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bin nAUil 1 1-1G Allies. 4-year-dds anil upward. LiiniinK. AMAZE, b. g, 6 104 By Broomstick — Daisy F.. by Riley. Trainer. J. Dnrkin. Owner, H. Raines, .Breeder. H P. Whltnwy. 09405 Columbus 1 1-8 1 :59Vsfast 10 U2 61* H Molters 7 II nidfi.P. Stevenvon. Ykee Boy 68983 Mobile 1 l:5LSj;hvy 21 1181 5 6 E5 i .1 BaawtMd 7 Kdnal.. Gyp. Light. Mar.Jimmy 68879 Mobile 1 1:49 good 31 115 5 6 6*° ti 6 J Srnwood 7 11 era I d, film In. Jacobean 68834 Mobile Ab 61 f 1 :323*.hvy 6 11815 4 4* I1 J Sni wood I MaryG., Iraysun. Verdi l oon 68158 F.Grnds 1 3-!6 2:04Vimud 10 110 6 6 41 .:" .1 I Mney 7 Mechanic. Repeater. Light Wine 68067 FGrnds 1 1-S l:57rtmud 8 109 1 1 41 1*1 ■ Smwod 9 Tulsa, Etlahe, MouulaiuRoselL 67901 F.Grnds 11-16 1:48 fast 10 113 4 10 SUO : I". S.nwod ! "agi. ian. Wyiie. i ulsa 67839 P.Gr nds 1 1-16 l:50ihvy 7 103 5 4 1| I] G Mi in 8 Kirah. Iluonec, Escaipolette GRANDEE, ch. g, 7 101 By Lorenzo — Crowborough. by Crowberry. Trainer, 0. Wendel. Owner, 0. Wendel. Bred in England by Major J. C Hartley. 69509 Columbus 3-4 l:17%bvy 8 113 3* R Holway 9 Edith K.. Jazz, Our Tellie 69466 Columbus 5J f 1 :07l%fast 28 113 5* K Holway 9 Maiinclien. Bab Kittyl "penter 8t4M Columbus 6-8 LOMfast 20 113 7" R Holway 9 Joy.Hfman, FlygOib. R.Wehle 62S4M Akron 61 f 1:26 fast 117 1*1 R Kice ■ Bright Trash. Red. Haran 69285 Akron 61 f l:2Hfctbat lo9 5" V Lux 9 FirstPnllet. MissOrb. Piopganda 68243 Mobile Ab 61 f 1 :30 mud 7 117 7 6 7 6*« ■ T Moore 7 Lit. Patsy. Amanda. Hut.liison C8985 Mobile 1 1:53 hvy 4 112 6 3 3* 8* K T .Moore 7 Anlito. BrnBill. SpeeflyrGirl .X941 Mobile Ab 61 f 1:24 fast 8 120 3 3 Si 3*1 E I Moore I Ruggles. Consort. Harvest King LORD HERBERT, b. g. K 111 By Fit* Herbert— inanzanita. by Meddler. Trainer. J. D. Misick. Own*. J. D. Misick. Bred in France by Mackay Sc Carroll. 69425 Colmbus ImTOy 21 112 3* M Mountn !t T.Foigner. VivaCuba. OH Chap 68652 Jefferson 13-16 2:02 fast 15 108 8 9 71 t."l W Reid 9 DarkBIU, TheWit. Lit lie Ammie 68515 Jefferson 1 1-2 3 1001 3 6 «* 8» A Abel 7 Ian Son. The Wit. Mlltj 68411 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:37fast 10 103 2 6 3-1 -- G Mein O.JaMtt, LightW ine. l. . p.dette 68267 J-fferson 1 1-2 2:37 fast 81 103 3 4 6 5» V Sharpe .". Pit, Mou.itain Real II.. Tjpmast 68250 Jefferson 1 3-16 2.02**fast 8 110 4 4 41 3- A Abel 8 JnyOverton. Light Wine. Ace 68072 F.Grnds 1 18 l:57Vihvy 20 107 8 9 8* 6*1 R Doyle 10 Ktiahe. Ks.arpolot te. Ballotcar MARY MAXIM, b. f. 4 109 By Golden Maxim— Mary Bodine. by Star Shoot. Trainer. C. 0. Smitk. Owner, W. M. McKlnney. Breeder. T. M. Murpby. 69485 Columbus 1 1-16 1 :52:: fast 6 104 21 T Burns 7 Virion, Wateno. G.Daughcrty 69441 Columbus 1 1-16 1:52 fast 43 97 67 F Horn T Stareaaaa, A.N. Akin. V-rdilxion 69404 Columbus 6| f 1 .Oifast 8 112 8 M Mountn 8 ar. Moore. Sp.Vale. Lit.Pointc C8909 Havana lmr.y 1 46Hfast and 100 3 1 1| 1* F Horn 9 DukeRiiff. Berretta. W.Turnbow 68864 Havana 51 f 1:08 fast 6 105 3 4 8l 2*1 O Temia 6 Colossus. Flying Orb. Polar Cub 68790 Havana Dja.".0y l:45Vifast I 104 1 6 81 6" F Merimee 8 Inrle Sonny, Dr. Shafer. Puzzle 68745 Havana 3-4 1:13Sfast 4 107 3 4 41 Si W Lancet 8 Crest wood Itoy. Bond. Blaise G8706 Havana 8-4 1:13%fast 8 99 1 4 9 8« H Kaiser 9 Fort Light. 