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_ . I Daily Racing Form Handicaps , 1 j 1 2 3 3 4 4 E 5 6 » „ 7 ] 2 - 3 3 4 4 5 , * 6 7 7 1 2 3 4 c 6 7 i 1 s 2 3 4 £ C 7 1 1 j 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 j 3 * 4 5 c - 7 1 | 2 3 4 j C 7 7 - CHURCHILL DOWNS The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Churchill Downs — Louisville, Ky., May 11, IMS. — Skeezix, My Reverie, Marjorie Hynes. — Chilhowee, Earl Pool, Passport. — KINBURN, May Blossom, Fantoche. — Edna V., Eventide, Beginners Luck. — Audacious, Firebrand, Roekminister. — Marvin May, John Finn, Surf Rider. — Neddam, Escarpolette, Ben Valet. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1— My Reverie, Translate, Colonel Baker, Skeezix. — Keegan, Uproar, John Hager, Flax. — Fantoche, May Blossom, Wapiti, Diomed. — Edna V., Eventide, New Beauty, Queer. 5— BLACK SERVANT, Best Pal, Whiskaway, United Verde. — Dr. Clark, Braedalbane, John Finn, Marvin May. — Uncle Velo, Blue Bird, Last Brush, Kremlin. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. — Marjorie Hynes, White Star, My Reverie, Colonel Baker. — Flax. John Hager, Uproar, Cannon Shot. — Wapiti, Fantoche, Kinburn, Kewpie O Neil. — Edna V., New Beauty, Eventide, Paloma. 5— BLACK SERVANT, Whiskaway, Bet Mosie, Firebrand. — Chatterton, Marvin May, John Finn, Dr. Clark. — Blue Bird. Uncle Velo, Brotherly Love, Ben Valet. Observers Handicap. — Marjorie Hynes, Mavourneen, Translate, White Star. — Keegan, Flax, John Hager, Uproar. — Fantoche, Wapiti, Kinburn, May Blossom. — Edna V., Eventide, New Beauty, Sarah Day. and— BLACK SERVANT, Firebrand, Best Pal, *Bon Homme. — Dr. Clark, Marvin May, Chatterton, John Finn. — Blue Bird, Brotherly Love, Uncle Velo, Neddam. Consensus of Handicaps. — Marjorie Hynes, Skeezix, My Reverie, Translate. — Keegan. Chilhowee, Flax, John Hager. — Fantoche. Kinburn, Wapiti, May Blossom — EDNA V., Eventide, New Beauty, Beginners Luck. — Black Servant, Audacious, Firebrand, Whiskaway. — Dr. Clark, Marvin May, Chatterton, John Finn. — Blue Bird, Uncle Velo, Neddam, Brotherly Love. PIMLICO The hcrses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Pimlico, Md., May 11, 1023. — Peccant, Courteous, Overmatch. — Modest. Rags, Eagerness. — Reprisal, Fort Bliss, Felicitous. — Zev, General Thatcher, Chickvale. — Lunetta. Copper Demon, Maryland Belle. 0— CHARLES J. CRAIGM1LE, Biff Bang, Kirah. — War Mask, Bolster, Smarty. T. K. Lynch. . New York Handicap. — Peccant, Overmatch, Gimme, Courteous. — Eagerness, Modesty, Warrenton, Rags. — Felicitous, Pietrus, Jewel V. D., Listen Dearie. — General Thatcher, Tall Timber, Zev, Martingale. 5— COPPER DEMON, Prince Regent, Lunetta, Maryland Belle. — Charles J. Craigmile, Biff Bang, Tidings, Thorny Way. — Bolster, Bonfire, Miracle Man, Royal Duck. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Peccant, Courteous, Overmatch, Earlocker. 2 — Warrenton, Eagerness, Businesslike, Modest. 3— REPRISAL, Fort Bliss, Felicitous, Pietrus. 4— Zev, Sallys Alley, Chickvale, Tall Timber. C — Copper Demon, Lunetta, Maryland Belle, Crack o Dawn. 6 — Kirah, Tidings, Whalebone, Pietrus. 7— War Mask, Bolster, Dark Hill, Royal Duck. Observers Handicap. 1 — Courteous, Peccant, Overmatch, Mohican. 