Woodbine Stakes Array: Grand List of Nominations for Fixtures to be Run at Ontario Jockey Club Meeting, Daily Racing Form, 1923-05-12


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WOODBINE STAKES ARRAY! Grand List of Nominations for i Fixtures to Be Run at Ontario Jockey Club Meeting. TORONTO, Ont.. May 11. — The nominations for four ,000 stakes at the Woodbine spring 1 meeting have been announced by secretary W. P. Eraser, and the entry list must be en- i couraging to the directors of the Ontario Jockey Club and augurs well for a successful i spring meeting. Probably the feature from a Canadian point of view is the fifty-three nominations from twenty-four owners in the J William Hendrie Memorial Handicap, at a mile, which calls for Canadian -bred horses. Noticed among the nominators is a large number of American owners who have acquired Canadian-bred horses in the hope of taking down some of the rich stakes exclu- | sively for Canadian-bred horses. The jockey clubs, especially the Ontario Jockey Club, by offering these large purses have opened the market for Canadian breeders. The Connaught Cup, with 29 : the King Edward Cold Cup, with 57, and the Woodstock Plate, with :S6 nominations, are the other late closing fixtures released. The Woodstock Plate is for three-year-olds and the big entry is most gratifying. The following is a list of stakes and the nominations : CONNAIV.I1T CUP Handicap— ,000 added, a chaHTigo nip presented by Field Marshal His Itoyal Hi;rnness the Duke of Connaught and Her Royal Hichness the Duchess of Connaujjht. j I A challenge cup for three -year-olds and over. the bona-fide property of Canadian owners resident in Canada, to which is added a sweepstakes of 0 each. $." forfeit, to the winner, with $.-.00 added, of which ,000 to second horse, $" 00 to third and 50 to fourth. Weichts to be announced Monday, May 21, at - oclock noon. Penalties to accrue from that date. Winners after publication of the same to carry five pounds extra. ODe mile and a sixteenth; To be run May 21: Hmokdale Stables b. c. Corenzio. T. S. Coche-B0ur*8 br. f, Rrnss Tacks. R. M. Dale8 b- c. Double Dale. Kirkfield Stables b. c. Vennie and b. h. James V. OHara. Milton LeRoys eh. g. Persistence. Fred Maikums b. g, Edgar Allan Poe. Eiverdale Stables br. c. Delusive. J. K. L. Ross b. h. Baby Grand; blk. c. Rebuke: ch. c, Spanish Maize; ch. m, Muttikins: b. h. Sailing B. ; eh. c, Mercutio; b. c. New Hampshire: br. c. Flag of Truce; b. c, Canmoxc; b. c, Feylance, and ch. e, Marble. A. N. Roys b. g, Arendal. A. J. San-Bones b. c. Sangrailo. Seagram Stables br. h, Brilliant Jester; ch. h. Golden Sphere; ch. c. Bulldog Drummonil. and ch. c. Redstone. Sunnyside Stables ch. h, Incle John, and b. f. Baby Mine. Win. Walkers br. g, llalu. Wesport Stables br. C, Star Jester. KING EDWARD GOLD CUP Handicap— For three-year-olds and upward. A challenge cup of the valne of ,500. with ,000 added. A sweepstakes of 0 each. forfeit, to the winner, with ,000 added, of which ,000 I | to second horse. 00 to third and 50 to fourth. Three horses, the property of different owners, to start, or the win of the cup void for that year. The cup to be held by the Ontario Jockey Club until won and to become the absolute property of any owner winning the same four tin:es, or three years in succession. AVeights to be announced Thursday. May 24. at 12 oclock noon. Penalties to accrue from that . date. Winners after publication of the same i to carry I lbs. extra. One mile and a sixteenth. To be run May 20. W. A. Baumgartners ch. g, Richelien. J. W. Beans b. f. All Fair. A. C. Bostwicks br. g. Fairway; 11. K. Hryrons ch. g. Setting Sun; Charles Caffeiellis b. g, Irish Kiss. R. F. Carmans br. e. Excuse Me. J. S. Cosdens b. g, Paul Jones and br. h, Hlii.es. T. K. Crists ch. g. Crack o Dawn. Crow Point Stables ch. h. Bluffer. L. A. Dalys I b. g, F.dgar Allan Poe. M. J. Dalys ch. g. Bully Boy and br. g. Wye. Mrs. Henry Dattners ch. h. Bnnga Buck. Walter Fcnwicks b. h, John Paul j Jones. Havana Stables br. h. Bistouri. S. N. Holmans br. h. Best Pal. Kenton Stables ch. f, Ktliel Clayton and ch. h. Fair Gain. Willis Sharpe • Kilir.ers ch. g. Exterminator and eh. f, Sallys i Alley. Kirkfield Stables b. c, Vennie. Milton I/D Roys ch. g. Persistence. Missouri Stables blk. c. Lucky Run. Clyde Phillips b. g. Col-ndo and ch. f. Eiililia. Rancocas Stables br. h. Mad Hatter; blk. g. Thunderclap; ch. h. Grey Lig: b. h. Flying