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TIJUANA ENTRIES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Past performance of liores entered In Tuesdays raees at Tijuana will appear in TnesdayN edition. The figure under tho heading "Rec." in tho entries below show the best time of etch horse at tho distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In casa whero record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 77120 IS FIRST IXDKX OP FEBRUARY. 7G1C0 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time 3:50 Superior mud runner. X Sood mud runner. :: Fair mud runner. il Maidens. ApprcntIca allowance, b Bllnkero. Tirst Race 3-8 Mile. Purse 1924.sh00. l!-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Allowances. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924 35 2 US. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIau. 77204 Dutch Girl 115 :36Vf. 112.. 725 77267 Moon Child 11.". :3i 115.. 720 77204s Poppina 118 :37s 115.. 715 7G891 Solimentc 110 :37 312.. 715 76934 Frances Victoria ..115 :37and 113.. 715 7G537 Shastina 115.. 710 77204 Guinea Girl 115.. 710 77204 Jolly Bonita 115.. 700 77246 Intake 103 :3S 115.. 700 Top Side 115 Yuban 115 Hazel Clare 115 Hester Ann 115 Ellen Jane 115 Ailsie 115 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924104 4 100. 771G0 Vibrate Ill 1:06 6 111.. 725 7C67G1 bCaamano 110 1:09 f. 9 113.. 720 77304 Havana Electric ..10G 1:073 4 111X715 772431 Speedball M 112 1:07H; 4 109.. 715 77289 Mountaineer 6 114.. 715 77135 Lady Winfrey ...111 1:09 3 97.. 715 77291 bMayor House 104 1:06 8 112X710 7728S Pueblo 109 1:07 7 11SX710 77247 .Carrie Baker 107 1:06 5 112X710 77269 Pay Off 105 1:07 9 112X705 76433 McCroan 103 1:0S 8 114X703 77247 Delancey 113 1:08 11 118 X 705 76956 Zillah M 103 1:08 3 101.. 700 74035 Billy Doe M 4 11G..700 69237 Annettes Sister ..100 1:09 6 110.. 700 69336 American Maid ...105 1:0S ft 116X70J 76976 Ike Mills ..105 1:07 9 11SX7O0 76603 Vie 101 l:llm 6 109X700 Third Raco 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 19, 19211:01 4100. 77308 Convent 107 1:03 3 101.. 725 77290s Regular Girl 4 114.. 720 77290 Rosa Atkin 109 1:03 6 111X715 77304 Harry Burgoyne ..108 1:07 9 113X715 76977 Miss Manage 10S 1:07 8 112.. 715 77289 Sir John Jr -.100 1:09 6 115.. 710 j I 772S9 Kirkwood 116 1:08 6 114. .710 772901 Miss Emma G. ... 93 1:07 5 116X710! t 76872 Charlotte B. M..112 1:07 3 101X710 76004 Hartclle 106 1:0 4 110. .705 772S9 bProclamation 115 1:09 5 114X705 76977 Seba M 109 1:09 3 95.. 700 77239 Chcnoe M 102 1:10 3 97. .700 77249 Lemon Seth MJ..112 1:09 3 98. .700 77289 War Lace M . . . 4 103.. 700 77113 Chct G 4 105.. 700 76907 bChoir Master 112 1:09 9 118:1:700 77205 Chrome 112 1:08 7 118X700 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March S, 1923 1:11 8 128. 77291 Gold Bryan 104 1:13 7 105X725 77226 Ollie Wood 10S 1:13 7 112x720 77291 Punta Gorda 98 1:14 4 105X715 7720C Big Indian 112 1:15 7 107X715 77304 Scottish Lad M..104 1:14 4 107. .715 77248 Flame 100 1:14 9 110X710 77270 bF. G. Corley 115 1:14 8 112x710 77270 Plantagengt 114 1:14 12 112X710 77270 bMistake 110 1:14 8 112X710 77136 Calgary Lad 8 107. .705 77161 Pavlowa 100 1:14 4 110X7C5 77268 Seven Seas 103 1:14 6 112. .705 77268 bGeorge Muehlebachll2 1:15 8 107 X 705 76892s Martha L. 102 1:15 5 110.. 700 77306 Rifls v.. 102 1:13 9 112X700 77247 Rungeorge 115 l:16h 6 112X7C0 77305 Clare Frances 93 V.15 6 105.. 700 77226 Vanloo M 10S 1:14 4 107. .700 j I t Fifth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ?S00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Jan. 19, 19241:01 1 10G. 77295s FLAX 115 1:06 3 92X725 77272s Better Luck 115 1:06 4 109 X 715 77293s Judge Pryor 10!! 1:05 0 111x715 77310 Lord Allen 115-1:07 5 111X710 77293 Ten Buttons 119 1:05 . 100X710 77295s Freebooter M ...10S 1:07 3 92. .705 77272 Catharine Marronc.106 1:06 5 1020700 77138 Mokihana 10S 1:07 5 10S..700 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ?C0O. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming Track record: March 10, 1923 1:42 G11S. 77292 E1 Roble 101 1:44 4 99X725 77312 Zealot 113 1:44 5 112X720 77228 Nan McKinney 100 1:45 5 105x715 77140s Chippendale 100 1:46 5 101.. 710 77291s Sacramento IIS 1:40 S 112. .705 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 1924.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 11, 1923 1:44 3 116. 77175 Miss Claire 100 1:48. 4 102 x 725 77163 Penwell 10G 1:44 6 103.. 720 77274 Summer Sigh 112 1;47 8 112X715 77292s Madge F 110 1:47 8 113X715 77270 Ponza .Ray 10 1:50 5 108X715 77227s Lawrence ManninglOO 1:48 5 112.. 710 77072 Roisterer 1011:46 7 105x710 77227 bPccrless One 112 1:48 9 1 05 x 705 77227 Car .105 1:50 7 115x705 77274 Fireworth 107 1:46 7 105X700 77292 Laura Coehron 109 1:4S C 110. .700 Eighth Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse fGOO. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 11, 19231:44 3 110. 77274 . Tule 99 1:47 4 100 X725 77268 Furor 3 92. .720 77290 Miss Paige 4 98.. 715 77274 Gail Ford 93 1:53 4 100 X 715 77270 Diamond Dick 4 105X715 76S52 Black Thong 110 1:46 8 107x715 77175 Theresa 10111:50! G 105x710 77231 Ginger 103 1:48 S 110x710 77274 Bacchus 10 1:49 4 102X705 77161 I Water Willow ...102 1:4G 8 108x700 77161 bDc Bonero 102 1:47 73 110X700 Ninth Race 3-4 Mile. 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: March S, 19231:11 8 12S. 77076 Mart Bunch 101 1:13 4 103 x 725 77231 Caveat Emptor ...116 1:12 4 108.. 720 77311 Apricot 112 1:14 5 103.. 715 77223 Salvo 116 1:12 8 111 15 77231 bTrusty Ill 1:13 10 112x715 77311 Grayson 110 1:13 9 111X715 77137 Little Hope 112 1:13 4 100x710 77095 blicnic 112 1:12 5 108x710 77294 bTnbby A Ill 1:1.". 5 112x710 77311 Dick Terpin 105 1:14 4 114x710 77311 Lizette 107 1:13 5 112X710 77311 Noon Glide 105 1:13 4 100 x 705 77211 Salton K 1:13 4 105.. 703 77227 Gratian 103 1:13 0 112X705 77291 hWylie 107 l:13s 5 103 X 700 77311 bFireplace 114 1:13 8 111x700 77311 Dalton 113 1:13 5 114.. 700 7C005 Red Legs Ill 1:14 C 100X700