2 — Eagerness, Warrenton, Rags, Runpour. 3 — Felicitous, Reprisal, Caretaker, Pietrus. 4 — Zev, Chickvale, Tall Timber, Martingale. 5 — COPER DEMON, Crack o Dawn, Maryland Belle, Lunetta. 6 — Whalebone, Kirah, Tidings. Biff Bang. 7 — Bolster, War Mask, Royal Duck, Dark Hill. Consensu* of Handicaps. 1 — Peccant, Courteous, Overmatch, Gimme. 2 — Eagerness, Modest, Warrenton, Rags. 3 — Reprisal. Felicitous. Fort Bliss, Pietrus. 4 — Zev, General Thatcher, Tall Timber, Martingale. 5— COPPER DEMON, Lunetta, Maryland Belle, Crack o Dawn. 6 — Charles J. Craigmile, Kirah, Whalebone, Biff Bang. 7 — War Mask, Bolster, Royal Duck, Dark Hill. JAMAICA The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Jamaica, N. T., May 11, 1923. 1 — Dorothy Ryan. Normana, Anne. 2 — Sea Cove, So It Goes, Nightboat. 3 — Bracadale, Lucky Play, Mr. Mutt. 4 — Grey Lag, Snob II., Pillory-5 — Avisack, Modo, Silk Tassel. 6 — OSiREY, Romping Home, Sandy Hatch. F. J. Or tell. Jfew York Handicap. 1 — Normana, Anne, Dorothy Ryan, Lady Audrey. 2 — So It Goes, Nightboat, Quecreek, Liberty Girl. 3— LUCKY FLAY, Tester, Bracadale, Humor- ette. 4 — Grey Lag, Snob IT., Flying Cloud, Blazes. 5 — Modo, Avisack, Silk Tassel, Ray Jay. C — Osprey, Diagram, Sandy Hatch, Couer de Lion. Chicago ami Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Dorothy Ryan, Normana, Anne, Lady Audrey. 2 — So It Goes, Nightboat, Quecreek, Sea Cove. 3 — Lucky Play. Tester, Humorette, Faenza. 4 — GREY LAG. Snob II., Blazes. Exodus. 5 — Avisack, Modo, Silk Tassel. Mary Patricia. G — Osprey, Diagram, Couer de Lion, Ather- stone. Observers "Handicap. 1 — Dorothy Ryan, Normana, Lady Audrey, Anne. 2 — Sea Cove, Nightboat, So It Goes, Quecreek. 3 — Lucky riay, Bracadale, Tester, Humorette. 4— GREY LAG. Snob II., Pillory. Exodus. 5 — Modo, Avisack, Silk Tassel, Ray Jay. 0 — Osprey, Diagram, Whirlwind, Romping Home. Co use ns ns of Handicaps. 1 — Dorothy Ryan, Normana, Anne, Lady Audrey. 2 — Sea Cove, So It Goes, Nightboat, Quecreek. 3 — Lucky Flay, Bracadale, Tester, Humor-ette. 4— GREY LAG, Snob II., Blazes, Pillory. 5 — Avisack, Hullabaloo, Modo, Silk Tassel. 6 — -Osprey, Diagram, Rcmping Home, Sandy Hatch. MAPLE HEIGHTS The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Cleveland, Ohio, May 11, 1923. I — Ink, Lady Quicksilver, Bonnie Jack. 2-— Flea, Mambi, Kitty Carpenter. 3— CONSORT, Vansylvia. Jago. 4 — Bullet Proof, Forest Queen, Mustard Seed. 5 — Tailor Maid, Elemental, Grace Mayers. C-— Staunch, Runnyol, Tulane. 7 — Matinee Idol, Walter Turnbow, Johnny Overton. F. H. Sproule. Nevr York Handicap. 1 — Tnk, Lady Quicksilver, Saisie, Nancy McKay. 2 — Mambi, Cavalier, Gypsy Light, Flea. 3 — Camoufleur, Jago, Vansylvia, Consort. 4— BULLET PROOF, Guvnor, Mustard Seed, Forest Queen. 5 — Elemental, Tender Seth, Ettahe, Grace Mayers. 6 — Staunch, Tulane, Devonite, Runnyol. 7 — Blazonry, Search Light III., Amaze, Walter Turnbow. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Lady Quicksilver, Nancy McKay, Bonnie Jack, Saisie. 2 — Flea, Mambi, Kitty Carpenter, Gypsy Light. 3 — JAGO, Camoufleur, Vansylvia. Cicerorian. 4 — Guvnor, Bullet Proof, Mustard Seed, Forest Queen. 5 — Tailor Maid, Ettahe, Gourmand, Tender Seth. C — Evelyn White, Devonite, Hyanpom, Staunch. 