Cloud; b. h. Knobbie and b. c, Little Chief. M. .1. Reids b. g. Superlative and br. g. Trajanus; 3. K. I*. Ross b. h. Baby Grand; blk. c. Rebuke: ch. c, Spanish Maize: ch. m, Muttikins; b. ii. Sailing B. : ch. c. Mercutio; br. c. Flag of Truce: b, c, Camroic; . c. Feylance; ch. c, Maible and j i b. c. New Hampshire. A. N. Roys b. g, Arendal. . A. J. Sansones b. c, Sangrado. Seagram Stables ch. h. Golden Sphere; br. h. Brilliant Jester; ch. e. Bulldog Drummond and ch. c, Redstone. C. B. Shafeis blk h. Planet and b. g. Bullet Proof. A. Swenkcs b. g. Despair and ch. g. Pampas. Triple Springs Farms b. g. Oppcriuan and ch. e. Wilkes-Kaire: . Tri -State Stables eh. g. Marine Corps. E. H. Watsons b. h. Stoto and cli. g. Bolster. Alfred 3. Wells eh. g. Harmonious. West port Stables 5 br. c. Star Jester. Westmount Stables blk. h, Tryster. Harry Payne Whitneys br. c. Spot Cash. I K. T. Wilson, Jr.s ch. c, Sedgefield and ch, c. Pillory. WILLIAM HFNDRIE MEMORIAL Handicap William Hendrie Memorial Handicap, for three-year-olds . and upward, foaled in Canada. A i Sweepstakes of .*.". each. forfeit, to the winner, with ."jo. 000 added, of which ,000 to I j second horse. 00 to third and 50 to f urtli. Weights to be announced Thursday. May 24. at 12 oclock noon. Penalties to accrue from that date. Winners after publication of the same . to carry 5 pounds extra. One mile. To be run May 2 . A. E. Alexandras br. g, Yorkist; b. f. Gazinta. Bmokdalo Stables b. c. Corenzio; br. g, Heren-.tesy; : b. g. Aquatic: br. f. Vespra. Cedar Crest Farms » ch. f. I.ad.v Vixen; br. in, Lady Catharine. P. G. Christophers eh. g. Procyon: b. in, June Fly: br. h. ; Sir Clarence. J. C. Fletchers b. g. El Jesiuar: b. g. Algonquin ; b. f. Anaprisa. H. Giddings ch. g, Koj.il Visitor; b. g. Honeys Jewel. E. Glusscos ; br. g. Bex Gaiety: b. g. Doe Gaiety; ch. g, Mickey. J. Q. Gormans blk. h, Blarney Boy; b. g. War Tank C W. Halls ch. g. Chief Sponsor. C. K. • Harrison. Jr.s, eh. c. Paddle; b. g. Resarf. L. J. Keatings b. g. Sweet Bouipiet. Kenton Stables rh. f. Speedy Girt: b. f. Ardella; ch. g. Dellahm: eh. f. Kadin. Kirkfield Stables b. h. James F. OHari. Milton I-eRoys ch. g. Persistence. John i J. Meaghers ch. g. Gallant Grocm. Rvland H. News b. g. Lord Marcus. Robert Newells gr. m, Gn vlmiirue. Win t. Oltriens b. g, Evening Star. J. K. L. Boss eh. e. Hallucination: b. f. Pr-sm.-.r: b. m. Sudor; ch. f. Affectat ion ; ch. f. Diadema: b. f. C.iloris; eti. e. Lird Fitz. Seagmm Stables s b. g. Kings Court: b. c. Flowerful ; b. f. Pelf: : b. f. rtialia Siinn si.|i- Stabl -s ch. h. 1ncle !• John: b. f. Baby Mine. Tlionicliffe Stables ch. f. . Pusii Pin; br. g. Ocean C;e-s!: br. g. Trail Blazer. H. Warners ch. in, Autiphou. Hugh S. Wilaons s Ch. g, Keltic. WOODSTOCK PLATE -,000 Added. For three " •■: r ..Ids. A sweepstakes ..f |W each. forfeit, " to the winner, with ,000 added, of which ■ .04*0 to second lior*e. 00 to third and 50 ■ t » fourth. Weight, 120 |K imds. Non-winners ■ of ,000 allowed 4 pounds; non-winners of * ,500 allowed S pounds; non-winners of ,000 9 allowed 12 pound*, n on -winners of .5 »0 allowed 15 poiiii-ls: maidens allowed IS pounds. • One mile and a sixteiith. To be run May 21. W. A. Baumgartners b. g, Stoueage. A. C. . s : !• . s " " ■ ■ ■ * 9 • . Rostwicks b. f. Tassel. R. K. Bryson-i ch. g. I Setting Sun. K. M. Bales b. c. Douhle Dale. Mrs Henry Dattners br. e. Henry Dattner. M. Crams I eh. e. II— fll 1. Kciit-n Stables «h. f, K.liel flay ton: eh. f. Speecy Cirl; b. f. Aldella: ell. f, Setlis 1inoii. Willis Sliarpo Kilmers eh. f. Sally s Alley. Kiikfi-ld Stables h. e. Venule. Milton LcR,.js ek. K. Persistence. .1. K. Maddens b. f. Hen Ix»ve; eh. e, llernion. Missouri Sl.ibles b. f. GnMJ Maid: b. k. Dixie Dirk. Iv.ie Phillips eh. f, Kui.ilia. lurifll Stables blk. g. Aladdin; eh. e. Rigcl; • ch. c. t.MMir d.- L.on. Biveidale Stables br. c. Dc- lusive. J. K. L. Boss eh. e. HaUucinatii.ii: b. c, New Hampshire; b. f. Lilt: br. c. Flan «.f Trace; : b. c, aninore; b. f, Pri..m:ir. Seagram Stables ■ b. c. Arnigosa. J. K. Skinkers b. g. Boor S|H rt. A. Svvenkes b. f. I.elphrizotiia. Triple Springs 1 Kamis eh. e, Wilkes I.arie. Win. Walkers eh. g. Bowsprit. Harry Payne Whitneys br. c, S|x.t ash. It. T. Wilsons ch. c, Forest Lore, ch. c. Wilderness.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923051201/drf1923051201_16_1
Local Identifier: drf1923051201_16_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800