Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-29


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Entries and Past Performances HAVRE DE GRACE MONDAY, APRIL 30 WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK GOOD. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track I conditions. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:301. ® Superior mud runner. X Iood mud runner. Fair mud runner. M Maidens. *Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Traek record: April 27. 1921 53%— 2— 119. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 6942T» Normana M ...114 :48 110. .725 692S71 *Aunt Jane 115 :48i» 114X720 69427 Julia M. M 106 :48% 102x71". 69287 »• Roman Cirl 114 :4Si 111X715 69386 A. J. Buja 113 :48% 113 715 69386s Jackson ill IM :48% 116. .710 69427 Anna Uorton M.ll3 :48% 111.. 710 69151 Fehrah tM 109 :49 101. 710 69886 .Friday 13th M..107 :49fc 105. .705 69406 Wong Bok M...ll« :50% 113. 700 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 27, 1919— 1:11 and— 3— 138. 69210 •bMinute Man 116 1:11% I 112®72r. 69428 Pietrus 112 1:13 4 106.. 72o 69453 Antilles 911:13% 5 10x0715 66424 •bCiinarrva 1011:13% 5 101x715 69317 bKirah 110 1:13% 6 100X715 69317 Joseph Brant 9« 112% 4 107. 715 68025 •bUillsdale HO 1:14% 5 107X715 69428 Tidings 10311:12% 4 107x710 60937 Iidy Acton 109 1:1S% 4 104. .71 69388- Wrecker 114 Ills 5 100x710 69469 *Mizar 114 1:1.1% 4 110.710 69319 Aiken 109 1:11% 5 109x710 69392- Jacques Ill 1:13% 5 115 76V 69322* Ticacey 106 115% 7 105 70f, 69137 l.Kirtle 10111:14% 4 9H. 705 69392 liFrank Monroe ...115 1:13% 9 111:700 69193 1 1 Lien Atkin 109 1.13% 8 107x700 69474 Cork Kim 10S 1:16% 3 100X700 69190-bSagamore 104 112% GII8 700 69408 bKlizabcth P.eau ...102 1 13% 3 90x710 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Loin- Star l*urse. Purse ,200. 4 year olds and upward. Track re.-ord: Sept. 27, 1919— 1:11%— 3—128. 69452* bLION DOR 123 1:12 7 116:750 69452 Wellfinder 10X1:12% 5 110x735 65397 Sandy Real 112 1:13% «10K 735 69138 Oppermaa 104 1:PJsy 4 113x730 69244 Rubien 98 1:13 5 110.730 69290 Sedgelield 110 1:14% 5 110x725 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Flash Handicap. Purse ,000. 3-year olds. Track rerord: Sept. 27, 1919 1:11%— 3— 128. 69451 Body C.uard 10*1:13 104X750 69471 Forest Lore 102 1:13% 101.745 66661 Silk Tassel 100 1:12% 10»i 745 65387 Miss Cerina 103. .743 66661 Flag of Truce 119 I:1MJ Mi .740 69190 Turbulent 107 1:13% 93.740 66857 King Solcmons Seal 109. 733 69410 Lttminist 99 1:13«,s 103. .735 69451 Resting Time 109 1:13% 9*1.735 69243 Soggarth Aroon ...117 1:13% 107x733 66871 Caladium 109 1:14% 101. .730 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Carolina Inrse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Tra -k record: Sept. 35, 1913-1:43%— 4 — 119.1 69035 Oenerol ThaN-her.. 3 97. .750 69490: Fair Phantom 111 1:47 4 IMS .-745 69247 Vigil | 97. 743 69471 Brookholt I 113 740 69349 Irish Kiss HI 1:42% ■ 110 740 69390 Bygone IL-ys 108 1:43% 3 110® 733 69490 bTippity Witchet .119 1:14% 8 1160733 69290 Sedgefield 104 1:43% i 1 10 733 69452 Southern Cross ... 4 IM X7M 69410* Ludy Myra 103 1 :4«%s 3 91x730 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,200. 3 -year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. IS. 1930 1:44% 3 13S. 69454- Perhaps 109 1:48% 5 106x750 693211 Mom 106 1:47% 4 99y743 69411 liStar Realm 115 1:15% 7 110*745 6S454"bVitumin 95 !:«•% 4 106 745 69428 bPicnic 98 1:49% 4 107-710 09428 i Tarn 4 107 740 69211- Spugs Ill 14S% | 100-735 69292 bBiff Ranr IM 1:43 6 115X730 69493 bFaanie Rean 102 1:45% 4 111x730 69130 bKnight of the Heather 101 l:4w4J I lOft730 69493 Quecreek 105 1:46% 5 111x733 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,200. 3 year-olds anil upward. Claiming. Tra k record: Sept. 27. 1919 -1 :50— 5— llrf. 69433 tiBolster 103 1 7, ,8 118 v 725 69215 llr. Bae 109 1:52% 7 107 730 69433 Stami.li 97 1:56% I MXTM 69473 Wrangler 100 1:55 3 1IK 715 69474 Joliu Morrill 101 L:01% 4 103. .715 69412 Blazonry 10T, 1:54% 8 107x715 69433 Smarty 114 1:54% 5 103X7IO 69454 Tingling Ml l:58%s 5 113 70T» 69473 bTulsa 101 1 :54 6 110x703 69454 I. Miracle Man 101 1:55% 4 M*X?M 69210 Kxpl.wive 110 1:54% 5 9S 703 69433 Norfords Clioic-* .. 91 1:5«5 7 98 .705 69474 lUohuay Dundee ...103 1:54% 4 112x7tM 69473 • bDi.i ns 106 1:53 « 98x700 69450* Zeureka M 3 9S. .700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923042901/drf1923042901_5_6
Local Identifier: drf1923042901_5_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800