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Throughout the Kentucky meetings we will be prepared to send you REAL LIVE WIRES Our daily wire is obtainable for twenty-five dollars per week plus wire charges. Get in touch immediately with MANNS AND KELLY 614 WALNUT BI. — 1 1BB, OHIO Annual Racing Form for 1922 On Sale Is Now DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 141 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-150 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW TORN, N. T. 71 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. Horses f/rea u lie Bacon are rated, skouh Hugo I in same race highest rating is tht pnbabk w/aner. I I4,i KT GET OUR SPECIALS Q AMD LATE TELEGRAMS; THEY ARE FREE TO ALL I 5UBSOT8ERSTOT»EKACO«ATOIJRKOALSE1WC£FEE I Of %VS. OUR FREE WIRES NEVER MMOKTIIUWEUBE ■ When jour friends say BUY THE BEACON" there must he a reason. ONE WEEK, fl.00; FOUR WEEKS, .00. THE BEACON CONTAINS NEWS OF INTEREST TO HORSEMEN. Copyrighted 1923 by Beacon News Service. MAILED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. All hsrses given in The Beacon are rated. Should 1 , two go in same race highest ratine is the probable winner. JET orn SPECIALS | and late telegrams. They are free to all sub- I r. Mi bets to The Beacon at our usual servioe fee of j 1.00. Our Free Wires nerer give more than one j horse. No matter what ycu pay you cannot equal Beacon ratings. Remember The Beacon is filed in advance with Daily Racing Form and also with the department of copyrights. Congressional Library. Washington, D. C. So any statement made by us must be true. Bear this ia mind and note that , during New Orleans meetiegs, where other han-dicappers I failed dismally, a 0 flat straight play or all top-rated horses in THE BEACON would havo won 50. This was a poor showing for us. but from April 2 to April 28, at Maryland meetings, a flat bet of 0 on all top-rated horses in The | i Braoon would have won 970. This weeks Beacon ! j btLT, many good ones going in Maryland, Kentucky j a-d Jamaica. Order by mail at once or call any I time. Bo sure to get our Free Wires. Saturdays Free Wires, SUNAYR. .10, WON. Subscription rates, one week, ; four weeks, . BEACON NEWS SERVICE. I Room 614. 1452 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. I , One More Sleeper Awakes , PERCH 3- WON The Home Stretch, a weekly paper, devoted exclusively to racing, and which sells for 15 cents a copy at all up-to-date newsstands, advised its readers that Perch was ready to win. We have some wonderful reports from our cocker at Lexington about horses that are ready to win at the first asking. Better join the crowd and become a Home Stretch follower. If your newsdealer does not handle our paper as yet, then send us .00 for a three months trial subscription. Th_j paper will be sent as first-class mail in plain sealed envelope, and if you dont like the paper wc will return you your money. Address HOME STRETCH PUBLISHING CO. i 601 Phelan Bldg., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SPECIAL DIRECT INFORMATION from Lexington. There will be plenty of good things going over at this meeting at good prices. I am in a position to seed you reliable information. I have been informed of a horse starting on Wednesday, May 2 This horse has been smartly prepared by one of the shrewdest trainers on the ground. Connections expect to win the largest bet of their lives on this horse. TERMS — Winnings of a tea dollar Vet to be wired to me after horse wins. JACK KRIM PHOENIX HOTEL LEXINGTON, KY. WHO FURNISHES THE MONEY? YOU — the fun -loving, happy-go-lucky public — NOT the professional. He KNOWS what HE is doing. He has to, to be successful. He uses a chart, leaving nothing to guesswork. Far success follow successful men. If you are losing there is a definite reason. The public, without really knowing why, makes its wagers, then hopes far the best. The mariner without a compass might guess correctly and make his port, but with a compass he knows. Take this tip: Get a Co-Ordinated Chart and use it as your turf compass. Know what you are doing and why you are doing it. You will make port. Easy to read, ACCURATE; it is the chart of a professional who must henceforth live 1.1 Colorado, where it is useless. Separate chart for oach track in the country, their time values carefully co-ordinated. Priced at only 0 for greatest good to greatest number. Send for it. You will get more than your moneys worth. CO-ORDINATED CHART 11M Josephine Street Denver, Colorado LEXINGTON RACES Col. J. J. SGHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER. 80 Years Experience as Trainer- decker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU. ; FOB, ANY TEN BAYS TelejTaph remittance or remit by express order in letter. