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Workout Index to Fair Grounds Entries i - Below will be found an index to the previous workouts of horses entered in the various races at the Fair Grounds Monday : FIRST RACE 3-8 Mile. 30 Frightful 25 Kumonin Star Girl 31 Wild Wing 31 Lotto SO Shirley Loniso Tarrayco C. 33 My Piddy Waratah 23 Burbeth May K. Queen Agnes Hole Card Sun W-fr SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile, 23 Care Freo 27 Sam Reh 27 Coral Reef 26 Poppye 23 Paul Micoa 28 Simplicity 31 Fire Cracker 31 Tomtella. 31 Anticipate 23 Brookdale 22 Slippery Elm 27 Goldmark 2C Fifty-Fifty 28 Fehrah THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 23 William A. 31 Jou Jou 30 Honor Man 32 Miss Domino 29 Galantznan 25 Queen Charming 29 Hughes Graham 32 Lieutenant Farrell 30 Better Times 2G Sister Josella. 23 Bucado 25 Black Grackle 31 Prince Wolloa Viennese I FOURTH. RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 31 Revenge 26 Lady Madcap 487 O. Henry 30 Flying Devil 32 Rama 20 Childs Play 31 Setting Sun 30 Knights Bridge FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 28 Fausto 25 Phoebe Sow 31 Despard 25 Flying Fur 27 Wong Bok Madam Vennie SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. SO High Speed 29 Winner Take All 30 Wapiti 32 Sea Cove 32 Poquot 28 Longboat 13 Neddam 0 Buddie Kean 29 Isosceles 31 Insulate 28 Glentilt 28 Attilia 28 Sands of Pleasure 20 Vennie SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 28 Honolulu Boy 6 Atta Boy IL 26 Good Night 32 Wessie B. 494 Attorney 32 Alard 27 Fred Kinney 32 Lord Wrack 32 Old Faithful 15 Ilena 30 Kirklevington 22 Bendita 20 Hickory 27 Gem Continued on seventh page. Latest Workouts 33 NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 3. Todays training; gallops at the Fair Grounds included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear; track fast : Three -Eighths Mile. 31-Alcr Woodliffe 40 30-Mom 36 Benita 38 31-Mclbourne 37 30- Buddie Kean .37 31-Mr. Pat 37 23-Comcdy 40 29-Old Broadway 3S 31- Belzoni 41 30-Palmetto 33 5-Episode 39 25-Qucen Chrming37 2G-Everglade ....39 30-Quinbam 40 31- Fcderalist 37 lG-Romping Home 41 32- Kor. Relations 37 31-Stake Me .....37 23-Fausto 41 L9-Stump Jr 38 22- Fuo 36 25-Super Frank . .3G 27-Flitlow 40 2G-Sistcr Josella ..37 27-Frankman ....43 28-Tister 30 Good Night ...38 i!8-The Peruvian .42 30- Help 40 23-Warning 3S 13-Jenks 38 30-Winnie Davis ..33 12-Meddling Mattie37 Half Mile. 31- Anticipate 5G 30-nigh Tea 50 Attilia 52 27-Julia M 51 30-BIanc Scing ...53 31-May Bodinc ...52 30- l!arhcrry 52 13-Neddam 54 aO-Cupbearer 49 31-Randolph .....50 31- Dancing Fool ..51 26-Say It 52 27-Foxmore 51 2S-S. of Pleasure 53 27- Gem 50 482-Tip. Witcbet 57 30-Georgia Rose ..49 2-Welcome 52 Five-Eizkths Mile, 494-Attorney 1:04 9-Gondolier ...1:12 25- Bright Trashl,:04 31-Mock Orange 1:06 23- l!ustor 1:05 30-Manokin 1:03 28- Dustproof ...1:01 31-Moonraker ...1:07 " 10-Flaxy May ..1:03 2G-Vennie 1:01 26- Georgo Starr 1:07 Three-Quarters Mile. 476-Richd Murrayl:12 2-Maurice Cohenl:19 28-BIack Mask .1:20 30-PriviIege ,...1:15t 31-By Golly 1:20 32-Post naste 1.J17 28-Buck Pond ..1:18 32-Rork 1:16 27-Coral Reef ..1:21 429-Roseate .1:20 31- Dorothy Ryanl:lG 3l-Sweepstakes .1:20 27-Daydue 1:20 20-Silverfaine ..1:19 30-Edith Hall ..1:21 28-SimpIicity ...1:21 27-False Alarm 1:18 19-Towton Rose 1:18 10-.Tack Fairmanl:25 30-Valentia ....1:18 27- J. F. 0Haral:17 1-Waukeag 1:19 32- .Iuno 1:21 29-Westwood ...1:19 28- Lugs 1:18 28-WilIiam A. ..1:18 Seven -Eighths Mile. 2S-Antiqnity ...1:32 2S-Soviet 1:33 29- Cherry Tree 1:31 Ono Mile. 28- Amity Claim 1:4G 32-John Finn ...1:48 30- Beg Pardon 1:45 30-Kirklevington 1:44 2G-Breecbloader 1:46 29-Mike Morrisyl:47 2G-Chief Curry 1:46 27-Master Hand 1:45 32-E1 Astro 1:45 27-McIntosh 1:43 31- Felicitous ...1:47 27-Iandowdy ...1:46 30- Grass Tree ..1:45 25-Plioebe Snow 1:49 31- Irish Pat ...1:44 31-Sam Frdmanl:49 31-Insulatc 1:47 23-SimpIeton ...1:47 29- Isosceles 1:47 23-Tricks 1:45 Queen Charming; worked easily. Fuo and Super Frank were together. JEFFERSON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. 23-Care Free 43 20-Fifty-Fifty ...3G Half Mile. Grace Denny ..51 2C-OId Blue 51 Five -Eighths Mile. 29- Kindred 1:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 9-Blackolia ...1:21 32-Old Faithful. 1:20 22-Bendita 1:13 4-Our Betsy ..1:21 392-Black Friday.l:25 One Mile. 30- Black Hacklel:59 475-Sacajawea ..1:47 30-Better Timcsl:45 Fifty-Fifty showed speed. Kindred was well in hand.