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PLENTY HORSES FOR CUBA Approximately 400 at Oriental Park or in Transit There, With More Leaving at Later Date. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 9. Reports sent up from Havana to the representatives of the Cuba-American Jockey Club would seem to indicate that the coming meeting will be the best ever held on the island. Much enthusiasm is in evidence among the local followers of the sport and with the stables filling up fast plenty of material will be on hand for the opening. The colors of many owners who have never raced at Oriental Park before will be seen there this coming winter. Sidney Bender, who is looking after the shipment of the horses to Cuba, was an arrival from Wheeling, W. "Va. A telegram from Jacksonville was awaiting Bender when he got in this morning, reporting; that the special that he had sent out of Whoeling had reached Jacksonville on schedule time and will arrive in Havana tomorrow afternoon. There were 151 horses on this special, which was in charge of J. W. Watkins. This train was made up of eleven steel express horse cars, with Pullmans and coach attached. A list of the owners who shipped on this special were: O. L. Fester, -with 9 ; A. P. Doyle, 3 ; J. V. Pons, 2; F. Travers, 2; W. Metzgar, 3; H. P. Larvey, 3; W. Ralston, 7; B. Mc-Cann, 1; P. Green, 1; A. G. Dunlap, 5; B. Held, 1 ; O. Rice, 3 ; C. Davidson, 4 ; B. Mock, 4: C. Grand, "2 ; C. B. Marlman, 7; L. Hector, 2; M. Kelly, 2; T. McBryde, 5; M. J. 0Leary, 2 ; M. Lacey, 2 ; P. Hinphy, 4 ; J. Nagle, 3 ; II. Jessop, 4 ; J. Hayes, 4 ; R. D. Carter, 2; G. K. Allen, 2 ; F. J. Stephens, 1; Lu A. Daly, 6 ; C. R. Smith. 1 ; C. IL Everett, 2 ; H. Neal, 4 ; M. Booker, 2 ; J. W. Wade, 2 ; O. Tuggle, 5; L. K. Crist, 1; J. M. Weill, 2; C. Richard, 2; C. M. Heald, 3; J. Kraus, 2; J. Hill, 1 ; J. Everest, 2 ; C. C. Yzquierdo, 4 ; C. S. Stubbs, 3 ; S. McNeill, G ; J. V. Parsons, 10; G. C. Groves, 3; Dee Hammond, 3; J. James, 1 ; J. P. Harras, 3 ; J. S. Torde, 1 ; A. Warner, 2 ; II. Thomas, 2. The seven-car special which left Huntington, W. Va., on Tuesday, arrived in Havana this afternoon. The owners shipping on this special were : E. E. Major, W. V. Daly, E. W. Moore, E. L. Fitzgerald, H. Dougherty, A. K. Miller, W. Feuchter, S. T. Baxter, J. M. Hubbard, A. Finley, R. Warfield, R. Miller, S. J. Kelly, C. Higginbotham, O. J. Chaney, R. Small, a Plato, P. E. See, J. S. MeDaniel, J. Broachers, W. H. Hall, D. Hanchett, II. C. Smith, J. D. Suggs, H. Stihvell, B. J. McDonald and A. Tempest. There are in transit from Cuba at present 380 horses.