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HARVEYj I i ! Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street ROOM 407-S NEW YORK CITY YESTERDAYS "Harvey Transaction WON , Above followed Tuesdays "Harvey Transaction," which . won and paid 1.00. This same j i horse, BLARNEY STONE, was; j sent back again on Wednesday i and also WON and paid 2.40.1 Confirmation on same, due toj I ! i storm, was delayed in transit and j j ; reached this office at 5:40, three I j : hours before the race, and given to all those we were able to t j reach at that hour. "Harvey Transaction" TODAY Todays "Harvey Transaction" comes through the same reliable sources as made the past record possible. 1 HARVEY TRANSACTIONS are recommended on their accomplishments." Subscription, 00 for today or 00 for today and tomorrow, as there will also be a Transaction Saturday, must be received in this office early today r to assure proper listing, as all 1 "Harvey Transactions" are limited to territory. Out-of-town L j subscribers should use the new telephone numbers, Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749, only vhen L it is absolutely necessary to avoid L congestion of service. Three additional telephones are being installed for the convenience of out- of-town customers and their numbers will be announced later. This office remains open all day today. Telephones: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749. I i ! . j i j i I ! i j j ; I j : t j Eddie Morris TURF COMMISSIONER 799 BROADWAY, ROOM 440, IiEW YORK CITY TERMS 0.00 FOR ONE 7EEKS SERVICE Yesterdays One Best Bet: STARGO 15-1 "WON Yesterdays Three Star Special: SEA-WOLF ....4-1 WON WEDNESDAYS TWO HORSES WITHDRAWN Tuesdays Two Horses Won: FTTTTTRO .12-1 WON COLONEL WINN 2-1 WON Mondays Two Horses Won: GOLDEN BILLOWS ; 3-1 WON CORAL REEF 10-1 WON Saturdays Two Horses Won: TRANSLATE 4-1 WON CERTAIN 7-2 WON Fridays Two Horses Won: CARPENTER 15-1 WON MATT JONG 4-5 WON Thursdays Two Horses Won: aUIVERO 11-5 WON ARROWHEAD 5-2 WON Wednesdays Two Horses Won: LADY CHOCO 15-1 WON KASTER BILLY 4-1 WON Tuesdays Best Horse: SETTING SUN 7-10 WON My servico consists of a one best and a three star special each day, which means TWO HORSES A DAY. MY ONE BEST TODAY This horse- was given a special preparation for this race and is kopt under cover in order to "WIN" this race today, so I adviso you to get in on this clean up today. The works are down, so make it your business to get yours. TODAY THREE STAR SPECIAL This "ONE" should "WIN" easily from what thoy say at the barn. Dont let this golden opportunity pass you today. Send TEN DOLLARS by wire to avoid delay for ONE WEEKS SERVICE. 1 r 1 L j L L SOLD ALL NEWSSTANDS, ?1 "MR. PLAYER." I TOLD YOU SO Yesterdays 5 Special: SEA-WOLF 4y2-1 Won And JACK FIELDS advice- was "PLUNGE, WIN ONLY." Now are YOU "convinced" tbat JACK FIELDS "THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU WIN"? Big Profits Will Be Made PP"TQDAY ! TODAY! If you get my SHEET TODAY, you will sura make a "CLEAN SWEEP" of the BOOKIES "B. R." Never again will such a GOOD CHANCE OF CLEANING UP ba brought before the "RAO ING PUBLIC." Dont wait till the race of my GOOD THING- IS OVER TODAY and BE SORRY LATER. Get my sheet at ONCE and you will REAP BIG PROFITS TODAY Know the facts convinco yourself. Why "JACK FIELD IS THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU WIN." Get my shost today and read ALL ABOUT IT. Get all the FACTS on the TRUE CONDITIONS rOF TODAYS "BIG PROFIT SPECIAL" on my sheet TODAY. Orr01tTUNITY COMES AS1 50PP0JITT7NITY. GOES This is YOUR opportunity GRASP IT dont let it pass by; you had opportunity to "CLEAN UP" yesterday on my sheet, as HUNDREDS OF MY LOYAL ARMY OF FOLLOWERS DID. If you bouTht my sheet yesterday, you mado "HUNDREDS" : if you did not, you must be sorry now. My LOYAL ARMY OF FOLLOWFRS did buy and made "BIG MONEY." Now comes ANOTHER "GREAT OPPORTUNI- TY" TODAY. "HUNDREDS" are going to bo made by the "WISE INVESTOR" who gets in on tho GOOD OPPORTUNITY TODAY and BUY 3 "JACK FIELDS f5 SPECIAL" at so ridiculous a low price as we charge you for todays "BIG OPPORTUNITY SPECIAL" Worth 500 times its "STANDARD PRICE." . JACK FIELD sold "EVERYWHERE" Racine Form sold. Mailod to you, week; ?15 for both ?1 and specials. FIELD PUBLISHING CO. 39 W. Adams St. Chicago, 111. 1 PERFECT SQUARE DICE Made by expert mechanics from thoroughly seasoned hard stock, guaranteed to be true to within one one-thousandth of an inch, having all sides flat, corners sharp and finish perfeot. Made in cither red, green or white in any size. 5-8 size, razor edge .40 per pair 3-4 size, razor edge 51.50 per pair B. C. WILLS and CO. 222 West Congress St., Detroit, Mich.