1 li. Wag. Mum Jumbo t Con tinned on eleventh page. COLUMBUS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES •Continued from ninth iwRf.j HAZEL W., ch. in, 5 109 By Everett — Lukerrr.u«, by Luke Ward. Trainer, S. T. Baxt«r. Owner, S. T. Baxter. Breeder. I. E. Clar!:. f!»465 folmbus lm..Oy 1 4flV, 13 107 2| 0 Putton YnnkeeKov. Kenerin. Vivn Cnhti 69402 Columbus Si f 1:24 fast 26 108 6". K Horn IJkMflHI, Buigoyne, .IqrtMic 68867 Havana 1 l:40* ;■ Kr. 4 3 1" I» H Stutts 8 Kink. Tlio Wag. Assumption r 8767 Havana 7 100 3 I 3* H Ptutts I Mary Beigc-I, riiile. Hullo 68664 Havana 1 l:40J-ifast 21 104 7 5 5» 4 H Stutts S Watrreo, "zrirdom. Hullo HHI Havana 1 l:40Hfast 4 102 4 5 6 5T» H Stutts I Cromwell. Aoosta, Ljmley 68479 Havana 1 l:S%£Mt 7 100 7 6 i*| 3*1 H Stutts 7 Tamper. Glenn, The Wag 68433 Havana lmjOy liiast 4 103 1 3 4» 4»i H Stutts S The Wag. 1rospeetor, Meilj«: WATEREO, b. g, 5 108 By Old Boy — Sprint Frog, by Cameron Trainer, C. White. Owner, C. White, Breeder. W. L. oaunaers. 69485 Columbus 1 1-16 l:52*±fa«t 51 108 31 L Mills 7 V Ix on. M.Maxim, i Danghcriv 69462 Columbus 61 f 1 24 fast 9 110 4*1 G Dyson !» JfcK.iirman. liurpoyne, Jqierie 69360 Columbus 5 -8 1 :04«sf ast 69 113 5« R Temton 9 C.Whitney. BirdieG.. L.Ioinler 68924 Havana 1 l:40Vast 7 Hft 5 4 5 6" F Horn ■". TlieR.Cali. Ch.Sponwr. Advance 68818 Havana 1 1 :41-»iast 4 113 5 6 6* 55S F Horn 7 Toe the Mark, CohlenKed. Hullo 68804 Havana 1 l:kV%fMt 3 110 4 2 41 4-J 1 Banks S Burnley. Toe the Mark. Kink 68769 Havana ImMy 1 :43if ast 31 106 1 3 6 4" H Stutts IIMMnl, The Boll Call, Salv.. FERRUM. b. c. 4 104 By Ferole— Mill Maid, by Fair Flay. Trainer, H. Toniente. Owner, H. Torriente. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. C9487 Colmbus lm7» l:4S**f ast 13 102 4"l G Sutton I Handfull. F. Rooster. ZkTerrdl 69467 Colmbus lm50y 1:49 fast 9 105 21 J Bvme 6 Joaquina. Buggies. Birdie IL 69364 Colmbus lm70y 1 :r,l Vast 33 113 5" S Wida 9 Handfull. Old Chap. Stevenson 68884 Havana 3-4 1 :14?ifast 30 113 6 6 7! 7 J A Alonzoll SiinTurret. Clias. Whitney. Haran 68846 Havana 1 1-4 2:0S fast 10 102 2 4 7» 7" A Alonzo 8 J. R. Roche. J.Alf.Clark, FilixYL 68803 Havana 1 1-8 1 laSfast 12 104 f 5 9 8« O Ternia 9 Ixnidom, J.Alf.Clark, J.R.Kocne C8748 Havana 1 1-16 l:4S?sfast 3 108 6 4 4* 4»J B Schcffol 7 1/yRaihel. Humpy, YankPeBoj 68641 Havana 1 1-16 1:43 fast 4 102 6 5 al l1 B Scheffel 8 D. Sonny. T.F.McMahon, HolUK. KUGGLES, ch. c. 4 114 By Frixzlo— Precocity, by McGee. Trainer, J. Amend. Owner, 3. B. Kelly. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 69514 So.- todays chart. •9467 Colmbus lrnSOy 1 :49 fast 11 113 3» S Wida I Jacquerie. Ferrum, Birdie fi. 8968 Mobile Ab 6 f l:24Hmud 2 122 3 6 6 5« J Shwood 6 MaryG.. SandyU., Schljglitlll. 68941 Mobile Ab61fl:24 fast 13 5 11712 2 1* 1* J Smwood 8 Consort, Grandee. narvpstKinfi 68881 Mobile Ab 61 f 1:27 Rood 13 5 115 7 3 3 21 J Smwood 8 rittcrPatter. Tricks. Gypsyljgiil 68837 Mobile Au .-3 1.03 hvy W 115 s 6 61 5* K Rice 7 C.A.Comkey, Daliinda, I.Hpson 67771 F.Gr nda 3 4 l:13fast 30 109 3 10 91 8T1 E Fool 14 Kklgton, Mavrnn, C.J.Csmile