7 — Fair Virginia, Amaze, Walter Turnbow, Viva Cuba. Observers Handicap. 1— LADY QUICKSILVER, Ink, Nancy McKay, Bonnie Jack. 2 — Flea, Mambi, Cavalier, Kitty Carpenter. 3 — Jago, ATansylvia, Consort. San Marcus. 4 — Mustard Seed, Guvnor, Forest Queen, Bullet Proof. 5 — Ettahe, Tailor Maid, Elemental, Gourmand. G — Devonite, Evelyn White. Tulane, Staunch. 7 — Amaze, Walter Turnbow, Blazonry, Search Light III. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 — Lady Quicksilver, Ink, Nancy McKay, Saisie. 2 — FLEA, Mambi, Kitty Carpenter, Cavalier. 3 — Jago, Consort, Camoufleur, Vansylvia. 4 — Bullet Proof, Guvnor, Mustard Seed, Forest Queen. 5 — Tailor Maid, Elemental, Ettahe, Tender Seth. 6— Staunch, Evelyn White, Devonite, Tulane. 7 — Matinee Idol, Blazonry, Fair Virginia, Amaze. MAISONNEUVE PARK The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Montreal, Qne., May 11, 1923. 1 — Bicrman. Top Rung. Dairyman. 2-IACK HEALEY, Pittsburg, Drapery. 3 — Fannie White, Ramona II., Smiling Through. 4— Cisqua, Neapolitan, Golden Red. 5 — Riposta, Lively, Blondel. 6 — Chimera, Sporting Chance, Sir Adsum. 7 — Almirante, Humpy, Ike Mills. E. E. Ferguson. Xew York Handicap. 1 — P.ierman, Mike, Dairyman, Jake Schas. 2— PITTSBURG, Kedgwick, Drapery, India. 3 — Royden, Ramona II., Smiling Through, Fannie White. 4 — Keltoi, Smart Money, Cisqua, Venal Joy. 5 — Blondel, Lively, Riposta, Mrs. Grundy. 6 — Chimera, Sir Adsum, Sporting Chance, Jealous Woman. 7 — Almirante, Little Romper, Humpy, Ike Mills. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Mike, Dairyman, Bierman, Top Rung. 2 — Jack Healey, Pittsburg, Kedgwick, Drapery. 3 — Ramona II., Waterford, Royden, Fannie White. 4 — Venal Joy, Keltoi, Elmont, Cisqua. 5— RIPOSTA, Blondel. Mrs. Grundy, Lively. 6 — Chimera, Sir Adsum, Sporting Cahnce, Bumpety Bumps. 7 — Ike Mills, Humpy, American Eagle, Almirante. Observers Handicap. 1 — Bierman, Dairyman, Mike, Top Rung. 2 — Pittsburg, Jack Healey, Drapery, Kedgwick. 3 — Ramona II., Royden, Fannie White, Waterford. 4— Keltoi. Elmont, Golden Red, Venal Joy. 5— RIPOSTA, Mrs. Grundy, Blondel, Lively. 6 — Sir Adsum, Chimera, Kathleen K., Jealous Woman. 7 — Almirante, Little Romper, Ike Mills, Humpy. Consensus of Handicap*. 1 — Bierman. Mike. Dairyman. Top Rung. 2 — Jack Healey, Pittsburg, Drapery, Kedgwick. 3 — Ramona II.. Fannie White. Royden, Smiling Through. 4 — Keltoi, Venal Joy, Elmont. 5— RIPOSTA, Blondel, Mrs. Grundy, Lively. 6 — Chimera, Sir Adsum, Sporting Chance, Jealous Woman. 7 — Almirante, Ike Mills, Humpy, Little Romper. Y0UNGST0WN The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Yonngstown, Ohio, May 11, 1923. 1 — Futen, My Friend Pat, Propaganda. 2 — Capers, Sky Man, Rapidan. 3 — Redmon, Murphy, Ruth Wehle. 4 — Miss Rankin, Edith K, Obstinate. ; — Discussion, Dainty Lady. Winchester. C — Jake Feld. Sempronia. Wreckless. 7— INDIAN CHANT, Racing Star, Berlin. J. J. Murphy. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 — Futen, Athgarven, Propaganda, My Frien4 Pat. 2 — Rapidan, Capers, Navisco. Sky Man. 3— REDMON, Murphy, Ruth Wehle, Our Tel-lie. 4 — Miss Rankin, Edith K.. Grandee. Jazz. 5 — Arrah Go On. Discussion, Bright Trash, Dainty Lady. C— Jake Feld. Old Pop, Wreckless, Red. 7— Indian Chant, Racing Star, Winall, The Chamberlain,