Columbus Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-01


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Columbus Form Chart COLUMBUS. Ohio. Monday. April 30. 1923. Ben lali Park. One mile. Eighth day. Captail City Baciug As-ociition. Spring Meeting of 11 days. , Weather clear. 1iesiding Judge. F. W. Oerhardy. Asso iate Judge C. Stands. Starter. Marshall Cassidy. Bac-ing Secretuy. W. It. Norval. Bacing -tarts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15. CQK07 FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. Purss 00. voooi 2-year-c!ds. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 5: third. 0. RfatT. Odds. In-I. Horse. Wt. F!n. Jockey. Straight. 69411 iSaise- li I1 R Holton 238-M MM8 Patsy How- 107 21 T Honham tlO.0-100 69441 -Buck Jone.s 1"7 21 C OMahoney 498-188 69441 Vanity Bag 111 4- C Karnes 120-100 69359 Celia 106 5 V Taylor RM-tH 69441 Fran. Sharp 102 6*1 J Byrne t 69441 Small Star 112 7 R Hileman 21 60-ltX j iCottpled in betting as F. H. S.-vin entry. ] 88 mntuels paid. Saisie. Si.oO -tnngiit. *s0 j place. S32.0 -how: P. II. S -vin entry, .60 place.1 8aVM Btaw; Buck .lon.s. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Saisie. 230 to 100 straight. 90 to MM ptBea, 0O to H» show; F. II. Sevin entry, 2MJ to 888 plae, SO to 100 show; Rack Jones. 88 to 100 show. Time. 51 %. Track fast. Winner—-C. C Wrights ch. f. by Master Itoiwrt — Buth Waldeck. by Stalwart I trained by C. It. Aniler-.n; bred by Mr. C. B. Head. Waal t ■-■ post at 2:1S. At post 2 BBBBBCS. Start g. o.l and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Ovei weights Patsy Howe. 4 pounds; Bu.-k Jones 1 ; Small Star. 2. jOROO SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse VUOtiO 0 j 4. year-olds and upward. Claim, ine;. Not value to winner 75; second. 5: third, 0. Eipiiv. Odds, lid Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 695 10"* An ah C. Onl07 1» T Honham lv-P0 MlllITlllBMB HO 2* ■ Atkinson IM-M 69466 Winkie 114 21 M Mountain 8H8-M 69509 K.ldie Full-rll2 4- BHollnvay 1610-100 69446* King H. 107 53 J Byrne M8 MR 69363 Bloomington 117 6* W Hugh s J718-18I 68920*Canso 107 7 K Horn 71 »-!■ 69467 Sport. Chce 112 8 J Bobbins MS M8 69487* Van. DlBBBBr 105 I M Clover 4710-10 88 niutuels paid. Arrah Co On. .60 strai-ht. 82.88 pine. 82M show: Neeuah. .50 place. 8£M ■how; Winkie. 88 88 -how. I.iuivaleiit liooking odds — Arrah Co On. 188 to 100 straight. 88 to IM place. 40 to 100 show; Ntenah. 25 to UK place, 40 to 100 show: Winkie. 390 to 100 show. Time, 1:25. Track fast. Winner W. T. Magruders br. f. S. by Sweeii — Kllangowan. by le Beauvoir trained by W. T. MM I a* I bred by Mr. T. J. Cliy. ■Went to imst at 2:51. At po-t 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Overweights- Winkie. 2 BBBBta; Bloomington. 5. enrtqq THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse VJJOV 5£00 4. ytar.0is and upward. Claim-ine;. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. ■ iuiv. Odds. Ind Horse. Wt. Fi.i. Jockey. Straight. 69181*1. urn 105 Ink J Byrne 18 161 69420-lnvigorator 113 2 E Hileman 1010-100 69510*Mambi 114 3 M Mountain MB-M 69423 ;* Kay Atkin M 4" F Horn M Ml 69101 Rib IN 5= K Atkinson 47H-100 6951 I Consort IM 6! T Honham 670-10J ».9462*.Iu.stina E. 105 71 li Sutton 1«t0-lW 69516 Hot Foot 110 S R Hollow ay BMB-* I 69420 Naiso 110 Pup.F Hux MM M nmtuels paid. I.ura. -88 straight. 882M place. 88.88 ataw; I«i1bm«Im. .s5.00 place. .00 stew; Mambi. 88.88 -how. i: |u val.-nt hooking odds — Hura. 90 to Vri straight. 88 to hHi atoce, .".0 to 100 show; lariBarator, 188 to BK place, 1K to 100 show; Mambi. 240 to 100 show. Time. 1:26 i. Track fast. Winner It. V. Haymakers b. m. 5, by Sir Hu u llorten-e. by Alves.-ot trained by K. Haymaker; bred by Mr. IJ. J. Kong. Went to po-t at :.:21. At tost 5 minutes. Start go.-d and -low. Won driving: second and third the NBB*. Hcialtlwa— 88888 St. Just. 115. Ov.rueigh.- In ig irator, 1 poind: Mambi. 2. 69 540 F0XTRTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse Sand00. 3 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winnei 50: second, 00: third. J50. lvpiiv. Odd-. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jo.key. Straight. ;9487-F Booster 112 1 K U mayo E38-M 69421 Kinsman 114 2-lW Taj lor 110-. N 69 183Sandy II. 10S 2 R Holloway 105010 19161 lAthl etc 1H 8" J Byrne M8-M 69511 Mary C. II 5- J Bobbin.s 720-100 69102 Lawn Mower 1U «. P Horn JS7B-16I S2 matucH t.iid. Financial R— tor, 2.60 sti.ighi. .0" place, 88.88 ritotw; Kin-man. .20 Hare, 82.68 bm; Haaay II . 88 to aw. K.|Uivalciit hooking dds PtaBBBBtl Bo sler. ."3ti to IM -tr. light. 888 to IM place. 70 to 100 -now ; K.ieman. •.■ to KXi BBMB, 88 to KM show; Sandy H., 70 to KM BBBW. Time. 1:14. Trick fast. Winner It. WarfiehFs b. g. 0. bff Kittle Dutch - loisteiess. !.y Carlton GlBBBe itrained .y V. K. Barnard; br.l by Mr. It. Warfield. Went to paM at 35S. At |misI 1 minute. Start g od and -low. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 88818 I»ng Island, 115: 69421 J.*i« M.. s.5. CQK4.1 FIFTH RACE— 5-3 Mile. Purse 00. VC7U-3J. 3. year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second. 5: th:rd. 0. Eiptiv. Odds. Ind. BtaBB. MC Fin. Jockey. Straight. 6948 41Raek-et 15 H A Krog.r 1 10 MO 69462 Midiiv 10J 2 C Karnes 4:-100 69511 -The lis: r 115 M S Wida 710-10" 69461 *.owat.i 11 4- J Bjrraa MD-MI 69463*.Iota 1-» 5s M Clover 6270-10 68886* Fa ithful C.irl 10.5 6- 1 Sutton M M8 69399 Bacing Star 112 7 R Hileman MM M 83 nn.t::el- paid. Backet. * -tiaight. ■ place. -how: Midda. - place. - -how; The Il-ter. - - -ho. v. Equivalent booking odd- Racket, 110 to 100 -tiaight. to 100 pane. to 100 BBBW; .Midday. to 100 place. to 100 show ; The riater, to KM show. I Prices omitted BBMB ami show I. Time. 1:03S. Track fast. Winner- C. Hardisons b. f. by Wrack Twin Sis. by Celt Itrained by J. B. Hirdison; b Fa kf Mr. A. It. Hancoekl. Went to po-t at 4:2S. At po-t 1 minutes. Start gooil ami slow. Won easily: second and third driving S.rat hed-6S900 Rujiee. 112: li!M---i Paula. 105; 88778 Maigaict I.o:et1a. 105. fiQR4*" SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 5600. jju - j 4.year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. fcijuiv. Odds. In. I. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69485 Marv Maxim 110 1- J Bobbins JH100 69105-Ha/.el W. M 2" C Karnes BB-M8 69 185 • Watereo 10S V K Mi. Is M8-M8 69425;:Kord Herbertlll 4-1 M Mount tin M IM 8MM*GraaBBB M 5-1 B Haltoway 2SM-M8 69487 Ferrum I06 8" K McCraaa MM-M8 69514 RacSBM 114 7 S Wida 8B8-M8 S2 rautiM-ls paid. Mary Maxim. . 88 straight. .60 place. so -how; Hazel V... 5U.OO place. . si show: Wateuo. .40 -how. Equivalent booking odds Mary Maim. 290 to 100 straight. SO to MM place. 90 to MM -how; Hazel W.. 130 to MM pla. e. 88 to 100 -ho.v; ! Watereo. 220 to 100 -how. Time. 1:5343. Track fast. Winner— W. M McKiuney-- b. f. 4. by 1. olden iMaxiM Mary RbMbb, By star shoot Itratoea ay C. O. Smith: bred bv Mr. P. M. Murphy 1. Went to post at 4:59. At po-t 2 minutes. Star1. good and slow. Won easily; second and third ill iving. S, ratche.I M843 law. 104. RC tzanda SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. Ui;o-t» 0. year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, S50. E.piiv Odds. Ind BmSB. Wt. Fin. Jo.key. Straight. 6946.7 .iae,,u. ri- 1 8 1IR HoMaway a8-M8 M 688 8BUI 8ByBB 10S VI T Honham :t. -100 69485 G. DaughTt;. rMS P W Taylat 2 tO-lv MIM iva Cuba 106 4 1 R Demayo 7.0-10 69401 S. Light III. M 6*1 L Miil M8-M8 69444 11:5 6 H CkappeU MM-M 69164 Mallowmot IM 7 C liamts 2*1-101 69400 K.ina I. 103 I F limn 8H8-M8 *2 miittads paid, Jacpieiie. 88.88 -tiaight. 83.68 BBMB, 88 2D -hou ; r.iiigovne. .S3 88 pla. e. W.2 ■how: Oiace Diugherty. 84.68 show. Kpiivaient baakhaj dd- laeaaerie, 220 to ion -tiaight. so to 10O place, 88 to 1"0 .-ho.v; Buigoyne, 88 to MM place, *.0 to 100 -how; .race Uaughei ;y, 130 to 100 -how. Time, 1:45. Track faot. Winner- Kenton BtaMea br. f. 4. By Prince Aim i d Jacaaatiaa. by Jack Point tralatd by E. U. Beilwell: bred by Mr. II. U. Bedwell. Went to paw at . :2S. At IR -t S minute-. Start good and -low. Won ca-ily; -e. oud and third driving. Scratched 1 88482 Verdi lata, 111: 6B4*4»JarB-be.ui 888; 6B4M*KJtty Cain ate r. !,; 88 1-**. Dancer. Ill: 88988 Our Tellie. S9; 88488 .Mas .0- e, 104. a

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Local Identifier: drf1923050101_10_2
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