexU.. Full oFun BIFF BANG, b. h. 6 115 By Textile— Byf, by Miller. Trainer. W. Livingston. Owner. L- T. Bauer. Breeder. T. Monahan. 69292 H.deGce 1 1-16 146fast 18 107 2 6 8 6" A Claver Episode. C.oDawn, MyldBelle 69212 Bowie 1 1-10, 1:51 slop llf 1U8 2 7 9 915 J Zoeller 9 Rama. F. Phantom. Tip.Witchet 69139 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :50w,fast 6 105 6 1 ll 1*1 W Pool 7 Episode. Past. Swain. Gondolier .9107 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :.".l Dfast 61 106 6 2 3 4 3 S Mcl.ane I FannieBean. Condolier. Ramkin 69075 Bowie 6 f I:2S%aloa 10 115 6 6 3s 2:i II Shillick 7 Spugs. Camouflage. Jacques 69043 Bowie 7-4 1 :2SVifast * 10 109 3 3 5" f/l C Lang I Eulalia. Servitor, Vitamin .8370 J.fftrson lm70v 1 :45*5fast 8-5 116 1 7 7 7il4L Morris 7 DukeJohn, H.Pduer. O.Bthday 68348 Jefferson 2-4 l:13fast 6 109 1 2 2s 21 E Martz B Onus. Canyon, Avispa FANNIE BEAN. br. f. 4 111 By Zeus— Mascal, by Sain, Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. R. Skinker. Breeder, Williams and Radford. 69493 See todays chart. 69431 H deGce 11-16 1:48 fast 33 10 102 4 4 3 21 E Bell S Episode. MarylMRelle. Ramkin 69291 H deG ce lm7d 1 44 -fast 5 105 7 « 41 4»i A Abel 7 Pastoral Swain, Eulalia. Valor b9212 Bowie 11-16 1:51 slop 34 103 9 1 71 7*1 G Mein 9 Rama. FairPhantom. T. Witchet 69138 Bowie tartly l:4sTtfaa 21 103 4 1 1« 1* A Abel 4 Opperman, Mary. Belle. Ramkin 69107 Bowie 1 1 16 1 .".lifast 8-5 101 5 4 1* 1 H Shillick 6 Gondolier. Ramkin. Biff Bang 69044 Bowie lm70y 149fast 8S-10 102 4 8 3» 2» J Wallace 5 HersKenible. Trajanus. Ramkin 68761 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 mud 4 10915 4 6 3» E Pool B II Kemble. Gondolier, C.oDawa 08700 Jefferson 1 1-11 1 luw 7 98 7 2 I«l« K Costello 7 Ralco, Rama, Gondolier KNIGHT OF THE HEATHZJt. Vr. 106 Br Ogden— Madchen, by Knight of the Thistle. g. 5 Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. C9130 Rowie 64 f 1 :21%fast 23 UJ 4 C 6« 7«i O Mein 8 Sr.ugs, Tidings, F.lemental 4.9075 Bowie 6* f 1 :22%slop U 117 2 5 6» 6* G Mein 7 Spugs. Biff Bans. Camouflage 68228 Jefferson lm70y 1:47 fast 6 US 2 8 8 7" G Mein 8 Gondolier, MayBodine, Magician 68093 FGrnds lmTOy 1 :46%e;ood 12 10» 4 5 612 6* H ThoTias 7 Copp.Demon, RoyceRools, llama 68030 FGrnds lm70y 1 :44%fast 14 104 3 5 6« 6l* G Mein 7 Servitor. Sea Cove. Kamkin 67838 K.Gr*nda lm70y l:4G%hvy 10 110 3 3 3 S* H Thomas 0 Kama. Macbeth, Rirlielieu 67752 FGrnds 3-4 l:12%fa»t 12 115 10 9 9» %•* G Mein 14 RapidDay. Monastery, Sagnme 67499 F.Grnda 3-4 l:14%good 13-6 114 1 5 61 6»i G Mein 8 Paul Micou. Elmer K., S. Combs 6UTCREEK, b. r, 5 111 By Hnon — Jrssie Woodson, by Scorpion. Trainer, A. Zimmer. Owner, J. Kelty. Breeder. L. A. Lyne. 69319 H.JeGie 3-4 1:14 fast 26f 114 12 12 12 t?11 A Claver 13 Camouflage, ByJiminy. ByMine 68499 Havana lmy 1 llfast 4 102 2 3 Z* Z1 G Fields 4 Ceo. Kuffan. Isosceles, ScaPiinee 68376 Havana 1 1-16 1:46 fast 4 106 4 3 2* 2l T Burns 4 Fincastle, Sea Prince. Q .Kuffan 68354 Havana 3-4 1:11 Vast 4J 103 2 4 4 3« C Grace 4 E.AUoe, Amor. Are. .Sponsor 68311 Havana lmiOy l:4IHfast 3 110 4 1 1 1* H Wakoff G Fincastle, The Roll Call, lierron 68272 Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 6 117 1 1 ft* 1* H Wakoff 8 Isosceles, Pdenlial. Blaz. Fire 68255 Havana lm50y 143%fast 2J 96 4 4 4 4"J J Callahan 4 G. Kuffan, East View. Fincastle 68079 Havana 3-4 MITLfMrt 6 103 3 6 5 5*1 H Stutts I Dr.Ilickman, E.View, G. Kuffan 67294 Havana I 1 ftt 1 ITHf li IT M 103 6 4 4» 41 J Callahan I Bu.l.Kt an. Eli. Sheep, ScaPrinee 6*232 Havana 3-4 l:18%mud 13-6 106 2 I 31* l1 J Callahan 4 Discussion, Cydonia, Aiken