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. Pboenlx Hotel, ■:- LEXINGTON, KY. , Anna M. Humphrey .30- Won j WAS YESTERDAY S BEST. Anniversary . . .4.00- Won WAS YESTERDAYS LONG SHOT. REMEMBER. BOYS, ALL WE GIVE IS TWO A DAY We cure put over some nice Long Shots. These i are ths kind that count. Why not be a regular subscriber so as not to miss the GOOD ONES when they only cost 50 cents— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS — 50 cents ; Mailed direct one week, .00 two weeks, .00 I 1 I I 111 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. 1 , | I j j , I | i CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Bullet Proof ...4.90- Won was given second Saturday, but we TOLD you he was VERY DANGEROUS and READY. LONG SHOT scratched on account of MUD. Tomorrow— Monday AT LEXINGTON A GRAND LONG SHOT POSITIVELY this is one of the BEST THINGS Monday. Has been SHIPPED HERE EXPRESSLY to WIN FIRST CRACK OUT. If you miss this ono you simply MISS one of the GRANDEST OP-I PORTUNITIES ever offered you for 50 cents. Go right now to your newsdealer and ask for the CHICAGO HANDICAPPER 50 CENTS— MAILED 2 WEEKS CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO. 333 SO. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. SOME PRINCIPAL DEALERS: LEXINGTON— Reir.sstein, Main and Lime Sts. ST. LOUIS, MO.— Wm. Laser, 705 Market St. Lobby. DAYTON, 0.— E. Euphrat. 129 So. Jefferson St. KANSAS CITY— Ricksecker. 9th and Walnut Sts. CINCINNATI— Rey Pierce, 5th and Vine Sts. LOUISVILLE— Eiler and Goodwin. 227 4th Ave. I ! j j I I , , i ~ PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS Do you invest in the racing game? Have your investments in the past proven profitable ! If not, you had better consult me, because the racing gama is my business and I honestly believe that I can help you to become A PROFIT SHAKING INVESTOR. Here are some of the investments my clients were advised to make recently: SATURDAYS INVESTMENT: Chickvale, 0.30--, Won Fridays investment: CALIGLLA .94-12 WON Thursdays investment lost. Wednesdays investment: BOLSTER .«0- WON Tuesdays investment: STAR REALM 6.60- WON" Mondays investment : POOR SPORT .i«- WON All my horses on file in advance with Daily Racing Form. Right here I wish to state that I advise but ONE HORSE A DAY. Excepting some days when I get late word from my track representative on something extra special. I include same in my wire without ar.y extra cost to my clients. NEVER MORE THAN TWO HORSES ANY DAY. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS and the results above speak for themselves. Its up to you. Why not become a profit sharing investor? Dont delay — start today. My fee— 0.00 for one days service; 0.00 for six days, payable in advance; no propositions. G. W. HAMILTON. No. 5 Columbus Circle, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money en a straight flat play. This marvelous method stands out like a Man o War. It is far superior. Stood the acid test with wonderful suc-| cess for six years. My system gives many long-priced winners. | Comixa 4.50- Phelan 1.40- Eulalia 0 60- Saiaie 52and.20 High Gear ...1.60- Tell Me 4.20*2 Jack Fairman 6.40-52 Episode 4.40- Hunters Point S14.80-S2 Guvnor 2.20-52 Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied client* showing proof of what my system is doing sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND START WIN-, NING RIGHT AWAY. Those with honest intentions can get my system, on easy terms. Small I payment down, balance as you win. Send your i name and address. I will send you absolutely FREE ! OF CHARGE a review of the best known Racing Systems published and facts regarding systems that will open your eyes. Write at once. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY JOE McCARTY Saratoga Springs New York Expert racing information right from the track. FLAT PLAY WON AT BOWIE Also at Havre de Grace. Wire name to Baltimore address for several unusual Pimlico specials. 816 CATHEDRAL ST., BALTIMORE, MD. , j Pastoral Swain . 7.70- Won Golden Rule .....30- Won iTrajanus 9.70- Won | Brown Check ..8.60- Won I Phelan 1.40- Won Above and miry oth.r WINNERS were given in last weeks BOOK. This certainly is remarkable information and, just think of it. all it coats is 35 cents per week; 3 conies mailed direct for .00. GET THE BEST. I Costs no more than the others. Get new book on sale now. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 810, Book 833. M 6KI UJ ?1 I S 1 1 1| U .t fi 1 1 1 1 j 403, 22 WEST QULNCY ST., - CHICAGO. ILL. i ; I 1 I I • LEXINGTON SPECIAL I am expecting something that looks extra good for next Thursday. This should pay a good price. Usually have two or three good plays each week. I ALSO HAVE GOOD MARYLAND SPECIALS. Terms to reliable people only: the winnings of a 0.00 straight play after you collect. Write quick for code and FREE particulars. L. WILSON BOX 133 H H :: U DAYTON, OHIO