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Daily Racing Form Handicaps 1 1 2 o 3 3 4 4 E 5 I G 7 1 1 2 2 s Z A 4 5 G 7 1 1 : 2 3 z 4 : i 1 1 j : FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem best in Fridays races are : Fair Grounds Xcw Orleans, Ia., Feb. 7, 1924. 1 Night Shade, Ttockomar, Neat Girl. 2 Guvnor, Care Free, Fehrah. 3 Muskallonge, Honor Man, Rustem. 4 TtEVENGE, Childs Play, Red Arrow. 5 Pequot, John Paul Jones, Isosceles. G Breechloader, Waukulla, Attilia. 7 Sands of Pleasure, Lord "Wrack, Vendor. J. L. Dempscy. Chicago Ilnmllonii. 1 Night Shadae, Trigger, Millie G., Neat Girl. 2 Royal Dick, Care Free, Guvnor, Daydue. 3 Lady Rose, Paul Micou, Galantman, Beg Pardon. 4 CHILDS PLAT, Revenge, Setting Sun, Better Times. 5 Pequot, Isosceles, Rock Bottom, John Paul Jones. G Breechloader, Telescope, Great Northern, Waukulla. 7 Lord Wrack, Sands of Pleasure, Ashland, Repeater. Observers Ilaiullcap. Night Shade, Trigger, Spanish Name, Millie G. Arrowhead, Care Free, Fifty-Fifty, Guvnor. Galantman, Paul Micou, Beg Pardon, Kingsclere. Better Times, Setting Sun, Revenge, Childs Play. ROCK BOTTOM, Pequot, Isosceles, Flying Devil. Telescope, Attilia, Peggy O.. Fausto. Gem, Repeater, Sands of Pleasure, Lord Wrack. Conseiimi.i of H mull cava, NIGHT SHADE, Trigger, Neat Girl, Millie G. Guvnor, Royal Duck, Arrowhead, Care Free. Muskallonge, Lady Rose, Galantman, Paul Micou. Revenge, Childs Play, Better Times, Setting Sun. Pequot, Rock Bottom, Isosceles, John Paul Jones. Breechloader, Telescope, Waukulla, Attilia, Sands of Pleasure, Lord Wraok, Gem, Repeater. HAVANA. The horses which seem best in Fridays races are : Oriental Tart: Havana, Cuba, Feb. 7, 192 1. The Creole, Rosita, Left Alone. Cisqua, Top Rung, Mallowmot. Little Pointer, Hand Sweep, Fly Lady. Scamper, Ed Garrison, Virge. 5 EYE BRIGHT, Bruce Dudley, Miss Liberty. G Glenn, Erlanger, Colossus. T. K. Lynch. Chicago Handicap. 1 Rosita. The Creole, Left Alone, Lady Haldeman. 2 Cisqua, Sea Board, Top Rung, Humpy. 3 Crest. Little Pointer, Milda. Doctor D. 4. Scamper, Mess Kit, Ed Garrison, Melba t Polly. t 5 MISS LIBERTY;, Halu, Bruce Dudley, Hercules. 6 Erlanger, Verdi Loon, Fitzrue, Colossus. Observer Handicap. 1 Rosita, Glory, The Creole, Lady Haldeman. 2 Sea Board, Mallowmot, Lady Harrigan, Cisqua. 3 Doctor D., Little Pointer, Polite, Helio- scope. 4 Scamper, Melba Polly, Ed Garrison, Virge. 5 MISS LIBERTY, Hercules, Halu, British Liner. ! G Colossus, Erlanger, Fitzrue, Ring Rose. Consensus o Handicaps. j 1 Rositn, The Creole, Left Alone Lady . Haldeman. 2 Cisqua, Sea Board, Top Rung, Mallowmot j 3 Little Pointer, Crest, Doctor D., Hand Sweep. 4 SCAMPER, Ed Garrison, Melba Polly, Virge. 5 Miss Liberty, Eye Bright, Bruce Dudley, Halu. G Glenn, Erlanger, Colossus, Fitzrue. TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Fridays races are: Tijuana, Mexico, Feb. 7, 1D24. 1 Bear Shot, San Isabel, Girl Scout. 2 Tom Owens, Mint Julep, Twelve Bells. 3 First Call, Cedric, Picnic. 4 Marse John, Norford Honey, Vesper Bells. 5 Combustor, Over Shot, Malvern. 6 OSPREY. Bill OFlynn, Better Luck. 7 Odd Seth, Pretty Mally, Spanish Rose. S Sea Way, Fayelle, Tule. G. W. Schilling. Chicago Handicap. 1 San Isabel, Sequan, Girl Scout, Bear Shot. 2 Furor, Flea, Tom Owens, Poor Puss. 3 Cedric, Picnic, Cock o the Roost, Seths Memory. 4 Norford Honey, Ponza Ray, Delancey, Marse John. 5 OVER SHOT, Queen Catherine, Settee, Malvern. G Osprey, Quince Garden. Bill OFlynn, Lilt. 7 Odd Seth, Crescent, Whiff, Praiseworthy. S Fayelle, Tule, Missouri Boy, Rouen. Observers Handicap. 1 Girl Scout, Bear Shot, San Isabel, My Destiny. 2 Tom Owens, Jay Mac, Furor, George Muehlebach. 3Cock o the Roost, Cedric, First Call, Shifty. 4 Ponza Ray, Norford Honey, Vesper Bells, Neg. 5 OVER SHOT, Queen Catherine, Malvern, Settee. 6 Osprey, Catharine Marrone, Quince Garden, Lilt. 7 Odd Seth, Crescent, Pretty Mally, Whiff. 5 Fayelle, Sea Way, Morro Castle, Tule. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Bear Shot, San Isabel. Girl Scout, Sequan. 2 Tom Owens, Furor, Mint Julep, Flea. 3 First Call, Cedric, Cock o the Roost, Picnic. 4 Marse John, Norford Honey, Ponza Ray, Vesper Bells. 5 Over Shot, Combustor, Queen Catherine, Malvern. 6 Osprey, Bill OFlynn, Quince Garden, Lilt. 7 ODD SETH, Crescent, Pretty Mally, Whiff. 5 Fayelle, Sea Way, Tule, Missouri Boy.