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Latest Workouts . . i 31 NEW- ORLEANS, La.. Feb. 1. Todays ; training gallops here included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. "Weather clear; track fast ; Three -Eighths Mile. 27-Apology 37 29-Mock Orange ..37 1 2S-Arch. Alexander. 26 -Mr. Pat 38 Alex Woodliffe 40 19-Master Billy ..37 29-Barncy Google 40 29-Patrician ......35 27- Brads Toney 39 2S-Princcss Seth 3S 28- Bcnch Manager 39 2G-Princcs3 Jane .38 120-Bessie Hope ...37 29-Revenge 35 2G-Buddugie 37 22-San Jacinto ...35 28-Bodine 38 19-Stampdalc 37 27- Bridesman 38 29-Stamp 37 19-Certain 38 29-Star Lady 38 25-Fire Cracker ..37 2S-Tomtella 37 Federalist 37 10-TuIalip 39 28- Fire Boy 3G 27-T. DHonncur 37 25-Insulate 36 27-Thorndale 36 25-Jock Scot 39 23-Vcnizelos 37 28-Lotto 37 20-WiId Wing 37 2G-La Orb 37 15-Waukulla 3S 27- Little Alfred ..30 Half Mile. 28- Arrowhead ....50 7-Rand.s Royal 51 IS-Best Pal 53 27-Randolph 50 27- Bes. Leighton 50 29 -Rapid Day 48 19-By Golly 51 27-Shine On 52 28- Boot Black ...50 21-Stako Me ..... 51 15-Barracuda 53 27-Soths Dream . .51 29- Fantoche 52 30-Silcnt West ...51 2G-Feigned Zeal ..50 29-Sweepy 49 2S-Great Lady 30 2S-Shainrock 50 28-Gce 51 28-Sleigh Bells ...52 28-Hysteria 51 27-Tony Sue 50 27-Invictus 48 29-Vitamin ...52 2S-Jou Jou 50 2G-Waywassamo ..50 18-Kewpie ONeil.55 Five-Eighths Mile. 2G-Antilles .....1:03 27-nadrian 1:03 27- Balsam Iake 1:05 27-Knot Grass ..V:03 28- Colonel Winn 1:03 27-Moonraker ...1-.04 30- Charlie Sumyl:03 30-Melbourne ...1:04 13-Carpenter ...1:04 2G-Royal Purple 1:06 6-Dr. Rea 1:00 37-Verbena 1:04 29- Felicitous ...1:05 Three. Quarters Mile. 2G-Anticipate ...1:22 27-Molinero 1:19 441-Col. Whallen 1:21 2G-Prince Wellesl:lS 30- Dorothy Ryanl:18 27-Ralco 1:18 2S-Doctor Jim ..1:1! 27-S. Frecdman 1:21 2G-Dancing Fool 1:19 2G-Sctting Sun ..1:18 25-Irish Pat ...1:19 23-Sweepstakes .1:18 28- Leonard G. ..1:22 27 -Tender Seth 1:23 2S-Llewellyn ...1:1G Seven-Eighths Mile. 22-Dr. Clark 1:31 2G-Wtch Charm 1:30 One Mile. 29- Boy F. Home 1:46 lS-Mormon Elder.l:48 30- BeIzoni 1:47 29-Mavourncen .1:46 28-Despard 1:48 27-Nancy Winet 1:47 2G-Edward Gray 1:48 28-Troma 1:45 27- Escarpolctte .1:14 28-Tlie Muleskerl:47 22-Leo Fisher ..1:47 2S-The Leopard 1:53 Patrician and Itevenge worked together. Fire Boy was not extended. Star Lady worked fast. Thorndale has his speed. Sweepy is in good condition. Invictus did a good speed test. Rapid Day was not fully extended. JEFFERSON FARlT. "Weather clear ; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 28- Bright Lights .37 27-nolIy Boy 36 27- Due de Morny.37 28 -Move on Seth ..37 22-Florence Dcen .37 27-St. Michael 37 Half Mile. 4S0-Bud Fisher ....52 Five-Eighths Mile. 18-Delante 1:05 Lit. Florence. 1:02 494-Evg Stories .1:07 2S-Sympathy ...1:03 22-Grey Bard ...1:03 19-Venus 1:01 28- Larry B 1:02 Three -Quarters Mile. 30-Assume 1:17 lS-Full o Fun .1:17 One Mile. 18-Bcgonia 1:49 27-East Indian .1:49 2S-Fannie Bean .1:47 28-Scths Flower 1:47